The Teleport

The Teleport

Information / Review English

The Teleport is a First-person horror / Adventure game developed by Emre Abali.

Story / Gameplay

A Spaceship that was sent to an unknown Planet to explore, to reveal its Secrets. At some Point, however, the contact breaks off and radio silence prevails.. Now you come into play to get to the source of the Problem. Our Character is in a Team of 4 People who are teleported to a Spaceship that has not been heard from for a long time. Once there, you’d like to flee again quickly, because corpses are scattered everywhere in the Spaceship.. After a short Exploration, you don’t think twice, since everyone is dead, at least that’s what it seems. You want to come back and come back alive. Your only Problem is, the energy was only enough for the outward journey for another Teleportation..

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Horror Games.

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #119 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i]

“Get Away From Me…!!”

Here’s The Thing:

You are part of a crew of four people(?) with a macguffin of a teleporter and you have to transport yourselves to a ship that lost contact with base. Like all sci-fi devices, something goes inevitably wrong and members are quickly separated. Armed with a surveillance console, a janky robot and Lady Luck, you must get yourself out of this mess~

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

The Teleport on Steam




A tense, eerie and claustrophobic space adventure which can be slow at times but your patience is rewarded with an interesting story.

Better review Here

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Sci-fi Games.


What is it?

An atmospheric sci-fi adventure game very inspired in the likes of 2001: A Space Odyssey and MOON movies, where you play as the Space Station’s Artificial Intelligence, SAM. You move around from different cameras and station compartments throughout the whole space station that is made of 3 “arms” and the core of base. Each arm represent the Chinese, Russian and the last one that seems to be a cooperation of Europe and America, Space Agencies.

As SAM, you are limited to interact with cameras, laptops, doors, reading notes and schematics. As you progress later in the game, you get the ability to use a flying Sphere to move around.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Observation on Steam



Hacker olma yolunda ilerliyorsanız bu oyun tam size göre. Çok zor şifrelenmiş metinleri çözerek banka hesaplarını hackleyip para kazanabiliyorsunuz ayrıca geceleri gerilim düzeyi artıyor elimizde bir silah var ve ne ile karşılaşacağımızı bilmiyoruz. oldukça diken üstünde oturup bir yandan bilgisayarımızla haşır neşir olabileceğimiz farklı bir oyun.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Hacking Games.

MAYBE I CAN on Steam

Deep Eclipse: New Space Odyssey

Deep Eclipse: New Space Odyssey

I picked this game up for 25. cents.

Now out of all the crappy games i got for 25 to 50 cents this one is (So far) reigning supreme. It has trading cards, (No achievements) but has some fun gameplay that is better than most games i got for this cheap. Just get it. Its a quarter.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

I got this game from the Otakumaker #11 Bundle so i guess it counts as “free game”.

First i wasn’t sure about the game, it looked very odd to me and based on the reviews i thought it’s going to be garbage (Nothing against the devs) The first minutes of gameplay were a bit boring because i only had a few weapons but later on it became quite intense and with like 10 weapons in the inventory it became fun to play. Especially the Disco-Gun which made me laugh.


Not the best gameplay i’ve ever seen because the controls are quite tricky but after a while you learn how this game works and it becomes easier for you to dodge and aim at enemies. The enemies are also very nice. There are quite a few different enemies, from normal tackling melee enemies up to pulling scorpion enemies there is a large variety of enemies.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Deep Eclipse: New Space Odyssey on Steam

Moons of Madness

Moons of Madness

Moons of Madness

Tides of the Elder Gods


Once again Funcom expands its online MMO’s lore - the formerly known The Secret World but re-purposed as Secret World Legends in 2017 - with a new interactive narrative experience in Moons of Madness which acts in exactly the same way as Funcom’s previous effort, The Park. What that means is you are getting a heavily story-based experience with some light puzzle solving as opposed to one that includes combat and an overdose of action.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

TLDR: I really wanted to love this as a huge fan of horror, lovecraft and narrative driven games but its just not “quite” there. It’s by no means bad, but it just didn’t have the strong story needed in a game…with no gameplay.

Pros - Pretty game to look at in places, clearly a lot of effort went into set dressing / area design, initially builds a good atmosphere.

Cons - Story is very shallow and predictable, characters are just bad, puzzles are very simple, lots of choppy framerates and some very out of place gameplay that felt shoehorned in.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Moons of Madness on Steam

Stories of Liane

Stories of Liane

Interesting game and looking forward to the next chapters. One thing that surprised me is that though the date is 300 years in our future, when I stepped into the office I saw stacks of reams of paper, a photocopier that would fit in any of our offices today, desk telephones and fans, etc. I honestly would expect the office equipment to be maybe vaguely recognisable and I would not expect to find a copier and reams of paper. Surely in 300 years there will truly be paperless offices. When I look into the future I expect to see the future. Hell, the original Star Trek did much better than this.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Please read (I don’t want this to come off sassy):

So I have a medium to beefy PC, with a higher end GPU. I also do 3d Modelling, animation, game development, and play a lot of games with the highest graphics settings (currently breezing through The Medium and Tomb Raider SOTTR on the highest settings).

After having installed this game without even beginning to play it, I for the first time, saw artifacting from my GPU with it blowing over the 8GB, meaning that the way this game was made is demanding more than what’s necessary.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Stories of Liane on Steam



A Visually Stunning Social Deduction Game

The graphics feature an exaggerated art style that’s out of the norm for social deduction games. Players will interact, explore, and sometimes kill with beautifully animated, cartoon-like characters.

Configurable Character and Gadget System

Enhance characters by upgrading their gadgets with rewards earned through gameplay. The variety of gadget combinations will allow players to customize their characters to suit their playstyle.

A Survival Thriller Built for Streaming

Viewers will participate in the game by using a Twitch extension to suggest actions or help make decisions for the streamer that is playing.

Unpredictable and Suspenseful Gameplay

As long as players complete their missions, how they play the game is up to them. The different playstyles and strategies will catch players off guard. Anyone can stab others in the back for a chance at victory. Players must be wary of each other until the moment they exit the space station.

Universal Play with Radio Messages

Communicate in-game through built-in voice lines and expressions. This feature makes it easier to play with others worldwide, even if the players speak different languages.

DUBIUM on Steam

We Went Back

We Went Back

Nice little horror game, i heard it would take you about 30-50 min to complete it so i figured i’d take my horror game virginity by completing this game as my first completed horror game, in case i can someday manage to get used to jumpscares and all that stuff(jumpscares are basically the only thing i can’t handle about horror… gore is nice, psychological stuff should be… fun, since i’m very into psychology. 8D But give me one jumpscare and i’ll keep anticipating it on a level of intensity which makes it pretty much impossible to play horror games. T_T Well, getting spoiled about where they will happen would help a lot… [and i may or may not have consulted guides about that for this game. The password for the computer terminal i decided to keep as a secret for myself and let myself figure it out… i like puzzles after all 3]). :D

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Cautiously, I choose the up-thumb here, wishing once again for a Steam neutral. We Went Back is a really good-looking game with limited controls and a smart, meticulous attention to detailing in the environment. Halfway through my first trip around the deserted moon base where I stepped out of my stasis pod I was already trying to open all the storage bins, read all the lab notes, push all the buttons on the intriguing control panels, figure out how everything worked. Basically, I immediately felt like I was playing Gone Home in space, and I was delighted.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

We Went Back on Steam




Start off as playing a janitor (Cooper) on a ship in space and wake up from being unconcious to only find out somthing terrible has happened to the ship and why everybody is gone. There is one other person on the ship and you must follow his insturcutions to make your way through areas, solving puzzles to descover more of the story of what truly happend.


The graphics are amazing and easy to learn controls. However dialog beggins early, and you cant do anything but walk around until the dialog is over, and most of the time the dialog is quite long. after you get past that the puzzles are pretty hard with your choice of getting help at anytime (only with the terminal puzzles). Navigating around is confusing at times seeing theres no real good indication of what direction you should go in. The terminal puzzles are difficult even though is does help you know what to type to navigate your way thought the system, however theres so many folders, you must know which ones to go in, so in summary you will be blindly searching through folders and dead ends for a while until you finally type in the write combination, and seems like some of the keys, passwords, ect. are randomly generated with each game so you cant look it up which could be a good thing but makes for a long difficult time consuming effort. There is a great story to this game and the enviroment gives you an feeling of being alone despite the other person here and there on the comm system. In my opinion the “action” button is hard to locate on the things you need to interact with, you will either pass somthing up because you wont know its interactable or you will be wiggling your mouse around for a bit trying to make your action.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game


Easy peasy lemon squeezy! What, you thought I’m talking about the game? TARTARUS can be summarized by a few words, sure, but “easy” ain’t among them. And that is perfectly fine. It’s been far too long since I’ve had a game that pushed me so close to rage quitting. But no, I couldn’t give up and I didn’t stop until I finished TARTARUS, even if it took me longer than expected. I guess that’s the beauty of some Steam indie games. You take a good look over the Store’s official screenshots for it and you still can’t guess what aces lie under their sleeves. For a Steam debutante, Abyss Gameworks has left quite an impression on yours truly.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game


They Are Here: Alien Abduction Horror

They Are Here: Alien Abduction Horror

Unexplained phenomena occurred at Grayswood Farm. On the night of August 7th, the Sherman family witnessed bright lights in the sky that moved at a breakneck speed over the cornfield. The lights moved in a random direction and at different speeds, after a while they vanished. This strange behaviour in the sky was observed at night, at the same time, for 5 days.

According to the owner of the farm, all the animals went crazy, the dog became aggressive, tried to attack him and bit him. Children complained that someone was walking under their windows. Farmer Peter Sherman himself, in the field, saw a strange figure that did not look like a man.

What is it? Deliberate deception? Drawing attention to oneself? Or a sensation about an alien invasion? Journalist Taylor Fox travels to Grayswood Farm to make a photo report for a local newspaper.

• Explore. Light the path with a torch. Look into dark barns and cruise the night fields.

• Take pictures. Photograph the evidence of alien presence and paranormal activity.

• Study. Find the records of the Sherman family and learn the horrifying truth.

They Are Here: Alien Abduction Horror on Steam