It has potential.

I’d like to see Keyboard control. Left and Right arrows to rotate clockwise/counter, Up arrow to move forward.

Another suggestion

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space 1990's Games.

This game has a lot of potential with its charming 16-bit style and almost endless customization with ship type, weapons and much more that actually have impact on the gameplay and your success.

My only wishes as for now is keyboard support and a soundtrack

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

ionAXXIA on Steam



The game has menu problems that make it UNPLAYABLE at all past level 2. Strangely, the demo did not have this problem. The developer has had a long time to fix the problem, but it appears he’s promoting some other game now.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Bullet Hell Games.

I really wanted to like this game because I love shooters like this, but it just feels unpolished and has too many little frustrations. Upgrades are uninspired and cost WAY too much to max out requiring a lot of grinding. It seems there are so many bonuses and upgrades that should obviously be included, but aren’t for some reason. I can overlook little UI issues (Why does the audio volume range from -1% - 104%?), but it just gets repetitive and becomes a grind. I quit near the end once I got to a slow escort mission that would require a slow grind to upgrade my ship to finish.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

INSPACE 2980 on Steam




Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Bullet Hell Games.

Good indy game with chill vaporwave beats.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Helixian on Steam

Shaped Beats

Shaped Beats

Shaped Beats

It Is A 2D Video Game Of The Bullet Hell Genre With Pixel Art Graphics.

Story Mode (1 Player)

Overcome Different Challenges, Challenges increasingly difficult, and discover the secrets that exist in space

Defeat Different Enemies and Imposing Bosses And Discover the Truth of what happens in other worlds.

Story Mode (2 Player Special)

Play Cooperatively Together with your best friend, brother, sister, dad, or mom and fight side by side against more difficult enemies

Shaped Beats on Steam

Space Aliens Invaders

Space Aliens Invaders

Invaders come back from Space in this modernized top-of-the-art version.

Get back into 80’s with this old time classic alien shooter game. Enjoy the enhanced version with today device capabilities and revive the gameplay simple yet addictive of first generation video-games.

Collectable weapons, many different types of invaders will guarantee hours of intense fun.

Show off your shooting skills and destroy aliens waves after waves.

It’s time for you to protect the planet from deadly invaders. Best of luck, Captain!

Space Aliens Invaders on Steam

Space Fuel

Space Fuel

cool design, cool gameplay

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Space Fuel on Steam

Space Haters

Space Haters

Was fortunate enough to be able to play test this, developers obviously care a lot about this game and you can tell. the music and graphics look and sound great, definitely worth a play, try giving it a try with speakers too it’s great.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Space Haters on Steam



Good game, I very much enjoyed it.

As I see some reviews, I feel I should write something that ‘overcomes’ them all - well, I cant do that. But… This is finished game, balanced and polished. Long enough - maybe 14 hours to end story mode. Some levels are harder than others, not overwhelming, so game difficulty (adjustable: easy, normal, hard)is fine.

It brought me memories of Xenon II Megablast - my favorite shmup of all time - you have to even collect little balls from dead enemies, except story mode can’t be played through on one session (thankfully) and the music is not as good and…

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

I actually do recommend Stellatum, but it comes with an awfully long list of qualifiers to that and a lot of issues, so this is marked not recommended for those who are looking for the problems with the game as there may very well be dealbreakers in here for you. I could not in good conscience recommend it to just anyone who likes space shooters. If you don’t mind the things I’m about to mention though, then I can fully recommend it.

So first off, other negative reviews have stated that the component parts you need to craft items are really random. This is true, you will often be missing key pieces. As you get into later levels, more pieces drop, but more are needed, so this doesn’t help much. Fortunately, there is also a universal item drop that every enemy drops which lets you craft any component part you need. This isn’t mentioned anywhere in the tutorial and it’s not especially obvious on the crafting screen you can do this, but it means playing through each level once will typically give you enough parts to build anything you need, but you may need to craft specific parts at times.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game


Enemy Mind

Enemy Mind

_…Human teleportation, molecular decimation, breakdown

and reformation is inherently purging. It makes a man a king!_

~Seth Brundle

It’s hard to make an unique SHMUP. Also, if you like the genre as much as I do, you know that most of the indie SHMUPs you often find in the bundles are utter garbage. Because, you know, IKARUGA doesn’t happen every day, while most of the indie games in the genre are just the attempts to make some quick money. People, who make them usually think that it’s easy to make SHMUPs. Make a ship, let it shoot, add some enemies, the end. Schell Games, creators of the Enemy Mind, are not like that. In fact, Enemy Mind turned out to be one of the most exciting experiences I had with the genre for quite some time.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

I received Enemy on sale for 4 dollars. I remember thinking it looked interesting, a nice game to play when Im bored or just want to turn my brain off and focus on the pretty wetty patterns that the enemy bullets made. Poor little me did not do nearly enough research. The game is broken into 8 levels, I have only beaten 5 but I feel like I have gotten far enough to write this review. This game is filled with terrible, terrible flaws and great high points. Unfortunately I feel the negatives outweigh the positives. But I will try my hardest to stay positive for this review.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Enemy Mind on Steam

Farlight Commanders

Farlight Commanders


I started playing just a bit to take a break from my uni work and I spent 3 hours in the first sit. BEWARE, it’s a deep game with multiple choices, make sure you check the shop before you spent your ability points so you can buy the right things for yourself and the ship. If you spend your points lately the game will be way more challenging. The game needs more feedback to the player and be more clear at some points with the management of the ship and the ability points but, if you are patient and spend some time with it you will love it.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Has great potential as a coop 2D side scroller mixing both infantry combat and spaceship to spaceship combat. Some of the UI navigation is a bit clunky and takes some getting used to and will hopefully be polished over time.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Farlight Commanders on Steam