For The Warp

For The Warp

As others have pointed out, this game has a lot of great features and has some compelling gameplay. However, there are three things that kill it for me because they lead too far down the path of heavy RNG.

  1. The shuffler makes no sense. The fact that you don’t discard cards and that every time you draw a hand that you are pulling from your entire deck is against the foundation of what a deck builder game is supposed to be. It has all of the other facets of how to build and manipulate your deck but the player should be drawing from a shuffled stack and continue to do such until the discard pile needs to be shuffled back in. I might have been less opposed to this if you could freely discard cards from your deck without needing to pay for it or have NPC’s want to buy them during events. But as it stands, it is far to easy to get a 18-20 card deck and that is far too much RNG when doing pool draws.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Roguelite Games.

As others have stated, FTL meets slay the spire.

HUGE potential here. I think a few things need reworked.

1. Balance: jmzero’s review goes in depth.

2. No discard pile: this i feel is an odd design choice, since there’s no discard pile, all cards used immediately go back to the deck, so attaining any new card is a constant lower percentile of getting any card in your deck on every turn. So you may never see your new card in play…ever. Since the deck is shuffled every turn. This is poor design, you cant structure synergy here, as you are constantly threatened to draw the same cards over and over. This just feeds into the balance problem, of “just grab the most OP cards and scrap the rest”

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

For The Warp on Steam

Deep Sky Derelicts

Deep Sky Derelicts

I will caveat my recommendation by saying that it only just makes it over the threshold. It has a couple of nice ideas that make it playable but many small annoyances that make it far less so. It’s quite cliched but if I could give it a “meh” I probably would.

There are several reviews that compare it to Darkest Dungeon (one of my all time favourites) so I gave it a go. After an hour playing, I realised that this was not particularly accurate. Other than having turn based combat and a map where you wander round and encounter random things, it is not that similar, please disregard anyone saying that!

Real player with 72.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Deckbuilding Games.


As a TCCG/RPG game Deep Sky Derelicts scratches an itch I didn’t know I had. It has a few rough edges, but I can certainly recommend it. It is mechanically sound and thematically interesting, albeit somewhat clumsy and childish at times; more on that later. The presentation is well executed and the pacing is just right thanks to careful balancing.


There is a lot of variety here - the number of classes/specializations makes for great replayability. I’m pretty far along in my current playthrough and I already know what my next party composition will be. The game can be swingy at times, but I never ran into long periods of it being too easy or unfair party wipes. At least… not yet. That said, there are a couple of things I dislike, mechanically speaking:

Real player with 53.0 hrs in game

Deep Sky Derelicts on Steam

Jupiter Moons: Mecha - Prologue🤖

Jupiter Moons: Mecha - Prologue🤖

Prequel to the events of the full game

Prologue contains only gauntlet mode where you fight battles, equip your Mech, level up your pilot - repeat until you defeat the final prologue boss or die trying.

Customize your mech

Choose your Mech frame. Every pilot approaches combat differently, choosing from the melee-oriented assault frame, the stealth sniper frame, or just opt-in for raw laser firepower. Mech frames can be upgraded during the game: by installing new equipment and upgrading the frame to a newer variant.

Build your perfect deck

Collect weapons, shields, and equipment by destroying your opponents in battle. Victory serves you with new ‘toys’ for your mech, swapping out these ‘toys’ will adjust your combat deck.

Test your Mech on battlefield

There are countless weapons and items to discover and try out: lasers, machine guns, plasma rifles, sniper cannons, swords, hammers, drones, mines, force fields, jet engines, as well as more unique ones like: rocket fists, whips, scythes, cloaks, pile bunkers or mini-nukes!

Enjoy the tactical combat

Predict your opponent’s actions and adjust your tactics to the situation on the battlefield. Flank, assault, ambush, hide behind cover, or precisely target most valuable components on enemies.

Find powerful card combinations

Discover unique card combinations that will give you an edge on the battlefield. Or try to find the one that will break the game: one turn boss battle victory or no damage. Test your combos on the highest difficulty levels.

Protect your mech body parts from destruction

Each body part of the Mech has its own armor and health. Balance your equipment to keep your deck efficient and provide enough protection. When a body part is destroyed, you can’t play cards attached to it!

Choose your path

Choose your path on the campaign wisely, avoid fights not suitable for your current loadout. Take greater risks for better rewards, or just complete your objectives. Discover the origins of the alien AI that is corrupting the machines.

Read More: Best Space Turn-Based Games.

Jupiter Moons: Mecha - Prologue🤖 on Steam

Jupiter Moons: Mecha🦾

Jupiter Moons: Mecha🦾

Choose your mech, customize your loadout, and build your perfect deck. Experiment with cards to find powerful combinations as you enjoy the tactical combat and deckbuilding in this roguelike adventure!

Customize your mech

Choose your Mech frame. Every pilot approaches combat differently, choosing from the melee-oriented assault frame, the stealth sniper frame, or just opt-in for raw laser firepower. Mech frames can be upgraded during the game: by installing new equipment and upgrading the frame to a newer variant.

Build your perfect deck

Collect weapons, shields, and equipment by destroying your opponents in battle. Victory serves you with new ‘toys’ for your mech, swapping out these ‘toys’ will adjust your combat deck.

Test your Mech on battlefield

There are countless weapons and items to discover and try out: lasers, machine guns, plasma rifles, sniper cannons, swords, hammers, drones, mines, force fields, jet engines, as well as more unique ones like: rocket fists, whips, scythes, cloaks, pile bunkers or mini-nukes!

Enjoy the tactical combat

Predict your opponent’s actions and adjust your tactics to the situation on the battlefield. Flank, assault, ambush, hide behind cover, or precisely target most valuable components on enemies.

Find powerful card combinations

Discover unique card combinations that will give you an edge on the battlefield. Or try to find the one that will break the game: one-turn boss battle victory or no damage. Test your combos on the highest difficulty levels.

Protect your mech body parts from destruction

Each body part of the Mech has its own armor and health. Balance your equipment to keep your deck efficient and provide enough protection. When a body part is destroyed, you can’t play cards attached to it!

Choose your path

Choose your path on the campaign wisely, avoid fights not suitable for your current loadout. Take greater risks for better rewards, or just complete your objectives. Discover the origins of the alien AI that is corrupting the machines.

Jupiter Moons: Mecha🦾 on Steam

Void Tyrant

Void Tyrant

Yeah it’s a good game. I’ve spent probably the most hours out of anyone on this because I have like hyper autism or something (not really but I played this a lot).

People complain about the lack of diversity. They are correct.

However, this is a roguelike where each run influences the next, so it is very addictive. I am still not completely through everything. Worth every penny.

Real player with 88.8 hrs in game

Great little rogue-like with an addictive game-play. It does take a little bit of time to get a full feel of the game. At first I thought that the RNG would drive me crazy but after a few runs and beating the boss the first time things begin to come together. Different classes and play styles allow you to control RNG in a way that’s fun.

What I love

The mixture of RPG and RNG keeps you hooked. If the RNG turns you off you can get a class that alters the RNG in their favor and if you love RNG there is a class that exploits it and 2 classes that blend this concept.

Real player with 39.6 hrs in game

Void Tyrant on Steam

Tower Tactics: Liberation

Tower Tactics: Liberation

It’s a mix of a Tower Defense and a Deckbuilder Roguelike.

Whats’s there not to like?

Especially because the Dev is very responsive and listens to feedback

After finishing the first Deck in Ascension 20 just now. I can say a bit more about the game.

There are 9 starting decks you unlock over time with your level, each with other starting cards and bonuses.

At first the game felt really hard, after getting used to the mechanics it became a bit better, but still was on the harder side.

Dev said he will adjust the difficulty to make it a bit easier.

Real player with 50.5 hrs in game

Edit: Game is still good 20 hours in.

I would highly recommend getting this game before it releases. This game is functionally complete. Obviously there is room for improvement (more variety of content) but you can complete a run (3 maps + Boss), there is meta progression, including 8 slots you unlock over time which you slot passive abilities you find or create. Which are a little bit basic like increased attack speed or range or increased currency gain. Also there are many starter packages that change how your run starts which are tied to level progression to keep things fresh.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Tower Tactics: Liberation on Steam



The advertisement videos shows gameplay that isn’t consistent with the actual choices/options/theme of the game. Buyer beware. Other than that, it’s a simplistic wanna-be “FTL”, but its not. It could be good for small children who just barely know how to read. In fact, it should come with an expected player age of 7 years old. This isn’t insult or malice, I just think that the target audience should be an upfront aspect shown to the buyer.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

This is a neat game. It combines some travel elements of FTL with combat similar to a pared-down Gratuitous Space Battles. There’s some resource management, cardplay to influence battles, and satisfying meta-progression. It’s worth checking out

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Corpoct on Steam