Killer: Infected One of Us

Killer: Infected One of Us

I think this game is too incomplete for it to be released. There is a lot of bugs and things missing. I understand why the release happened, to get content on what needs to be added and such. But there is simple things that this game should have stayed in beta testing. Not only do I see many problems, it is also is a pay to play when in 25 minutes of “playing” I cant even stay in a lobby with friends, nor can I actually stay in a game. I do not know why this game was created based off Among Us and yet there are simple things needed that would just make 10x times better release if they did at least one more month of testing and fixing and adding in little details for friends to actually stick together. I am not saying its a bad game, I just think it should have stayed in the incubator just a little longer.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Casual Games.

Hi, I’m a streamer producing content in Turkey. At the same time, I want to produce content related to this game on my Youtube channel called “Barding Games”. I shot my first video with a team of 6 people and we didn’t have any problems. The scenes, tasks, locations are very creative and beautiful, but when it comes to playing with 12 people, some of us entered the game invisible at the beginning of the game and we could only see them with tiny pixels. No matter what we did, we couldn’t solve the problem. (we closed and opened the game, restarted steam, etc.) Another issue, the difficulty of the missions is too much to be discussed. If you insist on playing the game, you solve the tasks after 6-7 games. However, people who are new to the game and trying to observe never understand the tasks and have difficulty continuing the game. The tasks that we spent minutes to do are endless. Even when the infected person is sluggish, we find it difficult to complete tasks. instant monitored streamer of 3000-4000 in Turkey, I saw they were trying to play in; While watching their past broadcasts, I realized that they could not be patient with the second game. Although the game has great potential, it needs immediate change. Please hear our voices and improve the game. We want to play this game.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Killer: Infected One of Us on Steam



Play with 4-10 players online to neutralize one or more traitors among the crew members. Exposing the traitors is vital, otherwise the crew will die!

Objective: Complete all tasks or Discover the Traitor!

  • The task of the team is to complete all the tasks or find all the traitors.

  • We must act quickly, otherwise the enemy will arrange a diversion.

  • Track and observe other team members to identify the traitor.

  • Instantly collect a vote after the discovery of a body.

  • When voting, you must cast your vote to expel the suspect.

Objective: Kill of the crew or Destroy Equipment!

  • The task of the traitor, prevent the team from completing tasks or kill all team members.

  • Merge with the team, so you won’t be discovered.

  • Use the robot assistant to sabotage.

  • Break the security system and the room will become a trap.

  • Shut down the crew’s vital equipment.

  • Use shelters to stay unnoticed.


  • Quickly find a game online from the host list.

  • In-game text chat.

  • Quickly single game with bots.

Read More: Best Space Funny Games.


Killer Inside Us

Killer Inside Us

A 3d rendition of a popular 2d game that works quite well. Support for up to 10 players at once and the ability to wear a duck on your head as you spook those who aren’t dead yet… Sus.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Online Co-Op Games.

when the killer is questionable

















Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Killer Inside Us on Steam



This game is great to have fun with some friends. If you are playing with friends, I would suggest using controllers so that the keyboard isn’t cramped. When playing solo, some of the characters are much better at certain levels, so I would suggest you switch characters if you can’t figure the level out with the one you are using.


Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Observers on Steam

Among Us

Among Us

among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us among us

Real player with 123.5 hrs in game

As someone who has nearly all the achievements and an ironic amount of playtime at the moment of reviewing, I feel as though I am legally obligated to review this game.

I’ll spare you the history lesson here, as you probably know what Among Us is. I’ll just talk about the new update and my experience with it. The new update includes 4 new roles, 3 of them are for Crewmates and the other is for Impostors. Scientist, Engineer, Guardian Angel, and Shapeshifter. The Scientist can access the Vitals from anywhere, and any time. Engineers can vent, just like Impostors. Do note that the abilities of Scientist and Engineer get disabled if the Comms Sabotage occurs. The Guardian Angel is given to you upon being voted out or being killed by an Impostor. It allows you to break the game by shielding Crewmates and disabling an Impostor’s Kill Button for an entire round. The Shapeshifter is an Impostor-Exclusive, and allows you to become any Crewmate that is/was alive during a current round. Anybody from a previous round cannot be shifted into.

Real player with 77.5 hrs in game

Among Us on Steam

GoD Factory: Wingmen

GoD Factory: Wingmen

Simply put this is a great game with superb dogfighting, tons of meaningful customization and much strategic depth! However if you are looking for causal fun where you can just hop in and shoot at some starfighters that’s probably not the game for you.

It’s not very clear from the description but essentially this is a MOBA. That’s not a bad thing at all as the MOBA format fits the dogfighting just perfect!

So to describe you the mechanics: every match there are two carriers shooting the hell of eachother and here you come with your two fighters trying to destroy the enemy carrier first. In order to be successful you and your teammates should concentrate on one of its 9 parts at a time (2 of which are inside the hull itself!). What’s great is that by destroying a part you not only are helping to bring the enemy carrier down but depending of the party you’ve destroyed that puts the enemy team in a specific disadvantage (for example if you destroy the Ammo Warehouse the enemy team won’t be able to fill the ammo of their fighters to the full set). As I mentioned earlier you bring two of your fighter to the match. You can switch between them by docking with the carrier. When docked your fighters get their ammo refilled and their shield gradually recovering. As for the fighters themselves they are fully customisable. Each fighter consists of 12/13 parts (depending on the number of weapons) which you can combine as you see fit. When using the parts in a match that later unlocks upgrades for them and gives you access to new ones. All this give the matches great strategic dept and variety.

Real player with 176.0 hrs in game

EDIT: Sadly, while this remains a great game, the lack of players online raises a big red flag for a PvP game such as this, even though it is possible to play with and against Bots. If you pick this game up, be wary that you may not find people online to play it with. This is very sad, it’s so good.

This is a great title, which is saying something coming from me - I am not traditionally a huge fan of PvP games, but this does tick the boxes: solid gameplay; interesting mechanics; rewarding intelligent and strategic teamplay.

Real player with 60.0 hrs in game

GoD Factory: Wingmen on Steam

Moonbase Alpha

Moonbase Alpha

Moonbase Alpha is a marvel of the 21st century. You cannot even compare any other games like Gears of War, Call of Duty, Team Fortress 2, or even Assassin’s Creed to this landmark in human intelligence. If you were to put a average Joe into this kind of enviroment, his head would implode from the amazing graphics, story, and gameplay. If you were to play this game, your feeble monkey brain would not even be able to understand the deep, complex and twisted story of Moonbase Alpha. NASA’s masterpiece of 2010 shows us how far America has come in understanding space and lifestyle in space. Moonbase Alpha shows that even through NASA, we can learn much more about space and the human psyche. Moonbase Alpha follows the story of astronaut John Madden and his daily life on Moonbase Alpha, NASAs experimental base on the moon. If John fails his secret mission objective, his family and status in the NFL will be taken away and soiled by NASA. Moonbase Alpha brings us this harrowing story along with intense gameplay elements such as fixing carbon dioxide leaks, repairing solar panels, and driving robots. If you even attempted to finish such a hard, cruel game, you would be hailed as a god among men. Jesus would bless you with immortality and wealth beyond comprehension. The graphics in Moonbase Alpha top even Crysis 3 and have made many a computer catch fire. Even my IBM Super Computer cannot handle such a masterpiece as Moonbase Alpha. Many will look back to this game in the future, and smile as they remember their glorious past. NASA will forever be hailed as the wunderkind of this millenia. Thank you, NASA, for creating such a wonderful and exciting game.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

john madden pizza

[:nh]I’m gonna eat a pizza. [:dial67589340] Hi, can i order a pizza? [:nv]no! [:nh]why? [:nv] cuz you are john madden![:np]

Portal 2 space core

[_ 1,30 ]spayyyyyyyyyyyace

tetris tune

[:t 430,500][:t 320,250][:t 350,250][:t 390,500][:t 350,250][:t 330,250][:t 290,500][:t 290,250][:t 350,250][:t 430,500]

funky town

[:t 520,250][:t 520,250][:t 460,250][:t 520,500][:t 390,500][:t 390,250][:t 520,250][:t 700,250][:t 660,250][:t 520,500]

Glados’s birth parents prank call

[:dial6387657]The birth parents you are trying to call do not love you, please hang up[:t 350,500][:t 1,500][:t 350,500]

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Moonbase Alpha on Steam

Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Do not get this game. It is like smoking. Giving up is hard, but at least one can warn others not to start.

It is a constant struggle between the amazement and joy of things going right and the infuriation and tedium with things going wrong or things not working or existing at all. You will both love and hate the game. Love for what it is, and hate for what it ought to have, but doesn’t. (And with that I don’t mean liquid water. Or a console port, for that matter.) Or what it could be.

It is an old game that can’t possibly have ever honestly been intended to be an actual product. It is one of Keen’s usual abandonware children with, for once, a little less abandonment than usual, likely because, against all odds, it managed to gather enough of a critical mass in player-hours to not fade into obscurity fast enough. All this game continues to get is a bolting-on of “features” that, at best, expand the game sideways, but never truly forwards, and a fix of the most pressing, but not always also pressed-for, bugs. (Though, no blame on those who actually fix those bugs and test the fixes. After all, there are only so many hours in a workday and eyes in a team.) SE is, and always will be, a sort-of-playable agglomeration of tech demos. An Early-Access game without the Early Access flag. Instead of a truly continued improval, effectively all you get, and continue to get, is more things (usually little more than band-aids with pretty pictures on them) that can (and tend to) go wrong.

Real player with 1416.5 hrs in game

my review may be negative but i really loved this game, i feel my hours in this game says that. the game is super fun but expect the game to be fun tell you finally get a ship where you could jump from planet to planet easily and you will find you have reached the end game of space engineers where the only thing to do is hop from space station to space station doing cut and paste quests for space cash that you can spend on materials that you can produce faster then the station could sell them to you. or you can buy already built space ships if you have enough money and send the ships crashing into a moon because the ship you built is far better then any of the ones you can buy. this game is kept alive today thanks to the community of modders in the workshop and that to me is sad. dlc blocks add things mods already added but in standard vanilla and tho only NPCs we have seen have been a wolf and a spider. there are AI controlled ships that will shoot at you but once you get on board you’ve pretty much have won the fight as you will only meet interior turrets as a threat on the ships because the AI driver seat only flies the ship while the turrets are just being standard defense turrets, there is no NPC crew to fight against once you get inside. i know this game is mainly meant for multiplayer but most servers have block limits (for good reason game is still unstable) so you will reach a point you can’t build or add anything else to your ship or station. It’s a fun game that feels like it’s stuck in limbo

Real player with 876.8 hrs in game

Space Engineers on Steam

STAR WARS™: Squadrons

STAR WARS™: Squadrons

Star Wars: Squadrons is a superb multiplayer simcade space simulator with a steep learning curve and in-depth movement mechanics. The game is easy to learn, and moderately difficult to master. To be successful and get full enjoyment out of Squadrons, you must learn proper movement techniques such as boost gasping, dead drifting, and 0 throttle boosting. Squadrons is best when playing with others, and there are a lot of communities to choose from. TFA, TRA, NRN, Gray Squadron, Emperor’s Hammer, and others will help you learn how to fly and have many opportunities to fly with other pilots.The playerbase is slowly dwindling, meaning that a lot of the remaining active players are decently skilled at the game. You will be crushed and beaten badly if you come up against players who are much more skilled than you, which is why learning advanced movement techniques is so important. The game isn’t for everyone, and if you aren’t willing to put in a lot of hours learning these techniques, I can’t recommend the game.

Real player with 1197.1 hrs in game

The game looks great, no, beautiful. All models are true to Star Wars lore and very detailed. Sound effects are on point, and they’ve managed to add some non-canon game elements (because it’s meant to be fun, after all) without those elements being lore- or immersion breaking.

I haven’t played the multiplayer for a while now, so I can’t say if that’s still active, but it was great fun during the game’s peak.

The only thing that slightly annoyed me were the very forced diversity/social justice points in the single player story line. They felt absolutely shoehorned in, which is a shame because the single player campaign is otherwise a very well structured and typical Star Wars story.

Real player with 176.9 hrs in game

STAR WARS™: Squadrons on Steam



After FFXIV 1.0 i never thought i’d see a bigger shitshow, but so help me this game came through and then some!

TL;DR review:

1 : Game has ZERO gameplay, all you can do in the game is build and there are no plans for adding any.

2 : Developer is completely alienated, doesn’t listen to community at all except small echochamber and bans people that speak out against bad design decisions.

3 : Developer has NO IDEA WHAT THEY WANT TO MAKE. Read on for details.

4 : Recently destroyed the notion of competitive/mechanical building by replacing functional blocks with an arbitrary “skill tree”, eliminating your ability to trade one attribute for another, limiting the amount of stat enhancing blocks based on ship length of all things… Building is now largely a cosmetic deal and ships have no purpose anyway, but at least you used to be able to duel with them.

Real player with 2329.6 hrs in game

I started off loving Starmade…then we broke up. Now I spend time thinking about maybe giving it a another shot. I got into the game just after the big graphical re-boot having played Minecraft for years and checking out every voxel based, procedurally generated game I could find. I trolled Greenlight and found many wanna be contenders but Starmade impressed me with it’s vision of what it wants to be. Like any relationship we fall in love with what could be, an ideal, sometimes a projection we place onto the other. I am love with what Starmade is trying to be, but has not yet become.

Real player with 1375.7 hrs in game

StarMade on Steam