Caves Of Mars

Caves Of Mars

The Caves Of Mars is the new 2D action space shooter game set in the mysterious caves of the planet Mars.

Tharsis is a mountainous region on Mars where hundreds of caves have been discovered. These caves contain precious gems which are heavily guarded by enemies and alien life forms.

Navigate your spacecraft through these caves, destroy enemies and alien lifeforms and collect as many gems as possible. Collecting gems will increase your health and gain points. You will gain extra bonus points the more gems you collect and enemies you destroy.

There are 100 cave levels to complete, each one procedurally generated randomly so no two levels are ever the same. As you progress through the levels the caves will become larger, more complex and you will encounter more challenging enemies, aliens and obstacles.


You will encounter many different enemies as you progress though the caves. Some guard their position and don’t move, whilst others form waves of enemy spacecraft which will follow you. The more powerful enemies will take serval hits to destroy.

Enemy Bosses

Watch out for enemy boss spacecraft. Some of the Key Cards are in the possession of enemy bosses so you will need your weapons to destroy these and collect the Key Card.


Watch out for Alien lifeforms. Some of these can move, jump or fly and throw lightning bolts.


Collect Fuel to Boost Your Health.

Power Ups

Collect vessels containing Weapons and Shield Power-ups. Collected power-ups are displayed in the right-hand panel. Activate / deactivate these by clicking them or selecting keys 1-8. Each power-up with change the appearance of your player spacecraft.

Key Cards and Laser Doors

Find and collect ‘Key Cards’ to unlock ‘Laser Doors’ to gain access to each section of these caves.


To help there is a map of each cave system indicating the location of each Key Card and the laser doors they unlock. Open this by clicking on the map button. The caves get larger and more complex as you progress so you will need this map.

Laser Beams

Beware of the laser beams which you will need to negotiate your way through as they switch on and off. Each laser beam will turn off and on as you approach it. To return you need to navigate the sequence of laser beams before returning.

Moving Platforms

Navigate Your Way Through Moving Platforms.


Your spacecraft will automatically descend downwards until it hits the ground or an obstacle. Control your spacecraft using arrow keys or WASD keys. Fire using either Spacebar or Mouse Click.

Read More: Best Space Sci-fi Games.

Caves Of Mars on Steam

Mars Power Industries Deluxe

Mars Power Industries Deluxe

Powering Mars for the Future

_Developed by Rarykos during Global Game Jam 2018 and later picked up by 7A Games and for friendly development and publishing help, “Mars Power Industries Deluxe” describes itself as an “atmospheric puzzle game set on Mars” released in 2019.

While making sure that all inhabitants of our red neighbor have their needs met, strange things start to happen which threaten the hospitality of our newfound home._

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Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Relaxing Games.

june 2020 edit: 24 new levels and a new mechanic got added in a patch.

march 2020 edit: 12 new levels got added in a patch.

in a world where mars is not just a candy bar, you are tasked with providing resources to martian settlements. and collecting strawberries, because it’s a video game.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Mars Power Industries Deluxe on Steam

Take On Mars

Take On Mars

Notice: A lot of reviews are poor about this game because it is early access and people don’t bother to read that they’re buying an unfinished game. Actually READ what people have to say and don’t be taken in by metascores.

Notice: This is going to be detailed, so if your not into that skip to the next review, you have been warned!

Take on Mars - a game designed with a single purpose in mind - explore, and eventually colonize Mars.

Take On Mars - A Survival Game unlike any you’ve played. There are no enemies here except nature herself, but she a fierce one. Even without her Pets - Take on Mars is proof positive space travel is dangerous

Real player with 554.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Exploration Games.


I am now updating this review to reflect the launch update and information that i found due to the comments made by Mr. Monochrome and INFIDEL in the comments below. I admit changes have been made and the game up to the point i have progressed to is working, that being said i still beleive this game needs alot more work in that the tutorials are incomplete as far as explaining all you need to know when it comes to the machines,the mission objectives are poorly worded and easily misinterpreted, and still no guidance in game on how to complete the unmanned missions and still make money. This game is frustrating and i personally believe that most gamers will lose interest due to this fact in very little time.

Real player with 275.4 hrs in game

Take On Mars on Steam

Utopia Colony

Utopia Colony

First of all it’s a game you play once and never again. Simply because once you complete your mission you win and game ends. It can be done in a w/end.

Game is interesting, it has a huge map you can walk or drive but going from one place to another takes time!

Graphics are not great but decent, there are several bases you can explore and complete some task for credits.

Your main source of credits are minerals can find around, collect and sell for credits. You upgrade your suit with more oxygen capacity, and as you progress you buy rovers, you expand your base and build several buildings like greenhouse which provides food.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Loving this game so far. Love the desolate atmospheric surroundings, and very impressed with my base as it grows. Currently hitting a bit of a brick wall as I need credits to complete the research tasks, but can’t find enough resources to collect, and haven’t figured out how to get my water extractor to work, so having to buy lots of water, cancelling out the credits I earn for any ore do I find on my trips out. I’ve built my greenhouses, and looking forward to when things start go grow. I’ve lost 8 hours straight on my first play, so I really need to go and make my lunch now. Thanks, great game.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Utopia Colony on Steam

Perseverance Mission - Astronaut Charlie

Perseverance Mission - Astronaut Charlie

I like it very much. This game is awesome. It might be difficult at first. If you play for a while, it will challenge you a lot. Thank you for creating a good puzzle game.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Another tile sliding puzzle with a cat. This one has a sci-fi theme and spacey music. You can only really see it’s a cat on the title screen, otherwise it’s just a small mars rover that goes along the path. It gets a bit tedious towards the end when there is only one tile to spare but that’s pretty standard for tile sliders. Nice for an evening with a puzzle and some bright warm colored mars environments.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Perseverance Mission - Astronaut Charlie on Steam

Mars 2030

Mars 2030

Time flies when you are having fun. I’ve spent eight hours already exploring. Yes there are a few visual glitches and I still can’t get the rover to move forward. Right, left, backwards and sideways I can do. Forward just doesn’t work for me so it could be something I’m doing wrong. So I’ve walked everywhere.

But it was pleasant though! I walked and explored features that I might have missed simply by driving. By the way, I’m using the HTC Vive with a GTX 1060 video card. To continue: I’ve found all the flag markings on the map. There are twenty-four (I think) features that aren’t though and that’s where the exploration really gets fun. I’ve found four so far so obviously I haven’t explored everywhere. The landscape is huge!

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

I have about 17 hours into this game now. I absolutely love playing. The idea of exploring a real site on mars is pretty cool. I’ve enjoyed it, and put up with all the bad along with the good. With that said, its probably obvious I’m pretty biased due to the fact that a collaboration with NASA for the accuracy is pretty awesome. I love the game, but, read on.

I would highly recommend you wait to purchase this $14.99 game for when it goes on a deep sale. There are many frustrating bugs, which will I admit seem to be addressed slowly, but are the epitome of what you would expect for an alpha or early beta level game. I had probably 3 or 4 hours into a game when a game save bug popped its ugly head (save restore caused me to fall through the map), making it impossible to continue that save. Devs claim that now has been resolve, and I haven’t had that issue again, but have started over from the beginning due to the save being corrupt and unusable.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Mars 2030 on Steam

Mars Horizon

Mars Horizon

Iniital Review 12.4 hours into Mars Horizon®

Update since initial review at bottom of review.

Second update December 2022 since initial below that update.

An update beneath an update… that is like four wall breaks. Mind blown!!!

  • Graphics are fantastic

  • Smooth operation and easy to follow learning tutorial

  • Not for under age of 12 years old, bit too advanced for under this age.

  • Few small non game breaking bugs, grammar, and what not. Nothing to get excited about.

  • FPS runs fine on a modern machine 2012 or better. Older and you may have some issues with processing of the information or video being smooth.

Real player with 71.3 hrs in game

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. This is easily the best manager I have played in a decade.

However, a warning up front. This is not readily obvious. Not, because the game starts outright weak. Instead, it seems to deliver exactly the underwhelming gameplay one learns to expect from indies nowadays. You build a rocket, you fire a rocket, and sometimes it rains. Everything hangs on the roll of a dice. Which makes the space missions look like a lackluster mini game.

Here’s the good news. It gets better. A lot. I just ended my first (short) campaign after 65 hours by landing a crew on Mars. While doing so, my palms were sweaty, because up until the very last turn I wasn’t sure I would make it. Magic question: When did the last manager make your palms sweat?

Real player with 67.8 hrs in game

Mars Horizon on Steam

Project Eagle: A 3D Interactive Mars Base

Project Eagle: A 3D Interactive Mars Base

Its been a few hours. I’ve been staring at this similation for a FEW HOURS. The voices in my brain compelled me to do so. Why? Who knows, and who cares. But something about the similation draws me back in every time. Maybe its the rovers mindlessly running back and forth, or the never ending day the station is set in . Perhaps its the mystery on how the population magically doubles in a single day, which makes me ask many questions. Like seriously is everyone in the base magically pregnant? Do we now have a whole entire space station filled with martian babies? If so, where is the martian Kid zone? How does the station keep itself running if everyone in the space station is on maternaty leave? When will it become Halloween in the space station? Where is curiousity? Why can I mess with time on the Matian Settlement… Am I the one true Martian God that controls time? How do the inhabitants not question the base magically turning into night then day again in a matter nano-seconds?

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

Intro: Early this year NASA’s JPL wanted an interactive presentation that would portray what would be a future Martian base, which was delivered by the fine folks of Blackbird interactive (the ones who made the atmospherically involving Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak) which came to be the Project Eagle:

Now this presentation is here, on steam, for you to walk around, know a bit more, and gaze at the sight of what may be the first Martian base.

What it is: This is not a game, it is a presentation with limited interaction. You won’t build your base, you won’t expand it. This is an educational tool that was made available for the public.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Project Eagle: A 3D Interactive Mars Base on Steam

Mars Odyssey

Mars Odyssey

Small, short game that matches its discounted price well. It’s half an hour worth spending. It’s more like an impressive educational app than a game, but will sure spark some interest in our journey to Mars. While the almost non-exist “gameplay” part is underwhelming,

! it did prompt me to search how Opportunity cleans its dust on solar panel after blasting the dust off in game. Yeah, it’s a shame that I don’t know the secret of long lives of Mars rovers until now. However, to my defense, I wasn’t closely following them 12 years ago after the initial excitement of Spirit and Opportunity’s successful landing. Downloading a tiff from NASA took me almost an hour on a modem link in China back then. Now with half an hour, I am appreciating a real-sized Opportunity and Curiosity on Mars. What a time to be alive!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

A lot of people are disappointed by some VR games for their short playtime, so kudos to Steel Wool for putting a 20 minute estimate in the games description so poeple know what to expect. For me, however, this was a significant underestimate - I spent the first 5 minutes just gazing out the window of the space staton and watching Mars go by beneath me. Quite enjoyed the premise and narration, too.

Recommended wholeheartedly for anyone remotely interested in space.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Mars Odyssey on Steam

Rover Builder

Rover Builder

(Oct 8)

A bunch of changes have been made. Generally building has improved greatly with symmetry working properly now, and the addition of namable crafts.

There could still be improvements like the ability to copy paste sections or copy paste part parameters, but id say this is easily worth your time if you like physics sandbox games now as you arent fighting the clunkiness as much.



Its obviously very ea, but that doesnt change the review does it. I cant recommend it in its current state, but il update if that changes.

Real player with 36.0 hrs in game

I definitely enjoy playing this game; it lets me unleash my inner engineer. I have had a lot of fun building unnecessarily complicated rovers. Despite having only a handful of parts (or maybe because of it), Rover Builder is a deceptively challenging game.

However, there are a few bugs/issues that I have found rather detracting. Fixing these will greatly improve the game.

  • Bearings don’t always load correctly when the simulation starts. Sometimes they disappear and sometimes steel beams coming off of the bearings are in the wrong orientation. In order to fix this, I have to go back to the builder, delete the bearings, and reinsert them. Sometimes even that doesn’t work.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

Rover Builder on Steam