Ctrl Alt Ego

Ctrl Alt Ego

You are ego, a disembodied consciousness.

You’ve been downloaded to an evacuated retro-tech space dock where a mind-altering virus has infected the consciousness ctrl stream.

Take ctrl of robots and devices to get around; some are friendly, others not so much.

Explore, grow your ego, find and exploit bugs, install and hack disk programs to upgrade your bug, evade or defeat hostiles.

Adopt a strategic, stealthy approach, or don’t.

Solve puzzles to reach locations of interest, or don’t.

Dig deeper into who you are and why you exist, or don’t.

  • 15 substantial handcrafted immersive environments

  • Sneak, cause mayhem, be a ctrl freak or an egomaniac

  • Darkly farcical tale about the future of consciousness

Distinct Features

  • There is no ‘player death’ in Ctrl Alt Ego. Your invincible, disembodied ego always lives on. If your current host is toast, pick another and carry on:

    (Note: there is a traditional save/load facility too, in case you refuse to accept who you are).

  • Once you’ve ctrl’d a robot, it is yours to keep. Amass an army and bring it with you:

  • Use robots to get around the old fashioned way, or ‘hop’ from one side of an area to another in a near-instant:

Read More: Best Space Sci-fi Games.

Ctrl Alt Ego on Steam



Caveat emptor: this game is in super ultra bleeding edge early release. Lots of forthcoming features are not implemented yet. There’s still weird bugs. If you’re looking for a mature Blue Bottle Games title, go play NEO Scavenger and come back in a few months once the rest of us have playtested and QA’d this game into shape.

With that being said:

Ostranauts is an effective, entertaining spiritual successor to NEO Scavenger. You begin by using a sink to choose your appearance and gender/pronouns (you can be male, female, or nonbinary - big upgrade from the original!) A randomized personal history generator now precedes the trait selector, and your choices when generating your background influence how much starting cash you have available to kit yourself out before going hunting for a derelict to fix up and call your own.

Real player with 103.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Exploration Games.

A quick preface here: This review is based on the early access release as of 12th October 2020. This game is BROKEN and needs a fair bit of patience to play. There is only the one save slot and it’s easy to overwrite it and wind up with all your effort so far being lost. This is very-very Early-Early Access, bear that in mind.

That said, it’s a great game (the huge number of bugs, some game breaking, notwithstanding). The lack of a tutorial makes it hard at first to get your head around it but basically you play a spacer in a huge space junk yard. You start off with a little money and a tiny shuttle, you have to buy the gear you need and fly to, then fix up, a derelict space ship. That’s pretty much it at the moment but as you have an extremely complex control system where you have to scavenge parts from a number of hulks before you can fix up the trash ship of your dreams, and everything is included: Floors/Walls to make it airtight, doors to compartmentalise, temp gauges/heaters/coolers to control the temp, O2/N2/air pumps to control the pressure and breathability, beds, fridges, toilets, sinks, food, water, money, power plants, batteries, wiring, lights… believe me, it’s enough to be going on with.

Real player with 39.6 hrs in game

Ostranauts on Steam



Deadnaut provides a lot of creepy atmosphere, fun and replayability.

When I bought Dreadnaut and entered the game, I didn’t expect much based on the trailers available. It seemed just like all those top-down squad RTS games, which there are hundreds of. It was only 10 euros, so I decided to jump it and test it out.

I immediately reached out for the character creation. I’ve always been one for creating my own party/character, since the game experience feels a lot more personal. The character creation has two minor bugs, which I did not realize were bugs until I read the forums for a tutorial on character creation. The bugs:

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Exploration Games.

In one campaign your fighting off waves of fast moving xenomorphs, through the flurry of fast moving xeno’s you see one of your men get dragged away through a airlock. Yet in another campaign you may be contending with the possessed remains of a former crew driven insane by unknown artifacts, behemoths throwing your soldiers around as artifacts obscure your command and control with horrifying visions of death and torture.

Deadnaut’s is a game that wants to immerse you in its universe. Your hud looks akin to something from a WW2 submarine simulation and your control over your soldiers is sketchy at the best of times. There are a large amount of things to take into consideration with Deadnaut’s and many ways for those under your command to come to harm or die, this may be the one area the game faulters in. It is a real time tactical squad based game, essentially a rogue like.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Deadnaut on Steam



This title is amazing and really shows what VR is capable of: You feel like a space engineer alone in the vastness of space - trying not to die.

I recommend you play the game on simulation mode while in a seated position (helps immersion and feeling of weighlessness) and complete the brief tutorial. The first two modes are way too easy and don’t give you the feeling of immersion.

You have on your suit:

Directional thrusters (up, down, left, right)

Maneuvering thrusters on your suit (Roll, pitch, yaw)

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

I have played this game for a couple of hours now, which, in a game advertised as having a single player experience of about 2.5 hours isn’t bad, I guess. I’m not sure where the idea of 2.5 hours came from. I don’t think that I’m very near the end and I’ve played for more than that in total. You would have to be seriously good to get this game done in 2.5 hours. Admittedly I ended up saving the game with very little oxygen left and ended up having to start the first level from the beginning, but that’s a definite possibility for anyone.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Detached on Steam



9.5/10 – One of the best games I’ve played in the past decade. Easily in my top 10 games of all time.

A modern-day Bioshock… on crack!

⚠️⚠️This review does 𝗡𝗢𝗧 contain any spoilers but other reviews might. The game is story-centric with key plot points and twists which some turd-burgers like to spoil⚠️⚠️

I played Prey (2017) just after it released and really didn’t know what to expect, I read that it had some cool weapons and crafting mechanics so I gave it a try and… Oh My Goodness… it’s incredible! I have now completed 5 full playthroughs and even created some mods for the game as well as helping others create or improve mods. It is genuinely one of the most immersive, jaw-dropping, captivating games I have ever played, I adore it, and it regularly goes on sale for under £$€5 which is the bargain of the century.

Real player with 526.1 hrs in game

They are weak, bothersome, without brains. You will be better. Scan and slam, until it is done.

Too Long; Didn’t Read: Prey is an immersive, slow paced, adventure game that not only creates tension through its horror-inspired enemies and its dark hallways, but also thanks to its morbid technologies and concepts.

It rewards exploration and attention to detail, and the world itself is probably one of the best and most realised in gaming. Its puzzlelike approach to combat may alienate some, but understanding it comes as part of the well-balanced progression.

Real player with 112.7 hrs in game

Prey on Steam

Covid Quest 2077

Covid Quest 2077


side note i was just told that god is dead

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Hands down the best game I’ve ever played. This IS the future of gaming

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Covid Quest 2077 on Steam

Detached: Non-VR Edition

Detached: Non-VR Edition

Beautiful game placed in space, originally created for VR and now available in nonVR version. It’s FPX game where we want to survive and find a way to get back home safely from malfunctioned space station. This will require a skill to control your spacesuit powered with fuel. We also need a oxygen and both of these can by found around by exploring an open world of the damaged space station. Some puzzle needs to be solved in the game to complete some of the tasks like opening the doors or activate various systems. Great looking and well optimized graphics and nice sounds well making a feeling of loneliness in empty space. Game has cross-platform PvP mode. Detached is a fantastic game that I’m hoping to play in VR mode some day.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

I would love to recommend this game, it’s quite a nice, short FPS story. Flying around in an authentic zero-g experience on Realistic mode was amazing, it’s the kind of game I like most. There’s not much shooting, just floating through space finding the path out, with enough light puzzles to not be boring.

Unfortunately, finding the small progression MacGuffins in level 2 was awful. They were hidden away and difficult to find when trying to progress the story. It took me a few hours flying around looking for them. I found a few, but they were placed near another progression point later down the line, so taking them earlier than I’m supposed to means I have to look for others in the more difficult places anyway.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Detached: Non-VR Edition on Steam





You find yourself trapped in a mysterious spaceship where a robot (MIA) announces you that you are in a new futuristic deadly show (like hunger games, squidgame etc..). The only option you have is to play the games and win! But beware, it seems that if you loose you might die!

Games available

For the launch there will be only 1 game available. Red Light, Green Light. We are currently working on 2 new games to add in the game by the end of November.


Stranded on a spaceship with no way to leave. You decide to take yourself into the game and do everything to survive by participating in the mini-game offered by the Passin’Time show.

The mini-games offered are simple games such as red light green light or other games of this kind.

All the mini-games that Passin’Time offer have their own rules. You will be warned before each start of the game of the rules to be respected in order to win the game!

For example for Red Light Green Light, it is important not to move during the red lights. Or you risk getting exterminated if the robots see you

Passin'Time on Steam



Orbital - first person sci-fi survival horror. You are one of the last, (or maybe last) crew member. Your mission is to find out what is going on and get out from the spaceship. Will you survive, or not, will depends only on you.

You are an ordinary member of an expedition to explore new worlds. Your responsibilities include maintaining the ship’s subsystems and maintaining the working equipment. After another expedition to the surface of the nearest planet, you began to notice some oddities in the behavior of an electrician. But you blame this on the unexplored effects of exposure and the electromagnetic field of the new world. And one day you wake up as usual. But nothing else is normal on your ship.

Can you be smart and get off the ship that has turned from home to your worst nightmare?

We are participating in the Unreal Engine Dev Contest 2021. There are a lot of great projects coming out this year. And we are honored to be a part of this holiday. Follow the links, subscribe to our social networks, evaluate the project in the competition and add it in your wishlist!. We are glad to see you!

Features of the game

Several unique types of monsters

You will not feel safe in any corner of the ship. Only by getting used to one situation in the world can you unexpectedly find yourself in another. And what worked before may now be useless. Can you adapt?

The same spaceship - a different place

The location of the items changes and the available rooms change after each failure.

Different scenarios

Explore the ship, collect notes about the last moments of the life of the crew and find a way to get out of there.

Dangers and Opportunities

Using the work tool, discover new places and previously inaccessible areas. You don’t have a chance to confront your enemy directly. But you can distract and run away. If you’re careful

Death is the loss of everything

If you are lost, this is the end. When you die, you will start the game from the beginning. On a different ship, in a different situation. Another person. Good luck.

The ORBITAL on Steam

Dream Mirror

Dream Mirror

The IDEA, graphics, ambient music are simply awesome!!!

Vr needed a game like this!

Real player with 123.7 hrs in game

first i was very disapointed the stage was with sd graphism the horse was full of pixel , the cows , the space background even if the ship was great i was disapointed ans same for the next levels where i appreciated ony the sound part

until the balloon stage but from this stage i said wouah every stage

first the possibility to be in balloon is great and this stage of the city is wonderfull but empty there is no character like a deserted city and i love too underwater

after this there is a forest wonderfull the color of the tree and all and with great model and great animations of deer , in this stage all the animals are great worked , the light is wonderfull and the wonderfull color of the tree do we have the impression to be in the anime wonderfull i love this stage

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Dream Mirror on Steam