A Sky Full of Stars 仰望夜空的星辰

A Sky Full of Stars 仰望夜空的星辰

Good visual novel.

If you interested in astronomy you should try this one.

Heroines list:

  • Korona: Sister-like heroine.

  • Orihime: Rich innocent senior.

  • Hikari: Tomboyish childhood friend, has same vibe as Ageha (IMHHW)

  • Saya: Cute, innocent but also stubborn childhood friend

My fav girl is Orimihe, but my fav route goes to Hikari’s route.

Short review:

  • Long VN, around 50h~ (im slow reader).

  • Has 4 routes, after first choice the common route divided into two.

  • Less words censorship rather than previous coming of age title.

Real player with 738.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

Overall I quite liked it. You can tell at least some of the same writers of If My Heart Had Wings were on here. Had lots of feel good slice of life romance but the main 2 childhood friend routes had some love triangle melodrama.

Honestly I think the common route was one of my favorite parts.

The childhood flashbacks were some of my favorites in VNs because of how fleshed out they were and had really good buildup and feel good friendship scenes. Akito having more character than Aoi due to common route beginning alone (though he kinda become generic after the second common route starts). And everyone got to shine in some regard. And the first common route was really nice and a good way to show how the 4 routes would ultimately end.

Real player with 72.1 hrs in game

A Sky Full of Stars 仰望夜空的星辰 on Steam

Space Bar at the End of the Galaxy

Space Bar at the End of the Galaxy

I’ve played it through twice. Its got good player interaction for a VN. It also has good character development (as deep as you can get in less then 2 hours), my complaint is that game gives us a variety about Imperial and other factions, but you give no information about them. A few blurbs of imagination that has already gone into the game would help players except the characters be more real. I don’t mind invisible histories, but I nice blurb about them can a long ways towards making a player more sympathetic to them.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Nudity Games.

It’s not bad at all but there are better options out there.

I’m really on the fence when it comes to giving this game a bad review. Here’s some points that stood out that led me to my negative review.


-The writing is pretty decent.

-Characters react in a realistic way to what you choose to answer.

-The character models are good, although with only 5 people ever depicted in game, that’s to be expected.

-The world and characters are actually flashed out a bit, which is rare for such a cheap and short game.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Space Bar at the End of the Galaxy on Steam

Felix Jumpman

Felix Jumpman

This could be an excellent game, but the dev dropped the ball on the main aspect of the game. Felix Jumpman revolves around jumping from one asteroid to another… and by some reason they decided that the jump will be done automatically.

I mean… I was hoping that you’d have to calculate your acceleration to not under or overshoot and become stranded in space. Maybe the gravity would change every level, according to the planet’s gravity? According to each asteroid size? But no. You look to the asteroid and press space and there you go. Take off and land automatically. Boring.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Singleplayer Games.

Very simplistic game with no depth to it whatsoever.

The idea is fun and intesting for about 10 minutes at which point you have seen enough of it, learned how it works and are waltzing through the levels with ease.

It’s one of these “run to the goal before time runs out” kinda games in which you jump from asteroid to asteroid in search of your ship’s missing parts to leave the level before your oxygen runs out. That’s it. There is nothing else to it.

While this may be fine for people who look for a way to burn a bit of time every now and then, players who look for a challenge will find themselves to be disappointed. There is nothing new to see in this game you didn’t already see during the first 5 minutes of gameplay. In other words, unless you like the core gameplay of this game A LOT, it will get boring REALLY fast.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Felix Jumpman on Steam

Dawnbreaker - Aeon’s Reach

Dawnbreaker - Aeon’s Reach

I am in love with this game. There was sex, nudity and fun. I do admit that the ladies are cute and sexy, the creators tempt you with sexy outfits and promises of fun. Over all 5 out of 5 Stars, but you have to buy the the +18 patch. This game has so many possibilities. Lets see what happens next…

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Solid Sci-Fi story with a nice Plot twist and sexy girls. :)

Played around 1,5-2 hours for the first ending of three.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Dawnbreaker - Aeon's Reach on Steam

Once Upon an Electric Dream

Once Upon an Electric Dream

I enjoyed the game, the voice acting is pretty good for such a small game and the story flows well.

There are a few typo’s, but the writing is still well done, not something one can say about all short visual novels.

It has all the functions of normal visual novels, saving, loading, skipping unread text so all in all well put together.

The story in itself is heart-felt as described, and again the voice acting really brings Miel and Zero alive.

There are no Steam achievements, but played through till I got all the CG’s.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

I got through both true endings, 1 good ending, and 2 bad endings in 84 minutes. There are two love interests. Zero was a sweet feeling and the second, Miel, had a good ending that made me feel a little uncomfortable. It just didn’t seem to be a relationship based on honesty although it was mostly the MC’s fault for being stubborn enough to just go after the guy a bit randomly without all the info. MC is definitely impulsive. the true ending of Miel’s route was better, but also seemed a bit off regarding how much MC sacrificed only to abandon the cause at the last moment.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Once Upon an Electric Dream on Steam

One Lonely Outpost

One Lonely Outpost

A barren, alien world needs YOU to bring it to life!

Start out with just an ancient space-RV, your handy tech gauntlet, a handful of potato seeds, and work to build up your colony. Grow crops to attract colonists, build a town and economy, and work to achieve independence while establishing your colony as a prime destination.

Whether you opt for an all-natural farm or a more high-tech one, you’ll need to balance producing food with other activities on your planet. Explore alien ruins to learn more about this strange world, grow your relationships with the many different characters that will join your colony, and have a blast playing various mini-game activities along the way.

It’s One Lonely Outpost … but not for long!

Decide: Natural or Synthetic?

Order up some supplies from Delivz-On, fertilize the ground, and plant crops with a unique tending mechanic – blow off dust, clip off dead branches, and watch for bugs! Pursue either a Synthetic route with robo-cows and gene-splicing (watch for glowing cabbages), or take the Natural path where you raise Earth-based farm animals and hand-tend your prize crops for premium produce. With either path, the more and better food you can make, the more colonists you can attract.


Build a Community and Forge Relationships

Every colony starts out with just one person (and a robotic pet), but colonists from around the galaxy will come to conduct research and offer other roles or services to help you grow the colony into a full-fledged town. But our career isn’t everything in life – befriend your fellow colonists to find fully developed people with their own histories, lives, and dreams. Grow your rapport with more than just gifts from your farm; perhaps even one relationship will result in true romance!

Explore Ancient Ruins

Ancient alien ruins have kept their secrets for millennia – until you’ve come along. Discover why a barren world is full of all of the features necessary for life, even though according to top scientists it shouldn’t. Puzzle and/or fight your way past the robotic guardians and be rewarded with rare items and a deeper understanding of your new farm planet.

Customize Your Character

Develop a unique sense of style and personality with clothing options and character statistics.. Choose how to balance your strengths and weaknesses across farming, exploring, crafting, socializing, and dungeon-diving as you progress on your journey.

Play To Your Interests

There’s no set path to perfecting your colony. Any element of the game can be played in any order. Whether you choose to focus on tending your farm to unlock every perk, spend all day exploring ruins fighting robots, or dedicate yourself to building up the town and connecting with residents, fun and rewards await to be discovered along the way.

Share With Friends

Play online with up to 3 other friends in collaborative co-op as well as competitive minigames. Friends can either visit your existing outpost with a greenhorn character, choose to start a fresh world from scratch together, or take a short vacation on your main to see what other colonies are up to, all while developing new relationships and even building branching families with other player characters or NPCs.

One Lonely Outpost on Steam

Tender: Creature Comforts

Tender: Creature Comforts

This game is an interactive visual novel. You get to explore different story lines of characters while also finding hidden comedic moments within the dialogue. The art is beautiful and the dialogue is witty, convivial, and portrays an authentic view of online dating. Though there are not many characters that you can reach “an end” with, exploring the dialogue of each character is entertaining and enjoyable nevertheless.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Curse this game for being so delightfully written. After being totally fed up with Tinder, suddenly I miss connected with people on there (???). And I was just getting used to being a quarantine hermit and everything…

EDIT: Not really a fan of the bad ending that abruptly cuts things off. Was really enjoying some of the in-progress conversations, and it’s a little irritating to not get to finish them. To get back there, I’ll have to replay everything… Weird choice. I still really like the game, but… jeez.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Tender: Creature Comforts on Steam



The Xargazorg Collective proudly presents Kiss/OFF, the hottest dating show in the galaxy! The contestants have exactly three days to pair off and SQUARE OFF in a dating royale! Whichever couple has the most passionate, magical kiss at the end of the contest wins the Ultimate Prize: Freedom! The losing team? They get yeeted right into the sun. :)


Play as Vic Powers, your everyday college track star who is cool and chill and very bi. When he gets abducted onto the set of Kiss/OFF, he suddenly has a lot more to worry about than declaring his major. Now, he’s got to kiss a hottie, win the dating game, and find some way back to Earth!


Unlock totally different endings based on whether or not your Kiss/OFF partner LOVES or HATES Vic. Go for true romance, or try to drive your partner crazy—but always remember that actions can have big, big consequences.


Space Hero Kel, Robo-Risq, and Desert Wanderer Arturo are just a few of the contestants who have been Involuntarily Volunteered™ to take part in the galaxy’s hottest gameshow! Match-up with everybody onboard and learn their secrets!


Whoever you DON’T pick as your partner will team up and compete against you. Get the chance to see how the other characters get along when you’re not in the room.


Finish one episode, and immediately start binging another! THRILL as you discover that literally everything is different on the second playthrough! GASP as you slowly reveal more secrets of The Ship! GRUNT as you consider the possibility that Interstellar (2014) although a critical darling, was perhaps a tad overrated at the time!


Unravel the riddle of The Ship, the alien audience, and your alien host with the alien most: Xargazorg. Every playthrough and every route gets you one step closer to escape!


150,000+ Words!

20 Unique Endings! (With Achievements! Bing!)

A fully-original soundtrack with over 15 sick beats!

6 hours of unique story content!

1 super-secret true ending!

1 very hot girl who is part robot but also super mean and basically evil!

Kiss/OFF on Steam

Nirvana Pilot Yume

Nirvana Pilot Yume

I love the concept for this game - visual novel + SkyRoads (which was an amazing DOS game where you piloted a little space car hopping along interstellar highways) is such a good, fresh idea. Nirvana Pilot Yume also throws in a great synthwave soundtrack as well as an artistic style that reminds me of 80s anime and vaporwave music videos. The visual novel aspect of the game is really well written, and the dialogue is enjoyable and the sex scenes natural and non-cringy.

The racing sections are a little rough at the moment - I think my biggest problem is that the tracks are REALLY hard, or at least the difficult bumps up dramatically after the first track, which is dirt easy. It’s quite hard to see what exactly is coming your way, because the vantage point is directly at the horizon whereas in SkyRoads, you had somewhat more of an overhead view, and thus more time to react and move your ship around obstacles. In Nirvana Pilot Yume, I feel like there’s almost no time to react at all because stuff is coming at you so fast, and the collision detection is VERY sensitive. The brake option also doesn’t seem to do much at the moment but pull the camera in closer, and currently when I try slowing down in all tracks after the first one, the speed meter at the top doesn’t change. (Not sure if this is a bug or not.)

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

I recently received this game for free as a curator connect offer for my group Visual novel, JRPG, Anime. First of all, this visual novel is an adult eroge visual novel with a few NSFW CGs. For those who don’t mind adult visual novels, read on.

This romance visual novel with arcade racing and platforming segments by Dev9k features a male protagonist Mitur Aldaine. Mitur graduated from an Academy and became the greatest racer of Alba Proxima and an Eye in a futuristic world where territorial contests between different orbital stations are decided by races among spaceships.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Nirvana Pilot Yume on Steam



A truly rare and substantive peace. Something with true emergen in mind. 8/10 (so far)

Real player with 74.7 hrs in game

Great dynamic and evolving characters and compelling story. I am really enjoying this.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Crypterion on Steam