Space puzzle

Space puzzle

I recommend it relaxing and fun.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Casual Games.

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Space Puzzle, freshly dumped like so much rubbish into DailyIndieGame bundles by “new” kids on the block, Phoenixxx Games (who are probably some other asset flippers who got kicked off Steam so had to make a new account. Speculation on my part, of course).

Space Puzzle is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template from GameMaker Studio, changing a few things, then dumping the barely functional “product” on Steam as a cheap, nasty cash grab. In this case it was a GameMaker Studio template for doing a simple “jigsaw” puzzle with pictures of planets that Phoenixxx Games ripped off from somewhere. I’ve seen this template before, it’s so bad it doesn’t even have the hooks and tabs that traditional jigsaws have, it’s just squares. Imagine seeing a game template that bad, but copying + pasting it anyway as a nasty cash grab. That’s what Phoenixxx games did. Nice going.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Space puzzle on Steam



Segment rotation intensifies!

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Relaxing Games.

Mind bending fiesta of pure brilliance.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Cubiverse on Steam



This game is great to have fun with some friends. If you are playing with friends, I would suggest using controllers so that the keyboard isn’t cramped. When playing solo, some of the characters are much better at certain levels, so I would suggest you switch characters if you can’t figure the level out with the one you are using.


Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Space Multiplayer Games.

Observers on Steam

Orb and the Stars

Orb and the Stars

Fun and challenging platformer where you have to reach the exit as an orb while you can collect star shards in each level. The graphics are rather simple, but the game is fun and challenging.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Orb and the Stars on Steam



SpaceBlocc is a colorful minimalistic spaceship building game. A mysterious world you have to escape before it destroys you.


Choose among 7 different parts to build your ship. By correctly managing your weight, thrust, and energy available you will be able to travel a different speeds. Slow and fast both have their advantages and disadvantages. Too slow and you will get destroyed by asteroid rains. Too fast and you won’t have time to destroy obstacles before colliding with them.


You start with only the minimum. Unlock new parts as you progress through the game. These parts are required to advance to next levels, and obviously will make your ship stronger.


Rescue astronauts that were a bit too bold. Some are just out there ready to be picked up. Some decided it would be fun to have to be rescued in more dangerous areas.

SpaceBlocc on Steam

Another Brick in Space

Another Brick in Space

Reminds me of Breakout…

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

A good Breakout clone but unfortunately very short.

I finished the game under an hour. Hopefully there will be more levels in the future.

[Edit:] 30 new levels had been added with the latest patch.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Another Brick in Space on Steam



Simple concept that becomes increasingly difficult, loved the additions of new mechanics as the levels progressed, was almost sure that some levels could not be beaten but eventually made my way through them.

The graphics are kind on the eyes, the controls are smooth, and the puzzles had a good ramp in difficulty.

Overall, really enjoyable game, worth the small price for the number of hours I got out of it!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

I beat this game; a fun and challenging puzzle game. Some of the puzzles took me up to 30 minutes to figure out and after I solved them I always felt great. All of the levels feel really unique and there’s a nice progression of new mechanic unlocks and puzzle difficulty. Would recommend!

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Astronomia on Steam

Wild Planet

Wild Planet

Explore & survive on an alien planet with your friends by building, crafting, hunting.

Be part of the community and join the effort together to discover the secrets and leave your mark in the world to stand the test of time. All while the environment changes around you.

Playable in single-player or online co-op, Wild Planet is a stylish low poly open world survival game set in a vast alien planet full of diverse biomes. In the game you’ll explore, hunt the indigenous giant alien bugs, build outposts and craft weapons and equipment as you attempt to survive and build a life for yourself in the hostile alien environment.

The game is set on an ever-changing world shaped by players' actions, Structures built by players are synchronised in the cloud and will spawn randomly in other players' games.

Chill COOP experience

To be able to share their adventures and have fun players will be able to team up to 4 players in coop.

The timestamp is synchronised with the database and universal monument & events are showing up to everyone at same time

Layers of civilizations

The planet follows cycles of destruction every 3 month (wipe).

Starting from day 1 until day 90 the world will decay and change shapes from day to day.

Each wipe brings new dungeons ,environment changes (a lake might become a desert).

Top down view - environmental narration

The top down view gives another way of storytelling and environmental design.

The low poly art style works also very well with a top down view and focus only on the most important part in the environment.

A colorful scifi atmosphere

We want to bring a chill, positive and colorful experience. Far away from the usual dark scifi worlds. A friendly, calm, joyful experience on an alien planet.

we have a unique non-linear storyline driven by dynamic events which will shape your adventure.

The players will be confronted by unpredictable hand crafted events driven which will uncover the different paths for the story and lead them through in-game narratives using the strengths of the medium without reliance on cut-scenes.

Wild Planet on Steam

Deep Space Gardening

Deep Space Gardening

Lovely artstyle and laidback music. Only played the tutorial so far but looking forward to playing it with friends in local co-op

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

A great addition to the Co-op time management/Resource Manage genre,

Soundtrack is pleasing to the ear.

The game is simple to pick up and required scores are manageable.

Currently Lacking in accessibility for the colour blind player, but I have no doubt this will be fixed.

Being able to Mix Local and Online multiplayer makes gathering friends very easy.

Graphical style is very clear and easy to view during long play sessions

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Deep Space Gardening on Steam



Grab a friend ASAP and go play this crazy space brawler! It’s a perfect game for those cozy saturday evenings with pizza and local multiplayer games. Insanely polished and highly recommended for everyone who’s into fun. 3

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

ORBIT (by 4bit - see what they did there?) is a fantastic game to play with up to 3 friends. Highly polished mechanics, great visuals and an amazing soundtrack make it a wonderful party game.

Orbit is original, fun, and extremely well made. I cannot recommend this game enough!

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

ORBIT on Steam