Arc Wizards 2

Arc Wizards 2

The war of the wizards begins!

This is an exciting action game with a 16-bit taste!

←↑→↓: move

X: Attack (Keyboard “A”)

Y:Plasma shot (Need 1/3 Ppoint ) (Keyboard “D”)

B:Force shield (Need 1 Point ) (Keyboard “W”)

●We recommend the Special Ninja Pack!●

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Read More: Best Souls-like Exploration Games.

Arc Wizards 2 on Steam

Arc Wizards 3

Arc Wizards 3

My full S Rank play through here:

Game is a 7 out of 10 for me the creator definitely improved on it from naginata your sprite is still thicc compared to the enemies but I don’t believe your noggin in this game has near the girth of the geisha from naginata. I like that he added an upgrade system for your weapon in this one where when you get special move bar filling items your shot upgrades and if you take damage you lose it pretty nice reward for not taking damage. Bat form is so much better than jumping as well it can be irresponsive at times for reasons I couldn’t pinpoint but it’s a DEFINITE imrpovement to jumping in naginata. The special move in this SUCKS terribly compared to naginata. Stage 3 is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long and one thing that would take this game a long way is instead of focusing on making the game more difficult by making stages longer and adding a greater number of enemies would be adding different mechanics for enemy attacks quality quantity. Another change that would be super beneficial in this game but possibly a lot of work would be some kind of upgrade shop where you can unlock different attacks, special skills, etc. it would add replay value and just make the game a whole lot more entertaining. Definitely glad the creator made improvements though!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Souls-like Action Roguelike Games.

Update: So, I was able to play again, and was doing rather well now that I understand what to do and how to do it. It was nice after a certain stage that when I died I could reload and try again from the same point, and not have to completely start over. Unfortunately, the game froze again and the character stopped responding to the controls. This really needs to be fixed because the only thing to do at that point is to close down the game which just makes me not want to play again. So until this issue is fixed, I cannot change my rating. Once that issue is fixed, I will change my rating from “No, I do not recommend,” to, “Yes, I recommend this game.”

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Arc Wizards 3 on Steam



Really interesting project, even if you just walk for the most of the time, the number of endings is quite impressing, but i can’t find out how i should get this many endings. It’s kinda weird the interaction with the objects, you can just watch them so it’s hard to tell if something changes when you “use” them. I’m waiting the update that should be released in these days.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Souls-like RPG Games.

Good visuals if you remove the gray filters that make it hard to make out objects, more obstacles in the infinitely long pathways and also the controls are very bad also cinematic mode is weird also the skeleton looks funny running and also the enemies die in 1 hit and also the skeleton bowl doesnt accept my ball so i have to rule the tomb until judgement day

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Story on Steam

The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith

The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith

You opened your eyes, but nothing could be seen.

Suddenly, one string of dim light shone through the darkness.

As you followed the light of hope, it slowly turned from azure to crimson.

Once again, your consciousness faded away…

You opened your eyes, and found yourself in the middle of nowhere.

A mysterious girl, with her monotonous tone, spoke of various confusing matters.

Safe House. Purpose. Erosion. Death.

The only way to grasp the truth is to hold on the black sword of yours,

and fight against “This World,” no matter the consequences…

“Go explore the dungeon, you only need to focus on that thing right now."

“It’s nearly impossible for you to get through the dungeon all by yourself, even though you are holding that powerful dark sword."

“If enemies come in your way, the only thing you can do is to defeat them."

“Lighting this place up, that would my duty…"

“I will stay with you right here. Try all you can, through hell and fire’s end…"

The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith on Steam

Arc Wizards

Arc Wizards

A simple, straightforward arcade game that makes for a fun playthrough. The controls are responsive (with shooting slowing down your movement, so it requires at least a touch of strategy), and the graphics are crisp 16-bit stile, with some animatino. Enemies appear when you advance beyond a certain point, meaning the best plan is to frequentl stop and deal with enemies before advancing. This causes a slower pacing than your average run-n-gun title, but not so much that the game isn’t fun. It’s entirely possible to trigger a few too many enemies and find yourself overwhelmed or having to do some tricky manneuvering.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Arc Wizards on Steam

Dungeon Limbus

Dungeon Limbus

Rogue-lite port from Nintendo Switch, that gets better the longer you play it.

My only complaint is you cannot return to a previous floor from your saved game.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

This was a hard one to rate. Some of the fundamentals are really good here. Enemies have different ways of moving and reacting to the player, which is nice. Gear drops seem decent enough. Graphics are pleasing and music and sound effects are passable.

Yet…if there’s magic, I had yet to find it after getting to the dessert section. Perhaps it unlocks, as every time you get to town you pull a few cards that let you do things like cook or upgrade if you have the gold. Maybe you unlock magic later? Regardless, there do not appear to be classes, and combat does not vary on repeated deaths.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Dungeon Limbus on Steam

Death Realm

Death Realm

Game looks beautiful as hell, and combat is silky smooth too.

The TAB menu and some audio stuff are a bit clunky but overall i’d say its really worth a try

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Pretty good game and graphics, needs more time to develop to make something out of it

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Death Realm on Steam

Chernobyl inferno

Chernobyl inferno

After the disaster at Chernobyl Atomic Power Station, many locals hid from radiation in underground shelters, canalization, houses basements and other underground units. They had been living underground for several years being afraid to go out. In some years radiation got through the ground, people started to mutate, chaos under the ground had begun. As a result of the mutation, some people became aggressive and started to hunt other people. After 30 years one boy called Jack penetrated Chernobyl territory to film a video and make some photos. When he entered the old house, the floor under his feet collapsed and he fell into the sewers of the very dungeon in which the mutated inhabitants of Chernobyl lived. He managed to send you a message asking for help, after which he never got back in touch. Your main goal is to find your brother, who got lost in the catacombs of Chernobyl.

Chernobyl inferno on Steam

One Try Tower

One Try Tower

One Try Tower is a reaction-based roguelike horror sidescroller.

You’ll find yourself in a tower consisting of three different locations each of which will have two parts. Locations could be described as library prison and warehouse.

Each part is thirteen floors, seven of which are on the inside and six of which are on the balconies. At the beggining of each part, except for the first one, you’ll find an altar restoring HP and serving as a checkpoint. There will also be a unique boss at the end of each part. You could hear it when you get to the altar of the corresponding part.

One Try Tower on Steam

Hollow Witch

Hollow Witch

This is what I call a precision platformer! Simple moves, run, jump and dash that added to all the crazy traps and flying stuff makes your mind count time to evade danger. I mean it is a puzzle platformer in a way. Loved the illumination, mood and the music gives the final touch. Strongly recommend!

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

I loved this game! Its dark, the music is so good to focus and the simple mechanics makes it fun to play. Very challenging levels, lots of traps and projectiles to evade. The illumination is something else it makes the mood of witch stories very believable. Congratulations to the developer!

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Hollow Witch on Steam