Virtual Presenter Pro

Virtual Presenter Pro

I found this concept to be interesting. It would be useful to be able to import your own script in to practice skills or speak on the spot off a queue card like what was shown in the screenshots. Instead it gives you a quote, a person and concept to memorize and talk about, without filler. You can talk about anything not even related to the topics and you still get a great. You can look anywhere it doesn’t matter. Word count doesn’t work. No information on how to improve. Motivational quotes are questionable. Crowd looks like they smoked meth and drove to my presentation at 300 mph. They clap I think when the speech ends. Same topics almost every time. Graphics look like shit. Easiest way to put it. Not a good way to improve skills or being comfortable infront of a crowd. Id rather do cbt then spend money on this game. Sorry. Too bad.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Software Training Simulation Games.

This should be in early access. It is not complete and does not work. Audience starts to clap randomly until conversation is over.

Other problems:

1. Very low-resolution textures

2. Audience doesn’t move properly (hands clap 1 foot apart)

3. Interface and navigation very confusing or don’t exist

How do I stop or start? How do I select a topic?

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Virtual Presenter Pro on Steam

Mightyy’s FPS Aim Trainer

Mightyy’s FPS Aim Trainer

Been playing this game for a while today and for an early access game its good the maps have been built really good

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Software Training Simulation Games.

Tested this early, feels pretty good. Feels very fluid with like no input lag, It’s missing a few scenarios but I feel like these will be added in time. Overall the rest of the features are very good, I especially like the customization options and the ui.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Mightyy's FPS Aim Trainer on Steam



I’ve been wanting to learn about chords for a long time. This program is very simple, and I certainly wouldn’t use it for music production, but it seems like a great education tool.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Software Training Audio Production Games.

untill they add a free mode then i could recommend it not good for $20.00

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Limouzik on Steam

Steno Arcade

Steno Arcade

First of all, this is a steno game. What is steno? Look here at me playing this game on a QWERTY keyboard and a steno machine: You can see that I don’t write individual letters, rather words at a time. And writing words at a time means that my hands don’t move much, much less than a QWERTY keyboard where you have to type every letter.

The steno machine is much faster at text entry than a regular keyboard, but it takes months to become proficient. Part of the reason that many haven’t heard of steno is that for the longest time it wasn’t public information! A major stakeholder in this game, Mirabai Knight, tried to bring steno to everyone, starting in 2010. She first had a program made that interfaced with steno machines and handled all the steno logic → that program is Plover, and I use and develop it now.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

I’ll divide this review for two audiences: Uninformed and transcribers in the shorthand trade.


If you stumbled upon this game, you might be wondering “What the heck is steno?” which is fair question. This is very niche product for a speicifc trade/industry in which you might recognize in captions on Television or Court reporters (sometimes refered as stenographers). This means that you need a specific usb-equipped shorthand steno writer and download an open source software to convert what you input into that writer onto your computer - you still following me? - and also you’ll need to learn the complete theory and methodology of how to write steno. If you’re still confused or uninterested thenn this is obviously not the game for you.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Steno Arcade on Steam



I find my self clicking dots more than playing actual games, fun.

Real player with 910.6 hrs in game

clicking on moving spheres is somehow more fun than most AAA FPS games in the last decade

Real player with 405.4 hrs in game

KovaaK's on Steam

AppGameKit Classic: Easy Game Development

AppGameKit Classic: Easy Game Development

A little background:

I’m a professional developer schooled in C### and Java. I am however not schooled to create games, but I know how the mechanics work. 3D game development is more of a hobby/side-project. Please read my review as such, if you’re completely new to programming, my feeling about this product can greatly differ from your perspective. Most of my pros and cons are subjective. But true in my opinion. Also: I use this product only for 3D development, I have no interest in the 2D side.

Real player with 1305.3 hrs in game

I’ve changed my review. I thought about deleting it and posting a whole new review, but then I decided to keep it so TGC’s intentions to make AGK functional on Linux would be documented in the comments. If you would like to see the old review, so you’ll have some context if you read the comments, click here .

Okay, I’ve got better things to do with my time now that AGK on Linux has notably improved, and 2 lengthy reviews is 2 too many, so let’s get down to brass tacks.

Real player with 1279.9 hrs in game

AppGameKit Classic: Easy Game Development on Steam



Gameguru is a rough-around-the edges, cheap, underpowered game engine. It is a spiritual successor to TGC’s previos successful endeavor: FPS Creator. FPS creator was a dream come true for wanna-be mappers and newbie game designers wanting to create their own simple little first person experiences. It worked well enough for what it was, had a super active community, and lots of mods, an easy-to-learn custom scripting language, and many successful games were made with it.

FPS Creator reloaded promised to be the upgrade everyone wanted from FPS Creator. It was gonna feature all next gen graphical features, a bigger map editor, and in general more freedom and ability. This was proposed on kickstarter where it didn’t meet it’s exorbitant asking donation, so it later was rebranded and came out as GameGuru.

Real player with 650.3 hrs in game

Yeah, okay, GameGuru doesn’t have the best graphics around, but they have a specific look to it, so there’s that. Making the graphics look as good as UE4 and Unity however, is practically impossible. But that’s not my point, my point is GameGuru’s graphics are good enough for making games for the hecc of it.

The engine is editable to certain extents, but not really enough for hardcore coders and developers. Again, this is an engine made more for the fun of it. Making some nice $$$ is possible, but not too easy.

Real player with 387.7 hrs in game

GameGuru on Steam



even the game got no secret ending or ending, achievement, some secret code.

But,i’m still think it got the potential of bringing any future game to justify the meaning of this game.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

When I played this game, it was fine other than the fact that I couldn’t find any horror aspect to it….

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

MOLOCH (Zero) on Steam



This is one of the most consistent game I am playing currently, and the only aim-trainer I’ve ever found useful. Because of this, over the passed few months, I have noticed a drastic increase in my ability to aim with precision. I use this trainer mostly for warming up before I play Overwatch. I will play 1-2 hours before I head into Competitive mode. I was able to move up from Gold to Platinum within the last month.

The nice thing about this game is that it has a 1:1 aim adjustment system for multiple games. You can import your settings from each game for an similar aim experience. If I have a certain aim setting for Overwatch, and I want to translate that setting to Apex Legends, there are in-game tools to help with that.

Real player with 161.9 hrs in game

What I thought would be a good alternative to Kovaaks with cool features ends up to be a dead project moving at a snails pace. No updates for a long time, seasons remain unchanged, one of the features that sounded cool (AI bots to train with) is now DLC, and over a year for any form of content makes this a bad choice over Kovaaks.

Also the community is not there, it lacks in scenarios for training and the “good” ones are just janky copies of Kovaaks (with some of them not even working) So if you’re going to train your aim just close this and get Kovaaks. I gave it an honest go, but the lack of content, community and dead discord make this a hard “no” from me.

Real player with 124.7 hrs in game

Aimbeast on Steam



This is the very first public review on the video game known as “Cat Sudoku” It is my duty to make sure that all the humans reading this spends the correct amount of currency to play this wonderful form of entertainment. Please, this video game is very educational and good for the human mind. It also has the species known as “cats” which I can assume is one of the mammals that you humans enjoy owning when domesticated. This game is a wonderful experience and it should be shared among the humans of earth. Thank you.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

CAT SUDOKU🐱 on Steam