

In a game of one versus up to six other players both teams need to use observational skills and planning to succeed.

There are 12 objectives spread across three floors. You have 30 minutes. There are 6 Security Forces and the Saboteur only needs 6 objectives to win. Play too passive as Security and you lose.

Play too aggressively as the Saboteur and you’ll give yourself away.

Security has to be careful though, kill a scientist and the Saboteur wins. Kill the Saboteur and you win. If the Saboteur can’t get enough objectives in time Security wins.

The Saboteur

  • You have to achieve your objective of sabotaging enough critical areas while blending in with the AI controlled scientists. Don’t draw any unwanted attention. Observe and mimic the scientists.

  • You have several tools to your advantage, like the ability to sabotage lights and doors among others.

  • With greater mobility you can outmanoeuvre Security Forces if you play smart.

Security Forces

  • Deduce the identity of the Saboteur by observing the scientists.

  • Patrol and defend the critical stations from sabotage.

  • Work together with the rest of the Security Force, communication is key.

Read More: Best Social Deduction Space Games.

Saboteur on Steam