Extreme Soccer

Extreme Soccer

I used to play FreeStyleFootball and this game has a lot of similarities with FSF. I would love to see more people playing this game. It has 1m+ downloads on mobile but it is free there. With a little bit advertising, it would be so much fun.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Soccer eSports Games.

It has a lot of potential.

Visually it is great.

Movement and animations feel a bit weird/slow at times, it can surely be improved on that part.

So far they’ve put 5 characters (there are much more on the mobile game).

There are very few players for now but you can also play with bots.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Extreme Soccer on Steam

Nonsense Soccer

Nonsense Soccer

a great game to spend with a friend while on a discord call. game is jank as all hell but still lots of fun. favorite map has got to be pit, being able to clone yourself by killing yourself at the perfect time is a pretty unique feature.

online multiplayer next?

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Soccer PvP Games.

It’s a fun and crazy little multiplayer game :)

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Nonsense Soccer on Steam

Improbable Soccer

Improbable Soccer

While obviously very rough around the edges due to its “very early access” status, this game has a ton of potential to be a party game hit. Compared to something like, say, Rocket League, where the controls have a very high skill ceiling and require a lot of time to even get used to, the controls in Improbable Soccer feel intuitive and snappy.

The premise of the game is very simple, but the combination of tight controls, goofy aesthetics, and a bit of competition between friends leads to a ridiculously fun time. Can’t wait to see how the game will look like in a few months from now!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Soccer Indie Games.

A friend of mine told me about this game as I am a party game enthusiast and I was not disappointed. It’s still pretty immature, but it has a great potential. I hope developers will add some more maps.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Improbable Soccer on Steam



Tons of fun, highly competitive, well made awesome to make some extremely cool team play goals. A bit of a learning curve but so isnt many other competitve games. The dev is awesome and so are the other players. 10/10 Was COMPLETELY worth my money! Please give it a try it is a ton of fun!

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

So keep in mind that this game is in Alpha. And it will stay in Alpha for about another 6-9 months from what I heard. So far I have played a few hours and I have some honest reviews and predictions for this game.

Current State: The UI is simple and easy to navigate. Character customization in minimal but keep in mind its early and the developers are working night and day to make this game perfect. Maps are basic and textures are a little bland (keep in mind the engine that this game is running on allows for so much room for improvement (think rocketleague looks, then transport them here). On screen displays, such as goals, points, and descriptions of what is going on are super basic but get the point accross for now. Some textures are placeholders, for example 2 of the guns are not finsihed yet and have a chrome look place holder. The audio in the game has room to improve as well, Some sounds in the game could be improved such as music, (or lack there of) there isnt alot of background noise, there is some fan cheers in the background ,sometimes, which is a nice touch, but if they can add more things like that it would be a huge improvement. This might sound like a lot but trust me there is so much potenital in this game.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Jetball on Steam

Crazy Foods

Crazy Foods

Good game. Add more modes and players. Will play in a party with friends. Also improve some bugs please.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

İ had fun while playing this game, but i think developers can uptade for more joyful experiences in game.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Crazy Foods on Steam

Baldy Bounce

Baldy Bounce

Baldy Bounce is a 3D platforming adventure game with collectables, mini-games, character customisation and much more.

Adventure through a dense city and sparse desert environment as you hunt down collectables, cosmetics and power ups.

#### Adventure!

Launch, Bounce, Dash and Glide your way around the environment with fluid movement abilities!

#### Explore!

Find treasure, upgrades and cosmetics hidden around the world!

#### Customise!

Choose between a large number of cosmetic customisation items, with more unlocked during gameplay.

#### Compete!

Challenge yourself to beat the high scores in a wide range of different minigames.

#### More on the Way!

Still in active development with more content on the way! Wishlist now and stay tuned for more!

Baldy Bounce on Steam

Pixel Soccer

Pixel Soccer

Pixel Soccer is a top down, pixel art, soccer game inspired by retro soccer games from the 90’s.

Although soccer games nowadays are getting more and more realistic, the old pixelated soccer games still appeal to us in a way we find hard to describe. Its that feeling of nostalgia that takes you back to the days of your youth, where endless hours were spent guiding your favourite team through match after match, on your quest to secure the league title.

Don’t get us wrong, we do appreciate what new technology has brought to soccer games such as FIFA and PES. Accurate player kits, player faces and in-depth player and tactical behaviours all enhance the game experience. But these games have also become too realistic and lack something that the older generation 8-bit soccer games had. A mix of character, fun and imagination.

What if we could create a game that had a similar 8bit “look and feel” to the golden soccer gaming era but at the same time took advantage of advances in technology. Like recreating individual player characteristics and offering more depth in player animations.

That’s exactly what we want to achieve with Pixel Soccer. We are soccer fans like you. We are computer game fans like you. We want to build a game that feels like the soccer games of our childhood and for that we need your help.

Pixel Soccer on Steam

Soccer Simulation

Soccer Simulation

A lot of potential. But it still needs a lot of work to be done.

-dribbling needs to be more smooth

-NPC need to react more teambased

-playing the ball should get more precise

-you should be able to combine plays with the teammates

But I am looking forward to future patches.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The worst fucking game I have ever played

the fact they are charging £12 for this makes me want to commit suicide Squad

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Soccer Simulation on Steam

Seasonal Soccer

Seasonal Soccer

Great game with a Amiga feel .

In my eyes this game has a lot going for it , game play is smooth and nice , has the old Amiga look wat is a winner :) . if more was added to game this could be a big hit on the retro world of gaming , its in early Early Access so lets see wat is added to this game :)

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Seasonal Soccer is an abandoned early access 2D top down retro pixel soccer sports game trying to rip off the Commodore Amiga look and feel (even using an Amiga branded monitor image, possibly without permission).

The game is unfinished and was abandoned soon after launch. There’s no indication the developer had any intention of finishing the game. Yet, somehow, they were able to launch other games afterwards. What does that tell us? They abandoned this deliberately and wilfully, despite making a commitment to gamers to finish the product. That’s abusing early access, for sure.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Seasonal Soccer on Steam

Soccer Nations Battle

Soccer Nations Battle

8/10 Fun game, buy if you have alot of friends over.

The game is very fun to play with friends, it does lack bots, which makes it only playable with friends. At this moment I can’t find a way to play multiplayer online, which is annoying because it says ‘Multiplayer’ here on the store page.

Overall I’d rate it a 9 in gameplay, minus a point for online lack and bot lack.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Great fun! Jump, tackle and header your way to the goal - that’s all there is to it. Matches are fast with lots of goals, and a surprising amount of skill. Plus it’s just funny to knock the ball out from between someone’s feet in mid-air :D

Recommended if you have a few friends and controllers (2 can play on keyboard + more on controllers).

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Soccer Nations Battle on Steam