VR Skater

VR Skater

VR Skater is a gem, balancing nostalgia with cutting edge technology. Not everyone is or was a skater back in the day, not everyone has played irrecoverable hours in various Tony Hawk console games. A front side nose slide may be indistinguishable from a backside tail slide to you. None of that matters. If none of anything you just read chimes, you can and will still derive huge enjoyment from this game.

This VR experience matches accessibility with challenge. There’s an “easy to pick up hard to master” vibe. Such challenge may not be for everyone in the long-term, but it has me hooked here and now.

Real player with 81.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Skateboarding VR Games.

An incredible start to Early Access!

TL:DR Pros/Cons list at the bottom of the review.

This review will be subject to change as the product evolves and more content is added, but I wanted to share my initial thoughts on what’s available right now. (Playing with Quest 2 via the official Oculus Link cable)

VRSkater is what I would consider to be the first real VR Skateboarding game on the market. It captures the feeling of being on a board and is a thrilling experience! The trick list isn’t huge at the moment, but it satisfies most of the street skating tricks I enjoy. On top of that the tricks are actually challenging when in motion. Something I immediately loved about this game was the precision required by the player to execute things properly. You’ll definitely want to play through the tutorials to get a feeling for the mechanics.

Real player with 41.2 hrs in game

VR Skater on Steam



Really fun physics game where you control a skateboard with a crane arm mounted on it.

The main game is just one relatively long level that might take you about an hour to complete and then there are 3 bonus levels. There are some secrets and a good amount of quite difficult achievements so you can definitely get a few hours of entertainment out of this if you like this style of games. I do and I definitely recommend this one.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Skateboarding Difficult Games.

Really enjoy this game. It’s in a similar vein of games like Stephen’s Sausage Roll or Getting over it where the whole game is just learning to be good at the obscure controls. Granted, this case I did remap the arms to entirely work through the left and right joysticks and have grab on the bumpers, but that just allowed for better speed to control. If you get into it, the moments where you clear a down hill without braking or make a tight turn feel rewarding in itself.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

RoboSkate on Steam

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game

this is probably the most accurate skateboarding simulator I have ever played. I would say what also makes this game stand out is the modding capabilities that allows this game to not feel stale. I have played this since its first release and the progression of the game combined with the mods makes this really fun!

Real player with 1304.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Skateboarding Skating Games.

Pretty fun with mods sucks donkey ass without mods.

Real player with 69.3 hrs in game

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game on Steam

Wave Break

Wave Break

A fun and unique take on THPS style game.

  • Be warned that the game has a very steep learning curve, especially if you’ve never played a THPS game before. If you have, you should feel mostly at home, but the game does offer unique twists and differences in gameplay that you will need to get used to and master.

  • There is a lack of tutorial apart from the very basics, and there is a lot of vital information that the game doesn’t tell you apart from the occasional tip during the loading screens.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

TLDR: This game is a lot fun playing solo or splitscreen with friends, especially for fans of THPS looking for something new and different!

Let’s get one thing out of the way, this is not a 1-1 recreation of a THPS game, and it isn’t trying to be. The controls are familiar if you’ve played those games, but a bit looser (Byproduct of riding a boat rather than a skateboard) and there are some differences like initiating automatics (this game’s manuals) or reverts that while easy to get a hold of will require some conscious effort to not rely on muscle memory for at first if you’re a veteran of that series. However, outside of its clear influences, this game has a style all its own! The visuals are fun and colorful which are a nice contrast to the more muted color pallets of other games of this type. The characters are animated well and the written dialogue doesn’t take itself all that seriously adding some charm to it. If you are a fan of Synthwave music this soundtrack is heaven, pairing very well with the art direction making it very easy to get into a relaxed flow with the mix of chill and upbeat tracks. I’ve had fun with the campaign maps I’ve played so far and am looking forward to the rest. The single player will have you completing more traditional goals like high scores, collecting letters, landing specific tricks and even collecting secret tapes, but there are also a handful of “story missions” for each level that have you completing tasks that showcase some of the more unique gameplay features in this game like the slow motion shooting while you complete various Miami Vice influenced objectives based around running product and encountering undercover cops. From my brief experience with the park creator, I have high hopes for what the community adds to this game over time through Steam Workshop content as there appears to be a wide variety of options and I can see multiple people collaborating on a park in a session together being a lot of fun! Multiplayer has been a chaotic blast and having a deathmatch option adds some nice variety to the standard time attack and free skate modes. I would however like to see more game modes from both skating and shooter games added in the future for example graffiti, HORSE, capture the flag, king of the hill, etc. Overall I would say if you are on the fence about this game based on what you’ve seen so far, I can confidently say it is exactly what it advertises itself to be and the quality is there so please do yourself a favor and give it a shot!

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Wave Break on Steam

The Endless Summer - Search For Surf

The Endless Summer - Search For Surf

The waves are nice, the surfer can surf. I recommend buying this game. Although in early release, it is playable and updates flow very often.

As you look into the face of a clean glassy wave, you can carve it up.

The Surfer is smooth and fluid while surfing. you can carve, do cutbacks and generally surf on a wave.

I hope other people support this game as the developer clearly surfs and can translate this into a surfing game.

Personally i was not initially impressed in the idea of travelling and searching for spots, but the implementation of this principle is really good. You can find all sorts of varied waves on the world map.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Desperate for a new surfing game , It pains me to type it as I am willing to overlook pretty much everything , but the surfing aspect of the game is awful it has no redeeming qualities . Hopefully they continue to improve the game its a great concept but its really far away from being playable.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

The Endless Summer - Search For Surf on Steam

BMX The Game

BMX The Game

okay. lets start this review by saying this game has let many of us down in the past. but i choose not to dwell on the past. i have tossed all bias out of the window to the best of my ability. but first hand and try at the game. the character editor is pretty damn good. its simple. yet adds your own characteristic flair. the clothing/gear was a little lack luster but it is only the 3rd or 4th day post launch. the BMX customization is pretty impressive at first glance. felt like i could really customize my BMX to my liking and preference. the ability to change almost every little detail from bars to tire. [top to bottom] even the color adjustment of the nipples for the spokes. the little things matter. i only ask to see size adjustment in frame size and rim/tire size/width. maybe done with sliders or set increments like a real life bike set up would be. now that i feel i have touched upon the customization portions of the game lets talk about game play. after about 25-40 hours in the pre alpha this was a easy pick up for me. may not be as intuitive for others seeing as a good percent of the community hasn’t played the pre alpha and have no past experiences with the game. so if you are new then take your time to learn the game. just cruise around and get a feel for the handling and physics as this will be one of the biggest complaints i feel people will have. but once you have taken the time to understand the physics then it really pays off. having the general understanding of the games inner workings or core gameplay if you will then its actually a fun game to mess around with and to set small goals or expectations during your play through. all i want to say is when you hit these goals or tricks you have been been trying so hard for, and when do it feels so good. its almost like a light bulb lights up when you figure out something new for the first time irl. something clicks in ur head and then boom you have it. the core game play or physics if you will only need time to improve and your feedback of areas they could improve. or maybe have ideas to help or a tip. the community can help make or break this game. moving away from core game play and physics there are only currently 6 tricks you can do atm. i will count bunny hops, manuals, and 180/360s as these are still tricks but more widely seen as basic skills to have rather being seen as tricks so to speak. so we have a current trick list of manuals, bunny hops, 180/360s, bar spin, tail whip, and table top, now this may not seam very appealing but in my opinion through my morning play through i feel good about the tricks we have currently. you can tons of tecky tricks with manuals and 180/360s and adding the 3 main stream tricks [barspin/tailwhip/table top] you can get some pretty cool and satisfying to land or get right or how you feel is right. at the end of the day there is improvements that need to come in our tricks. with more tricks and variations to the already implemented tricks. like barspin you could maybe do a bus driver. it is a variation small at that. but it would be good to see. now. replay editor. considering we never had one in its pre alpha days this is an awesome edition to the game. and allows us so much more expression. we can create edits or clips. even just show cases of spots. it runs smooth in the replay editor. the key frames feels right. overall thats a game changer. lets talk graphics. personally the graphics are amazing. but that does not mean it plays smooth. i have a 3700x and a 2080 S and im currently running the game at all low settings in 1440p getting around 70 to 90 fps. this game looks super beautiful. but it MUST be optimized to run better for lower and high specked PCs. fps isnt everything. but when some people in the community are struggling or may struggle to even run the game on all low at reasonable fps. i feel its a topic to address in this review. lets move on to the park editor. this is extremely useful for people who want or need to learn something specific. if you want to grind or do a certain trick you can make a skate park or a little spot to for your specific needs. and if you do or may struggle to run this game then the park editor is a really cool way to make your own spot how you want and run the game at more then reasonable fps. you have much less to render and keep running while playing bmx the game. so for the low specked user the park editor is a big plus. im ending this review mostly positive. would i recommend this game for 25 USD? it depends. if you are a bmx rider or enthusiast then i feel this could be a game for you. the average joe? i will still recommend this game. 2 things to keep in mind average joe, A.keep an open mind and try to learn the learning curve not bash on it. B. set a timer for 1 hour and 55 minutes on your phone or pc. and start playing the game. when the timer goes off close the game and make a personal call or choice. are you enjoying this game? would you like to play this again? would you like to progress? maybe even see where BarSpin studios goes from here with BMX the game. if you feel that you are liking or could like this game and feel its worth the money to you. then i say 100% go for it. if not then as long as you are under 2 hours of gameplay then you can get a full refund from steam. i hope you find this review helpful or just useful in general. what ever your choice. skate and BMX on bois.

Real player with 109.4 hrs in game

waited 7 years for this game and it is still absolute s***!

can’t ride up a curb, fall off bike every two seconds when you hit some stupid hump on the floor.

I have a VR gaming rig and can’t even play the game without jitters on the lowest settings

then there’s the trick list 9 tricks! oh wait no not even that because “riding” is listed as a trick and basically everything you can’t do it listed.

barspin - half cirle

tailwhip - half circle

tabletop - quarter circle

manual - hold down a bit (yeah that’s a quote from the game!)

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

BMX The Game on Steam

Urban Trial Tricky™ Deluxe Edition

Urban Trial Tricky™ Deluxe Edition

Urban Trial Tricky

Urban Trial Tricky is a freshly ported banger straight outta Switch. First released in mid-2020, Urban Trial Tricky brought in a fantastic mixture of two fan-favorite series, Tony Hawk and Trial Xtreme, on a compacted scale and with so much more.

I’m not saying you will get something exactly from Tony Hawk and Trial Xtreme games because the game is super unique but for those who have been around the block with Tony Hawk and Trial Xtreme, brother you guys are going to feel the nostalgia kicking in, with a super unique flavor.

*– [Real player with 6.0 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198329404521)*

'Urban Trial Tricky™ Deluxe Edition' is an awesome game with lots of levels that can be repeated thanks to the many objectives that you have to achieve,

ever wanted to fly a moto while wearing a banana costume? It's all possible if you unlock enough points.

With these points you can unlock and use all sorts of different bikes, adjustements and this applies for the riders also, ect…

You can watch some cool early access gameplay here: https://youtu.be/D1G7fK-wJkc

*– [Real player with 4.8 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197994002775)*


![Hero Express](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1080630/header.jpg "")

## Hero Express

Simple game play but fun. Nothing too difficult but will take a few hours to complete. Good time waster on the side.

*– [Real player with 12.9 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009301631)*

_Hero Express_ is a simple-to-learn, but difficult to master, arcade-style 2D side-scrolling driving survival game that features 11 different tracks with 11 different vehicles. I had personally played a mobile game with a similar feel a few years ago, and I am happy to have the same type of gameplay on PC with nicely worked pixel graphics and a difficulty curve that allows the most casual players to enjoy the game, while still presenting a challenge to those who consider themselves fairly good at arcade-style games.

*– [Real player with 12.1 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198445832924)*


![BuriBoard](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1720210/header.jpg "")

## BuriBoard

skate 4 looks sick

*– [Real player with 8.2 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198320517407)*

Very fun game that easily burns away hours. Great feeling, the movement and controls are perfect. This game will be amazing with what the developer has in mind. Dev is also super open on discord to feedback and bug reporting and everything. 10/10

*– [Real player with 8.2 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128338220)*


![TrickShot](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1234920/header.jpg "")

## TrickShot


A new kind of shooter inspired by the fast skate mechanics of Tony Hawk Pro Skater & Jet Set Radio while combining gunplay from arena shooters like Fornite & Doom. Experience the power of tre -flip no scope and ollie over enemies in a sci-fi world filled with ramps, speed boosts, grindable rails, explosives, and much more!

Participate in this intergalactic game show where skate tricks, kills, and combos are calculated as points to determine who's the galaxy’s next ultimate skater! TrickShot is more player inclusive than other shooters by focusing on High Score and Objectives versus Kill Count. Players accumulate points from flawlessly executing tricks, parkouring, tackling, and fragging players. Earn points for everything you do successfully and the skater with the most points at the end of the match WIN!

#### **Air Tricks = Ammo**

**(Notice bottom right corner)**


#### **Grind Tricks = Health**

**(Notice bottom left corner)**


#### **Ground Tricks = Shields**

**(Notice bottom left corner)**


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