Dinner Date

Dinner Date

I’m 42 hours into this game. My date still hasn’t shown up yet. She’s probably still coming. Gonna wait a few more hours.


Nov. 28 2012 @ 4:09pm

60 hours in. Still no date. Maybe her car broke down and her phone isn’t working.

Dec. 1 2012 @ 6:36pm

72 hours. Date still hasn’t shown up yet. Maybe she’s just really sick.

Dec 4 2012 @ 2:23pm

127 hours played. Date hasn’t shown up. Food is cold and stale at this point.

Dec 8 2012 @ 7:08am

147 hours now. No sign of date. Maybe she’s lost and can’t find my house.

Real player with 335.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Singleplayer Indie Games.

I can’t remember when I got this game, but it was closer to when it came out than to now. Pretty sure it was around the time Heavy Rain came out and I didn’t have a PS3 and I thought “hey this is a novel experiment I should try this out.” It wasn’t really much back then and I don’t think it aged well at all. It’s absurdly short and I’ve heard people back then say $5 is a bit overpriced for a “demo” like this. Nowadays I don’t think people care that much about throwing $5 away to play shitty video games but fuck it.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Dinner Date on Steam



In my 15 years of gaming i’ve never been so captivated by any game as much as this one.

It combines 2 of my favorite hobbies (bodybuilding & gaming) into a magnificent game that everyone should atleast experience once in their life.

The thrill of watching speedo wearing buff dudes throwing barbells at each other is something that can’t be matched by anything else, the simplistic graphics are a blessing in disguise as everyone with a pc less then 20 years old can pick up this masterpiece and play.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Singleplayer Indie Games.

I am proud to be human now. This game is best. Save the world.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game


The Astro Parcel Service

The Astro Parcel Service

I need to stress this first. My laptop is about 5-6 years old now, so I know some things is not part of the game’s issues.

I would rate this game 8/10.


-Beautiful animations and details in the environment.

-Unique but simple style of game play

-Fresh new idea that involves postal service in space.


-No save system in place. Once you exit out the game, you lose all progress you made.

-When you’re zipping around in space, sometimes you crash into objects and I find that I become immobilized/glitched in object until I teleport out of it.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Singleplayer Indie Games.

🎥Played live on Twitch🎥

The controls were pretty tight, the soundtrack was very relaxing. The main character was so cute but (see end of game spoiler)

! because the ending put me back at the opening cinematic I thought he got fired and I almost cried :(((.

It’s a fun little novelty game that I could easily see on a console like the switch to just kill time with and relax. Bonus if you can yeet your packages from across the map to their respective recipients.


Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

The Astro Parcel Service on Steam

Batman™: Arkham VR

Batman™: Arkham VR

This is not a game. When the credits began to roll, I thought, cool, that prologue was nuts. But then, the “game” ended. Some say it takes 2 hours to play and beat, or that is, do the main portion. Perhaps I was in for two hours, but it seemed like an Hour. It seemed like tutorial, that then just ended. In the Wayne manner, I noticed a puzzle I could solve with the Gotham City model, and thought, well, these things will be hidden all around. Nope. I thought the Bat toys would be wonderful, batarangs, grappling hook, zoom, and detector toy. Briefly played with, and then hammered with a quick ending. Even the travel in it, was not accompanied with a “Scene” an animation. You here sounds of traveling, and then you are on location. Making the vehicles rather foolish. Now, this, was crazy for VR as an experience. It was creepy, and I have never had such an intimate “face to Face” with the Joker, and looking into his eyes, with my own, well, that may have been worth the 20 dollars for me. I spent more time throwing the batarangs in the Batcave, than anything else, only to find out, there wasn’t really, anything else.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

One of the best experiences I’ve had on VR so far. As a Batman comic fan, the first time seeing the Batcave in VR and observing it in 360 degrees was fascinating. I had some goosebumps. And being able to use the gadgets was really something.

In the other hand, Batman Arkham Knight is one of my favorite games of all time. And this VR experience is a piece of that games' universe. This game uses the 1-1.5 hours of time really cleverly and gives you so much about the story and I found it really satisfying. My expectations were to play mostly 1 hour and uninstall the game. But Riddler’s riddles were so fun that I stayed and kept playing It. I never thought I’d get a 3 hours of experience.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Batman™: Arkham VR on Steam

Cube Chase

Cube Chase

Cube Chase is a steam videogame featuring mercifully quiet levels with shifted backgrounds!!!

It’s stirred with a swinging sling of whimpered stand alone stages…elevated with shale support that throbs puzzle design i give this game a 10/10 its a slipperly slope of fun love the burrito master

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Really good idea and a dun game only thing i want i some music and maybe little smoother movement otherwise such a fun and enjoyable game :)

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Cube Chase on Steam

Freshman Year

Freshman Year

I’m going to go through the more technical issues I had with this game, rather than the ones involving the story, since the story has a clear message about it, and I don’t want to tread on that.

First off, I rather enjoyed the watercolored art that Freshman Year had, and for some strange reason, very much enjoyed the simple faces on the characters. However, the groping scene, in which is the best I can call it, seemed a bit messy, in which I didn’t understand what was going on until the next scene with her being groped by the bouncer. Also, there seems to be no real build up between leaving the bar and the scene itself. Again, it could be a way of showing that these things happen when you least expect them to, but in each scene themselves, you couldn’t tell what was happening until after it was all said and done.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

This is not game. It’s a short story or possibly even a short film. Either way it isn’t a game. You’re a girl, Nina, and you go to a bar because your friend told you to. Your friend is late and you get sexually assaulted. Then it ends. The player has no agency or choice in anything. That could possibly be the point though, as in the lack of mechanic is there to mirror the lack of choice the character has as well. The feeling of helplessness is mirrored in the fact as a player you cannot help her. But, the problem is, you don’t really care about the character. For a short story, short film, art game, whatever this is where the entire point is the story you should have to care about the characters. This game has no back story, no character building, no world building. Nothing. The most you really learn about Nina is she drinks long island ice teas. I think the game relies on the fact you will feel bad because it’s a true story. To be fair, I did feel bad through the assault but that has nothing to do with the game. I’m just a human being with empathy and sympathy and I will feel bad for someone who is assaulted. But this game did not truely shape my feelings. Thinking about it, this game relies solely on that ending scene of the assault. Without it the game is nothing. Without those outside feelings, the game has absolutely nothing.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Freshman Year on Steam



You know what, Its not too bad. Sure its a little broken and is very unpolished, Its quite a charming little game. Please buy during a sale and look at this game, which seems to be a game designers first attempt to an action game.

Thank you for reading

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

This was awful. In every sense of the word. Your attacks only hit on the crosshair, but you can NOT move the crosshair on its own; you only move it by moving yourself. So when you get ambushed on both sides, you have to back into enemies from one side to hit enemies on the other side. Alternatively, you can expand your FOV to max where your shotgun now functions as a sniper rifle. Snipe the human enemies, jump over the zombies and this suddenly only takes 2 minutes to finish. Far as I can tell, you just restart from the start of the level when you reach the end with nothing changing. The AI seems to stop working once you get near the end too. The worst twin stick/top-down shooter I’ve ever seen.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game


A Mortician’s Tale

A Mortician’s Tale

There are things we occasionally tend to think about, but in the same time not give them much thought. One of such things is death. An image of a final frontier every single one of us will have to face eventually, which sometimes pops up in our mind, accompanied by questions like when, in what way or what’s beyond? These few are impossible to answer in a correct way, but A Mortician’s Tale does a good job at explaining one thing. What will happen to our body?

To answer this question, the game puts us in the shoes of Charlie, a young goth-looking woman, who starts her new job at a funeral home. Without a moment to waste she receives a welcoming e-mail from her coworkers and initial instructions regarding her first assignment, which is of course preparing a corpse for its rest, while following proper medical procedures and honoring the wishes of the family / deceased. After successfully completing that part of the job, our protagonist is obligated to go out to comfort the mourners and pay her respects.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

I would like to start the review off by saying that despite my negative review, I still believe this game is a great experience, and a game that should be played by people who generally enjoy these types of games, you know who you are.

The game is short, there’s not much gameplay, it’s simple point’n’click stuff. Most of your time will be spent reading what the characters have to say or are thinking, and reading through your emails each day that you play, and this is no secret.

The 4th tag for this game is “Short”, if you buy this and give it a negative review for being short then you need to stop buying games on impulse, and take at least the 3 minutes it takes to read through the store page and look through the screenshots.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

A Mortician's Tale on Steam

Bang Bang Fruit 2

Bang Bang Fruit 2

Well, I’m really starting to consider to take like.. Idk.. I already have got two academical degrees, 3 and 2 years long, what’s called after.. I need to become the master of the shovelware indie 5-minutes casual stupid games. I’ll work on my future title.

I have never played Bang Bang Fruit (?) 1, I don’t even know if it exists on Steam or if these are shitty ports of mobile games or whatever.

Anyways, let’s go on with the description offered by the developers:

“Bang Bang Fruit 2 - is a simple puzzle game in which you will feel like a pastry chef and complete cooking a beautiful cake.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

[0.2] Controls & Training & Help

[0] Menu & Settings

[0.1] Sound & Music

[0.2] Graphics

[0.1] Game Design

[0.1] Game Story

[0.3] Game Content

[0.2] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Stars received: 1.2/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: opportunistic level pass, keep on repeat until passed

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Bang Bang Fruit 2 on Steam

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

Carper Diem were to start, well Id like to preface this by saying that like with all of my reviews I waited till I had spent a great deal of time with the subject matter.

The story is a bittersweet journey in the shoes of the main character, Jung, where you will spend your time going out on a date with a girl named Ai. You have a day to enjoy your date and see the world from Jung’s point-of-view.

Length wise it is not the longest VN I have come across, Id hazard a guess to say it is in fact one of the shortest Ive read, but it doesn’t need to be any longer, it tells its story well in the period of time needed, some maybe disappointed at its short length but overall I didn’t have a problem with it, although yes it would have been nice if it had gone longer.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

As a life-long player of choose-your-own-adventure gamebooks, I enjoyed this. I’m new to the visual novel sub-genre, so I figured I’d try a brief one to see how I liked it, as a test of the concept. Carpe Diem starts in medias res, and so some of one’s energy as a player is taken up with just figuring out what’s going on and who’s who. Part of that is figuring out who YOU are, as the story is told in first person: unusual in a video game. The game does give you some hints, and I was pleasantly surprised to find psychology references show up in a free video game.

! The main character is Jung, named after Carl Jung, early psychologist who developed the concept of the unconscious. The main character’s interest is in Ai, which is clever in that it is both pronounced “I” as in self (the ego) and literally the letters A.I. for artificial intelligence. It’s a little on the nose, but it works well with the in medias res approach.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Carpe Diem on Steam