Looking for Heals

Looking for Heals

I have very mixed feelings about this game. I’ve enjoyed it a lot, so I’m going to recommend it, but it is not at all what I had been hoping for.

It has various issues due to development not being completed (balance issues, lack of endgame, lack of tooltips, and similar), but I’m not going to dwell on those. Hopefully they’ll all be addressed in coming updates.

My biggest issue with the game is that it doesn’t really feel much like MMO dungeon raid healing. It’s 85% commanding party members, 15% healing. The healing itself is FAR too simple. You choose a SINGLE healing ability at the start of each run, and that’s all you get for the rest of the run. Generally, healing is simply pointing your cursor at whoever happens to be hurt and spamming whichever Heal spell you have.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Singleplayer Action RPG Games.

As someone who is both an avid Roguelite player as well as an experienced MMO healer (2000+ hours in FFXIV) this game immediately caught my eye, and I figure I’m somewhat qualified to give a review after a little time with it. My overall impression of the game is that it has a fun gameplay loop, and captures the excitement (and frustration) of playing a dungeon in an MMO as a healer in a single player experience. However, there are certain issues with the game that leave me wanting more, and I almost feel that this game is more of an amazing proof of concept that is begging to be more fleshed out.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Looking for Heals on Steam

Rogue Invader

Rogue Invader

In Rogue Invader, YOU are the invader attacking the alien horde in this genre-flipping roguelite shooter. Game-play resembles 1-Bit black and white old-school games, with modern touches and HD graphics.

Twenty years ago, the Zenos began invading terran colonies, leaving a trail of death and tears in their wake. Terrans fought back, one planet at a time, while building a fleet to stab at the Zeno home-world.

You arrive with that fleet, just after a series of massive space battles in which all supply ships have been destroyed. You are left with a huge invasion army but no supplies to invade with other than one drop-pod, and one pistol.

Read More: Best Singleplayer Stylized Games.

Rogue Invader on Steam

Guild of Ascension

Guild of Ascension

Nice idea, but not enough meaningful content

I enjoyed my time playing this, but the repetitive nature and lack of content makes this a: ‘wait for a sale’ game.

The gameplay is similar to tactical turnbased games like “Into the Breach” or “Advance Wars.” But what makes this game unique is that you only have ten seconds to plan out your moves, and then you actually control the character for x amount of time either moving, attacking, charging your shields (called dodge in this game, but it’s really just like shields) or more typically, a combination of all three. There are also special attacks that can attack multiple enemies in a row, etc. You can use the environment on the map as well to trigger attacks, or push an enemy onto a spike floor. There are also synergies to be had, and there are a couple different ways you can plan your run.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Singleplayer Indie Games.

Lots of fun, the mechanics between the two characters is challenging and allows you different play styles according to what weapons and boons you select. Higher level floors are challenging and fun. Enjoyed collecting different charms and animals even though i was only able to collect 2 before beating the game,

This game would be one of my top ten Rogue like if more areas and characters were added. The limitation of 2 characters really doesn’t allow for any replay value unless you need to collect and unlock everything, I am usually a person that like to collect everything and get all achievements but didn’t feel the need to replay the game after 16 hours to collect a few more animals, a few weapons, and one more achievement.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Guild of Ascension on Steam

Fareo: Shadowlands

Fareo: Shadowlands

Interesting mechanics so far. I like the card as a movement and “special attack” resource, and the very cool “Alter Terrain” concept by trashing extra cards at the end of turn.

I’m also into perma-death endless dungeon runs, so I’m not sure what to expect after the initial “forced” campaign with the Rocky Warrors. Hopefully the devs did put in endless journey mode, until our party dies.

Finally, I did stream it on Twitch to make gameplay vids, but saw no Game Category to further publicize the game, so if the game’s title can be added to Twitch, would be great.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

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EA Turn based tactics roguelite + nice graphics + unique mechanics = Langrisser mixed with StS. Explore and adventure in dungeons with your team of heroes. 40+ heroes with skills, EQ and upgrades.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Fareo: Shadowlands on Steam

Fire survival

Fire survival

UPDATE: There have been some SOLID changes to this game since I last played it, which is very encouraging and promising for the final, full release.



Here’s what I noticed that was changed:

  • Inventory streamlining

  • It seems like the hazard escalation is slower, which allows for more exploration

  • It seems like the player’s character has more breath, which is a little more forgiving than before

  • The final door appears to be working as intended (no spoilers here)

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Fire survival on Steam



GoNNER is a game I give a very qualified reccomendation. It’s yet another indie-procedurally generated-permadeath-sidescrolling-action-platformer with a quirky artstyle. The saturation of these sorts of games in recent years has become tiring, and while GoNNER has some differentiating elements, it falls into a lot of the same pitfalls other games of the genre do. It’s an enjoyable game, but it still has a lot of room for improvement.

GoNNER has a very simple premise. Run, jump, shoot and use items to get to the end of the level. Every 4 levels there’s a boss, beat the boss to continue to the next world. Lose and you have to start the run all over. Starting a run you essentially choose a “loadout” of a Mask (which serves as your health pool and gives you passive bonuses like a third jump or reduced cooldowns), a weapon, and an item that can be used on a cooldown to give you more ammo or give you temporary invincibility. Anytime you take damage your stuff drops and you enter a state where you are invincible and sort of flop around so you can try and get your stuff back. Since your Mask acts as your health bar, getting hit without it is an instant kill. Other masks, items and weapons will appear the levels and at stores where you can pay gylphs to buy new items, ammo, health and other useful things. Gylphs are currency found in some hidden areas, but are primarily aquired by comboing, every 5 enemies killed within a short period of time gets you a gylph and the more you combo the more gylphs you get. Gylphs are also used to revive you if you die, the cost increasing as you get further into the game as well as with each revival.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Be careful not to lose your head too many times in this game, ;] especially by the unique art design.

GoNNER is a tough procedurally generated rouge-lite side-scroller platformer with shooting in mind. The game manages to combine all of its genres flawlessly with fluid and pleasant movement mechanics with a unique art style being the top of the cherry here. Recently (December 2018) the game even had its first DLC which is for free on top of that - BlüEBERRY EdiTION 2 years after the game first launched.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

GoNNER on Steam

Kainga: Seeds of Civilization

Kainga: Seeds of Civilization

i previously did a hastily anger fueled review after losing my thinker to walking into the water and ending my game but after another 14 hrs can say nothing has changed and my thinker had died a few more time this way. The road map will be very delayed to add new content as alot of the games current content needs alot of bug fixes, i’ve never played a game with so many bugs early access or not i’ve played plenty of pre release games too with less bugs then this.

Do not buy until Dec/Jan and even then unless rolling in $ wait for a sale. the sheer amount of bugs and stuff that just doesn’t work will turn you off the potentionally great game

Real player with 37.2 hrs in game

This game has so much potential but really needs to be balanced in order to stave off some real frustrations. The RNG aspect of the game really works against the player in most cases, and the enemy tribes start off ahead and are a real hindrance to get your tribe out of the mud. They attack or demand tribute almost immediately, and 9 times out of 10 despite how big the map is, you spawn right next to them. Aside from the tutorial there’s no “starting area” to get your feet wet and learn the game. One map has half of the inspiration areas inaccessible (including the inspiration that allows these areas to become accessible, the other map has hardly any resources, and if you don’t “draw” the right tech after inspiration, you’re screwed. Because of all of this, it took me 20 attempts to pass the first challenge. A third map is unlocked later, but is harder still.

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game

Kainga: Seeds of Civilization on Steam



It is merely an okay game. The tactics portion of it isn’t very in depth, often times feeling very Rock-Paper-Scissors like, and the forces fit into at most two of those. The graphics are fine. The UI is usable though not helpful in any way and the text for the mission requirements is super tiny. Yet the missions end up feeling very much the same one after another, which would be fine if not for the Rock-Paper-Scissors element mentioned before. You can find yourself deep into a game and then because you are playing a force that has to group up (Lycans) vs. an enemy who poisons everything there is honestly nothing to do but quit the battle and find a port to get your morale back up.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Summary & Positives

Quinterra has a really strong underlying mechanic set, loosely reminiscent of a faster-paced Faeria. Whilst highly comparable to a card based roguelite (like Slay the Spire or Monster Train), it’s not really fair to lump it into that genre.

The combat map is composed of tiles, each of which produce different ‘colours’. Each turn, you pick a tile up which lets you produce a new type of unit (a bit like setting up a building to produce a unit for you in a strategy game) for that battle, with some limits. Over time, you can sequence your tile collection in a way that lets you pick up more ‘colours’ to use, both to get a wider variety of units to play with but also to give yourself a variety of options to augment and enhance those units more with added effects.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Quinterra on Steam

Star Renegades

Star Renegades

Bought the game for the style, stayed for the depth. TLDR: Overall great game, but the UI could use some polish.

The style really has the nostalgia of a classic RPG where you wander the map and get into fights. The animations and artistic design is very well polished.

Being a fan of MOBAs, like DOTA, I really like the process of thinking through party composition, skill progression, and level/gear priority. This game really forces you to make decisions about these changes in order to succeed at the higher difficulties. Just beat Entropy II at 76 hours of messing around. The game has just enough random chance that it is fun, but not so much that you feel like your success is strictly a result of chance.

Real player with 82.2 hrs in game

I’ll be looking at this game from the perspective of an SRPG vet, including Fire Emblem, DD, XCOM, etc.


This game is a treat.

There really is no other way to say it, I’m not sure pixel art and pixel art animation has ever been done better. The subtle 3D effects on certain aspects just makes it all the better. The environments, both out of battle and in it, are stunning every time. The animations are overall very pleasant with some nice weight accentuated by the screen shake and camera movement.

Real player with 57.6 hrs in game

Star Renegades on Steam

Warriors of the Nile

Warriors of the Nile

I saw Celerity play this game on one of his streams and it looked fun. I’ve never played Into the Breach, but I do like Slay the Spire, Monster Train and other turn-based strategy games so I thought I’d give this a shot.

I will say, this game has an extremely steep learning curve. The mechanics themselves are pretty simple, however you will probably die a ton to boss fights in particular, mainly because summon effects are not properly explained. The scorpion boss in act 2 and the lion boss in act 1 are the most egregious examples of this. It would be nice to have a tooltip somewhere that showed what units were spawned when a unit dies.

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

Game was fun for the first few hours, but becomes extremely repetitive, because players are forced to restart the entire campaign (27 levels) every time they lose a level. This is not a bad feature for a hardcore game for the hardcore gamers, but considering that this is basically a mobile style turn-based tactical strategy game costing $13 (minus the pay-to-win gimmicks), the game is a bit simplistic and repetitive to force players to do Iron Man mode as the only mode.

RNG is the real determining factor in this game as well. You are guaranteed to fail on a run depending on what “upgrade tablets” appear for you to choose from, as well as certain units. The was 1 run I made where I got about 1/3 of my characters' upgrades to be Epic & Legendary ones, and another where I got to level 15 with only commons ones to choose from for each of the 3 characters for example.

Real player with 34.6 hrs in game

Warriors of the Nile on Steam