Tennis Elbow Manager 2

Tennis Elbow Manager 2

If you like sports management games, you will definitely love this game. As a long-time player of the OOTP series, MotorSports Manager, Bowl Bound and Wolverine Studios games, I was interested in finding another immersive title to whet my sports management appetite. I was a bit concerned about buying a tennis game, as I am not a die-hard tennis fan, but after spending a few minutes with this game I was hooked.

The game begins with creating your own tennis player or using a close facsimile of a real historical or current player. You then plan their training and tournament schedule. Each player has a preferred style of play and a number of attributes that you focus on improving. You can play out the matches in real-time in a well-presented arcade style of tennis, or you can simply create and adjust an overall strategy while observing your player’s matches (you can also let the game simulate results).

Real player with 674.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Management Games.

Honestly, if you ever looked for a tennis MANAGER game, look no further !

This game is great in its fundaments and basic principles and tries to depict real life tennis as good as possible, be it animations, tactical decisions, training and most of all, the tactic and skill of the AI Players, which arent overpowered to give you a nut to crack…no, they play and behave like real players with strengths and weaknesses and great tactical awareness !

This Tennis game wants to be a simulation and achieve this goal very well ! The underlying game mechanics are well thought through, and if you take your time to dive deep into it, you can always understand why Player A is most times winning against Player B ! No randomification here

Real player with 633.0 hrs in game

Tennis Elbow Manager 2 on Steam

AO International Tennis

AO International Tennis

This game deserves to be loved more. I don’t understand about all the hates. Sure, it’s not a perfect game but you gotta think that this is Big Ant Studio’s the first ever tennis game. For a first tennis game from a not that big studio, i’d say it is a decent game.

I felt a little bit stiff on gameplay aspect. Shots after shots and player movement aren’t feel that smooth. But it’s not that horrible. Far from smooth experience but at least it’s playable.

It’s not an arcade game so it will take some time to get used to. But when you get used to control, it gets really fun i guarantee. The problem is the ball goes fast but the player movement is not fast enough to track down balls. And occasionally the rally goes way too long that feels like i’m playing ping pong.

Real player with 194.1 hrs in game

I’m going to tell you why AO International Tennis is an awesome game, and why it’s had so many bad reviews that no longer apply. As a big fan of Top Spin 4, I’m also going to make a number of comparisons with that game.

I bought this game a few days ago after doing a lot of research and it was apparent to me as to why the game had so many bad reviews, but IS NOW a game worth buying; the game at launch was bad, but over the past year has been patched up and is now good. It’s as simple as that. Any issues with the game that still exist, just aren’t dramatic enough to steer you away from it.

Real player with 190.6 hrs in game

AO International Tennis on Steam

Full Ace Tennis Simulator

Full Ace Tennis Simulator

I really enjoy the game: true tennis in every aspects!

I’ve been playing tennis elbow for some years now and FA brought what i was missing in TE!

Gameplay: 9/10 [ I leave one point for improvements ]

In addition, the game is evolving pretty fast thanks to developers that ask for feedback.

What I miss is player-specific motions, but it will be available at some point… modders do a great job already providing nice courts, player names and player-specific grunts.

I recommend this game to anyone loving tennis, they’ll be satisfied even though it is really hard in the beginning (couldn’t score a game in the lowest difficulty settings) but highly satisfying as you improve (and i played only ~20hrs).

Real player with 816.7 hrs in game

Hands down, the greatest tennis video game ever made if you’re into gameplay realism (And yes that includes tennis elbow which is also great). Virtua Tennis, or even Top Spin this is not. The initial learning curve is high. I would turn everything down to the lowest difficulty sliders at first, obviously play the tutorials, then have a hit in practice mode before even stepping out on court. Most people will initially struggle to win points at first but once it starts clicking, you will realise why I and many others call this the most realistic and fun tennis game of all time. You will have points that look like television and it’s awesome if you’re a tennis fan.

Real player with 711.8 hrs in game

Full Ace Tennis Simulator on Steam

Tennis Elbow 2013

Tennis Elbow 2013

Been playing the Tennis Elbow series since TE2009 and have more than a 1000 hours plugged into TE2013.

During my time of playing TE2013 I’ve played through Virtua Tennis 3 and 4 and 4WT. Smash Court Tennis 3 and Top Spin 3/4. What makes TE2013 so appealing over the years is the gameplay. It is hands down the best gameplay of any tennis game.

The controls are the best of any tennis game because you are actually able to dictate the spin, the height, the depth and the power of the ball accurately and this is one of the only games that understands the physics of tennis and understand that ball can go anywhere and anything can happen in a rally. There’s no predeterminted calculations of where the ball is going to go, it’s not going to end up in the same places, there’s actual variety presented in the shot you play and how you react to an incoming shot. You can’t stand 5 feet inside the baseline and expect to blast winners into each corner with 100% consistency. It follows the semantics of real life tennis so accurately that rallies look authentic.

Real player with 1113.4 hrs in game

EDIT : I’ll keep updating the review whenever i remember a good or bad point. I’m adding neutral points (it may be a pro or a con depending on the situation and your preference).

First of all, my steam hours is not true. I brought this game years back on the mana games site and I played like 1000+ hours.

Tennis Elbow 2013 is a tennis simulation game devoloped by mana games. It has character custamization which can be compared to a RPG game. It has a very deep learning curve unlike anyother tennis game, so dont execpt to hit amazing winners and win in the first few hours. every stroke matters, the way you position matters, whether you hold down the strike button or not matters. I’l l tell you one thing, when you create that angle from the right side corner of the court to the left end corner of the court for an animalaistic winner….its AWESOME.

Real player with 477.8 hrs in game

Tennis Elbow 2013 on Steam

International Tennis Open

International Tennis Open

This game was originally released on CDi, Mac, and PC formats in the mid-1990s.

You can choose one of 9 nations to represent in this game. You also get to play singles against a wide variety of opponents by choosing practice mode, quick match, or tournament. Practice your tennis skills first, then move onto a quick match which allows you to select your opponent (pick one of 4 fictional players) and the type of court surface (concrete, grass, clay). Finally move onto tournament mode where you can select a host city from around the world and start playing from the quarter-finals onto the final!

The action is viewed from a 3rd-person perspective, and the in-game graphics are 2D rotoscoped-animated sprites.

Original reviews of the game stated –

PC Gamer – ‘But even with all its multimedia flash, International Tennis Open is first and foremost a fast-paced, challenging sports sim and a solid computer game, rivalled only by 1992’s Jimmy Connors' Pro Tennis Tour. It’s a shining example of what multimedia entertainment should be.’

PC Joker – ‘It is not for nothing that the version for the CD-i was awarded as the best European multimedia entertainment product - it is not for nothing that the International Tennis Open is now also at the top of the world rankings on the PC!’

International Tennis Open on Steam

Tennis Elbow 4

Tennis Elbow 4

Very well done tennis game and an improvement over the previous installments (TEM2 and TE2013). Although still in early access, and likely to remain there for a while since this is a one-man operation, it still gives other tennis games with a much larger budget a run for their money. Obvious issues include lack of animations, low quality ball, crowd, and grunt sounds, few character cosmetic customization options, and overall presentation being somewhat weak when compared to the triple-A variants. But what this game has over all of those expensive competitors is a very active dev who responds to community concerns and basically works around the clock to fix issues in the game. The difficulty settings range from way too easy to realistic to the AI is a god mode, with varying strategies and player archetypes which is a major contrast to some of the other tennis games available where the AI only ever strikes from the baseline and never approaches for any reason. This gives TE4 replay value far beyond its competitors. You can play in career mode against the serve and volley era of the 80s all the way through to the baseline sluggers of today. You can start from the humble ranks as a 1000 and work your way up to the top, or craft your tennis prodigy all the way from youth as a 13 year old junior. This game honestly has it all despite its graphics. 10/10

Real player with 498.8 hrs in game

Set to become THE Tennis Game

Even in the Early Access stage this game is impressive. It captures the intensity of tennis in the most positive way.

From the first versions it has seen quite a lot of improvements. Especially, the backhand shots which felt strange as soon as the game came out. Most shots landing short and with little top spin.

Animations look good for the most part. For the time being (v. 0.43 SubBuild 2021.7.10) the only exception would be the volleys, which look and feel kind of odd. I’m pretty sure all the animations will be amazing once the game releases and the modding community embraces the game. Something which has made its predecessor, TE2013, so awesome.

Real player with 80.8 hrs in game

Tennis Elbow 4 on Steam

Tennis World Tour

Tennis World Tour

I have waited a good while to write a review for this game, but now I feel is the right time to share some of the insight I have gathered since day one.

Yes, I did buy this game on release day and it was absolutely horrific on the technical side.

It was quite obvious that almost everything about it was unfinished, unpolished and miles away from being ready for release.

Especially as a full price game.

Even features that were advertised had not been integrated at all, even months after release.

Real player with 104.1 hrs in game

I haven’t written a review before, simply because I never saw the point of writing one. However, I will make an exception now.

I have kept silent about this game, I tried it after every patch, hoping it will get better. And it did, albeit barely. When I heard about the Roland-Garros expansion, I was looking forward to it. However, after putting hours into this game, experiencing a variety of bugs, such as not being able to change my character’s First Name in the creation menu, to players returning balls that they were nowhere near, or my all-time “favorite” bug, when you hit strike key only for that player to not react, I decided that enough is enough. This Roland-Garros expansion is the final straw. Instead of offering it to the players for their support and as a thank you, they decided to slap a price tag on it and make more money. Greed knows no end, just like the publisher Bigben Interactive knows no shame. On top of everything, PS4 players got Nadal free, while users on PC need to pay 7 euros for a reskin that looks like him, but is devoid of the grunts or actual strike motions of the real deal.

Real player with 94.9 hrs in game

Tennis World Tour on Steam

Trivia Vault: Tennis Trivia

Trivia Vault: Tennis Trivia


Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

You get what you paid for, 5K achievements at minimum price. If you’re an achievement hunter looking to increase the number of achievements on your profile showcase, then I highly recommend buying this. Else don’t waste your money. This is not a game, it’s just a way of distributing achievements.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Trivia Vault: Tennis Trivia on Steam

Tennis Fighters

Tennis Fighters

really fun game; love the hilariously stern umpire voice. heres where i struggle; what i do intuitively is to hit the ball when its at arms length in front of me; but to set the direction of the ball you need to hold down the hit button and move the blue dot located cross court with your Left Stick to choose where it’ll land; once you hold down the hit button ur character can no longer move; so i find myself having to predict ahead of where the opponent is gna hit, and run to there, and hold the hit button to set the little blue dot, then finally release the button to hit, given i had predicted correctly and the ball lands in front of me; but most time my position is slightly off and the ball fly past me a couple feet out of my reach.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

First of all, I’m a big fun of new conception in general, it’s like a fresh breeze))!!! Of course you need spend time figure out how to play and sometimes it’s painful))) but simply using tutorial/ help will bring you peaceful and satisfaction.

How to serve ?…

Basic Gameplay Mechanics ?…

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Tennis Fighters on Steam

Eleven Table Tennis

Eleven Table Tennis

Unlikely killer-app and true “eSports”


  • Played with Oculus Rift + Touch, 2-front-facing camera setup

  • I like table tennis in RL. If you don’t, this game may not be for you.

Before buying this game, I tried VR Sports Challenge from the Touch pre-order bonus. This was fun for 1-2 hours, but never felt like real sports. My expectation when buying Eleven Table Tennis: just another tech demo with unintuitive controls and assists that make every shot magically hit the target.

Real player with 294.4 hrs in game

Real-life competitive player here. This truly blew away my expectations - the physics are so much better than I was expecting, and from interactions on discord, I can tell you the lead dev really cares about every bit of minutiae which may affect the realism.

Takes a while to get the settings sorted (but it’s the same IRL when planning to buy a bat), and once you do, it’s incredible how immersed you feel - to the point where I play with my table tennis shoes and shift my weight and move my feet like IRL.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Eleven Table Tennis on Steam