Door Kickers 2: Task Force North

Door Kickers 2: Task Force North

It shows that this is a labour of love. Fully playable state in EA, with a gameplay that just keep getting me get back to session after session. Maybe not that game you play hours on end every day but it have a very nice amount of workshop content too to keep you busy for many many sessions.

If you have an mall-ninja itch, thais might just scratch it. ;)

Real player with 125.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Real Time Tactics Games.

Incredible game, great for learning and utilising cqb drills and tactics-this is an early access title and content is updated every now and again-the community made content is also a joy-there’s a big emphasis on planning and preparing for the unexpected and the unexpected usually entails a pk gunner riddling your first two man team in a hail of bullets as a suicide bomber kills your other two man team because you got a little hasty and stupid-sometimes foresight and planning alone aren’t good enough and you have to respond to emerging threats dynamically. There are quite a few bugs, and sometimes your squad members will derp out a little like when you want to plan a dynamic entry with your whole squad but none of them can decide which one of them should open the door and they come to a standstill and some insurgent ends up opening it for them-that being said, the devs seem to be quite responsive to community feedback and I expect this will be fixed by the time of the final product. I do recommend this game wholeheartedly.

Real player with 90.2 hrs in game

Door Kickers 2: Task Force North on Steam

Majesty Gold HD

Majesty Gold HD

Majesty is a beloved childhood game of mine. Which I originally received as the pack in during Kellog’s Nutrigrain’s video game pack around 2001 or 2002.

The game is a hybird RTS / Godsim originally released in 2000 with it’s main innovation being the independent charather AI.

The player can directly control the construction of buildings, as normal for the genre, but all of the “heros” move on their own and cannot be given orders. Instead, they all have behaviour patterns based on their class, which lets them simulate a personality. Warriors like to hunt monsters, Rangers like to explore, and Monks like to act as hotel inspectors, wandering from inn to inn.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Fantasy Games.

Majesty Gold HD is an unusual game with an unusual history.

While it’s billed as a Fantasy Kingdom Sim, Majesty has most of the trappings of a conventional RTS. However, it does stray from RTS convention in one major aspect and that was enough for its developer, Cyberlore Studios, to have considerable difficulty finding a publisher even during the great RTS glut of the 90s.

To fully appreciate Majesty, you need to talk about RTSes in general. Now, the term Real-Time Strategy itself is a little generic – Crusader Kings II, for instance, is real-time and it is a strategy game but no one would confuse it for an RTS. When gamers use the term, they’re referring to very specific types of games – games like Blizzard’s Warcraft II and Westwood’s Command & Conquer, the two titles released in 1995 that inspired the RTS glut.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Majesty Gold HD on Steam

Crazy Machines 3

Crazy Machines 3

I give this game a reluctant recommendation. Reluctant, because I didn’t find the puzzles particularly challenging nor satisfying.

The production values are pretty high for a game of this type and the game ran fine on my system, a 5 year old mid-range computer. The graphics might be a bit cartoony for some, but I felt they fit the overall personality of the game.

It might be a challenging game for a young person to play, or someone who is a more casual player and isn’t interested in solving hard puzzles.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Sandbox Games.

Crazy machines 1 was a great game. In crazy machines 2, I felt like controls were worse, but physics were better. In crazy machines elements, they totally screwed up controls… and pretty much eveything else. So, when I tried this game, my hopes were not high, but the series was still not that bad not to try.

Well, it seems like developers DO learn their mistakes. This game seems to be pretty in all aspects. I totally love everything!

  1. Graphics: all objects look realistic enough but to degree just enough to simple so that when you take a look at the complex puzzle, its easy to get the grasp what is going on screen. It felt for me that in crazy machines elements objects were looking in such way so that you could understand what is happening even if you did all the solution and it worked. Here we not only have proper playfield, but background is great too, not to mention it acually plays a role after the level is finished. Nice touch!

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Crazy Machines 3 on Steam

Colony Siege

Colony Siege

This game is not worth a Thumbs Up, it is worth a Maybe.  But sadly Valve does not give us that option, and somehow has come to the conclusion that rating a game is a simple Go / No Go affair.This game clearly demonstrates why there needs to be a middle ground option.

There is definitely potential here, and I am getting some minor enjoyment out of it.  I think the Defense Grid meets Supreme Commander thing is a bit of a stretch, but I can clearly see what they were referring to.  There is certainly the aspect of building your own path and shaping the battlefield that Defense Grid did so well.  And you can build a vehicle factory that allows you to build units like Supreme Commander did.  But that is where the SupCom similarities end.  Ok, yes, you can upgrade defense towers, but that wasn't unique to SupCom, it is a normal part of any Tower Defense game.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Colony Siege did a lot of things right, but…

This is a decent TD game - but some design decisions are holding it back from being a good or even great TD game.

First the good -

1. The checkpoint system is very well done, and when you’re not prepared, you’re not back to square 1.

2. The commander flying around and participating in the battle, building & repairing things is a good change to the TD formula. You feel more vested.

3. Ability to place towers in the mini-grid like arena is done well, and I like how towers can join each other to create a barrier that allows you to maze.

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

Colony Siege on Steam

Tavern Master

Tavern Master

Great casual game for £10 pounds. Does not take long to complete everything though, but the developer is going to add more stuff. Lets hope we get more floors and a larger surface area to work with.

Tip: You do not need to leave a walkway for staff or guest to move around tables and chairs, there is room within the grids.

Tip: If you want more Waitresses just add some more Kitchen Counters (If you have unlocked everything).

Tip: Hotel Bed Rooms, To get a 5 star room, you have to have certain things in it, but you can add up to 5 beds which will give you the extra money for each. You need two windows for a 5 star room, but the windows can be anywhere in the room and do not need to be on a outside wall. You also do not need to have any corridors, just have a doorway through the room, guests will walk through rooms to get to the room they want.

Real player with 48.0 hrs in game

At this time i played the game for roughly 20 hours in an earlier version.

My only gripe was that it was a little lacking in depth back then, but that changed for the release version in every aspect of the game.

What hooked me at first glance was the atmosphere and the weird kind of nostalgica the game gave me.

It felt like a game i would have loved to play 30 years ago (i am old) but didn’t had the technic for.

We got a pretty Tavern Builder with fantastic lightning, music and atmosphere that gives you alot of freedom to build things the way you like it.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Tavern Master on Steam

Pro Wrestling Sim

Pro Wrestling Sim


My first review was after 40+ hours. I recommended the game to anyone who finds TEW too complicated, but also stating that this game was in desperate need of a pre-booker, RNG, the ability to have more freedom to create match-types, gimmicks, etc. Also asking for match history, etc.


Now after 60 more hours of playing and very regular updates by the developer (respect for that!), I can still say that I recommend this game to anyone who likes booking wrestling shows, without the complexity of TEW holding them back.

Real player with 131.9 hrs in game

Bro this is the first kind of “manager” game I’ve ever played and hooooooly its great. Super easy to learn, super easy to read the UI. And super easy to book a whole show. I bought this trying to scratch that itch of having a GM mode in WWE 2k.

This game is just a little more in depth. Gives show ratings, gives crowd reaction to matches, gives 0-5 star match rating, and gives amount of money made from each show. Whats great about it is getting so much feedback that I think a lot of people have been wanting from WWE 2k games and their Universe mode. Game also has Injuries, Superstars asking for pushes or to work with someone, hundreds of people to contract for different jobs like referee, announcer, staff, wrestler, and ever some that can do all of these things.

Real player with 128.9 hrs in game

Pro Wrestling Sim on Steam

Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved

I have played it for 2141 hours help me

Real player with 2417.4 hrs in game

,,We’re not ready for the next epidemic."

  • Bill Gates

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Plague Inc: Evolved on Steam



Oldie but Goldie, as a regular a tester for numerous Modification you could argue that I am biased,and you might be right! I got the game on it’s original release day on April 6 2006. Since then I put countless hours into this game, having recorded well over 600 Videos featuring all kinds of mods.

And what I said back then is all the more true nowadays with all the mods that you can get. There is no game like EM4/911 FR

Maybe one day we will say the same about Emergency 5, but that day is far away yet, until that day arrives all hail the King of Emergecny RTS games, Emergency 4/911 First Responders

Real player with 428.4 hrs in game

Likes: I like the way that it teaches people how to be a Dispatcher of Units to send to scenes even with Mods added, and knowing the Map could end in many mistakes. like wild fires, deaths, and more.

Dislikes: I dont like that you dont have much control of where the Vehicles Park, Even tho there are mods for that, some people dont know how to mod the game or start their own mods, So i wish Parking Or having control of Locations to park is a thing.

Mods: Some mods i use [Like the LA Mod, and much more] are Great at the work they do, but some things needs to be fixed like the mod crashing because of a button people can click to break the game.

Real player with 181.8 hrs in game

EMERGENCY 4 Deluxe on Steam

Let’s Build a Zoo

Let’s Build a Zoo

I Can’t Recommend Let’s Build a Zoo (As it is Now), Here’s Why…

If you had asked me at about 40 hours of gameplay I would have said that I recommend this game for everyone, it’s fun, quirky, original and addicting. I enjoy the morale and unlocking aspect, especially. However the longevity of the game is severely lacking because as you progress, all the little issues begin to pile up and the game becomes unplayable.

Issues such as:

  • The notification system is bothersome at best, but mostly annoying. If you have one issue it doesn’t flash “Trash” once and go away, it keeps popping out every 10 seconds, it’s too much, visually.

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

The fact that this game came out 5 days ago and I already put 21 hours into it (despite going to uni and studying) is probably telling enough of how much I adore this game. Despite many other games from my wishlist (and a huge Animal Crossing DLC) releasing, I was the most hyped to play this and I wasn’t disappointed.

I always wanted a pure zoo game, since playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 and always building zoos instead. Unfortunately most zoo tycoon games were rated as too shallow, repetitive, etc. This game fixes that by adding several unique mechanics such as breeding and - once you discover all 10 variations of the same species - crossing them with each other and creating all new types of animals. (They’re pretty much the head of one animal on the body of the other, which is super fun)

Real player with 51.1 hrs in game

Let's Build a Zoo on Steam

Dungeons 3

Dungeons 3

There are things I like and things I don’t like in this game. I have gotten and completed all the DLCs. I have also completed Dungeons 2.

I start from the things I didn’t like.

The trailer shows a nice movie - that is just an ad in the store. There are no such animations in the game. After some missions(not all) you are shown a partially animated 2d cartoon. No 3d animations like in the trailer, nothing like that in the game.

Dungeons… There were dungeons in Dungeons 2, but in Dungeons 3 there is just 1 dungeon in each of the missions. It was fun to visit and explore dungeons other than your own in Dungeons 2, nothing like that here. There are no other dungeons.

Real player with 159.1 hrs in game

Disclaimer: I have not played any of the earlier installments in the series, nor have I played any other dungeon sim games, so I have nothing to compare this game to.


In this game, you build a dungeon, create an army of evil and invade the aboveground world, called Overworld, to defeat heroes and complete various objectives, while at the same time defending your dungeon from the heroes' raids. The game has single player, co-op, and multiplayer mods, but I have only tried out the single player campaign.

Real player with 102.1 hrs in game

Dungeons 3 on Steam