Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program

I kind of feel it’s late to post a review for KSP at this time as I think that anyone who would be interested in such a game has heard about it by now, but hey, you never know.

For me, KSP is more than a game, it is more like a hobby. You spend hours building your ship, you fill it up with little green Kerbals and then actually fly it to space!

Every milestone you achieve feels extremely satisfying. You feel proud of yourself for every new goal you reach, and not in the way you do in other games, it’s not that you had good reflexes, or that you killed some big boss. You actually designed, built and flew a spaceship! And you did all that using realistic rocket parts, and realistic, unforgiving Physics. No clicking “launch” and poof you’re in space in this game.

Real player with 2380.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Sandbox Games.

Well, actually, this test flight was not my idea…

…doesn’t matter now anyway!

After years of “test flying” I have solid ground under my feet again thanks to the Almighty!Where this uselessness of Jeb is hiding? He really tell me, “Just travel to the moon and back,with his best apprentice till now. No big deal!”. I should have told his grandma about the idea, after all, she would have told me something! Why i was so dumb to agree this flight?

When I get him in my fingers. Believe me! ..Oh..

Real player with 2033.8 hrs in game

Kerbal Space Program on Steam

Moonbase Alpha

Moonbase Alpha

Moonbase Alpha is a marvel of the 21st century. You cannot even compare any other games like Gears of War, Call of Duty, Team Fortress 2, or even Assassin’s Creed to this landmark in human intelligence. If you were to put a average Joe into this kind of enviroment, his head would implode from the amazing graphics, story, and gameplay. If you were to play this game, your feeble monkey brain would not even be able to understand the deep, complex and twisted story of Moonbase Alpha. NASA’s masterpiece of 2010 shows us how far America has come in understanding space and lifestyle in space. Moonbase Alpha shows that even through NASA, we can learn much more about space and the human psyche. Moonbase Alpha follows the story of astronaut John Madden and his daily life on Moonbase Alpha, NASAs experimental base on the moon. If John fails his secret mission objective, his family and status in the NFL will be taken away and soiled by NASA. Moonbase Alpha brings us this harrowing story along with intense gameplay elements such as fixing carbon dioxide leaks, repairing solar panels, and driving robots. If you even attempted to finish such a hard, cruel game, you would be hailed as a god among men. Jesus would bless you with immortality and wealth beyond comprehension. The graphics in Moonbase Alpha top even Crysis 3 and have made many a computer catch fire. Even my IBM Super Computer cannot handle such a masterpiece as Moonbase Alpha. Many will look back to this game in the future, and smile as they remember their glorious past. NASA will forever be hailed as the wunderkind of this millenia. Thank you, NASA, for creating such a wonderful and exciting game.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Free to Play Games.

john madden pizza

[:nh]I’m gonna eat a pizza. [:dial67589340] Hi, can i order a pizza? [:nv]no! [:nh]why? [:nv] cuz you are john madden![:np]

Portal 2 space core

[_ 1,30 ]spayyyyyyyyyyyace

tetris tune

[:t 430,500][:t 320,250][:t 350,250][:t 390,500][:t 350,250][:t 330,250][:t 290,500][:t 290,250][:t 350,250][:t 430,500]

funky town

[:t 520,250][:t 520,250][:t 460,250][:t 520,500][:t 390,500][:t 390,250][:t 520,250][:t 700,250][:t 660,250][:t 520,500]

Glados’s birth parents prank call

[:dial6387657]The birth parents you are trying to call do not love you, please hang up[:t 350,500][:t 1,500][:t 350,500]

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Moonbase Alpha on Steam

Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Tl:Dr Yes, this is a 200 hour+ Don’t recommend review, for reasons discussed below.

Let me get one thing straight, right out of the gate. You may see that I have north of 200 hours in this game. I’ve been playing this game since before we even had the Open shift mode, let alone the story. And,as someone who likes games that are basically just Work, but in game form, (Farming sim and Truck sim, i’m looking at you) the grind that people mention doesn’t bother me. What does bother me, however, is what has happened in recent updates.

Real player with 229.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Sci-fi Games.

I purchased this game on a whim, and have not been disappointed. I really appreciate all the work that has gone into the game, and am happy with all the updates and fixes that the creators have made. At the time of writing this, I have almost 100 hours played. I have not completed the story, but look forward to tearing apart more ships! If you enjoy realistic simulation / destruction type games, I highly recommend Hardspace Shipbreaker!


Tear apart gigantic ships (in space!)

You get space lasers!

Real player with 104.2 hrs in game

Hardspace: Shipbreaker on Steam

Astrox Imperium

Astrox Imperium

At the end of April, I gave my first positive impressions about this game after a relatively short time spent in the game. After many more hours of playing, I want to first of all convey my impressions to the creator of the game in order to improve the game and keep the interest of the players, and I want to explain to new players what to expect after 80+ hours spent in the game.

1. Most players will quickly master the basics of the game and will start earning big money doing missions relatively quickly. When they make money, the desire to earn that money in other ways stops (why do boring mining, trade, material refinery and fabrication when you have a lot of money, and everything you need can be bought in one of the systems?). Why e.g. to make warp fuel, weapons, rockets, ammunition or modules in the factory using blueprints, when you have so much money that you can buy it all. Of course, you will have to look for what you need, but after a few minutes of warping through the systems, you will find it for sure.

Real player with 164.6 hrs in game

Love this game so far. Im only posting this review to negate the review i read from a player that said

(will be adding edits)


Obtain 2 Gemini Generic Tractors from a specific station then deliver to another station..

Seems simple enough..

Arrive at the pick up station..

There are no Gemini Generic Tractors here..

Unable to complete mission..



The reason this player could not complete this mission was because they did not read the entire mission log

You are not purchasing these items to deliver to another location, this is not UBER EATS XD, the mission log specifically tells you to check the pick up stations storage location and get the items from there. When you go to the station storage if you see nothing be sure the correct filter at the top is set to display the correct items your looking for, for example “ALL” then you will find your items to take to the drop off location. I hate to think someone would ask for a refund for such a great game because they failed to understand the parameters of a mission. For the person that said this, give it another shot, the game is not broken. I hope this helps others in the future. I almost decided not to buy this due to that one comment, people dont realize how devastating 1 comment can be to the future of a game

Real player with 83.1 hrs in game

Astrox Imperium on Steam

Astrox: Hostile Space Excavation

Astrox: Hostile Space Excavation

This game is not EVE Online. The comparisons are hard not to make given the art direction and user experience of this game, but remember – EVE Online is a massive undertaking by hundreds of people and tens of thousands of hours of effort, and this game is but a mere hint of a shadow of the things that are in that game.

That being said, this is a GREAT game for what it is, and it’s reasonably priced even keeping its limited scope in mind.

It DOES have the feel of EVE Online in some respects. The gameplay is very similar to your first few hours of cargo hauling or mining in EVE Online, but there it ends. EVE gives you the complexity of a rich storyline, faction reputations, a complex and meaningful exploration option, and NPC pirates that make relatively smart decisions on their own - not to mention the multiplayer aspects of EVE that truly make that game great.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

I’m glad I got this for $3. It’s not worth $10.

The economy is so unbalanced and meaningless. It feels like the dev just wanted to build a completely random economy with no thought to whether it would feel at all real. There is no sense of supply and demand in any way. All pricing seems completely arbitrary and rarely feels like any balance was done.

The game has several places where you should be making decisions, but there’s so often only one right answer that you ignore the other options. For instance, early on, it’s far better to get the interceptor, a $4500 ship, and chase pirates until you collect enough kills to get one of those early kill missions for like $25k or so. Then get the mining escort ASAP. From that point, kill jobs are almost NEVER worth it, and that ship will easily last for half of your first run. Transport jobs have never once been worth it for me. Not early on, not mid-game, not end-game. Mining jobs are sometimes a complete joke, paying about 5% more than the ore is worth, which is generally not worth the time to go to the station posting the job. Other times, they’re absurdly over-priced, and these are where you’ll (very rarely) get a job that you’ll go out of your way to complete. In cases where the price is really high, I thought perhaps the ore was super rare and far from the sector offering the job. Then I ran into a job where the ore was incredibly abundant, particularly where the job was offered. Again, no feel at all of any kind of semi-realistic economy or supply and demand.

Real player with 45.4 hrs in game

Astrox: Hostile Space Excavation on Steam

X3: Terran Conflict

X3: Terran Conflict

Beware possible spoilers ahead for newbies

X3 Reunion had a good voice cast. The story was not good. The game engine is still beautiful. The hud and mouse speed can be a problem. X3 Terran Conflict and the add-on Albion Prelude are amazing. If I knew that x-rebirth would totally destroy the series by being completely horrible I should’ve just asked for a albion prelude 2 on this old engine. This is the end of the line for the series. Everything after albion prelude is considered a hallow lifeless body floating in space that is worshipped by shills. (I’ll exclude X4 from this. Since it’s pretty good after years of repair. So that just leaves X-Afterbirth.. Huh weeeirdddd)

Real player with 3672.1 hrs in game

My favourite game of all time. A space flight sim blended with a strategy game and trading/industry sim, with a truly functional open world that you can profoundly change.

There are three things that in my opinion set the X3 series miles ahead from most other similar games. First is the ability to buy more than one ship and construct your own stations. Some space-sims will let you destroy stations in the game universe but there aren’t many where you can build your own, making permanent changes to the game world and economy, Many space-privateer games let you choose a ship to fly, where some might be better for combat, or trading, faster or tougher etc. Not many games will let you buy several ships, hop in one and order the others around while you fly.

Real player with 623.7 hrs in game

X3: Terran Conflict on Steam

Evochron Mercenary

Evochron Mercenary

Ok i bought this game during the summer sale and so far I like it!

The Good!

Open world.. You can do what you want to do if you have some imagination!

A large mapped out universe with safe systems.. Not so safe systems.. And just down right Angry systems!

Even more systems that arn’t mapped out… Not sure how many so far, I have only found a few of them and their hard to find which is a good thing! Remember Space is a big place so it shouldn’t be to easy to find everything!

You can Generate space stations in locations you chose that arn’t to close to other stations.. Gives you a tactical advantige or a trading benifit, howerver you wish to use it! Thats kinda up to you to figure out!

Real player with 318.5 hrs in game

Probably the best space sim I will ever play. Evochron Mercenary is an amazing achievement because it excels at its primary purpose: putting you in the cockpit of a wide-open universe. And I do mean wide open. While there are a jump-gates, jump-drives and other, more-exotic means of travel, the universe is a continuous whole. You could drift from one side to the other given enough time. . . though I am not sure if there are sides or just an infinite extension of the void. There are also hundreds of systems – yes, HUNDREDS – in the game many of which have yet to be discovered. Also you can land on planets (or burn up in their atmospheres).

Real player with 85.6 hrs in game

Evochron Mercenary on Steam

Interstellar Transport Company

Interstellar Transport Company


Theme. The game brings this out very well. It really feels like you are running the company that is responsible for the interstellar expansion of humanity. The visuals work well. The planets look cool. The ships have fun names. The line of ships you get going from home, out a colony, and back looks good. It is satisfying to see the progress as a colony develops. It feels like you are working to established permanent homes other worlds.

Strategy. You have a lot of choices. You are always deciding what ships to buy, what they should carry, and what route they should take. You usually have options that are either “cheaper and better now” or “more expensive and better later.” You always have “things to work on.” You can choose where new colonies will go. You can tinker with current trade routes to make them more profitable.

Real player with 324.3 hrs in game

This will be a bit of a long one. But I can’t help it.

On the surface I absolutely love everything about this game. I have turned back to it many times trying to make it work. But it just feels like the fundamentals of the gameplay is not working quite right with what the game is trying to be. And I always end up leaving a bit unsatisfied.

The game is about humanity colonizing the solar system and later going beyond. That’s what got me real exited about the game. But that is not what you are doing. You are there to make money. On the surface this is great.

Real player with 85.7 hrs in game

Interstellar Transport Company on Steam

X4: Foundations

X4: Foundations

The game’s come a long way from launch but this version definitely redeems X Rebirth’s game design choices that drove some long term fans (myself included) away.

If you’re coming to this from X3TC, a lot has changed. This is an evolution of X:R into something that leans back towards the kinds of things X series fans loved. X:R felt oddly constricting and disconnected, even as it brought new ideas to the series. If you avoided X:R like the plague, it’s time to try X4 out. There are some things here that are just amazing like station building and getting out of your ship is a great way to feel the scale of these ships like you’ve never experienced before. You also get things like sector ownership that can change, arguably better fleet organization and management (especially with recent updates), and a universe closer to the original with the recent Split and Terran expansions.

Real player with 686.8 hrs in game

A lot of the reviews are written for returning veterans of the X series, so let’s give newcomers a quick rundown instead.

WHAT IS IT: Essentially, it’s a 4X (no pun intended) strategy game set in space, except you physically exist in the world rather than being some disembodied overseer.

IS IT FUN: If you like empire building and space battles, then yes, it’s extremely fun.

WHAT MAKES IT UNIQUE: There are many other first-person space combat games and many other space strategy games, but few if any other examples of games that are both these things at once.

Real player with 485.4 hrs in game

X4: Foundations on Steam

Celestial Command

Celestial Command

The basics are certainly there and this could be a really awesome game, but it is currently has some flaws and a lack of content. You can see the potential which makes the current state a bit more frustrating. There is no satisfying end you can reach yet, it’s just a question of how far you can go before you hit the wall and quit.

Most importantly, the construction mechanics are tedious and make it borderline impossible to construct anything.

  • You can not move parts, not to speak of moving entire sections.

Real player with 70.8 hrs in game

NOTE: This is an EA review, on a version that is still 2.5D - the game is slated to be fully 3D with inclined orbits, and other 3D features per the roadmap. This will change the gameplay from what I review below (it might be a lot more challenging), but a lot of the game basics should already be covered in this review.

After KSP, this is one of the most realistic 2D orbital dynamics games I’ve found. You don’t launch your ships from the mother planet - instead you start in space and build up your ships in space, while visiting platforms to sell and buy goods. The other difference from KSP is that there are enemies and guns!

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Celestial Command on Steam