Split or Steal

Split or Steal

Seeing as the dev likes to ask for reviews so much, here it is.


A prisoners dilemma game, with features to help you earn more money, unlock better cosmetics and achieve higher ranks on the leaderboards and tailor your play style. The game itself, good concept and great ideas. Had a lot of potential but it was just poorly executed. The community made the game, not the game made the community.


  • Interesting take of a game on the prisoner’s dilemma

  • Great community

Real player with 474.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Free to Play Games.

Split or steal. For as long as you play this game, you won’t be forgetting the dilemma and the effect it has on people any time soon. Except now, we aren’t “prisoners” confined to a one-time choice. So make use of that information to breed trust, rather than sowing mistrust. You have 2 minutes in high stakes to show that you’re not like everyone else. That you’re willing to sit down and talk if the other person is willing to. And then you talk. Have you ever felt the satisfaction of reassuring a new player that’s maybe a little bit paranoid, that some people really can be trusted? If you instantly split every round turning into a bot every hour for every play session, you will never know how it feels. If you only steal in high stakes, you will never know how it feels. To make someone’s day brighter. To make someone feel a positive emotion. The cash is virtual, the people are not. This is not an inherently competitive game, so don’t treat it like one where someone has to lose, or you need to try your hardest to win. Because if you do that then what makes this game great is diminished, until more and more people do it, and the appeal disappears.

Real player with 328.5 hrs in game

Split or Steal on Steam

Werewolves Within™

Werewolves Within™

Werewolves Within has a cross-platform player community that’s best described as about two dozen people, most of them Playstation users. Occasionally there are waves of new players that filter in, which then slowly attrition away. Peak times are in the late evening, US time. Any other time and there’s often no one playing at all. Paying attention to the lobby tracker at werewolflobbies.com is a necessity as 6 players is the minimum needed to do more than sit and stare at each other.

The community itself is cliquish and fairly toxic. A handful experienced players will dogmatically expect everyone to conform to a narrow meta-strategy of play (that naturally tilts the playing field in their favor), and the more aggressive ones will badger and kick anyone that doesn’t comply.

Real player with 115.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Strategy Games.

Like others have said, this is similar to Town of Salem. The game gets a lot of flack because at times it can be difficult to find a lobby. I mostly play on the weekends around 8:30PM (EST) and rarely have a problem getting a full lobby.

The previous reviews are correct that the community is small and there’s a good chance that you’ll be in matches with the same people, but I have to contest the claims that the community is toxic. Have I met people who were toxic and not fun to play with? Sure. But the amount of people who genuinely enjoy this game and are fun to play with far outnumber them. Most people I meet are welcoming of newcomers because they understand the community is small and driving away new people won’t make that better.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Werewolves Within™ on Steam



BEST THING EVER I ADORE THIS IDEA!!!!!! YOU DID AN AWESOME JOB!!! Creativity 100 and I am interested to see it evolve by the time!!! also very adorable! Great idea!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Asynchronous Multiplayer Games.

Dead project. Developers had a good concept in mind bud it’s been almost a year or so, and little to any functionality actually works.

Uploaded a .obj of Banjo (my thick lord) and couldn’t do anything except just stare at it in the editor lol.

Don’t waste the harddrive space. This honestly seems like a scam.

Discussions and reviews don’t show up or are locked as well.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Planet on Steam

Hope Despair Chaos

Hope Despair Chaos

This is the greatest game ever created nothing compairs

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Hope Despair Chaos on Steam



Okay, so I never ever never write game reviews on steam. Until now, because SpyParty is such a great game, and I want to maybe get some people who treat the game like a party game to view it from a different angle, and to briefly sum up what the game is, and what it isn’t.

The gameplay/content:

The spy is hiding in the party, while the sniper tries to discern them from the innocent partygoers. So far, so easy; especially since when booting up the game for the first time, you will be presented with a severely simplified experience, as to not overwhelm a new player. Then new missions for the spy to complete, as well as fresh venues to play on will be unlocked after a certain number of wins, to gradually deepen the experience.

Real player with 1278.3 hrs in game

So I never really played video games until I found SpyParty. And what a challenge. At first glance, its EZPZ. You’ll jump into a mode where you learn 4 missions and play other people with just about the same number of games and play. You’ll play until you kind of figure out what you’re playing and then your world expands; A LOT. You get access to 4 other missions and the sniper has to look for more.

The more you play, the more you realize you need to be like the AI to succeed. Yes, you need to do missions but it takes SOOO much skill to know how to be an AI and not get shot by the top players of this game. I have 9000 games played and it still doesn’t cease to teach me new things about the game each time I die.

Real player with 930.4 hrs in game

SpyParty on Steam

Castaway Paradise - live among the animals

Castaway Paradise - live among the animals

I’ve had my eye on this game for a while, given it’s so much like Animal Crossing. In fact, that’s what people are constantly comparing it to. I was excited to get it on sale for like five bucks, but…that excitement didn’t last long. I had most of the island unlocked within a day of playing, and after that, things get very repetitive.


  • It is a lot like Animal Crossing, which is nice because it’s a familiar gameplay mechanic. You run errands for the other villagers (quests,) catch bugs and fish to sell (or donate to the local museum,) and scavenge fruit and washed-up shells.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Pretty fun and addicting.. being a fan of Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon games I’m thrilled to see a game like this come to PC.

The game has room for improvement, yes, and it may not be everybodies ‘thing’ but I’ve been hard-pressed to pull myself away from it.

There’s something about Facebook and Mobile games (not calling this game one) that I like;

sounds weird but I always liked the ‘feel’ to them, but at the same time I hated the microtransactions.

So this game is perfect for me because it has that feel but without me needing to worry about spending any (extra) money haha.

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Castaway Paradise - live among the animals on Steam



My life changed approximately six hours ago.

I married my high school sweetheart three and a half years ago. I thought she was the one. I thought. Until she started throwing little quips at me just to get on my nerves. Stuff like, “You never do the laundry!” and “why do you smell so bad?” I hated it. I hated my life. How did I manage to get stuck with this woman? What did I do wrong?

Then it happened.

Flirt was released. My world was rocked.

I met the love of my life here, thirty-seven minutes and eighteen seconds ago. She never complains about me smelling bad. She never says my clothes are dirty.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Flirt is a good of communication and making new friends to hang out with online or offline. Flirt was created to simulate a dating world that’s not Tinder or any other dating sites or services. I loved Comedy Night since the day I bought it in 2017 and this is now another one of my favourite games by Lighthouse Studios now too! Sure this game was not advertised nor released properly but it’s not the worse outcome. I played for a few hours of release and can say it was good outcome so far. The player base needs improvement and better stuff added such as emotes and perks for the hearts. Overall it has potential just needs some work. Good Job Lighthouse Studios!!

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Flirt on Steam