Chaotic Airport Construction Manager

Chaotic Airport Construction Manager

Hell, what a crap. :steamfacepalm: A good laugh for like 10 minutes, but an eternal bane on your game statistics.

It is literally impossible to finish this. Even some of the harder achievements (which are doable) aren’t triggering.

Loads of achievements with neither description nor hint.

Yes, the real airport was excruciating. This game emulates that experience well. All too well I’d say, for we will see about reality in October 2020.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Strategy Games.

The thing with simulation games is that they’re either meme-ladden wannabe-satire which isn’t as much clever as it’s only bearable for 5 minutes and even that only when you’re high. Or they’re realistic, unwieldy and require a university degree to get even through the tutorial.

This one combines the bost of both worlds: it’s exceptionally realistic while being accessible. Get your own airport now*!

*or on a couple decades lifetimes eternities.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Chaotic Airport Construction Manager on Steam

Flying Sofa Simulator

Flying Sofa Simulator

Flying Sofa Simulator - is a funny game with some interesting gameplay, good graphics and immersive first person animations.

You can experience flying on a sofa across a big 64 square kilometers canyon in first person perspective, as well as with cinematic cameras that constantly change angles. Eat chips in first person view, drink juice, eat cookies, lie on a sofa and have a nap… This games brings you an ability to experience something unique, as well as has VR-support to increase your immersion. Sit on a sofa, observe beautiful sceneries. To maxx out your immersion - you can play it while actually sitting on a sofa, with a VR headset.

Read More: Best Simulation Third Person Games.

Flying Sofa Simulator on Steam

Spoon Simulator 2020

Spoon Simulator 2020

Spoon Simulator 2020

Feel yourself a spoon. The first ever spoon simulator, an ability to feel yourself a beautiful top quality spoon.

Be a spoon. Become a spoon. Embrace the spoon.

Spoon for life. Spoon for president! Are you a spoon? No? Then buy this game to become one!


-First and third person view. See the world through eyes of a spoon

-AAA 3D graphics

-Unique idea & gameplay

-Feel yourself a spoon

Read More: Best Simulation Singleplayer Games.

Spoon Simulator 2020 on Steam

Imagine Lifetimes

Imagine Lifetimes

I personally really enjoyed this game. I first played it from before it’s Steam release (thanks to GrayStillPlays) so I somewhat knew what to do. The Steam release added a few features that I was glad to see like achievements and scene skips.

I love games like this one. Simple, but deep. Deep, but also doesn’t take itself too seriously. It makes you think about things but never shoves it in your face. I quite enjoyed all the references too. Some of the endings were a bit out there, but that’s part of the fun.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

There are certain cruelties this game that presents you with that prevent me from classifying it as fun.

Within the game there are advertisements for the developers other games, and I had to reset the game (the intro sequence is waaay too long.) to escape them. The options for this game are super limited. I get there’s only so much you can do with a game like this. It just feels dull and monotonous. Playing through multiple times is not rewarding at all, and this game does NOT respect your time or intellect.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Imagine Lifetimes on Steam

Microtransaction Simulator

Microtransaction Simulator

A fun and short game that is pretty easy to win. It seems almost too generous with the amount of rare cards that you are given as it is almost impossible to go into debt (unless you try). It still has a couple of issues here and there, but nothing that would take away from the enjoyment of throwing my money at a computer screen.

Only thing I wish was an option (or if it is I missed it) is the ability to mute the game. Considering there isn’t much need for the sound I would have enjoyed listening to a video or stream without the cash shop and sparkly rare noises.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Hello. if your reading this you are a lucky chap. lucky indeed. for if you spend your time and ryme with this pleasent review, you may come anew and go into the willderness that is microtransactions. now before i start some background may be required. such as the fact that i myself have not completed this marvelous title.

The game itself starts you off in a dark, very atmospheric grey room that has many, many options for you to choose from such as the ability to stare at the screen OR click a nifty little button called OPEN that will OPEN your mind to new possibilities such as the four cards that now stare you in the face. CLICK THEM OR YOU WONT EAr…. anyway good chap. after you do all of the steps that are both outlined and not outlined above you wil start to enjoy this game, maybe.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Microtransaction Simulator on Steam

Progress Bar Simulator

Progress Bar Simulator

5 Minutes “gameplay” but 1000 hours of grinding. There is really no reason to buy this game, since you’re ending up with using autoclickers or some idiotic shit like that anyway at some point.

I get it, this game is a joke. But there is nothing clever about it. No stunning secret or anything that would surprise you. It’s literally just hammering the keyboard to watch loading screens. In fact, it’s a mess. Except for the idea of having loading screens there is not even ONE good idea that went into this game. It’s trash and a waste of time, nothing else.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

This is a bit of an oddball of a game. The game itself is pressing a button to increment through various historical loading bar screens. If you were born before 1990 you’ll recognize most of them. But to me, past the novelty of running through the progress bars a few times, most of the “game” is meta in order to get the achievements. I ended up using AHK to complete several. Some were through figuring out the console commands or other in-game tricks.

Ultimately I was torn how to rate this game, and gave a thumbs up, but barely. If you were born after 1990, you won’t get half the progress bars most likely, and the game won’t mean as much to you.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Progress Bar Simulator on Steam



This game has the potential to be a decent game, but it has a number of frustrating bugs that have never been fixed that greatly take away from the game experience. For that reason I can not currently recommend this game to anyone, however if they ever issue an update that fixes these bugs then I would definitely change my review to reflect that as the game would be more playable.

Bug #1: Game can become unplayable due to a livelock. To reproduce, wait until the start of a new day when you have one pre-work action available. Bring up the Social Map, then click on any person to bring up their Spacebook profile on the left. Click “Like” on any of their Spacebook posts and the game triggers “work mode” that pops up a dialogue box half on top of Spacebook on the left, and half underneath the Social Map on the right. You have to ALT-F4 out of the game as input is no longer processed at all.

Real player with 32.9 hrs in game

While this game is rather funny and the puns are witty, the actual gameplay gets old pretty fast. It’s an okay time sink, but if you’re looking into buying it, I would wait for a sale.

You have a limited amont of actions per day - 1 before work and 3 after, and 6 actions on Saturday/Sunday. Writing one message or SpaceBook post, requesting one friend, REJECTING a friend/relationship request etc takes up one action. Oh, and you have to make sure you eat or your health starts declining, so eating will take at least one action per day. Of course, you can organize events to restaurants and be social, but some events take more than 3 actions. It feels a bit silly that grabbing a burger and pressing one “Thumbs Up” to someone posting a bunch of random lyrics takes the same amount of actions.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Redshirt on Steam

Emote Farming Simulator - With Twitch Integration

Emote Farming Simulator - With Twitch Integration

Play scuffed games and react to unoriginal video while degenerates in your chatroom make fun of you and react to what you say.

Key Features:

  • Farm emotes with your voice - 40 emotes for you to farm to your heart’s content!

  • TTS message - Listen to TTS message sent by the degenerates in your chatroom while you play!

  • React to video - Watch video and react to them with your voice!

Twitch Integration

Enable these emotes on some third-party thing website and transform your chat!

Twitch chatters will see their messages appear in game if they use any of these emotes.

Play Scuffed Games

Five games within the simulator for you to play and get made fun of by your chat!

  • Stream Snipers' Battleground - Eliminate all chubby cheek stream snipers and move to the high ground on a sinking island!

  • Floor = Lava - A 3D platformer where you run and jump to the end to of line while avoiding falling into lava!

  • Jumped: Episode 1 - A horror game that makes you jump in real life!

  • Bounce King - A 2D platformer where your goal is to bounce to the tippy top!

  • Chess - An ancient board game

Chat-only Mode

Farm emotes while you play other games, watch videos or anything else

Disclaimer: The game is being made by only one person and I only work on the game part-time.

Emote Farming Simulator - With Twitch Integration on Steam

Pay2Win: The Tricks Exposed

Pay2Win: The Tricks Exposed

So its not common that i write reviews at all. But i do so when i find a game that has an interesting or fun experience. This is not really a funny game but its more of a game that teaches you how big companies are forcing you to buy in game currency for certain things. I know my self i have many times found a fun looking game that i would like to continue in but ive always stopped myself when all those P2W comes up. Sadly but true almost every game has some P2W content. Not that extreme that you HAVE to spend but it would surely make it more easy and enyojable. Mainly i play League of Legends. You can earn yourself all the characters in the game OR you could buy them with in game currency that cost real money ofcourse. But ive never stopped playing LoL because of that. I mean the developers need to earn money in some way and i can understand that. But now when it comes to the part that i cant continue playing if i dont pay. Thats just terrible. I will talk about this game now and how i felt like playing it.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

tl;dr This game merely simulates a freemium style currency, it doesn’t actually cost additional money. This is tedious and boring by design, in order to teach you how f2p mechanics try to seduce you to spend money on a “free” game. Unfortunately eventually the game interface becomes the source of tedium, and no amount of the simulated and premium currency can be used to “buy” your way out of it. I resorted to a macro tool and save game editing.

Full review:

This game was very cheap to buy and it’s also cheaply made w/r/t music, graphics, 3d models etc. But that’s not what this game is about, so I don’t have a problem with that.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Pay2Win: The Tricks Exposed on Steam

The Call Centre

The Call Centre

This game is half an hour long. There’s no sound effects or music, just some barely animated stock library anime sprites supposed to represent your co-workers. Horribly written dialogue with poor grammar and multiple spelling mistakes every sentence, very few branching paths or dialogue possibilities. Did I mention it’s half an hour long?

I played it because I liked the premise having worked in a call centre before and love visual novels, but with so little “game” here I don’t think it’s worth even a fraction of what the dev is charging. Frankly I’ve played free visual novels which have better production values and effort put in than this.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

At face value, The Call Centre does not work at all as a game: It is slow, soul crushing and completely shallow at its core. However, as a meta-joke about customer service work, The Call Centre is painfully real in presenting the world of phone work as accurately as it ever would need to. It is a world where the general public continue to disappoint you, a world where toxic work environments bring out the worst in those who thrive on it and prey on those with the best intentions. I think Junaid, perhaps naively, went into this with those exact intentions and a commendable effort he even tried to really. Not many games thrive on the same concepts of a drab, day-to-day, office environment, with Paper’s Please and Stanley Parable being the only ones that spring to mind. The anime, visual novel, inspired look is something I can appreciate too. That said, there needs to be a bit more to The Call Centre than that, so players stay gripped on the idea. At the very least though, the heart is in the right place

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

The Call Centre on Steam