Chinese Frontiers

Chinese Frontiers

Chinese Frontiers is a life simulator in a Chinese settlement established during the construction of the Great Wall. As one of the inhabitants, find out if you have what it takes to build the world’s largest defensive fortification and face other daily challenges.

Work solidly. The wall will not build itself, certainly not the Great Wall! Follow all instructions carefully - it will certainly pay off in the future. And this is not just about a job promotion!

Get food. At first, rice will be your bread and butter. Well, that and possibly fish. It is also worth taking the risk and going hunting with your buddies. Hunting will allow you to eat something decent and give you more strength to work.

Be creative. Enhance your skills and create many valuable items that you can sell or use. It will significantly increase your comfort of life, but you have to take care of it yourself.

Read More: Best Simulation Survival Games.

Chinese Frontiers on Steam

Don’t Kill the King!

Don’t Kill the King!

Someone tried to kill the king, but fortunately they failed! However, the would-be assassin will return to try again, and it’s your job to catch them.

As a medieval gate guard:

  • Interrogate visitors and try to uncover any lies or inconsistencies in their stories.

  • Search any visitors that seem suspicious. After all, they could be smuggling contraband or worse…

  • If any hidden item is found, choose to confiscate it as illegal contraband, or discreetly take it for yourself.

  • After deeming visitors as innocent or guilty, choose to allow them into the city, deny them entry, or even throw them in the dungeon.

Do all the above while:

  • Trying to maintain the happiness of the visitors.

  • Earning gold to pay your bills.

  • Gaining reputation amongst the city guards in order to climb your way up to top.

Sometimes being a gate guard can be exhausting work, and quite frankly low-paying work at that. So a little bit of dishonest work to make some quick coin here and there wouldn’t hurt, right?

  • Gamble and play some relaxing Contraband Bingo with the contraband you confiscated from the visitors (or bought from the black market).

  • Invest in contraband stocks at the black market and check everyday to see if your stocks are climbing or dipping.


  • Each visitor will have their own set of occupations and personality types that will be randomly chosen each day which will affect their dialogue and how they interact with you. For example, one visitor may be an honest blacksmith one day and the next day you see them they might be a lying carpenter.

  • Special items can be bought at the black market which affect the number of visitors who are carrying items, decrease the likelihood of guilty visitors appearing, double the amount of reputation earned from your work, and more!

  • Achievements to be unlocked through special interactions and your hard work!

Read More: Best Simulation Life Sim Games.

Don't Kill the King! on Steam

Fantasy Blacksmith

Fantasy Blacksmith

Original Review before bug fixes (Scroll down to see edited notes):

Now…where to begin. Well, first question that may be asked, is this game fun? Short answer yes, long answer no with a but. This game does something rather unique that hasn’t been done before (as far as I know), it allows you to play as a sword smith in a fantasy world where your goal isn’t to slay the big bad overlord or to plunder deep dungeons so that you may retire on a pile of “phat loot”, but to become the “best” blacksmith (sword smith as you only make swords) in the land. You can design your swords from various parts, choose which materials to use and then forge them into mighty swords from myth and legend. Sounds cool, is cool, BUT and it is a big but and I cannot lie…

Real player with 50.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Magic Games.

Last Edited: 3/19/2019 for Patch 1.0.3 (see bottom of review for updates)

A game with quite a bit of potential despite getting delayed multiple times with no notice at all to the customers waiting (including release day, coming out over 5 hours late without any word) but if you are not a fan of Early Access games with a lot of bugs I would suggest waiting until a lot more work is done on this.

Current issues I have encountered:

Physics are more of a suggestion than a law in the world of Fantasy Blacksmith. The first thing that happened after I started playing was picking up the Thermometer, testing the current temp of the bronze ingot in the forge, “placing” them next to me, and getting catapulted across the room.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Fantasy Blacksmith on Steam



Really great game, I am having lots of fun with it, would highly recommend!

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

The game is absolutely terrible. The controls are sluggish and you will get your tail feathers handed to you about 99% of the time. There is no time to even try to aim your lance. Shield or Head I can’t see to aim for them. You just put your lance over the line and pray you either break your lance or do some serious damage to your opponent. The balance mini-game is an absolute joke. It is totally unresponsive. I hit right as soon as the dot appears, and it shoots straight to the left and throws me. The Rock Paper Scissors mechanic of Barding, Shield, Lance, and Armor need to be explained better than “Oh, just play around with it.” All these elements make for a frustrating and unpleasant experience. I do not mind a challenge. I do mind a skill-based game leaving it up to lady luck to make the final judgement. This game has so much potential but in its current state I do not recommend it.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Gallantry on Steam

Ironsmith Medieval Simulator: Prologue

Ironsmith Medieval Simulator: Prologue

Summary: This game is fun and satisfying, but has a lot of functionality problems. It does crash, erasing all my progress.

This game is a lot of fun! Obviously it’s not a full game yet and the textures aren’t done and a lot of mechanics are very buggy. Besides that, game play is fun and satisfying. Completing a sword feels like an accomplishment every time, and it feels good to get reviews from random people who you sell your swords too. However, I have encountered an error every time I play the game. Once I reach the second location and make 2 or 3 swords, the game crashes and I lose all of my progress. Like I said, the game isn’t complete yet, but it is still really annoying. I may be an idiot, but I also can’t seem to find a way to save. Either way, it’s only a demo so there can’t be much left after the game crashes so it’s not that big of a deal.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

After playing this game my overall summary is: This is okay, but it could be so much better.

Pros of this game:

1. It’s a good concept, and executed decently.

2. It adds more to being a blacksmith than “go make sword, get paid”

3. It isn’t super difficult to get a grasp of, and you can improve your ability to smith.

4. (This is my opinion.) I like the look of this game, it has a nice art style and it looks like the developer really worked hard making it.

5. The developer seems like they want to continue building and improving upon their game, which means a lot of my complaints about this game may be removed in the actual game.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Ironsmith Medieval Simulator: Prologue on Steam

Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages

Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages

This game delivers some depth in thinking your strategy and tactics in terms of choosing the most effective formation and unit combination. The game might seem a bit difficult at first but once you start grasping the battle mechanics, the game becomes pretty easy to beat although somewhat time consuming depending on which scenario and how much upgrade you have invested on certain type of units. This game delivers some fun and challenge while providing a reasonable challenge and replayability for the price. What makes this game quite replayable once you beat all the scenarios is that you can choose and spend your glory points to keep highly skilled generals and use them again in other scenarios. Also once you have invested in weapon and armor for certain type of troops of your choosing, that upgrades stay for good so when you play other scenarios, you start those scenarios with upgraded stats for the units that you have invested in.

Real player with 190.1 hrs in game

Early Access Watcher Public Service Announcement

Game: Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages

Update Version: v1.0 Patch #1

Disclosure: This game copy was bought by the reviewer.

Game Footage:

Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages is a turn-based strategy title by the developers over at HeroCraft. HeroCraft are no stranger to the strategy genre, making several medieval and modern themed games over the past year. It has been over a month since the game released into Early Access and it has already seen some patchwork to fix some of the crippling launch issues. While the tactics are indeed present in the game, some key mechanics and technical issues make the experience feel more like a battle of attrition than coherent operation.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages on Steam

Tavern Master

Tavern Master

Great casual game for £10 pounds. Does not take long to complete everything though, but the developer is going to add more stuff. Lets hope we get more floors and a larger surface area to work with.

Tip: You do not need to leave a walkway for staff or guest to move around tables and chairs, there is room within the grids.

Tip: If you want more Waitresses just add some more Kitchen Counters (If you have unlocked everything).

Tip: Hotel Bed Rooms, To get a 5 star room, you have to have certain things in it, but you can add up to 5 beds which will give you the extra money for each. You need two windows for a 5 star room, but the windows can be anywhere in the room and do not need to be on a outside wall. You also do not need to have any corridors, just have a doorway through the room, guests will walk through rooms to get to the room they want.

Real player with 48.0 hrs in game

At this time i played the game for roughly 20 hours in an earlier version.

My only gripe was that it was a little lacking in depth back then, but that changed for the release version in every aspect of the game.

What hooked me at first glance was the atmosphere and the weird kind of nostalgica the game gave me.

It felt like a game i would have loved to play 30 years ago (i am old) but didn’t had the technic for.

We got a pretty Tavern Builder with fantastic lightning, music and atmosphere that gives you alot of freedom to build things the way you like it.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Tavern Master on Steam

The Guild II - Pirates of the European Seas

The Guild II - Pirates of the European Seas

If you want an easier version of The Guild 2: Renaissance, then this is the game for you. Yes, it does have less options for customizing yoour character, but no big-e. Just like The Guild 2: Renaissance:

1. Pick a Map.

2. Pick Your Faction…and yes, it still isn’t really that clear who’s sheild is who’s.

3. Pick Your Mission…I believe they are still the same as The Guild 2: Renaissance.

4. Customize Your Character…again, yes, customizing your character has less look wise, but everything else is pretty much the same.

Real player with 1560.4 hrs in game

One of my favourite classic games from back in the day. So happy to see it on Steam with all the content available. I still have the original CDs of these games, along with their manuals. Which I hold on to and it brings back nostalgia.

The things I really love about the GUILD II is the production chains and management. All the various shops and raw material harvesting buildings. The character classes are also interesting as well. The Craftsman and Patron classes are my favourite. I enjoy woodworking, black smith, mining, forestry, farming, tavern, bakery, and plenty of other crafts around those. The other classes are alright and I like them as well too.

Real player with 192.5 hrs in game

The Guild II - Pirates of the European Seas on Steam



I really enjoyed this one. I wish it had a sandbox type scenario without the time constraint.

Want to play more but don’t really want to repeat the main campaign.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Theme park meets jousting!

It’s a good little sim game. There’s more complexity to the it that I thought it would have when I bought it - but it’s actually been quite fun for the last couple of days I’ve been dipping in and out. Well worth a punt.


  • Good feel to it, familiar tycoon game mechanics, building, hiring staff and all that jazz.

  • It looks nice, good art style and cute characters.

  • Music is pretty good.

  • It’s got some nice humour - you can see little thought bubbles from time to time with funny stuff people are thinking & the story is humor driven

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Tourney on Steam



Been playing a few days now and its getting more interesting each time i play, not found any major bugs or game breaking bugs, just one thing that might need changing is when you eventually get killed you gota start again, theres no load game screen once you die so you need to go through the start again creating a character, maybe on that screen you can put a load game , but apart from that its great.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

I love this game . but it is a terrarium for bugs so i cannot recommend it

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Birthright on Steam