IL DIVINO: Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling in VR

IL DIVINO: Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling in VR

really really good!, wow, great quality and i dont know how you got the approval of the all the copyright from the Japanese TV station (pun intended). Thanks a lot for the fantastic work!

a few suggestions:

1. are you able to release your 2017 work Il Gigante: Michelangelo’s David in VR. on steam as well by any chance?

2. start with VR directly by default since it is a VR only title on steam, not VR supported (or may be wrong categorization), i start it in steam VR hone, then just black screen, have to take off HMD, click on pc desktop to go back to HMD

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation VR Games.

Wonderful job! This helps me scratch something off my bucket list, without having to deal with the insanity of the crowds or Vatican guards.

If Steam had an award for ‘Newer Labor of Love’ I would have nominated this. The enthusiasm of the narrator for the subject makes this one of the better non-game VR experiences I’ve had. The job the developers did recreating the chapel from available photos is astounding and made me see details in the paintings I’d never seen before. Big thumbs up.

To be fair, if I had any real negative comments to make, it would just be that movement is a bit awkward on the Oculus Rift-S…there is no turn in place button, and changing your facing is accomplished by pressing the teleport button (B on the right controller) while simultaneously trying to turn the stick on the same controller. While you can just get your backside out of your desk chair and turn around yourself, I can see how this shortcoming would make the experience a bit more difficult for disabled users.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

IL DIVINO: Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling in VR on Steam



This is good nostalgia. I remember when I played this game as a kid with my dad on Linux and I just enjoyed the fact that I could play with this computer game which was something amazing for me at the time. I have a lot of memories of this game, so as soon as I saw the steamer coming out, it was right here in my wish list when I finally had the opportunity to play it after many years, it was like a childhood dream and memories of childhood, but now for the game. I don’t know how to evaluate a 20-year-old game, but if I take it as I should have enjoyed the game, and even now I enjoy a lot of community modes. maybe it might seem to someone from 10 hours in the game there are few to review, but a few years ago we were addicted to her with her, so I have mine and her today, at the time when I write this review, I got it and showed it to him that we played together again and we were happy so I evaluate very well just because of the memories and also because I spent a lot of time in the game and even after so many years I like to turn it on again and play. That’s all for sure try the game is free and it’s awesome.

Real player with 449.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Sandbox Games.

I have hundreds and hundreds of hours on this game before it arrived here on steam. It’s great. If you like transport games, you’ll love this one. It’s easy to approach (in some aspects a little too much, as an example passangers and mail have no desired destination: you only need to move them from one place to any other place that accepts passengers or mail. by the way, this is the only major flaw in the game that I feel that should be changed).

The graphics are very minimal, but effective. The background music is fine.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

OpenTTD on Steam

Cosmic Sugar VR

Cosmic Sugar VR

Love this game. Still my favorite simulation. Actually it’s less of a game and more of meditative 3d fractal zen painting. Been playing this since it came out and I fully enjoy making different reactions and playing with gravity. I downloaded the new updates and immediately immersed myself further. One thing I didn’t like at first though is that the new update had boundaries that stopped the particles from going out of bounds. This made me feel trapped. In the old version you could send particles way out into the infinite space and it made me feel limitless. The boundaries made me feel a little trapped counteracting my enjoyment of what VR is to me.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation VR Games.

Imagine being able to manipulate and control smoke. Maybe touch liquid glass to bend and twist it around, learning the concept without burning yourself or your wallet in the process. Control supermassive black holes in one hand while simultaneously creating nebulas to feed them, then explode it all around you. This game can conjure emotions from within you and let them out in all sorts of artistic ways. I do hope for many more “brushes” to use in the future updates then the current 7 or so. Music would be an interesting concept, although the microphone tool is neat. Overall a 100% experience. Thank You David Lobster

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Cosmic Sugar VR on Steam

The VR Museum of Fine Art

The VR Museum of Fine Art

This is now one of my favorite things in VR, and definitely the thing I’ll show friends first. Thanks to the forum, I learned that it works perfectly in Windows Mixed Reality (O+ owner here). All you have to do is pick up the flier, then then point at the floor, like a laser pointer, and hit up on the touchpad, and then you can aim the teleport with the orange grid that appears on the floor. There is no arc, unlike a normal teleport.

To get to the 2nd floor (which is probably the best part!) go into the glass elevator, near the coffee shop place thinger.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game


Wonderful, but the sculptures got a huge difference in the quality of the scans and the texture resolution. But all of the models are very good fixed after scanning. There are no recognizable holes in the models or scan shadows. Also the textures are very fine here is the display resolution the bottleneck for the experience.

The Textures are so fine you can push your head against the canvas to see the little details.

For the bump mapping (relief map) it looks for the most models like a random and titled image, some other looks like real scanned artifacts.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

The VR Museum of Fine Art on Steam

Pancake Sailor

Pancake Sailor

Game is a scam. It is made so it will not close when you close it. This means you run out of the option to refund DLC’s you might buy for the game because it will run over the 2 hour limit without you knowing about it. I mentioned this in my refund request, but even though they claim refund requests are handled on a case by case basis, I was denied refund because the game had been running for more than 2 hours.

Although the game can be sat to run on a resolution of 7680x1440, it will only show the top part of the menu, making it impossible to play. Therefore, I asked for a refund. So no, I have not played for 49 hours, I

Real player with 33.7 hrs in game

VR Regatta - The Sailing Game “Pancake Sailor”:

Pancake Sailor is a game within VR Regatta on the Steam platform. I completely enjoyed this game. Please take notice that VR Regatta - The Sailing Game is not free on Steam but is full worth the cost. Pancake Sailor is a free download which I fully recommend. Please note that you need to go to the website and get an invitation. I know it sounds like a lot of bother but trust me it is worth the effort this sailing simulation is simple enough for me to play on my home computer using keyboard commands and mouse camera views. I suggest you join in. Thanks, Greg for the great simulation. BruceBCampbell

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Pancake Sailor on Steam

Drug Dealer Simulator: Free Sample

Drug Dealer Simulator: Free Sample

As a person who works in the drug industry, I can say this is highly accurate. I’ve only played this game for roughly 2 hours and can tell the person who made this game is very experienced! As a fellow drug lord, it pains me to see people and the media talking negatively about us. For what we are doing, and helping fellow citizens out. This game allowed me to simulate my job in a virtual manner, and to my surprise, I was shocked how well detailed and choreographed every single element of this game is! To the conversations, drive bys, prison escape and hostage situations are so good its uncanny. Not only that, this game is free! what the freak! However, I do advise the developers to add more features, if you are going to release a paid or full version of the games, as listed below:

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

i like the concept.. good game


the police are kind of too alert and suspicious and even when you have no drugs or just money.. they bust you anyway.. :( for no reason. also the police hours it feels like you are already in prison :D

could be good to add some more options like sleeping or maybe the option of having own weedplant and for example during the process of growing as you has to water it u also might have an option water it with some mixture of drugs or something else and some nutritions and it could end up well like good quality or the plant coud just be ´sh.t´

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Drug Dealer Simulator: Free Sample on Steam

Microtransaction Simulator

Microtransaction Simulator

A fun and short game that is pretty easy to win. It seems almost too generous with the amount of rare cards that you are given as it is almost impossible to go into debt (unless you try). It still has a couple of issues here and there, but nothing that would take away from the enjoyment of throwing my money at a computer screen.

Only thing I wish was an option (or if it is I missed it) is the ability to mute the game. Considering there isn’t much need for the sound I would have enjoyed listening to a video or stream without the cash shop and sparkly rare noises.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Hello. if your reading this you are a lucky chap. lucky indeed. for if you spend your time and ryme with this pleasent review, you may come anew and go into the willderness that is microtransactions. now before i start some background may be required. such as the fact that i myself have not completed this marvelous title.

The game itself starts you off in a dark, very atmospheric grey room that has many, many options for you to choose from such as the ability to stare at the screen OR click a nifty little button called OPEN that will OPEN your mind to new possibilities such as the four cards that now stare you in the face. CLICK THEM OR YOU WONT EAr…. anyway good chap. after you do all of the steps that are both outlined and not outlined above you wil start to enjoy this game, maybe.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Microtransaction Simulator on Steam



Robin is fantastic and fun free-to-play

Robin is a short game, with gameplay around 30 mins, it has good graphics and game music is okay. You are playing as Robin a female, with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS. You spent 3 days of the weekend with Robin, doing various things such as browsing the internet, taking care of pet and yourself, watering the plants. This game really shows you how the CFS people suffer and it’s one of the games that, even though it is very short, shows you that illness is pretty serious and people suffering from it should seek for help.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

As a 30-year sufferer of M.E./C.F.S. (and counting), I’m really glad this game has been made to help people understand this devastating and life-suppressing disease, for which there is currently no cure, and no treatment except for learning to pace yourself.

Obviously a small project like this game can’t cover in detail all the symptoms and their vast ramifications, but it does give a good overview of not being able to ever do enough due to being so exhausted, and the feelings of helplessness, being overwhelmed, and having to prioritise to make difficult choices.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Robin on Steam

Sinking Simulator

Sinking Simulator

most people have like 1-5 hours in the game and yes a small hand full of people have more hours that me but let me tell u with all 100+ hours i’v played i would 1000% recommend this game. tho its not 100% acuret and also 2-d, the game has sooo many possibilitys and can entertain you for days. even though this game is called Sinking Simulator its fun to also float the ships and see them bob around. if thats not your thing dont worry because you can create your own ships or download ships from the community. things i would recomend that the dev add are

Real player with 171.7 hrs in game

Average Sinking Simulator Player:
















Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Sinking Simulator on Steam

Worlds Adrift Island Creator

Worlds Adrift Island Creator

Recommended - create your very own floating island with the chance that it is used for the game Worlds Adrift. Empfehlenswert - erschaffe Deine eigene schwebende Insel mit der Chance, dass sie für das Spiel Worlds Adrift verwendet wird.

Some islands are amazingly beautiful! Others are just fascinating.

Manche Inseln sind bezaubernd schön! Andere sind einfach faszinierend.

Playable as “seek the treasures” without Worlds Adrift by loading islands of other players.

Spielbar als “such die Schätze” ohne Worlds Adrift, indem man die Inseln anderer lädt.

Real player with 4215.4 hrs in game

If you want Worlds Adrift for the Islands and community creativity rather than the skyships, then you should download the Island Creator right now. Keep in mind this application is not necessarily a game, it is a tool that you can use to explore the beautiful islands created by the Worlds Adrift community or sculpt an island of your very own. Seriously, some of these people have mindblowing amounts of creativity. Besides, it’s free. What have you got to lose?

As a Worlds Adrift player, I can also say that this is great practice to get used to the grappling hook. It is an invaluable tool in the field, and if you intend to get the actual game, you best know how it works. When used correctly, it can get you out of some tight spots when in combat.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Worlds Adrift Island Creator on Steam