Animal Revolt Battle Simulator

Animal Revolt Battle Simulator


Real player with 315.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Sandbox Games.

it is cool

Real player with 131.4 hrs in game

Animal Revolt Battle Simulator on Steam

Derail Valley

Derail Valley

I imagine the devs are starting to get tired of seeing reviews like this one, but I don’t have a VR set and I saw this game on youtube and it piqued my interest and I would see how it worked with mouse and keyboard. I must say, even for an early access game I have been VERY pleasantly surprised. Despite being primarily for VR the controls are pretty intuitive for mouse and keyboard and there are plenty of user friendly hotkeys. I could see a few more functions that might be made easier if they added a few more hotkeys, but by no means is this game difficult to pick up and play with a mouse/keyboard. I absolutely love this game already. Even when you’re not in VR the immersion is pretty good and you really feel like you’re inside the cab of these big locomotives. Everything feels larger and more lifelike than other train simulations. Your instructions for your controls are actual booklets you hold in front of your face instead of just on a controls screen, adding to the realism. It may not necessarily be as accurate to life as other simulations, but it feels more real. When your’re on the ground and the locomotive towers over you, you feel like you’re actually standing next to this giant machine. I love how you have random jobs to choose at every station to complete (based on an actual industry chain) for a cash reward rather than preset scenarios to replay over and over again. I love how the game rewards you the more you play with items and upgrades you can buy with in game cash instead of soaking up your irl cash like a certain ahem other simulation. All that being said, as great as it is to play with mouse/keyboard I can definitely imagine this being even better with VR. I imagine the immersion in VR would be 1000 times better.

Real player with 582.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Trains Games.

After reading someone’s reaction to the game saying it felt to him as if he were driving a real train, i thought i would write a review as a real life passenger trains driver in Europe.

To make it short: it does. Even though you can’t physically feel it, the game does a great job simulating the reactions of the train. For example when you start accelerating, you can see the locomotive speeding up a little but then being suddenly slowed down a bit by each wagon it starts pulling as the chain couplers become fully extended. Also, as the name suggests, if you are not careful you WILL derail. You will usually find yourself driving at about 40Km/h but the richness of the scenery and the “small country line” aspect of the network make it feel quite fast. In the plains you can sometimes reach 80Km/h if you want but you will enjoy taking your time as the view is always beautiful. In the mountains, don’t be ashamed to “only go 20”: the curves become tighter as you climb and if you look down you’ll probably even want to slow down to 10 (i have) ;)

Real player with 137.9 hrs in game

Derail Valley on Steam



I ran into this game purely by chance and decided to take a gamble on it. What I discovered was far beyond by wildest expectations.

Yes there are some bugs here and there. That being said for a game that came out effectively a month ago, it’s very polished and the basic game loop is well implemented. The mechanics are easy to understand and relatively challenging to master.

The pacing is interesting as you can literally be sailing on a flat as a pan sea one minute and riding whitecaps while trying not to flip the next. Furthermore the pleasure of navkgating by the stars and sun successfully is indescribable. The game really captures the act of sailing into the unknown very well to the point where you’ll be sailing on a sing an a prayer at first.

Real player with 127.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Simulation Open World Games.

The feeling of finally spotting a speck of land on the horizon was indescribable. After 10 days of battling storms and unfavorable winds in the open ocean, while striving to navigate with medieval technology, the relief and satisfaction of reaching your destination is unmatched.

This game will have you learning how to navigate and tell time by the stars, and properly rig a sailing ship. When conditions are rough, you will be constantly running around your ship, trying to keep your heading and fight the winds. When the weather is calm and you know you’re on course, you can pass the time fishing or sleeping. It’s a great balance of simulation and fun. If you enjoy games like Spintires or Railroads Online, or if you simply want to experience life as a 15th century merchant, this game is an absolute must.

Real player with 113.0 hrs in game

Sailwind on Steam

Storm Chasers

Storm Chasers

THIS GAME IS WORTH IT! While it is an early access game with lots of stuff to be worked on. It can be fun, even on my Intel i3 computer.

The game is about storm chasing. You get in your truck, drive around, and try to get the most score possible from taking pictures of the tornadoes.


A developer who listens! If you haven’t join the discord to contribute your ideas or even show off your photos!

A working money system. The score you earn from each photo is added to your money which you can use to buy stuff at a gas station from more photo storage to storm tracking enhancements (radar, wind gague) to probes and gas cans.

Real player with 343.7 hrs in game

I have played this game for a while, and am really interested int his project, and i would love to see where this could go. The graphics are awesome, damage is realistic, and its very fun. But there are a few things i would recommend:

1. A bigger, more detailed map. The current map is fine for the time being, but it will soon have to change or it will become very boring. another coming storm chasing game named Outbrk is going to have a high detailed, very big map. just like all storm chasing games should.

Real player with 76.0 hrs in game

Storm Chasers on Steam

Weed Shop 3

Weed Shop 3

Wanted to update my review now that I’ve played the game more and gotten to know the dev better.

I cannot recommend this game enough. Not only is it already in a very playable state, it’s really fun and for the most part works pretty intuitively. Most importantly though, the dev is SUPER active. He’s making other indi devs look real bad right now. I’ve suggested features/changes and had them implemented within the hour on numerous occasions. He’s been releasing a few patches every day and is incredibly hands on with the community.

Real player with 405.3 hrs in game

I absolutely love this game. This is my first time playing any of the Weed Shop games. It’s a lot of fun and it gives you the choice to keep playing all chilled-out or you can play a lesser-chill version with people trying to mess with you left & right. I prefer the chill but it’s awesome to have the option. The creation team updates this game sometimes multiple times in a day- they’re extremely involved. I haven’t had to experience any bugs for long with this game, usually within the day they’re fixed. Every bug I’ve experienced so far has an easy workaround I’ve found. I’m excited to keep playing and see how much more awesome this game will be.

Real player with 219.9 hrs in game

Weed Shop 3 on Steam

The FOO Show featuring Will Smith

The FOO Show featuring Will Smith

This is very disappointing. The first free episode they released (about Firewatch) was really good. The interface worked, the sound was good, etc. Sure, it needed some polish, but I would have been happy to pay for additional episodes of this quality.

With the first for-pay episode basically everything has become worse which is really astonishing considering they worked about 6 months for this.

They produced it in front of a live audience (who thought that was a good idea?). Because of that, the audio quality is really bad and you can hear the audience in the background which really destroys the immersion for me. They chose a game which looks like it is from the HalfLife-era, so there is also not much to look at.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

As someone who loves podcast this is a great view of things to come. It is basically a pilot episode of a talkshow.

Tried it on Vive with roomscale, I have played Firewatch and it is really great to stand in the tower and pick stuff up!

I was kind of disappointed in the view in around the valley, it is bad but understandable.

The conversations are interesting and being able to stand between the guest and the host feel really good. At a point they were talking about ingame object and you could hold / read the objects they were taking about.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

The FOO Show featuring Will Smith on Steam

Ranch Simulator

Ranch Simulator

Love the game, very chill. Would recommend this game who wants to build their own ranching world.

Real player with 105.6 hrs in game

Chicken Farm Simulator? Or Wood Cutting simulator? Its not bad if you like raising chickens for 12 hours straight and cutting wood for pennies just to buy another chicken…

edit: played longer. Now its pigs and coolers. lol.

Real player with 48.0 hrs in game

Ranch Simulator on Steam



Original - February, 2020

Would I recommend this game to others? At this exact point, probably not.

Please do not get me wrong, Evospace is a good (but not great) game, and I would love to rewrite a review if (and when) it becomes a great game.

I’ll start with the upsides: This is minecraft on steroids. The energy systems (electrical, kinetic, hydraulic, pneumatic) are amazing. Evospace also has excellent designs for material movement, material storage and automation capabilities. The thing I love the most is how close to metallurgical exactness and manufacturing processes it hits. In these, Evospace is beyond amazing.

Real player with 1963.7 hrs in game

tl:dr; 8/10 in current, under-developed form. Lots of potential. Worth it at twice the price in the “as is” state.

Evospace is a promising little factory management game - like a 3D factorio. While it’s still pretty early in development, it’s also quite inexpensive right now, features enough content to offer several interesting hours of play as is, and has enormous potential.

It’s got your complexity fix for sure. With fluids and solids logistics and electricity, the core concerns are similar to factorio and already exceed Fortresscraft Evolved (another 3D factorio-like game). However, machines themselves are often multi-part. They aren’t built with their own drive mechanisms or internal heating, so a furnace chamber or engine - complete with their own fuel/power source needs - are also required.

Real player with 1382.9 hrs in game

Evospace on Steam



I have more hours than my playtime states, as I usually launch this directly when steam is turned off when I go to bed.

I am a long time fan of ecosims and evolution games. This game is very pure to those genres. It has little to no

“gamification” and exists merely for simulation sake. If you are looking for a “game” here outside of watching

fish being really bad at surviving, you will be sorely disappointed. However, if you are already familiar with other games

of this genre, like the Creatures series, this game will absolutely capture you.

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

The Disco Slug team seems dedicated to breathing new life into the oldschool Maxis sim genre. First they released Empires of the Undergrowth, the spiritual successor to SimAnt, and with Ecosystem, they seem to be testing the waters (ha!) for a run at SimLife.

First thing’s first: This is an Early Access game. At this stage, it’s not terribly “gamey” at all; the only challenge currently coded into the game is raising your “life points” through the successful propagation of species and strengthening of the ecosystem. There are 8-10 tiers of Life Points through which you can progress. Each tier reached allows you to unlock three new plants, shells, or simple lifeforms (think plankton) to diversify the base of your food chain.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

Ecosystem on Steam



11/25/2020 update:

Hey look I used the edit button! The performance updates have significantly improved performance. Doing CCullingAlgo 1 appears to help, but also causes the rendering of the tiles to be a little wonky when you zoom in. Setting it to CCullingAlgo 2 appears to just cause the game to crash for some reason. With the largest map setting (125x125) and a population of around 600k I have still been unable to get the game to run at max speed consistently and will typically cap out at speed.

Real player with 338.2 hrs in game

NewCity is a little different than similar titles in the genre: you aren’t going to be lord of the trash collectors, or worrying about how to fund your next power generator, or the fact that your water and sewage systems can’t handle the growth you have planned.

Believe me, when I first fired up the game and saw the player had none of these responsibilities, I did a little bit of head scratching and I wondered exactly how much content the game had and how difficult it was.

Well, I say to the skeptic: fear not!

Real player with 192.7 hrs in game

NewCity on Steam