Sabreurs - A Noble Duel

Sabreurs - A Noble Duel

As a gentleman, you will train in the art of fencing, wooden, stone, and even metal topped with barbed wire to keep people out…not that kind of fencing? A complex sword fighter for gentlefolk

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Side Scroller PvP Games.

Sabreurs - A Noble Duel on Steam

Hats Are Not Allowed

Hats Are Not Allowed

“Hats are forbidden. Any Bot found wearing a hat will be destroyed on sight. Any bot found not destroying a Bot found wearing a hat will be destroyed on sight.” - RulerBot

The illegal hat in your possession has an unprecedented level of style which will inspire others to join your rebellion. Fight with sword, spear and shield to survive against those who would destroy you. As your power grows you must determine where your true ambitions lie.

  • DUEL

    The dueling system is easy to learn but hard to master. There is no need to memorize long combos. Instead the focus is on quick reflexes, timing and tactics. Beware feints, be strategic with your distance and don’t run out of steam.


    Bot combat modules restrict fighting to duels only. This means battles are conducted via 1v1 duels until one squad has been completely defeated. Strategically select your fighters and either simulate, spectate or take control of the duels yourself!


    Discover and equip new bot parts and items to increase your attributes that best suit your fighting style.


    As “The Hat Wearer” you will lead the Hat Rebellion. Do you seek to start a political revolution aiming for total hat freedom? Do you want to claim power for yourself? Or do you seek to discover the truth behind this world and the authoritarian Genu Corp?

Read More: Best Side Scroller RPG Games.

Hats Are Not Allowed on Steam



Only played for a short session. I guess it’s a decent game :)

I am not used to the control scheme but I quite fun to play with friend…

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Side Scroller Indie Games.

PsyBurst on Steam

The Misadventure Of Melon

The Misadventure Of Melon

the game of the good and kind of cute and it’s very enjoyable as you play and lots of good hidden secrets.

Real player with 38.2 hrs in game

its a fun under rated adventure game!

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

The Misadventure Of Melon on Steam

Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show

Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show

Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show

Redneck Ed: Astro Master Show takes place in a fantasy universe where aliens abduct people, creatures, and beings to make them fight for their amusement.

A fascinating story concept, which would be a waste if the gameplay wasn’t up to it; luckily it is. The gameplay is simple with a fun level progression system and a ton of goofy funky-looking opponents to beat up.

*– [Real player with 238.1 hrs in game](*

Disclaimer: A copy of this game was provided by the developer.

Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show is an arcade fighting platformer arena game.

The game nails the cartoonish graphics and animations. This is the one thing I can't complain about. The music is good, but sound effects are missing for certain actions leaving you unsatisfied. Sometimes both music and sounds bug out and restart after a few seconds.

There's 15 arena levels to choose from, each having 3 difficulties with 2 challenges per difficulty. The good thing is that each arena feels different enough to offer interesting challenges whether it's waves of enemies, environment or boss battles. The balance is where it goes wrong, some of them feel good, some boring and some feel extremely hard to complete. To progress to new arenas you will need to have played higher difficulties and perform the certain challenges. Besides needing enough stars to unlock new arenas, you will also need to learn the new moves that allow you to complete them at all. Another balance issue is the power creep where the new abilities end up being used and the old ones mostly forgotten.

*– [Real player with 8.3 hrs in game](*


![Azrael]( "")

## Azrael

My dream Dragon Ball Z game as an 8 year old. Nerf Hazel, broken character.

*– [Real player with 1.5 hrs in game](*


![Nary]( "")

## Nary

Looking though my library one day, I realize I have a huge backlog that I need to go though.

So from

I sorted my games for which game I can finish fastest. IT's not always accurate but it did help me go though many games.

On that website Nary was listed to be completed for 0.5 hours. So I installed the game and gave it a try.

I was tricked! This Nary is a certain sonic hedgehog in fox custom. You are an ever running fox that need to jump and kill enemy will try not getting killed by walls and enemies. The game is lighting fast and extremly hard to play. Even on the easiest difficulty it took me many many tries to final complete it the first time.

*– [Real player with 12.1 hrs in game](*

Quite a good game. Good engaging gameplay, great music. Doesn't waste much time and gets in to the gameplay right away. Short and hard but also rewarding and fun. Ending ham-fisted "story" was pretty funny, reminded me of final fantasy 1\. Whatever crap controls the other comments talk about has been patched and it controls great. For the extra game modes, a decent few were pretty crap but most were fun options to play with. I don't know why there's any other bird choices besides glitch though, aka 420mlg rainbow bird. For two dollars I definitely enjoyed my time with this game and would recommend it.

*– [Real player with 6.9 hrs in game](*


![Wave War One]( "")

## Wave War One

Let me say first of all that this game does have promise although it has needs for improvement, first the AI pathing is broken, particularly on the snowy map and it needs more music, not the same one track on a continual loop! The speed of the running animations could be sped up just a bit as it takes units too long to get to there position and start firing. Also the balancing needs to be fixed as when you start a game, you can only get about 2-3 and your enemy can have up too 5-6 doesn't seem a lot but it does make a difference.

*– [Real player with 0.7 hrs in game](*

fun little game made by a small time creator

*– [Real player with 0.6 hrs in game](*


![Pharaonic]( "")

## Pharaonic

Pros / What's good?


The Egyptian theme is an eye-pleasing hook, and consistent throughout most of the game. The Serket armor set looks like something from monster hunter and the Ishtar set has this silly blue-pink paint job going on.

Combat is challenging, tactical almost. To Some attacks cannot be blocked, only dodged. Some cannot be dodged, only blocked. These attacks have 'colored trails' on them: red is unblockable, blue is undodgeable. Parrying - I found it new that you could parry enemies blocking with their shield in order to get them to drop their guard.

*– [Real player with 116.1 hrs in game](*

Pharaonic is a game that has drawn many comparisons to the Dark Souls series with its action RPG features and the hacking and slashing. Honestly, I have not played one game of the Dark Souls series. I wanted to give Pharaonic, an indie game, a try because I was captivated by the art direction, the stunning environmental design, and the stunning background design. It is a side scrolling game with a steep learning curve, tough enemies, and a fantastic setting in Ancient Egypt.

The story of Pharaonic is set in Ancient Egypt and you play Dagi, a prisoner who tries to escape from prison to find out what happened to The Red Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt in the year 440\. You get to escape with the assistance of a mysterious woman. This is where your journey truly begins, as you are almost fully naked and armed with a basic sword. The plot is not very deep, but the focus of the game is on combat. There are many enemies and the battles are very difficult. I died many times but was rarely frustrated. I quickly realized that getting killed was mainly my fault and it was a matter of understanding my strengths and weaknesses as well as understanding the strengths and weaknesses of my enemies. Your defense, like dodge roll, block, and parry, is just as important as your offense because taking a few too many hits will result in certain death.

*– [Real player with 47.5 hrs in game](*


![Shing!]( "")

## Shing!

Shing! is a mixed bag, and difficult to place a final rating on. It's very much a borderline case.

Good: The story and characters, while simple, are done exceptionally well. There are just enough setting details to leave you craving more. Music and dialogue are also nice. The jokes are on point. You will come to care about these silly little characters. The game has tons of charm.

Bad: The game has difficulty issues. Easy feels like it should have been Medium. Some of the optional challenges are so unreasonably difficult that I'm not convinced they're even possible on the high difficulties. There are also a couple of places where the game fails to provide sufficient guidance (the block puzzle, for example, offers no hints).

*– [Real player with 14.7 hrs in game](*

### Don't let this comeback be for nothing

You see that? I'm using formatting here. That's how hard I'm trying. Just get the game. It's on a huge sale now. You've bought worse games for more money.

Shing! is a singleplayer and local co-op sidescrolling beat em' up with a co-op lean, that has polished and flashy visuals utilizing a stylized aesthetic. It's a charm and character powerhouse that goes in pretty heavy on the developers' nerdy humourous style. The polish here hits a surprising level for such an indie offering, resulting in a total package that is low on rough edges and high on fun. That is, now. I say now because the tale of Shing! is a tale of two Shings.

*– [Real player with 14.1 hrs in game](*
