Crossing Frontier

Crossing Frontier

Crossing Frontier is a 2.5D action RPG. Choose your favorite characters and join with your teammate to defeat your enemies! Crossing Frontier is featuring:

1. 2D side-scroll action muti-player game

2. 10+ Characters with unique skill set

3. Brawling mode: Are you a lone wolf or team player? Either way, every player can find the suitable match from 1verse 1 to 5 verse 5.

4. Crystal Conquer mode: Fight till death to defend your territories and attack enemies crystal mine. Players have to play smart, play strategy to victory.

Read More: Best Side Scroller PvP Games.

Crossing Frontier on Steam

Sky Fleet

Sky Fleet

Welcome to Sky Fleet! You and your fellow recruits have been selected to take to the air in our latest and greatest military invention: the combat blimp. Our sacred floating islands are under siege from a vast fleet of rogue drones. Your mission is simple, recruit:

Take your blimp, go up there, and start blastin’ before it really balloons into an all-out war!

You won’t fight alone. Our engineers will follow your blimp force into the clouds, to establish a bridgehead against the drone menace and protect the ecosystem of our floating legacy.

  • Lead our forces into the skies and secure the floating islands before drones arrive!

  • Build extractors to collect resources, power generators to keep everything running, and farms to keep the pilotsunder your command fed!

  • Prepare for the inevitable assault! From the drones! The sky drones! DRONES!

The enemy will not stand, er, float idly by. These islands carry a wealth of resources that will supercharge the enemy drone production. We can’t let that happen!

  • Defend your mining operations with turrets, lots and lots of turrets.

  • Gather uridium from the wreckage to bolster the bridgehead and expand it.

  • Defend the islands and ensure precious duraphyte does not wind up in enemy hands. Tentacles. Appendages? They have tentacles btw.

Once your team’s blimps are bristling with lethal weapons,take the fight to the enemy. Destroy them all and let the scrappers sort them out!

  • Upgrade your blimp and put the fear of blue-screens in those dastardly drones.

  • Push back the enemy with your team back to their base where they belong.

  • Ensure a swift and definitive victory by taking down their base to eliminate the drone threat once and for all!

Read More: Best Side Scroller Fantasy Games.

Sky Fleet on Steam

Wave War One

Wave War One

Let me say first of all that this game does have promise although it has needs for improvement, first the AI pathing is broken, particularly on the snowy map and it needs more music, not the same one track on a continual loop! The speed of the running animations could be sped up just a bit as it takes units too long to get to there position and start firing. Also the balancing needs to be fixed as when you start a game, you can only get about 2-3 and your enemy can have up too 5-6 doesn’t seem a lot but it does make a difference.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Side Scroller Strategy Games.

fun little game made by a small time creator

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Wave War One on Steam



Torinto is a Run N ‘Gun game that can play up to two people simultaneously, with frantic levels and a chaotic environment, players need to beat all enemies and defeat all bosses.

  • Local CO-OP for up to 2 players!

  • A boss at the end of each stage!

  • Frantic and fun combat!

  • Detailed pixel art!

Torinto is a kingdom dominated by an oppressive wizard named “Malzer”, he stole the hearts of all the inhabitants of the kingdom, but some heroes have a very strong bond with each other preventing them from being affected by the wizard’s sorcery, and together they will fight to defeat this enemy and return hearts to the inhabitants of the kingdom.

TORINTO on Steam