The Black Pepper Crew

The Black Pepper Crew

Undertake bounty hunting missions while fighting thugs on a city filled with criminals and dubious law enforcement agencies. Manage a crew of colorful characters, hire new ones, equip, loot, all that good stuff!

Bounties will appear for you to hunt down! Choose the crew and gear carefully and proceed to fight bandits on a randomly generated but carefully designed map. Loot, cash and improve your chances for that big bounty!

Every crew member has a set of unique abilities that they can perform. Combine this abilities to perform the ultimate strategy!

New crew members will be appearing to hire, and if you liked them, you can offer them a contract to stay permanently on your crew!

Heal, equip armor or change how the abilities work by equipping different kinds of gear on your characters. Loot will be appearing along the missions, and very special items will be waiting for your crew on each boss fight!

Some things you’ll find on The Black Pepper Crew:

  • Strategy its built on thinking rather than recklessly passing through. Characters don’t level up but rely on other crew members and gear to defeat its enemies.

  • Each bounty mission has its own location, boss, item reward and the levels are procedurally generated for more replayability.

  • The crew has 4 main characters but can be expanded as you permanently hire new members. Each character has its own backstory, abilities and colorful design.

  • Lots of items! Heal items, armor, consumables and special gear that change the way abilities work.

  • A jazzy soundtrack that takes from several musical genres to add to the atmosphere on each mission.

  • This is a game to be replayed many times! Try new strategies, outperform your previous playthroughs, try “no gear” runs, you name it!

Read More: Best Short Choices Matter Games.

The Black Pepper Crew on Steam

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love

It is what it is, but not what you actually are thinking about. A Gay Love Story About Gay Love is not shoving it in your face and sets out a story where two men are in love and stuck in a war, where they struggle to keep the love afloat until…

Game play is quite unique along the other games by Sigyaad, controls take a while to get used to but are quickly adaptable in the end, sucks that the dev couldn’t remove the [esc] error the game has. But this game is still heavy on story and not game play, so the simplicity of the fights are nice to have here, just as a quick change of pace before the deeper parts of the tale.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Turn-Based Combat Games.

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love is probably one of the better games out since Black Ops 1. My friend who practices hot gay steamy sex with men recommended and even went as far as to gift me the game, has shown me a new light in the future of story-driven video games. I couldn’t have been any more pleased with the outcome. I’ve played this game many of times and I don’t think that I would ever stop replaying.

The turn-based gameplay is could not be anymore enjoyable, and the battle(s) are simple yet pleasing to see. The BGM is another piece of the game that will bring tears to your eyes. The “Beach Theme” gives off a classic feeling of how tropical islands soundtrack should sound; giving off an almost bossa nova style feeling. While the “Battle Theme” is and intense mix of intricate melodies and a beat that will have you bopping in an instant. The illustrations and characters have color and life, unlike other games that TRY to be as great.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love on Steam



I think the game is in an ‘ok’ level.

However, I also think the game could become better if the folks from L. Stotch could make the game a little easier to play.

Other things I could possibly suggest for improvement and/or to make it more interesting would be:

  • To add some writing to the game’s instructions. Because, images alone may not be enough for the players to understand how the game is played;

  • To give the game a story mode with animated cutscenes. Since there’s two playable groups of three, I suppose each of them would have their own adventure, obstacles to avoid or overcome, and zombies to beat. Also, speaking of a story mode, it could show how the infection began, and the first few people who had fallen to it. By the way, L. Stotch could animate the cutscenes in the same way as they did to the game’s trailer, or they could make it in comic book style. With speech and thought ballons, narration lines, and add sound effects to make it more realistic;

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Sexual Content Games.

What interested me in this game was the art tbh. Then I realized it was a match 3 type game and had to give it a try. After trying out the free version i instantly fell in love with the gameplay. Took a little at first to figure out what i had to do in the free version but once i figured it all out it was amazing, so i just HAD to buy this one. It’s exactly like the free game just with more levels. I took my time and tried to enjoy the game as much as possible but unfortunately i beat it and that was that.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

XXZ: XXL on Steam

Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire

Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire


I’m a long time avid gamer, so I thought I’d drop in a review for this gem of a game. Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire is a turn-based adventure game taking place in a war torn Avestan. The game is stylised from Central and South Asian culture and features the journey of Princess Tahira. I’ll split the review into two parts, I’ll start with the gameplay and then move on to the story.

Gameplay: 8/10

Personally, I’m new to the tactical turn based genre. Luckily, the game is fairly forgiving in this respect and the combat learning curve is not too steep. Being a newbie at the turn based games, I was able to complete the game in medium difficulty with a fair few restarts which ensures the challenge is there. Hardcore turn based people may prefer going for the harder difficulties.

Real player with 81.6 hrs in game

Tahira was a fun, but brief, adventure that in the end, felt like the first hour of a really good movie.

It ended when the character and story development was JUST starting to get rolling, JUST starting to hook you in–and then abruptly, it’s over—clearly paving the way to a sequel or two.

Which, incidentally I’ll be buying–because Tahira seems to have nailed a lot of the fundamental aspects of gaming, correctly.

Most of your time, and I mean 90%, will be fighting. And the fights are large-scale, multi-staged, arenas which make for some pretty triumphant moments if you use the battle mechanics correctly to your advantage.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire on Steam

Dose Response

Dose Response

Dose Response is an open world roguelike where you play an addict. Instead of dungeons, orks and spells you explore the world looking for the next fix, facing the demons of your mind.

Traditional roguelike with minimalist design on the opposite end compared to games like Nethack, Adom or Tales of Maj’Eyal. You can learn it quicly and it is accessible to new players who are not familiar with the genre or bounced off it.


  • 8-directional keyboard movement (keypad, vi keys, arrows)

  • mouse support

  • each run takes 5-10 minutes

  • graphical tiles and ASCII mode

  • colour-blind accessible modes

Dose Response on Steam



I thought I had already written a review for this game..

Anyways, it starts quite bad. Xxz isn’t the most beautiful title one can think of, and it doesn’t explain nothing.

The game consists of a completely stupid match-3 basic grid and the rest yeah, it goes along the game hashtags: zombie, nudity, sexual content..

Needless to say, graphics are completely awful, not to talk about the soundtrack and effects.

For what concerns the actual gameplay, I had to refer to a great guide you can find here on Steam written by Maestro for a simple reason: the game doesn’t give you a proper tutorial, but rather uses some arrows thinking that you will get magically to know everything.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

“It’s necrophilia!!!” Who cares?!

Yeah…I said it. People complain that this game is about people who get hardons about dead or undead girls…big whoop. I have a frankengirl OC and she’s bae!

XXZ (made by the developer of DED and Bloody Walls) is a basic match-3 puzzle game that implements battle and strategy between your 3 units and enemy units, which is an interesting concept, but lacks on the execution. It has some nice eye candy and each level rewards you for completing your battle against these Zom-baes with some often lewd pics…except for a few times where you don’t get an image…which is rather disappointing.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

XXZ on Steam



Endhall’s description - a ‘byte-sized roguelike’ - encompasses exactly what this game is.

It easily serves as a stepping stone for those unfamiliar with the genre, whilst still being enjoyable for those who are well-versed in it. The learning curve is not steep, but the game does a fine job of making you reflect on what you could have done better. It took me about 40 or so minutes to beat the game, which is completely fair given the price. A run consists of beating 9 stages, and a successful run could end up being about 15 or so minutes.

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Endhall is a turn based rogue like puzzle, with retro graphics and atmospheric chiptune inspired music.

The game in itself is quite simple (but there is no help, so I will describe it here): you play a robot fighting against other robots, you have 8 “health points” (labelled “energy meter”) and 4 “action points” (labelled “CPUs”). The action points are used to perform actions (like attacking, moving, etc.), and refill every turn; while health points decrease by various amounts when hit, or by one after the end of every turn (to prevent the player from camping) and are replenished by one for every ennemy death.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Endhall on Steam

Fort Meow

Fort Meow

The goal of the game is simple: You have to build an catproof pillow fort to be able to read a book in the attic.

The thing is there is more than meet the eyes at first and the story behind the situation is certainly one of the cutest I read. I won’t spoil it because it’s part of what makes this game so nice and there is nothing better than letting yourself being surprised by the reason why there are so many lap obsessed cat in the house.

I’m playing that game in the background when I’m doing something else (aka discussing with people, doing a quest on a MMO or roleplaying) and it’s exactly the sort of game you can enjoy by focusing fully on it or doing something else at the same time. You have as much time as you want to prepare your defense against the catlaps, so taking break to do something else is 100% possible.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Fort Meow is a somewhat short physics based pillowfort simulator. In this game you follow Nia as she unravels the secrets of her grandparents sudden disappearance and why there are so many cats around…And why they’re so clingy!

You begin the game building a basic fortress from chairs and brooms, and eventually you have an entire house worth of furniture in there, all ready to ward off the cats who keep trying to interupt your quest to figure out what Nia’s grandpa wrote in his journal the days shortly before this all.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Fort Meow on Steam

Dungeon Deathball

Dungeon Deathball

Fun tactics game. It plays like into-the-breach-lite.

What this game does better than into the breach:

  • Every turn is more connected. Enemies can only move a small amount and won’t jump across the map and target something else unlike ITB.

  • Enemies can be manipulated easily; A big part of mastering the game involves manipulating enemies which is really fun

  • The orange monsters and goalies chases the ball

  • Cyan monsters that chases players.

  • You can stand in an enemies attack range to make them attack you the next turn

Real player with 102.7 hrs in game

Quick note: My actual playtime at the time of writing this is closer to 8-10 hours, as I’ve been playing it since the first public demo on itch, months before Early Access release.

Dungeon Deathball is a compact, turn-based strategy game, in part inspired by Into the Breach - it shows you exactly what enemies are going to do next turn and also allows you to turn them against each other by pushing them around. Unlike ItB, it’s a very easy game to pick up and play a quick round or two while on a short break.

Real player with 45.2 hrs in game

Dungeon Deathball on Steam

Of Gods and Men: The Daybreak Empire

Of Gods and Men: The Daybreak Empire


I have played this game to completion now and even replayed it to toy around with it a bit. Having gotten what I feel is the full experience, now is a good time to reflect on whether or not this game was a success. It is worth noting that this is a first attempt by a team of amateurs, so much of what they did must and will be analyzed from a basic, textbook-like level. Let us start by looking at they did well.

‘Of Gods and Men’ is a war and strategy game that follows the story of girl who conquers a fantasy world. The narrative is simple without being distasteful and is free of pretense. While not the most engaging or thought-provoking, it provides the necessity of a context for the gameplay and a satisfying sense of a beginning, middle, and end. The diversity of characters and locations are a plus to the narrative we are given.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

I wish I could give this game a “meh” instead of a thumbs up or down. Going with thumbs up because you can feel the love the small (and new) dev team put into this game, and I want more game entries in this genre generally. This game reminds me of ye olden game boy/DS fire emblem games.

The good: Enjoyed the graphics, the story (though somewhat short and predictable) has heart, the soundtrack was appropriate, and the gameplay is my preferred mix of turn-based combat and team management. Also some interesting ideas in different class mechanics.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Of Gods and Men: The Daybreak Empire on Steam