Forever Ago

Forever Ago

Following a tragic stroke of fate, Alfred embarks on a journey north in search of redemption.

In this single-player road trip adventure, you’ll travel to beautiful places, capture memories with your camera, meet interesting people, and even make some new friends.


  • Experience a nuanced and heartfelt story about broken dreams, loss, and regret—but also courage, hope, and true friendship.

  • Explore stunningly beautiful environments, ranging from serene forest lakes to dusty barrens sweltering in the desert sun.

  • Examine and interact with objects to learn about your surroundings and the people living there.

  • Take pictures with your good ol' instant camera to document Alfred’s journey and solve small environmental puzzles.

  • Discover the stories, beliefs and struggles of the various characters you meet along the way brought to life by renowned voice actors, including Dave Pettitt (Valiant Hearts: The Great War, Frostpunk), Daniel Amerman (League of Legends), and Cissy Jones (Firewatch, Life is Strange).

  • Featuring an original soundtrack by Clark Aboud (Slay the Spire, Kind Words).

  • You can pet the dog.

Forever Ago is the debut title of Third Shift, a small, narrative-focused indie game studio founded by two best friends.

Forever Ago on Steam



Barebones explanation about this game. This is not a demo!

In the eve of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, I’ll be reviewing Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes because some people still don’t seem to get it at this point (short version at the bottom of the review).

First of all, I’ve played most of the MGS games before this and I love them to death, so my opinion may be a bit biased.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, like way back when there was a pretty short and limited Gran Turismo 5 Prologue but was still sold as a full game. That’s not the case with GZ.

Real player with 38.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Tactical Games.

“You’ve already seen the “Overwhelmingly Positive” user reviews, haven’t you? Why are you here, then? Why do you continue to scroll through them while your memory betrays you? You enjoy reading reviews, that’s why.”

I’ll get straight to the point. This review’s main goal is to address common misconceptions.

Amount of Content:

Ground Zeroes offers 7 missions: one main story, four side missions with different objectives, two extra side missions that are aimed at the fans of the series. Each mission has two difficulty settings (hard unlocks after beating normal), secret collectibles/objectives and unlockable trials (challenges). Throughout all missions you’ll be dealing with only one location: Camp Omega, which is a fairly large facility. Each mission has it’s own time of day.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game


Hydrophobia: Prophecy

Hydrophobia: Prophecy

I was drawn to this game by the graphics and water physics which looked amazing, and it didn’t disappoint in that regard. The water and water effects are pretty impressive.

Overall gameplay:

From the start and through most of the game it is a relatively simple game, mostly solving minor puzzles and navigating around obstacles, and taking out enemies when they present themselves. All in all most of the game right up near the very end is not very difficult at all. More on that later.

There are a number of flaws in this game however and here is my take on them.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Physics Games.

This game is often on sale for $0.99 or less, and at that price, I think it is definitely worth it.

There are a lot of negative reviews for this game, and they aren’t entirely wrong, but I don’t think it’s a terrible game. It has its ups and its downs and a full load of meh. So, let’s break it down. Warning: Minor spoilers, but nothing that really gives away the story.


  • The water physics: they are definitely cool and a major positive. I wish more games would make such use of flowing water physics to affect the characters and environment. It is fun to use water flooding to disorient your enemies and sweep them off their feet, it’s neat how the intensity, direction, and depth of the water flow affect your own movement and so on. In some cases, you can see flooded compartements behind glass barriers, and if you shoot out the glass, that water floods into an area to have several effects. Similarly, some destructable leaky bulkheads can be shot out for similar effects, in some areas even completely filling the corridors and compartments you are in, which can be a danger but finding an air-pocket is usually not too hard.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Hydrophobia: Prophecy on Steam



Truly original ideas seem few and far between these days, with most games feeling like iterations on tried and true genre staples or else reinventions of the classics, but this feels like something genuinely new and unique that somehow manages to nail everything it tries on its very first attempt. The hook of this cute little puzzler is that every character is a matryoshka, a Russian nesting doll that can by climbed, or “stacked”, into and controlled to command their specific ability, but you can only climb into a doll that’s one size larger than the one you currently inhabit. This is where Charlie Blackwell comes in.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Stacking was a really fun game to play with its very original gameplay and unique design.

But first of all, it is not an adventure game as I had originally thought.

I don’t know any other game it could be compared to.

I would qualify it to be a Russian dolls collecting game with humourous puzzles solving and in-game achievements hunting.


The game plot is very simple. In a world of Russian dolls, in the early 20th century, we play as Charlie Blackwood, the smallest Russian doll in the game, and have to free every other members of our Hobo family from the clutch of an evil Baron.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Stacking on Steam

ARIDA: Backland’s Awakening

ARIDA: Backland’s Awakening


Review in english first, portuguese below

Análise em inglês primeiro, e em português abaixo



Árida is a very regionalist game about the worst period of drought in northeastern Brazil in the region known as “Caatinga” (blacklands). It is a short semi-linear exploration and survival game, with cartoonish aesthetics that resemble drawings from that place and age (“literatura de cordel”) in sharp contrast against the looming sense of dread that permeates the entire game - you see death everywhere, the Sun quickly exhausts your thirst and hunger bars, specially at noon.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Esse jogo brasileiro de sucesso se passa nos arredores de Canudos, na Bahia. É um jogo de sobrevivência e de ficção que retrata esse contexto histórico em que muitos brasileiros do sertão nordestino acabam migrando na época de seca intensa de terra árida para sobreviver. Com a protagonista não é diferente, e com ela você experiencia um pouco de como essas pessoas lutam para sobreviver a esse ambiente e você encara junto com ela a jornada de ir até Canudos encontrar seus pais e buscar uma vida nova.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

ARIDA: Backland's Awakening on Steam

Raccoon Arrival

Raccoon Arrival

Raccoon Arrival is a walking simulator by a single developer. For his first game, this is a sterling effort.

My interpretation is that the raccoon is going back to his past searching for his friend. The story is quite sparse and is shown by brief flashbacks when the raccoon reaches certain spots of the environment.

The main gameplay is running along picking up crystals on each level and reading glowing notes and chomping on food. The latter are usually colourful donuts or slices of pizza which are very hard to miss. The glowing notes flesh out the story more. Gameplay is very easy and relaxing, so suitable for children. Very easy to 100% achievement!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Interesting game. Nice visual. Has potential to be something more in the future if the devs want to.

P.S. This review comes from a fellow raccoon.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Raccoon Arrival on Steam

Fire Tonight

Fire Tonight

The gameplay is not out of ordinary but it introduces simple new mechanics in every chapter. You try to find your way in a 3D maze and it’s kind of easy.

The story on the other side, is easy going and heart warming with the dialogues and the cutscenes.

It was a very nice short experience overall with all the music and the unusual narrative.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

This game is short (about 60 minutes tops) so the price isn’t that bad for what you get. My biggest problem with it is the achievement for “Stroll down memory lane”. There is no checklist to tell you what you are missing from the level so you have to play it and hope you touched everything. Some are saying it is glitched and after 3 hours, I may be inclined to agree with them. I have checked several guides and nothing really tells me what the issue is and why I can’t unlock this achievement. I had a great time with it but definitely feeling a little burned by the experience. Don’t delete me

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Fire Tonight on Steam

The Land Of Lamia

The Land Of Lamia

A promising game. The visuals are very nice, and create an intriguing and whimsical world.

Gameplay: In each chapter, you have to explore the level and read the page of a book to find hints and discover how to progress. The enigmas, so far, are well done. I wrote some notes on paper to solve one of them and to find the solution was really satisfying. You also have to move the characters to accomplish certain tasks. The two children always move together, at a different speed. The girl moves faster, but if you press shift, this is the boy who becomes faster. That takes a little patience to control them, particularly in the first chapter where they must walk on a long curvy path, but once we are used to the controls, that’s o.k.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Tags: Adventure - Console Style

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: No Xbox360 pad. Fixed camera angles 2-protag object routing through stiff and cryptic puzzles that are very hard to execute correctly. 3 minigame instances and game is done.

So basically this is three instances in which you get a few hints on a piece of in-game art and you are dumped in a 3D environment. You have to manage momentum of characters that dont walk at same speed and in minigame 1 you have to race your way out of a very easy maze, in minigame 2 you have to play tourist find a bunch of easter egg art pieces scattered around which gives the correct sequence upon which you must dance your 2protags on a stone floor to unlock a door, while on the third minigame you just gotta navigate to somewhat hidden areas, and solve a weird vienna circle logical puzzle.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

The Land Of Lamia on Steam

Adrift Arena

Adrift Arena

Challenging but charming platformer, recommended! It starts simple but adds and combines physics-based mechanics to keep it interesting. Very satisfying when you finally complete the challenges.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Bought this game for a YT channel.

Fantastic game! I truly enjoyed playing this. The controls were responsive, the combat was a nice challenge, really made me feel rewarded for completing a level. If you like platformers, you will enjoy this game.

You can check out the video on YT at FoolsGold

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Adrift Arena on Steam

Adventure Time: Magic Man’s Head Games

Adventure Time: Magic Man’s Head Games

Keep in mind this is a $5 game. Very short, but showcases the advantages of VR in a third person platforming environment very well. It is very intuitive and clear to see where Finn and Jake are in relation to the world and hopping to and fro is intuitive. Quick to hop into and just as quick to finish, this ‘game’ feels more like a water testing product; to see how much interest there is for similar games in the future. The controls are nice and tight, but there are a couple things needing tweaks, such as tapping the ‘glide’ button will keep you in the air longer than holding it as intended. And after sever months of radio silence Achievements are still inoperable.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

A Fun, Immersive, but Basic Experience

This game has some stunning visuals inspired by the artwork animation from the show, along with concise gameplay mechanics for the player to almost immediately get used to. The game has added immersion with your favourite characters from Adventure Time interacting with you. This experience is similar to the PSVR exclusive ‘Astro Bot Rescue Mission’; when you’re essentially playing your average 3D platformer; but just using a VR headset to look around. The game is also fully voice-acted by the shows' cast.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Adventure Time: Magic Man's Head Games on Steam