Starlite: Astronaut Rescue - Developed in Collaboration with NASA

Starlite: Astronaut Rescue - Developed in Collaboration with NASA

This program presents itself as a game, and to be honest, it fits the definition, but it’s definately not something you’d expect to see on Steam. It isn’t terrible per se, but it can do with a LOT of improvement.

For starters, the player moves around like a steady-cam; Everything is smoothed out, from the movement over hills down to the motion of the mouse. It feels unnatural to the point it seems you’re playing a drone of sorts.

Then there is the geometery; Terrain smoothing has been around for about a decade now, and it could have been used to some extent and look better than it does right now. Even with graphics set to the max I can see the edges a mile away. It is sloppy and it shouldn’t have to be that way. And this doesn’t go for just the terrain. The objects, entities and vehicles themselves look bad because of this. It is impossible to make a curved geometery that works on all hardware, but there are shaders and filters and all sorts of tricks that are very effective on that front.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Did you ever dream of going into space…. becoming an Astronaut and being one of the first people to stop foot on mars? When you were younger did you put on a tin foil helmet, tie a sheet around your neck, and climb piles of dirty clothes pretending you were walking on Mars… If so you were probably super stoked for this game… I never did these things though ….. (shifting my eyes from side to side to hide the fact I’m not being honest)…

I figured for less than a dollar I’d grab this game, try it out for the 20 or so minutes that people claimed I’d get from it, pat myself on the back for taking a trip to the red planet and feel joy.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Starlite: Astronaut Rescue - Developed in Collaboration with NASA on Steam

Game Of Puzzles: Space

Game Of Puzzles: Space

This game is just way too easy & presents very little challenge .

Thus rendering it repetitive & tedious although the pictures are striking.

Suitable for young children perhaps.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Minimalist Games.

So this game is kind of mindless just turn a picture piece in place until it is the right way around, also does not count to perfect games score so kind of pointless to me. Less than an hour to complete.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Game Of Puzzles: Space on Steam

Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock

Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock

Short but maturely written and well executed adventure in a Sci-Fi setting (just how I like it) almost without any drawbacks.

Backgrounds are static but very well drawn images with points of interests reasonably highlighted. Game does this in a special, non-intrusive way I haven’t seen before but it works so there is not much pixel-hunting. Puzzles are all logical (some too much so and not in an easy way) but if you get stuck there is a built-in hint system in a way of radio communication with your injured side-kick. Doesn’t even feel like you are using hints and that’s a good thing.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Ever thought of having a ship crash on a random isolated planet and then find a way to get out of it, preferably safe and sound? Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock (M:DtD) is your dream come true. Not only does it have some nice small puzzles, but it also offers the player an entertaining experience.

_He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.


Without any further delay, I present to you my review of Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock on Steam

JQ: cosmos

JQ: cosmos

Lots of fun for the whole family! Unfortunately didn’t get +1 completed games. Hey Devs, you need to make a lot more titles like that! I would buy every one JQ :)

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Nice game Ez to get all achievements 100%

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

JQ: cosmos on Steam

Spice Pirates in Space: A Retro RPG

Spice Pirates in Space: A Retro RPG

An absolute masterpiece. I could not recommended this game more!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Wow, I definitely felt like a spice pirate in space in this retro rpg. I fell into lave three times trying to save a child which ended the adventure of Captain Spice. What a game

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Spice Pirates in Space: A Retro RPG on Steam

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders …

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders …

Hamlet or [insert words here] certainly lives up to its satire laden title. The game lampoons not only its Shakespearean source material, but also the expected conventions of adventure gaming. Reading scraps of paper will only provide false leads. Multiple interactable objects… sometimes whole areas of the screen… are useless in these lateral thinking-esque exercises. There are some “normal” puzzles, sure, appearing just frequently enough to lull you into believing that the zaniness has stopped, right before you run smack into the next inane situation. But, unfortunately, none of that is actually enjoyable.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

What a cute game! First of all the name made me giggle and was the first thing I’ve noticed before the cute artwork. I’ve enjoyed this puzzle Point & Click game which is based on William Shakespeare’s Hamlet with a twist. The story starts off when Claudius killed the king and took the crown, not only that but he forced Ophelia, Hamlet’s girlfriend to marry him. But of course Prince Hamlet will not let the evil man take everything from him, he will avenge the death of his parents and save his girlfriend, however, something fell from the sky and changed the whole story. A new hero appeared and accidentally landed on Hamlet, so he had to take the job instead and save the princess.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders ... on Steam

Space Station Sprint

Space Station Sprint

Aside from the sliding that need to be adjusted in my opinion for more control for cancelling animation and turning while sliding (unless I am missing something) the game is lots of fun. The timer is always on your back so you need to make the best out of it using your utility, drops and shooting skills.

Let’s Play gameplay:

It also promote good replay value for obtaining collectibles and most importantly, permanent upgrades. This motivated me to go in again and again to make sure I get those as they are required if you want to survive higher difficulty levels as you progress.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

I really like the aesthetic of this game!

But the gameplay mechanics, not so much.

The whole premise of the game is that you have to complete every level in a very tight time limit.

On the other hand, the game demands that you check carefully every every nook and cranny to find the hidden objectives and upgrades. And then to fumble with the use key to grab them. The enemies have too many healthpoints in a game where every seconds count. Running past them may seem the better option, except when you find them later all clustered in a door frame on your way back. Grenade and shockwave abilities feel like nothing, both in term of how little damage is dealt and how hardly visible they are. Then there’s the saber dwarf taking away half your hp on touch, without even having to play any hitting animation, making it quite undodgeable. Turrets everywhere, and even moving laser obstacle courses.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Space Station Sprint on Steam

VR Flush

VR Flush

I have played VR Flush multiple times, and had fun each time. It’s a fun (and free) game that you can play in virtual reality. I just got an Oculus Quest 2, and can’t wait to try playing this on it! It is very short, but it’s worth the time you’ll spend on it. I needed the restroom during my most recent play-through, but I didn’t go to the restroom. The need to use the toilet while playing a video game that takes place on a toilet is something that money cannot buy, it only comes free on SteamTM, and can be played on VR mode.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

VR Flush trains you for the every day situation of getting teleported into space by aliens while sitting on the toilet. We all know how common this is and I imagine everyone of us had it happen to them in the past.

Proving to be an intelligent life form has always been difficult for me - I’m often not entirely convinced if I’m an intelligent life form myself, so how am I able to provde this towards aliens who would terminate me if I didn’t manage to otherwise. Finally I can train for this situation at the safety of my own home - preferably while sitting on the toilet myself, sadly my sensors don’t reach that far.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

VR Flush on Steam

Mrs.Cat In Mars

Mrs.Cat In Mars

Very fun, innovative mechanics and well balanced levels, the music is very nice and the cat is very cute and I recommend it for anyone who likes a good precision platform game

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

In general the game is quite enjoyable but something I consider a huge disadventage is controls. Jumping in some cases requires absurd precision, also maybe it’s just me but moving platforms are a huge pain. This two problems make “catrunner” achivment a terrible experiance.

If you are looking for a nice, cheap, short platforming game than this game is for you, but it’s nothing in compare to Celest or N-game2 (it’s free, not on Steam)

Also the cat is cute

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Mrs.Cat In Mars on Steam

Solar 2

Solar 2

The screenshots really do not do this game justice. The formula isn’t new in itself (if you’ve played the first evolution level of Spore, Osmos or Flash-game ‘flOw’, it’s basically that idea (bigger consumes smaller), modelled on orbital rotation and gravity.

You start life as a small bit of rock - a tiny asteroid. You must smash into other rocks in order to grow. Grow enough and you will become a barren, rocky planet. Gather more rocks into your orbit and absorb them for your planet to grow. When it’s large enough, your planet can sustain life (which has benefits and shortcomings - I won’t say what as it’s a bit of a spoiler). Once your planet is HUGE, it can become a minor star and draw other planets into its orbit. Be the biggest solar system. Become a binary star system. Become a black hole! Survive as other systems try to attack your marvellous achievement and turn you back into an empty, tiny planet! Best of all, you keep that planet or system. When you reload, you carry on where you left off.

Real player with 47.9 hrs in game

This is the type of game you play when there’s nothing better in life to do. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really fun, innovative and very addictive, but with so much out there, I can easily see this little Indie title being forgotten. In some ways it has been. There is no Wiki page, the Steam community hub is small as are most forums for the game I’ve seen. It was part of the Humble Bundle V and as such was thrown in with other Indie titles further relinquishing it to obscurity.

Make no mistake though what is here is a very solid game. The gravity physics are well done. Stars, planets and the like are colorful and the music is trancelike and hypnotic. This game is a fine way to practice patience because you will find yourself growing asteroids, planets and star systems for hours and find little tedium in the process.

Real player with 46.4 hrs in game

Solar 2 on Steam