Fire Tonight

Fire Tonight

The gameplay is not out of ordinary but it introduces simple new mechanics in every chapter. You try to find your way in a 3D maze and it’s kind of easy.

The story on the other side, is easy going and heart warming with the dialogues and the cutscenes.

It was a very nice short experience overall with all the music and the unusual narrative.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Third Person Games.

This game is short (about 60 minutes tops) so the price isn’t that bad for what you get. My biggest problem with it is the achievement for “Stroll down memory lane”. There is no checklist to tell you what you are missing from the level so you have to play it and hope you touched everything. Some are saying it is glitched and after 3 hours, I may be inclined to agree with them. I have checked several guides and nothing really tells me what the issue is and why I can’t unlock this achievement. I had a great time with it but definitely feeling a little burned by the experience. Don’t delete me

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Fire Tonight on Steam



Hey there hoomin!

Tbh, the moment I started creating my character, the game had already got me. Not just because there are many (hair) styles you can choose from, but the developers really made an effort to make variety and diversity one of the integral components of this game. And as you can feel while playing, they were very successful in doing so.

The individual and lovable characters are the main reason for playing this charming game! They come to life through their different personal backgrounds, their relationships between one another and their different ways of speaking (which is evident thanks to the great voice acting). But most of all, these characters are damn funny! Playing this game really made me laugh out loud - a lot. That’s why Shindig is not necessarily a single player game. You can also play it together with your family or friends to enjoy the jokes all together. I did the latter and it was one of the most entertaining nights in months.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Gonna have ourselves a Shindig!!!

Bought this charmingly illustrated and voiced old-school Point and Click adventure for my nine year old daughter, but found myself drawn in to the cartoon world of Shindig too, so spent the next few hours playing it with her and we both thoroughly enjoyed the game.

I know she liked this game as she has been singing the catchy tunes ever since!

A really nice concept (who doesn’t love having a party?) with friendly and memorable characters. Would recommend for young and old gamers alike who are looking for a relaxing evenings gaming.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Shindig on Steam

Thirty Flights of Loving

Thirty Flights of Loving

The Metascore for this game is very misleading. It isn’t even an appropriate score if you try to call this “game” artwork–it’s poorly made no matter how you look at it.

You can literally beat this in 20 minutes and there is no replayability. There are two “games” inside here, in reality both are more like mini-games. Gameplay is entirely linear, there are no secrets to find, no character development, plus unoriginal and boring gameplay elements. There is no redeeming factor to this game; it’s not even priced fairly.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short First-Person Games.

This is quite possibly the worst excuse for a game I have ever encountered. The game consists of about 10 different rooms, each taking about a minute to get through and suddenly out of nowhere you’re hit with a The End sign and a bunch of walkthrough credits with comments about the great decisions they made and how they decided on them. These great decisions are along the lines of weird random jump cuts that change the entire scenario for no reason. There’s also a room with displays of a bunch the game models and animated GIF video timelapses of screenshots of their creation. How impressive is that?

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Thirty Flights of Loving on Steam

Construct VR - The Volumetric Movie

Construct VR - The Volumetric Movie

Construct VR - the first ever fully immersive Volumetric 6DOF movie

Watch the free demo first to learn more about the technology behind Construct VR.

Construct VR is an experience in the PresenZ movie format, that showcases the technological breakthroughs of VR storytelling through volumetric photorealistic video, powered by V-Nova point cloud compression.

Enter a science-fiction dystopian world, where a robot must fight for his life and the lives of his family. This is the first actual action movie in six-degree-of-freedom (6DoF) photorealistic VR, exploring unprecedented and game-changing dimensions for the medium.


  • PresenZ’s volumetric movie format, powered by V-Nova compression, allows you to experience unprecedented immersion comfort compared to “standard” VR 360° movies

  • Position and orientation of the VR headset is tracked at all times inside the movie, allowing you to get closer to objects and characters as well as to look around or behind them, creating a real sense of scale and immersion

  • 6DoF eliminates the motion sickness commonly associated with VR 360° movies

  • V-Nova’s point cloud compression technology compresses the file to a small enough size to be downloaded and played on standard VR gaming set ups, finally bringing breath-taking immersion experiences to VR Gaming PCs at home

Construct VR, with a runtime of 8 minutes, is an immersive adaption of the short movie created by Kevin Margo. The PresenZ format keeps the original design and visual quality while transforming the short movie into a fully immersive experience.

Construct VR - The Volumetric Movie on Steam

Gone Home

Gone Home

Sometimes I worry when my opinion on an especially beloved piece of work differs from that of the overwhelming majority of game reviewers. I wonder if perhaps I’ve missed something along the way. I think to myself “Did I play this the wrong way?” or “Was I not paying close enough attention?” BioShock Infinite, with its near universally high review scores and fleeting comparisons to Citizen Kane, was a recent example of the difference in opinion I felt with professional game critics. I found Infinite to be uneven, with the emphasis on narrative being overshadowed by the disconnect between it and the gameplay.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Gone Home is a first-person exploration game set in the 90’s in which you play through the eyes of 21 year old Katie. After spending a year overseas she returns to her family home only to discover there is nobody there to greet her. Pinned to the front door she finds a letter written by her younger sister Samantha telling her to not come look for her, but Katie decides otherwise.

Estimated reading time: 2,5 minutes.

Sounds interesting, tell me more.

It’s hard to talk more about the plot without majorly spoiling the important bits of the story, so I’ll focus on the gameplay and presentation instead.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Gone Home on Steam

Loading Story

Loading Story

The short story that stopped abruptly, when it ended, I was still expecting something, laughing and crying. The content of the dialogue is easy to understand, the mini-games are simple and interesting, the characters are also very cute, and the gangsters who can fight and trade in a fair and just way are really unsatisfactory. When I looked at the name of the game, it made me smile again.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

A little nice simple game, nothing more to say. I think a continue with more lore would be aprreciated but not necessary.

I wanted to report a bug tho:

If you fast forward the dialogues the text clouds will disappear and you may remain stuck in a dialogue forever because of not seeing the option to close it.

Thats because i tried to speedrun it to see if it had more ending, but no. So don’t waste your time trying to find it-

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Loading Story on Steam

The Flood

The Flood

Expected a 5 minute journey on a motor boat through a flooded river landscape, flowing downway to arrive to a wise conclussion (or an open lake or whatever).

Got a 3 minute journey on a rowing boat, down a dry, still “river” that gets you literally nowhere

! a wall, meanwhile reading pure nonsense.

There is no “flow” feeling at all. You literally have to move the boat forward all the way or it remains still. The “flood” is nowhere to be seen; it feels more like pushing a cart around the poodles of an abandoned construction site.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

For what it wants to be, a peaceful, short and linear narrative experience, The Flood delivers on that promise more with its ambiance and less with its actual story. The gameplay is slow and cautious, the background story is only vaguely told by the placid scenery and the textual narrative is more of an accumulation of superficial quotes that only just connect to the rest of the game. It’s instantaneously cheesy but still quite enjoyable as long as the messages and implications are not taken at face value.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The Flood on Steam

The Gardens Between

The Gardens Between

Imagine playing with a very beautifully illustrated and intricate pop-up book. That is about as good a description I can give you for what The Gardens Between is. You can close and open the page to make things move backwards and forwards. But seeing as this is a digital pop-up book we can add some other mechanics too such as using lanterns to clear fog which would have otherwise been blocking your way. We can spin a dial to mess with the chronological order of other things independent of us….and just in general we can manipulate time to solve puzzles and uncover a fully relaxing and heartwarming story of two friends who love each other.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

The first time I loaded The Gardens Between and saw the title screen, I knew I was in for something special. I was reminded immediately of the initial screen for “Braid” a game that I constantly referred back to for The Gardens Between. And like “Braid”, The Gardens Between is a beautiful puzzle game that often uses time as a mechanic and rewards patience, interest and pondering of the tales we tell ourselves of our rose-tinted youth.

The Gardens Between is a universal story then, all told without a script, dialogue or any written words whatsoever. As you journey with our young friends, Arina and Frendt, you get a sense of their personality and their enduring friendship and moments together, through objects that make up the levels and the snippets of moments they share when each is completed.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

The Gardens Between on Steam

Midsummer Night

Midsummer Night

Adventure through a strange dream-like world was trees have eyes and are watching… as you search for your missing sister Alionushka – but spooky things get in your way to give you goosebumps OH-NO

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

A nice and atmospheric game. The graphics and sounds are well done and really help you to immerse yourself into the games world. While the game is short, it does have a branching storyline, where different decisions take you down different paths, giving it replayability.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Midsummer Night on Steam

Life of Fly 2

Life of Fly 2

I love indie games. They have atmosphere ;)

this is the shortest and sweetest review ever ;)

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Хорошая и очень приятная игрушка, играл без напряга, ламповость на высшем уровне.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Life of Fly 2 on Steam