Heartbeat: Regret

Heartbeat: Regret

I would not recommend this game as a horror game. I feel like it has a lot of potential as a horror game but due to the frustration of movement. The game losses any sort of suspense and is replaced by frustration. Some people have mentioned that the lack of a tutorial was an added challenge; I didn’t find this to be true for myself. However I did find a lot of difficultly reading the text. As well as finding the tempo for the movement difficult especially at slower tempos.

The text being hard to read is not a huge problem as the text is read out loud and I got used to it over time. Though for people that are better at spelling than me I’m sure this is even less of an issue if it is an issue at all. Though for the issue of movement the tempo is very hard to find. I died severely times just trying to move around the areas and spent a bunch of time sitting in one spot just waiting for the heartbeat to go down. This made it very frustrating when most of my time is either spent sitting around waiting to be able to move without dying or trying to get back to a point that was right before I got killed just to march into death again. For as long as it takes to move around the areas you just lose anything that makes it scary. Honestly the most scary thing about it was how I was about to pick up my keyboard and chuck it across the room in frustration.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Mystery Games.

An extremely unique idea! Never thought I would have typing horror and rythm in the same game! I love it! A little bit of trouble with instructions and knowing what to a couple times, but the incredible sound design makes up for it. I’ll be playing this for a while I can already tell

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Heartbeat: Regret on Steam

My Bones Remastered

My Bones Remastered

I got this game on sale for 75% off (.49 cents USD) and it’s honestly worth about that. Even with the major update made days before my purchase, there is just not much to do in this game. Which is a shame as it’s beautiful in it’s own surreal sort of way and what is here shows promise.

You do get to break some boards, fetch some keys and read some notes, but the dev wasn’t kidding about it being a walking sim. There is one puzzle, but the jump scares are audio and the promised horror of the beast never comes for you. It honestly feels like the final level of a much bigger game.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Minimalist Games.

Well, it certainly looks a lot better than the original version…which I see I gave a measly 3.5 out of 10. So how does it compare in regard to gameplay?

I’d be lying if I said that I’ve played the original so many times as to know it inside-out, but…I’m pretty sure it’s much the same.

My character awakens in an admittedly atmospheric cemetery, and heads straight for a boarded-up crypt in front of me. I enter the crypt and find…nothing. At least nothing I can interact with: my character has no use for axes, it seems, and I have no idea why the cute bunny statue is sat beside the axe in question. A homicidal hare in waiting, perhaps? So far, so perplexing…

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

My Bones Remastered on Steam

White Mirror

White Mirror

White Mirror is Infernal Dream’s third indie horror game - not that I played the ones before yet - and just one of those mediocre 15 minute hits on horror with really, really, REALLY bad narrative translation. For the record, my play time is for the pure purpose of dropping game cards. It might have been a recommendation if you are a strict horror games collector who wouldn’t mind the lack of a story, but for the ordinary gamer who’d enjoy a decent horror, this clearly is not it.

Our game here has the implication of a story through some notes scattered around the environment, but the narrative translation is so genuinely bad, I’d be fascinated if someone would be able to understand who is who, and what’s been going on. From the fragmented word usage in the notes, I’ve manage to gather that our hero is some kind of an occult collector/artifact hunter in search of an item called “The White Mirror”. His search leads him to our starting area, a seemingly abandoned house. There is someone called Martin leaving us most of the notes, and I guess that’s an informant of some sorts. As we go further into the house, we’ll discover the mention of another person - P.G. - who should have been the former proprietor of the said mirror… and no, said mirror won’t even make an appearance in this 15 minute horror shot.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short First-Person Games.

White Mirror is another game made by the creator of My Bones and it’s just as bad.

White Mirror puts you in the shoes of a man looking for an ancient mirror in a house and that’s pretty much the basic plot.

Now I don’t know why this guy keeps making the same game over and over again, as I stated in my My Bones review all the games this guy makes end up being more or less the same, but they take place in a different environment.

But unlike My Bones this game is somewhat is a game. You have stealth segments, puzzles (if you can call them that) to solve and in general it feels like a true game, but the more you play the more the problems show up.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

White Mirror on Steam

Deadly Cosmic

Deadly Cosmic

It’s a short but very cool game, I liked the creatures and the mystery in the plot, I also liked the little moments of humor. In fact I wanted the game to be bigger because I was very involved, but it makes sense for the price. From my point of view it is a game that worth it!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Loved the premise of the game, and the graphics definitely give it that unique feel and add to the creepy vibe. I had a little trouble with the perspective, especially when there was a creature just off screen that I could no longer see because of the change in perspective, but you learn to maneuver and function quick enough.

Took me a while to find and operate the toilet… longer than I would like to admit. Overall, I would definitely recommend playing through this one, it is worth it!

Here’s some gameplay if interested (first stream terminated with no warning and I had to restart the stream)

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Deadly Cosmic on Steam



“not suitable for children or those of a nervous disposition”

Take heed of this screen opener. Do not let the kids near this despite Zee Tee’s cuteness and happy flowers on the store page. The simple premise in this short platform puzzler is about our brave adventurer Zee Tee rescuing the lovely Princess. It has easy controls with arrow keys and up or Z for jump which can be configured to your preference and full screen mode.

Now if this was the sum of its parts I would not be recommending this game. It is not really a spoiler to say that this is not the whole story. The strength of this title is drawing on the music and nightmarish imagery to invoke a feeling of disturbing unsettlement and confusion. This is down to the juxtaposition of cute 16 bit style and the more darker images as the game progresses .It does not hold your hand in explaining anything.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Let’s get this out of the way right now: I’m not that great at platformers, but I’m very patient. If I do something enough, I’ll eventually get it. With that being said, that is exactly how this game went for me. I had to be very patient, because I died A LOT.

I’ve owned this game for quite a long time, but just got around to finishing it today and getting 100% acheivements on it. The reason I put it off so long? Couldn’t quite get one of the jumps in the 4th world, and subsequently lost interest. This game is very specific, and punishes even the smallest errors once you’ve made it to world two or three. I would advise against playing this game if you’re frustrated easily, or if you think it’ll be a walk in the park. That being said, I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there better at this kind of thing than me.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

eversion on Steam

Flicker of Hope

Flicker of Hope

I really wish I could recommend this game. There are some very interesting aspects to this game that I’ve never seen before. Unfortunately, however, the gameplay is just too poor to recommend.

First the good: So, the first thing you’ll notice is that the main character design is absolutely adorable and beautifully representative of the themes of light, hope, etc. that is visually expressed throughout Wick. Additionally, the way that Wick and the candles that he lights are the only light in the map (and how the light changes as you sneak and run) and the idea of the light being what leads Sister Mara to you is gorgeous and elegant (and can only really be expressed in the form of a video-game). Finally, the method by which Jean Wick revives is by possessing one of the candles that he’s lighted, which once again is beautifully representative of the the theme and story of spreading light around the cathedral.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Pros and cons are down below) Check out the gameplay here (the game is the 1st there):



1. A very cool stylee! It’s so adorable but terrifying at the same time! Reminded me A LOT of Little Nightmares. Such a great job on this one!

2. I absolutely loved how the story is unravelled through the environment! Game mechanics are also fascinating, I never ever played as a candle! I think the whole concept was amazing!

3. The game was terrifying! I loved it! It’s so cool! I didn’t expect that I will produce high pitched screams playing this at all!

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Flicker of Hope on Steam

Four Seals

Four Seals

Overall a very short and boring experience. The game starts you out with a manual that tells you how to create ingredients to solve the puzzle. Then you just backtrack… backtrack… then backtrack some more…. Oh enemy spawned better backtrack and grab some salt… oh congrats you completed this seal it’s time toooooooooooo BACKTRACK!!!

Full thoughts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbCz3lPNEOY

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Four Seals on Steam

My Bones

My Bones

“My Bones” is an interesting, very short, atmospheric narrative - nothing more.



  • Lack of story: There’s a story here, but, its not fleshed out enough. It’s cliched and lacks any engaging hook to pull the player in.

  • Lack of puzzles/challenges/obstacles: Find a key, open a door. …That’s the difficulty level. It wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, but it really feels like its only here to slow the pace and pad the game, so as to give the illusion of more gameplay. I would consider that a negative.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Key to door simulator.

There isn’t any sort of story here really….or at least, it’s indistinct due to what I assume is a terrible translation.

The actual game looked and sounded cool.

There is a monster, but it does nothing.

It offers you a morality choice for no apparent reason.

Basically, you just wander around finding keys to unlock doors while reading some terribly translated notes and taking in the admittedly cool looking grisly scenery…and then the game ends by letting you know that you are either cool with being in hell or have escaped hell by being given a second chance, although the game is also not really clear on what you really did. Presumably you killed your family, but one of the notes suggests that your wife actually killed you despite the fact that you killed her (and this is a great example of what a terrible translation can do to your story, lol). Why you would be given a second chance is indistinct. Also, there is a note that states that a monster is sealed in the church crypt with somebody acting as the watcher, and tells the watcher to flee if the monster escapes, lol. Anyway, the story wasn’t really something that made any sort of sense. The common thread between the stuff you find was either left out or wasn’t thought out well enough to include in the first place.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

My Bones on Steam

The Tape

The Tape

I won this game in a giveaway on Steamgifts, so I got it for free.

I enjoy horror games that are widely considered “bad”, and often I find something good in those games. There are not many games that I feel I have to warn others (not even Chernobyl Commando or Manhunter).

I really tried to like The Tape, but I can’t.

That said, I cannot recommend a purchase of this product.

The game is divided into a main game and three bonus levels. Upon completion of each, an achievement can be earned.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Well…This game certainly has potential. I’ve played way worse when it comes to horror games here on steam, honestly, specially since we’ve been getting a shit flood of horror games that are full of stock assets and suck ass.

The first thought that came to my mind as soon as I started playing this game? My god, the camera effect is AWFUL. I found it incredibly disorienting and it quickly gave me a headache. The fact that stuff glows white with that effect is probably the thing that fucked me up the most. The dev thought about it, so there’s a way to disable that and play the game in mostly monochrome, and the tip on the loading screen tells you about that, so mad props to the dev, maybe he thought “Well, this is a bit overwhelming.”

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

The Tape on Steam



It’s like a mini short ghost story, which the ending of it is surprising/makes the player think what actually happened to those passengers.

There are no voice actors but the sound effects are good enough to simulate a train environment. The contents in the conversations and actions in the mini novel are not redundant/extra, everything in it are straight to the point and gives each character their characteristic.

I look forward to your new product in the future. ^_^ I would like to see more of the old man appearing in future stories as a wiseman.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Un-engaging, Uninspired, Uninteresting.

Flick through the screenshots and you will have seen half the game. No, seriously. This is a “blink and you’ll miss it” experience if ever there was one. That isn’t the central issue though - I’ve no problem with short and snappy little horror games if they have a point to them, and if they can engage you despite the brisk playtime. The issue is that 6 PEOPLE does neither. After I finished the experience and the

! menu changed with the addition of the phone I thought maybe this was one of those games that would change after you restarted it - I went through and wasted another five to ten minutes of my life only to experience the exact same thing. I’m not even entirely sure what the plot was supposed to mean. There are no choices and not even the illusion of choices, the only response you make is ‘…….’. The only positives I could extract were that it was a free experience… and that it thankfully only wasted a few minutes of my time. A distinct lack of any form of substance or player involvement makes my recommendation for 6 PEOPLE a strong and emphatic AVOID.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

6 PEOPLE on Steam