Thirty Flights of Loving

Thirty Flights of Loving

The Metascore for this game is very misleading. It isn’t even an appropriate score if you try to call this “game” artwork–it’s poorly made no matter how you look at it.

You can literally beat this in 20 minutes and there is no replayability. There are two “games” inside here, in reality both are more like mini-games. Gameplay is entirely linear, there are no secrets to find, no character development, plus unoriginal and boring gameplay elements. There is no redeeming factor to this game; it’s not even priced fairly.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Narrative Games.

This is quite possibly the worst excuse for a game I have ever encountered. The game consists of about 10 different rooms, each taking about a minute to get through and suddenly out of nowhere you’re hit with a The End sign and a bunch of walkthrough credits with comments about the great decisions they made and how they decided on them. These great decisions are along the lines of weird random jump cuts that change the entire scenario for no reason. There’s also a room with displays of a bunch the game models and animated GIF video timelapses of screenshots of their creation. How impressive is that?

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Thirty Flights of Loving on Steam



It’s an interesting concept, navigating via sound. Quite short but I would be interested to see this game design expanded on.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Minimalist Games.

haha breaking glass go brr

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Whisper on Steam

Answer Knot

Answer Knot


Something wicked this way comes…


You are at home, tidying up your apartment while your wife keeps calling you and leaving messages. But you won’t pick-up…


An open-plan house that you navigate in first-person, exploring.

  • selecting items yields clues

  • interacting with certain items triggers the next increasingly desperate phone message

  • the game has one story, but there are side objectives to find

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Horror Games.

  • If you like free to play, short, first-person, horror, mystery,

! extraterrestrial , point and click walking simulator, you are in for a treat!

  • The game vibe gave me a mix of Gone Home, What Never Was, Marie’s Room, What Remains of Edith Finch. However, it has no voice-over narration except the phone calls. (you can’t answer the phone)

  • Controls are moving (w,a,s,d), interact (left click), zoom in (right click), and pause (esc).

  • Music is composed of piano/chill/mellow tracks. Suddenly the quiet house becomes creepy after some distressing calls (addition to tapping and wind sound makes it more uncomfortable). Do you know that slow build-up tension feeling where you look around if something might pop out? That is what this game does to you without any jump scares.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Answer Knot on Steam

Defective Holiday

Defective Holiday

Big fan of Kim Laughton’s stuff and Mechatok, I can not stop thinking about this world. Its nice to walk inside Kim’s work and experience the details and style up close. You’ll quickly fall in love with Mechatok’s music as it connects you to this world. Look forward to more from all involved.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Absolutely stunning. Perfect soundtrack. Outstanding vibes. Ridiculous graphics. A sweet dream that you should have.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Defective Holiday on Steam

Dinner Date

Dinner Date

I’m 42 hours into this game. My date still hasn’t shown up yet. She’s probably still coming. Gonna wait a few more hours.


Nov. 28 2012 @ 4:09pm

60 hours in. Still no date. Maybe her car broke down and her phone isn’t working.

Dec. 1 2012 @ 6:36pm

72 hours. Date still hasn’t shown up yet. Maybe she’s just really sick.

Dec 4 2012 @ 2:23pm

127 hours played. Date hasn’t shown up. Food is cold and stale at this point.

Dec 8 2012 @ 7:08am

147 hours now. No sign of date. Maybe she’s lost and can’t find my house.

Real player with 335.0 hrs in game

I can’t remember when I got this game, but it was closer to when it came out than to now. Pretty sure it was around the time Heavy Rain came out and I didn’t have a PS3 and I thought “hey this is a novel experiment I should try this out.” It wasn’t really much back then and I don’t think it aged well at all. It’s absurdly short and I’ve heard people back then say $5 is a bit overpriced for a “demo” like this. Nowadays I don’t think people care that much about throwing $5 away to play shitty video games but fuck it.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Dinner Date on Steam

Fractured Minds

Fractured Minds

It’s rather obvious that this game isn’t a huge professional one, but rather a dear heart project, dealing with the issues of depression and the resulting self-loathing. So on an objective basis, sure, it’s extremely short, there are quite some bugs all around, the gameplay isn’t deep, and achievements even delete themselves if you start a new game (so you have to do them all in one take). But guess what, I’ll still give this a thumbs up, probably because I’ve got a history of my own that can kind of relate to the creative process of making this game. And honestly, during my playtime, sometimes I was even doubtful if some chapters really were expressing what she (the dev) wanted to say the right way. But after finishing it, what really got me emotionally in the end, were the closing statements. So if only for those, big kudos for stepping out of your boundaries, making all this effort and exposing yourself that way courageously. Anyway, my final conclusion, the game is cheap, sometimes even way cheaper in bundles and such, and if you can spare the few cents, why not support some familiar people here and there you sympathize with. But for anyone else, better stay away from this game if you’re annoyed by those difficult topics.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

I am not going to give something a positive review based on “one person development”, or “this supports mental health awareness.” I’m all for indie games and mental health awareness. But this game is terrible. If I hadn’t received it in a bundle would have refunded my money. This looks like a unity game. I have no issue with unity games if they’re good. But so many unity publishers create stuff like this and throw it on Steam. The worst part is, if it has a stigmatic theme, it’s ultimately embraced by the community like it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. This is literally one level disguised as 6. The graphics weren’t terrible, as you can tell some time and effort was put into them. But they’re not great either. Just mediocre. I can’t even remember if it has a soundtrack, so if it does it couldn’t have been that memorable as I cannot remember a single musical note.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Fractured Minds on Steam

Gone Home

Gone Home

Sometimes I worry when my opinion on an especially beloved piece of work differs from that of the overwhelming majority of game reviewers. I wonder if perhaps I’ve missed something along the way. I think to myself “Did I play this the wrong way?” or “Was I not paying close enough attention?” BioShock Infinite, with its near universally high review scores and fleeting comparisons to Citizen Kane, was a recent example of the difference in opinion I felt with professional game critics. I found Infinite to be uneven, with the emphasis on narrative being overshadowed by the disconnect between it and the gameplay.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Gone Home is a first-person exploration game set in the 90’s in which you play through the eyes of 21 year old Katie. After spending a year overseas she returns to her family home only to discover there is nobody there to greet her. Pinned to the front door she finds a letter written by her younger sister Samantha telling her to not come look for her, but Katie decides otherwise.

Estimated reading time: 2,5 minutes.

Sounds interesting, tell me more.

It’s hard to talk more about the plot without majorly spoiling the important bits of the story, so I’ll focus on the gameplay and presentation instead.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Gone Home on Steam

The Tape

The Tape

I won this game in a giveaway on Steamgifts, so I got it for free.

I enjoy horror games that are widely considered “bad”, and often I find something good in those games. There are not many games that I feel I have to warn others (not even Chernobyl Commando or Manhunter).

I really tried to like The Tape, but I can’t.

That said, I cannot recommend a purchase of this product.

The game is divided into a main game and three bonus levels. Upon completion of each, an achievement can be earned.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Well…This game certainly has potential. I’ve played way worse when it comes to horror games here on steam, honestly, specially since we’ve been getting a shit flood of horror games that are full of stock assets and suck ass.

The first thought that came to my mind as soon as I started playing this game? My god, the camera effect is AWFUL. I found it incredibly disorienting and it quickly gave me a headache. The fact that stuff glows white with that effect is probably the thing that fucked me up the most. The dev thought about it, so there’s a way to disable that and play the game in mostly monochrome, and the tip on the loading screen tells you about that, so mad props to the dev, maybe he thought “Well, this is a bit overwhelming.”

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

The Tape on Steam



Do they hand out gaming awards Willy Nilly in Brighton? How much brown nosing did the developer do to get an award for this pile of dung? The developer can be found here…

4pm is the type of game after having finished it, not only will you want a complete refund, but you will also want to be compensated for time spent playing it, maybe in the way of a $10.00 gift card at Bunnings. In fact we should make that a law here on Steam, so that less and less trash keeps building up.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

I recognise this game deals with some very serious issues. I also understand that this alone does not make it immune to criticism.

My thoughts are mixed. The game was short, and conveyed a powerful message. Succinct, and direct. But the dialogue was not particularly inspired, and felt forced.

The story being played over the course of a day I did like, and the revelations at the end were also thought-provoking. However, these high points are truly offset by the fact that the game is entirely played while the camera is criminally defocused. Yes, I recognise this does convey the feeling of someone who is ‘defocused’ in the head, as it were - the same with the unresponsive controls. I GET IT. That does however make for a vastly frustrating gaming experience. Enjoying a video game isn’t always about having fun all of the time - some of my favourite games are true heart-wrenchers - but sadly due to the fact that this particular game has all of the right ingredients, but frustrating execution means that I really had to force myself to finish it. Any longer and I daresay I’d not have had the patience.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

4PM on Steam

Deep Sorrow

Deep Sorrow

Deep Sorrow is a short, horror walking simulator. Though it’s not a long game, it’s definitely unsettling to play. You set out to find your friend in a bunker where he was last seen. Althought your alone you have a sense that something is with you at all times. If you enjoy short, horror, walking simulators this game is worth a try and not at a bad price either :)

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Game has a really good immersion with good graphics and atmosphere. Nothing groundbreaking but a very decent job is accomplished. I played it three times so far to find all memory logs, i still miss couple of them.

Tension is set in a right amount, enough to keep you playing and putting you on edge, but also preventing you to smash your screen with fear.

More work could be put into enemies to give a better visual and toning down the resources to put a little more tension might help the immersion and atmosphere greatly.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Deep Sorrow on Steam