The Game We All Have To Play

The Game We All Have To Play

Written for 1561’s Thoughts - Honest reviews, for busy people.

The Game We All Have To Play is worth some time. The premise of the game revolves around rhyme. If you make it through once you can say you’ve won, but it’s up to you if you think you’re done. 6/10

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Choices Matter Games.

The Game We All Have To Play on Steam

Space Toads Mayhem

Space Toads Mayhem

Great nostalgic feeling.

I’ve been following this game for a while and it hasn’t disappointed me, plays well and can be quite challenging. Reminds me very much of the old arcade systems.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Score Attack Games.

Haven’t played an arcade space shooter since Windows95, and although Space Toads Mayhem is a fun game, it’s also insanely challenging.

The HUD design could do with some colour variation, like green to red on the dials etc, and effects for damage dealt and taken are not distinctive enough to tell them apart even when things are not chaotic.

Besides the UI and effects the AI are great, they provide a unique challenge for each playthrough; mixing it up with fast paced lunges timed randomly while the slow ones dog-pile you probably being the most frustrating of their attacks.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Space Toads Mayhem on Steam

Mustache in Hell

Mustache in Hell

If you like challenges , Mustache in Hell is the game .

Simple and challenging gameplay, high level of bosses and minions everywhere .

A good nostalgia from 80’s games, If you do not know this game-style. I will recommend because I’m sure you won’t regret it.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Short Controller Games.

Fine game for an evening. It might seem difficult because of small rooms and big enemy hordes - in most cases you just need to save more lives and tank through. Some rooms have infinite enemies spawn (until you defeat the boss) - a very bad design choice. Weapons seem very weak (even flamethrower).

Recommended buying when on sale.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Mustache in Hell on Steam

Ghost Grab 3000

Ghost Grab 3000

Ghost Grab is a great arcade title, about catching and popping ghosts after the apocalypse. What starts with a simple grab and dodge mechanic quickly becomes a fast paced, bullet dodge game, where the players must use emps, nukes and dashes to wrangle a horde of spirits. Really fun, quick game. Much more forgiving than Switch N Shoot for beginners, too.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Game Review from 30 Minutes of Play

Reminding myself if I should revisit and if you should purchase.

ELEVATOR PITCH: Bullethell Megaman

LIKED: Easy to learn, hard to master gameplay. Love the pixel art and chip-tune throwback.

DISLIKED: Starting levels can get tedious causing some early mistakes in what would be perfect play.

===== Mood After 30mins =====

☑ Addicted

☐ Afternoon delight

☐ Grindfest

☐ Frustrated

===== Will I Revisit =====

☑ Yes, I aim to 100% complete

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Ghost Grab 3000 on Steam

Super Captain 3D

Super Captain 3D

You are Super Captain 3D: You are sitting at home enjoying a peaceful day on Earth, when the newscaster announces an invasion by pixel invaders. You know instantly it is your calling to save the earth and the universe from the evil invaders and you leap into action. You must utilize all of your hero’s abilities to defeat the pixel invaders and save the universe. You must fight across 8 stages against over 20 types of alien with 4 Epic Bosses. You only get one shot at saving the universe; die and its game over!

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Crim’s Humble Opinion Curator

One Hero To Save Them All

Super Captain 3D is a pretty fun little shoot em up game. It was crafted using gamemaker. The graphics run pretty smoothly. The music is diverse enough and fitting. I played with a controller as was recommended and had no issues. You play as a hero that fends off against pixel invaders from outer space. The game is short but it’s got a nice amount of diverse content and fun gameplay stuffed into it to make it a competent title for the asking price. There are four areas that are two levels each giving you a total of eight levels. At the end of each area there is a boss to fight. None of the bosses have a similar attack pattern. If you look hard enough you can find enough golden ships throughout the game to unlock a secret boss.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Super Captain 3D on Steam

Savant - Ascent

Savant - Ascent

Savant - Ascent is a pretty short, absolutely gorgeous, and entirely unique game. It’s fast, fun, simple enough to pick up in minutes, and deep enough to warrant long discussions and in-depth guides, and still leave room for new discoveries. The first release from D-Pad Studio (to my knowledge), made in collaboration with the titular musical artist, Savant (Aleksander Vinter), this is definitely a good example of how to make a game the right way.

Story mode is pretty short, consisting of only 5 levels that each take 2-5 minutes (except perhaps the final boss), and the gameplay itself is very simple, consisting of attacking enemies and moving between 2 platforms (and sometimes not even the latter). However, the game really shines through in its ability to stretch everything it offers to the limit. Story mode done? Try to race yourself, your friends, and the rest of the world with time attack, or go for an all-time highscore in endless mode. Maybe [SPOILERS] don the mask of the vanquished Vario and replay story mode with different attacks and movement for a change-up. During play, collect CD pieces from special enemies to unlock bonus soundtracks and new abilities, working your way up to obtaining the ultimate power that is the whole reason you’re at the tower. Then try to take on the final boss, a lighting-fast, teleporting robot samurai in space with laser-shark friends who want nothing more than to see you reduced to a pile of ashes with a silly hat. And when all of that’s done, maybe think about unlocking all of the achievements in the game. There aren’t a lot of them, but when you accomplish them for the first time, they are certainly deserving of the name; the devs intentionally made them difficult to accomplish so it would actually be worth getting them and not just some extra stuff they threw in on a lazy Friday.

Real player with 78.0 hrs in game

Right from the start, you feel like you are controlling an awesome, destructive power. The energy blasts are wild and the animation conveys a real sense of force. As you unlock power-ups, that destructive power increases dramatically. Once you are fully powered, you will tear through the first portion of the game with little effort. Fortunately, an expansion was released to bring back some challenge and you can start from any level that you’ve unlocked.

Controls are simple. Aim the curser in the general direction of enemies and fire. The hero is also able to deftly avoid incoming threats by jumping in place, jumping between two platforms, or rolling between the platforms. If an enemy drops a portion of a CD, highlight it and alt fire to rope it in. This is how to unlock power-ups and new music tracks. The power-ups add some more variety to your arsenal and they are straightforward to learn.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Savant - Ascent on Steam

Blast Rush Classic

Blast Rush Classic

It’s a wonderful twist on the shmup genre.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

I’m very excited for Blast Rush Forever

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Blast Rush Classic on Steam

ZAP Master

ZAP Master

Another Unity asset flip without anything worth mentioning, the common buy and sell was your own kind of stuff.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

This is a pure Asset flip of!/content/87301 which comes with full source code. They didn’t even bother changing the name.

Zonitron uploaded the exact same game under 3 different names before they got banned by Valve.

All you do here is click in the general direction of enemies. Half of your playtime will come from watching the level switch animations.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

ZAP Master on Steam

Space Elite Force

Space Elite Force


(longer version below)

Space Elite Force is a pretty neat and lite side-shooter, offering some builds/customization and a fair amount of gameplay. It doesn’t come without drawbacks, but they’re minor, so at the end of the day, depending how much you pay for it, you can get a pretty decent local co-op game without regretting it.

| Achievements: | Cloud Saving: | Trading Cards: | Workshop: |

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Reminescient of games like R-Type and Gradius, this shootem will bring back fond memories. It is a masterpiece and a game done right in this genre. It is 99 cents well spent. I would’ve gladly paid for $5 or more for it. Exceptional development.

| Pros | Cons |


  • shmup

  • in space

  • upgrades

  • great graphics

  • great audio

  • joystick

  • active developer


  • joystick, because keyboard does suck in this game


Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Space Elite Force on Steam

Boom Box Blue!

Boom Box Blue!

“Boom Box Blue is a frenzied skill based physics game. This is what you get if you merge Tetris with physics and throw some bombs into the mix!”

Well, slow down guys.

The truth is that this game features 35 achievement that require basically grinding, and they can be completed within an hour - in fact, the hardest achievement requires us to reach the maximum level, and by doing this we’ll take the other ones too.

So, what’s it all about?

The game itself has a very basic tutorial, hovering upon the ? mark - we must collect stars, avoid red blocks, eat toasts to get bonuses, pick up bombs and drop them with the left mouse button.

Real player with 68.9 hrs in game

“Nom nom nom! Boom!”

This dodge and collect-items game is so cool and appealing in gameplay. I like everthing about it. The soundtrack, the progressively leveling while collecting falling stars, different kind of enemies which you have to bomb away, unforseen special modes like winds that bursts too high grown towers of blocks or darkness that let you only survive in a small light cone. There are powerups. This time mushrooms make you smaller while hamburgers enlarge your box. (I would suggest to being smaller to survive longer) You even can vomit out the burgers if you don’t want to grow too big. You’ll reach all achievement requirements after about 1 hour. Depends if you invest more into stars falling from the sky (faster leveling) or more bombs, bigger explosions or lives (higher scores).

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Boom Box Blue! on Steam