The Spy Who Shrunk Me

The Spy Who Shrunk Me

Last level is a great example “How to make cool game and destroy it with final level”.

Optimization sucks and even though my PC can run game correctly with (at least) stable 30 fps, there are lots of frame drops which is annoying (unless you like playing with 10 fps).

How about setting, maybe that will change something and will make the game run properly.

NOPE. Settings is imo one of the devs joke, cause it doesn’t change anything (despite the fog from tutorial seen just after start and never again). Game looks exactly the same, no matter which variant you’ve chosen.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shooter FPS Games.

UPDATE: After getting past a couple B.S. parts (due to bugs) I’ve changed my mind about the game.

This game isn’t ready for prime time just yet, but it’s still pretty fun.

The good:

1. The shrink ray mechanic is fun! This might be a good cheap game when it’s done and all the problems are ironed out.

2. The artwork and music are good

3. Good voice acting

4. Good humor

The bad:

1. Shrink ray projectiles sometimes will literally go THROUGH the broad side of an enemy’s chest and “miss”. This is made worse by the fact that the reload time for the shrink ray is so long. If your shot goes through an alerted agent, you’re as good as dead. You can’t afford to miss any shots, even once.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

The Spy Who Shrunk Me on Steam



★☆☆☆☆ Terrible!


The 2020 remake of XIII is a cheap, lazy, broken cash-in on a once fascinating name.

It really makes me feel bad to have to say that because I had high hopes for this. But it’s true! In the same year that 2K gave us an amazing remake for the original Mafia, XIII stands in its own class of awfulness. That anyone could release a game in this state and try to charge 40 Euro for it, let alone goat people into pre-ordering it, is appalling.

At first, I thought the ‘very negative’ review status on Steam was a little overboard. I had followed the discussion boards before release and boy, some people did not like the style change. Having played this for an hour and then gone back to the original, I can say with a certainty that I should have listened to those people more. Not only have the developers ripped all of the charm from the original game, but they have also failed to replace it with anything of substantial worth. I think this is the most apparent in the half-a$$ed attempts to tie some of this remake’s style into the original’s. In the original, was frequent and eventually blended into the background. Here it’s reserved for very few things. It’s noticeable that its inclusion feels inconsistent at best.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shooter FPS Games.

Graphics aside, what the remake was INTENDED to be was the original game’s campaign and levels more or less faithfully recreated (with the original cel-shading replaced by more of a Fortnite-like cartoony art-style), but with new, more “modern” Call of Duty-inspired gameplay, including aim-down-sights, a limited inventory, a simplified health/armor system, and partial regenerating health. Rather similar to what happened with F.E.A.R. 2/F,E,A,R, 3, Bioshock Infinite, Aliens Colonial Marines, etc.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

XIII on Steam

Rushaug: Project Emerald

Rushaug: Project Emerald

The free world is threatened by a tyrannical empire looking to unite the stars under a single voice. The Sayari System is under invasion, and the Colorsky Star Force (CSF), a joint military alliance is fighting to defend the capital from being grasped by the mighty Dekenzia Major Allegiance (DMA). In the middle of this conflict is Rushaug, an elite soldier operating behind enemy lines, gathering critical information, all while sabotaging the enemy from the inside. His accomplishments does not go unnoticed, and he is quickly building a reputation after he defeats DMA’s greatest operative; Ridley Wesker. The DMA is determined to stop the threat, prompting Zargasso to dispatch additional forces to hunt down and eliminate Rushaug. Unknownly, Rushaug is about to meet his equal; Red Nuke.

Suspicious activity has been observed on the cold planet Snotikia. Why is the enemy conducting missile tests on a foreign planet? Rushaug is sent to investigate.

  • EXPLORE a vast spectrum of planets adapting from cold tundras to arid deserts.

  • INFILTRATE hostile settlements ranging from remote outposts to enormous spacestations.

  • ENGAGE in combat against enemies such as the skilled infantry of the DMA, experienced guerrilla fighters on planet Ecuador, or take on the feared Bolse Death Squadron. The game puts huge emphasis on gunplay, and realistic bullet velocity, so it is all about quick reactions.

  • COLLECT intel to reveal new locations and gun schematics to unlock 40+ different weapons to choose from.

  • UNCOVER the truth about Project Emerald and save the free world from a nuclear holocaust.

Rushaug: Project Emerald has been a passion project for more than eight years. It is a dream come true to have you view this page right now. If you’re passionate about stealth games, shooters, and platformers, and happen to like cats as well, I think you’re going to like this experience very much.

Read More: Best Shooter Tactical Games.

Rushaug: Project Emerald on Steam

Death to Spies: Moment of Truth

Death to Spies: Moment of Truth

A Solid Stealth Game for only the Most Diehard Stealth Fans

Death to Spies 2 is much like the original game nothing has been drastically changed, only minor tweaks, the game is still extremely hard and the focus is on disguising yourself as the enemy. There as several tweaks incuding the ability to carry a disguise in your backpack, the addition of yellow enemies whom get suspicious only if you get close.

The biggest change is the disguise system where its more about getting the right disguise for the task as opposed to going straight for the officer disguise, for example in the second mission the officer disguise is good for the 3rd floor however in the shipyard most enemies are suspicious towards the officer. However most of the time getting the officer disguise will do the job.

Real player with 47.3 hrs in game

This is a very hard stealth game, but highly realistic and time consuming. If you require a good game which involves planning, thinking, observing and acting at the right moment this game is for you. You really need to play the first one before hand which is now really cheap and just as good! The first one has a boot camp which introduces you to the franchise and gives you all the basic controls. This one just throws you in to continue the story! It has driveable vehicles, many weapons and objects to use at your disposal. You can use, steal and loot enemy weapons, uniforms (and get away with wearing them) and the enemy are none the wiser unless you pass SS personelle or an Wehrmacht officer. This is a modern version of “Hidden and Dangerous” series which is my all time favourite but no longer obtainable or playable on recent versions of Windows. You choose your weapons, kit, equipment and even a backpack to carry extra things to help such as wire cutters, explosives and compass/binoculars ect ect.

Real player with 33.1 hrs in game

Death to Spies: Moment of Truth on Steam

Dragon Storm

Dragon Storm

heeeeel naaaah

this game is awfulll lord jesus dont buy this game save your soul

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

This game is truly a game beyond the power of everyone. After spending a solid length of time, I will fully admit that I am to much of a simpleton to even begin to comprehend the sheer wit required to successfully complete such a masterpiece. All I could find was a measly two sliding doors inside of a mountain, as well as a brick staircase embedded to the side of a mountain, with none other than an entire sheet metal pole building stacked upon these lovely bricks. I absolutely recommend to anyone looking to completely blast $1 (for the love of anything holy I beg anyone who is not purchasing this during a sale. do not do it) into the darkest money pit void known to man. Thank you for such a great time.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Dragon Storm on Steam

Hot Brass

Hot Brass

This game is just lovely.

This does have that SWAT 4 tactical style of gameplay, and it’s a lot of fun, even in solo. The game is very nicely polished and balanced.

While when I first saw the trailer, the icons instead of player sprites seemed a bit of an odd aesthetic choice, I quickly got used to them, and gotta admit that it was an appropriate choice for this kind of game. You get information about your unit and their weapons displayed very neatly and visibly and it puts more emphasis on the actual tactics. The minimalistic design of the game allowed the developers to polish the main gameplay loop to a point where it just… FEELS really good to play.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Most of the complaints about this game seem to revolve around the theme of “This isn’t how I think it should be so it must be bad”. For every complaint I have read, I also see a lack of understanding about a game mechanic or tactics in general. There were a few instances where I had no idea why certain things were happening only to find out there was something about the game that was not specifically addressed in the tutorial or any particular level, so I did not know to look for it. But once I realized what it was (specifically, the icon distinction between holding a weapon and pointing a weapon), I could adjust. I played through the entire game solo with only a handful of trouble spots, so the whole “difficulty is built around multiplayer” argument is completely invalid.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Hot Brass on Steam

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Friends, I really hate to post this as the game is bipolar to the nth degree. There is brilliance here, great fun and there is an odd idiocy so boring and compromised by bad reticles and basic misunderstanding on the “ones” of snipping that it makes the game truly unplayable. When it shines, those parts are not to be missed as they are beautifully rendered and as engaging as one would ever want, a new HIGH for the franchise. But, just as I had feared looking at the little we were shown, when it fails it is awful, unplayable and it stops you wanting to return to the game and as there is no going past one chapter until it is done, we will all have to stay put….on a platform….and pretend that this is fun. It is a bore folks, the scopes are simplistic, the marking unreadable (as are many of the distances on heads (read on green? ok….) and it is an awful ugly grind. As many have noted….

Real player with 168.1 hrs in game


However, the core gameplay is still pretty much the same. If you like C1, you will like C2 a lot. If you don’t like C1, well there is a high chance you won’t like C2 either.

2 years after SGW3, CI Games came back with SGW Contracts. Another 2 years, they give us Contracts 2. It’s a much more polished game this time around.

The improvements:

-Extreme long range sniping, their trademark selling point in this game. Now along with normal, classic low-medium range maps, the game will have extreme long range map which targets will usually be 1000m+ away. You can only see the enemies through your scope or binocular. These areas are especially made for long range sniping that you can’t not get in there no matter what you do. And of course, sniping at those long distance is very satisfying. If you want to make it even more challenging, use rifles with low magnification scope.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 on Steam

Sniper Hunter Adventure 3D

Sniper Hunter Adventure 3D

Full disclosure: I got this game on sale for .49 cents USD. And I actually enjoyed this one. I’ve played a lot of hunting games where you’re stuck in place, and they are usually a buggy nightmare. But here you can choose from a range of game. Each animal, including boar, rabbits, wolves and ducks, has a range of levels. You get money for completing a hunt and can buy upgrades, eventually.

I found the wolf hunts to be the easiest, but boar hunts at level two are good for earning cash. Is it perfect? No. You’re stuck in one spot and some of the shots reply on being speedy more than skilled. There are bugs of the animals zooming in for no reason at all. And if an animal is out of range, tough luck. It would be nice to see an untimed hunt and more affordable weapons upgrades.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

What do you get when you buy a hunting game for two dollars? A two dollar hunting game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Sniper Hunter Adventure 3D on Steam

Specular Stranded

Specular Stranded

Stay Dark, Stay Silent, Stay Alive

The gameplay revolves around light based stealth. Stay in the shadows and keep hidden, silently takedown foes using either lethal or non-lethal takedowns or shoot at your enemies using your silenced pistol and rifle. Getting into shootouts is a bad idea, health is low, enemies are accurate.

Hack Cameras and turrets, Pick locks, Hide Bodies, Shoot out lights, throw distractions.

Use your Silenced Rifle or Pistol to take out your enemies. Aim for the head, missing a headshot will have enemies moving on your position.

Explore the Ship, uncover the secrets it holds.

Stalk your enemy from the shadows, learn their patrol routes, distract and silently takeout your foes.

Use your X-Ray device to see in the dark and spot enemies through walls.

Experience zero gravity exploration sections within the ship.

Make the choice to become a ghost and never leave a trace or choose to knock out or kill your enemies.

Specular Stranded on Steam

The Rebels: Prologue

The Rebels: Prologue

In a world ruled by brutal corporations and dirty money, there is no room for sentiment. The voice of freedom was long suppressed and subordinated to capitalist domination of the richest ruthless individuals. Corporations perfectly mask their activities, control television and effectively hide the truth on the Internet. Nobody knows about factories where children work, about slaves trapped in eternal credit lines, about legal drugs that are used to enslave millions or viruses being developed just to sell vaccines. There are no free media. But there is hope! People like you deep within the darknet start to organize and information continues to flow.

Play as a former journalist fighting for the truth. You were not allowed to fight with a pen, so now you moved to more effective methods.

In this combination of FPS and Stealth elements you have to carry on the fight. Run single missions and decide if you want just shoot all the enemies or use your stealth and cunning to win in a more pacifist style. In time you can get loyal companions and create your own resistance cell. Decide between hit-man style, guerilla or frontal assault tactics. Develop your organisation and employ hackers and own scientists to level the playing field.

Join risky missions to destroy corporations and corrupt governments. Steal and reveal their secrets. Execute their CEOs and key scientists or sabotage their secret projects and investments.

Every decision you take will bring you more support or antagonize people. Think carefully which targets you pick and how you carry out your missions. Sometimes it’s good to show mercy but never show weakness. Become a hero for the specific part of the society and enjoy their support or act alone and don’t risk exposure. Ridicule your enemies and address masses or be brutal to bring in extremists. Decide on your approach and fight your way to freedom.

The Rebels: Prologue on Steam