STAR WARS™ Battlefront

STAR WARS™ Battlefront

A game that, if nothing else, will force you to look at Star Wars again. But in Battlefront, the form of the game is defeated by stupid content and dances on his grave. Graphically fantastic, technically flawless, with a perfect atmosphere, yes, but the ever-receding euphoria reveals a simple and quite poor shooter in the core without any story.

But you would hardly find a nicer, more authentic and more atmospheric trip into the world of Star Wars.

Glittering ice crystals on the walls of the crooked corridors in a cave on the icy planet Hoth, the nostalgically familiar panorama of Tatooine, the emerald green of the forest moon Endor - all look as you remember it, as you know it, and the heart-pounding bell when conflict breaks out, He finds it difficult to dig into chains of words and sentences. A Star Wars lover will be ecstatic.

Real player with 109.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shooter Multiplayer Games.

Obviously we’re going to compare this to the originals back in the day. Graphically, this is amazing. The experience is quite good, and it’s very immersive. But there are flaws that hold it back. Overall, I kind of want to say negative, just because the game is dead, and there’s lots of cheaters, but it really is a fun game.


1. No classes. It really feels like you’re playing the same class all the time. While you can switch up gear, most things feel nearly the same. Guns only have slight differences in stats, but they all feel basically the same. It goes pew pew and releases a red laser, either automatically or semi-automatically. There’s no sense of being a rocket guy, a sniper, a shotgunner, an engineer, etc. You are just running around with one of the many guns that feel the same.

Real player with 71.8 hrs in game

STAR WARS™ Battlefront on Steam



Need a puzzling game to play, but you don’t have time for a large scale, AAA title? This game is for you. The puzzles in this title will get your brain working, requiring you to sift through clues in emails and files as well as deciphering codes left by the inhabitants of this abandoned station. You’ll have to carefully manage your time and resources between crafting items to keep your life support stable, and fending off alien intruders.


  • Good, satisfying puzzles

  • Pixelated visuals and simple geometry are a nice change from the realism of today’s games

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shooter Atmospheric Games.

This is an interesting game. It started off a bit flat, seemed like straight out time/resource management. You split your time between telling drones to go auto-gather resources, rushing around to build stuff, and then occasionally going outside to shoot bugs before they get inside and cause problems.

But there’s a surprising amount of logs and emails and info you can look through, and the offscreen support character makes her own little comments on what you’re reading.

All while mutant alien bugs eat through the walls to come get you.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

K37-D on Steam

Drone Wars

Drone Wars

This game is quite fun and it gives a ‘‘unique’’ experience because it is somethink different , BUT first of all this game is in BETA which means not finished . Its worth checking out especially with friends .

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shooter Multiplayer Games.

The game feels like it’s barely half way through development. Its lacking features and replayability. Lots of things need improvement. That being said there is so much potential for it to grow and drastically improve over time, so its a thumbs up from me! Will be checking in again.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Drone Wars on Steam

Alien Breed: Impact

Alien Breed: Impact

My playtime: 36.7h (based on steam, 100% achievement).

~9h finishing the game in Rookie difficulty

~24h finishing the game in Elite difficulty

~3h finishing all multiplayer levels

Grindy Achievement: No.

Optional Achievement: Yes (11 achievements, although you’ll mostly get 3 of the optional achievements after you finish the game).

Difficult Achievement: Yes (2 achievements, might be more or less depends on your skill and (or) internet connection).

Developer Response: No (last response is in 10 Feb 2016, i think).

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Not sure why this game gets the hate it does. I certainly didn’t play this for the 15+ hours it shows on Steam but probably at least half that. The controls work well on controller, it’s honestly a rather great control scheme for controllers and it makes sense, this is a TWIN STICK SHOOTER. Not a M+KB shooter. I play FPS and TPS games with a mouser and keyboard but I play anything like this with a controller. People also complaining that the game is difficult or the enemies are cheap. I played on the hardest difficulty and it was a BREEZE, I didn’t die a single time. Make better use of your items and learn to scavenge if you’re having a hard time.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Alien Breed: Impact on Steam

Alien Breed 3: Descent

Alien Breed 3: Descent

Long story short - 10/10, best game ever, this is how they did it back in the days, must have, old school…and why do this studio having this gem, creating other games, instead of a next part?!)

Long story:

Got first part for free on some giveaway long ago, and bought others with 90% discount.

Each part consists of 5 missions, if u play it slow, while checking all the map, u can complete each for 10 hours or so, I think, tops.

Bugs? There do u find them here?! And how?! The only four non-critical bugs I had, was in first and last part.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Team17, the developer best known for the creation of “Worms” and other such classics are the ones responsible for bringing us the subject of my next review, a lesser-known title but a particularly lustrous gem nonetheless.

The Alien Breed Trilogy is a series of third-person shooters. Like their more popular distant cousins the FPS, they too automatically come with an ‘action’ tag by association because that’s what we all (myself included) have come to expect from the genre. Though categorized as such, the three I’m going to talk about today could more accurately be described as atmospheric, survival games wearing Sci-Fi party hats.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Alien Breed 3: Descent on Steam

Dark Asteroids

Dark Asteroids

First impression: nice music, love the vector like artstyle and obvious attention to detail; I can tell this is someone’s love child. For that alone, a thumbs up from me. Plus it’s an interesting take on Asteroids, for the price of a cup of coffee with which to support a fellow indie developer.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Dark Asteroids on Steam

Incoming Forces

Incoming Forces

NOTE: This game is a collection of original Incoming and Incoming Forces.

My first PC game is the original Incoming. It’s still good today.

For Incoming:


  • Various game modes. It includes three single player modes and four multiplayer modes. You can select arcade, campaign action/tactical, split screen, team deathmatch and other modes.

  • Two secret mini-games. You need to type a cheat code “numberonedacrestreet” on the main menu in order to play them.

  • Very beautiful explosion and debris.

Real player with 46.4 hrs in game

Whoever got ahold of the IP for this ancient game felt they could print some money by dumping it on Steam. They didn’t bother making it actually work, however! Numberous critical bugs and incompatibility issues from Windows 8 upwards prevent it from running at all, unless you want to spend more time fixing legacy compatibility issues than there is content in the game. Even then, don’t expect any stability or enjoyment. It’s just too buggy.

Other publications have had some effort put in making them compatible on newer systems, so there’s no excuse here.

Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

Incoming Forces on Steam

Mortal Blitz

Mortal Blitz

I recommend it!

…Is what I might say if this were priced at $10. Unfortunately, this is another great example of a good game at a bad price. There’s just not enough content here. You have few enemy types, few gun types, and 5 stages. It does well with what it has and is fun for the first couple playthroughs, but gets old fast. There’s a few reasons for why this is, but let me just lay out one little design decision I can not for the life of me comprehend whatsoever.


Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

disappointing at first that you can’t move around.

But it’s basically a cover shooter where with progression through each level.

Graphics are great.

Enemies look great. Lots of weapons and stuff to pick up off the floor.

When you do the Telekenisis kill it ranks your kill and I think you use the points to upgrade your weapons.

Intense action. I ran into my wall once.

It’s a keeper.

Update: The game is pretty short. Can be finished in less than an hour…but like any good arcade game it’s meant to be mastered..and it gets pretty hard.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Mortal Blitz on Steam

Naught Bots

Naught Bots


Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

idk why i like it. the highest wave i got to is 7. there are 2 guns and 1 enemy type but i like it. and ITS FREE so get it for something fun to do when your bored

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Naught Bots on Steam

Planet Nine

Planet Nine

This one’s a nice little adventure where you make your way through the world in a customizable mech. In addition to the numerous mech parts your character can level skills. This gives you quite few different approaches you can take and the choices you make have a real impact on your play style. It’s also one of the few mech games I’ve played where running a light mech can work if you use the right strategy. This game requires skill and quick thinking.

At first the overall dark nature of the lighting system bugged me. But, as I played and after a few good scares from monsters sneaking up on me I grew to like it. It’s actually quite well done with dynamic lighting where muzzle flashes, lasers and rocket trails light up the area around you as you fight. It’s quite atmospheric. Again you have a few different options deal with this, you can upgrade the lights on your mech, use flares, and even a scanner system that will highlight targets for you. There’s also a day night cycle, so you aren’t always fighting in darkness.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Awesome game. Lots of fun. I have been through it and in touch with the developer and he has fixed some bugs and adjusted a few things. This game is a lot of fun. It just hasn’t been discovered yet. If you are looking for 20 or so hours to waste look no further.

Do you like blowing stuff up ?

Do you like lots of explosions ?

The atmosphere of the game is generally quite dark. This can make it a little tricky to see all enemies all the time but most of them light up in some way and it really makes for some awesome visuals while playing.

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Planet Nine on Steam