Bright Memory

Bright Memory

πŸ’¬ Note:

πŸ”΅ Bright Memory was made by a solo developer in his spare time

πŸ”΅ This game only contains Episode 1 of the games original vision

πŸ“’ Everybody who bought this game will get a full length remake called Bright Memory: Infinite on release

☁️ Performance:

Plays well on GeForce Now

πŸŒ• Pros

πŸ“€ Female Protagonist

πŸ“€ Fast paced fluid action gameplay

πŸ“€ Fusion of fps and blade action combat

πŸ“€ Active/passive skills to unlock

πŸ“€ Good visuals

πŸ“€ Good music/audio

πŸŒ‘ Cons

πŸ’Ώ Very linear levels

πŸ’Ώ Short game

– Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shooter FPS Games.

dmc meets mgr meets dooms it has both hack and slash and shooters elements. I give it solid 6/7 out of 10. The combat is alright at times but slightly jank at times but hopefully when the game is fully released today the combat is more polished. Another bonus you can wear a school uniform.

– Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Bright Memory on Steam



Where do I start. I agree with other reviews saying it is a challenging game, mostly to the point where i was starting to get frustrated. But to be honest, once I started to learn how to do the most damage, figure out what i can / can’t do, it started to become a game that I am enjoying. I think the price is exceptional for what you get to play. Some of the bosses I did have to grind to figure out their rotation. Be aware that the “levels” are you just fighting a boss, and if your stuck / having trouble on one boss, you can always go to another “level” and come back later. So yes, I am enjoying the game so far ( just get past the “learning how to do things” and you will enjoy it to). Last note - skip the first boss, come back to him later.

– Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shooter Top-Down Shooter Games.

I just start playing this game today. After 2 hours of playing this is what I have to say:

If you love brutal challenges this game is for you. There is no experience grinding. There are no overpowered weapons. You quickly forget that the hero is a little girl wearing an askew crown. You dodge, you attack and you super attack. To win you need to learn how to hurt the boss and you need to learn how to avoid getting hurt by the boss. Sounds simple, right? You will die. You will die alot. I have yet to beat a boss but I think it’s a great game.

– Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

CrownFall on Steam




Viscerafest is a piece of playable poetry wrapped around a bloody gut-punching, alien shooting, retro-style shooter, that seems to be heavily inspired by games the likes of Duke Nukem and Quake.

And not just heavy inspired; Viscerafest literally plays out and feels just as good. Lead by a tenacious, narcissistic female protagonist who doesn’t care about anything other than quick cash out and goes the extra mile to cause as much mayhem as possible, a fitting personality for the game I must say.

*– [Real player with 77.6 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Shooter First-Person Games.

--- Usually I don't do reviews, but this time is exceptional Let me cut to the chase. This game is good. I'll try to not over praise this game because now avaliable only one episode and it's too early to say, how good full game will be, but at this moment everything in this game makes me scream "Bloody hell, that feels good!!!". Movement is fast and smooth, gunplay is good and well-balanced, enemies are tough and every one of them requires a special approach to kill them, levels are complex and really creative.If you are a big fan of oldschool shooters and you're looking for real challenge - Viscerafest is your choise. *– [Real player with 11.8 hrs in game](* --- ![Hunter Girl]( "") ## Hunter Girl Rating / Bewertung: 01/10 English: Game installs problem-free on Windows 10. At the start of the game, the first problem comes to light: you are immediately in the game - without any possible volume settings etc. Also no help, which functions there are in the game … You are constantly playing in the same screen area and can only click left or right to change direction or to shoot around there, with the figure itself running in the previously selected direction within the screen area, which is why you find death quickly and often, especially since the opponent is simply short show up without warning. So a very chaotic control and programming. *– [Real player with 0.7 hrs in game](* --- ![The Spy Who Shrunk Me]( "") ## The Spy Who Shrunk Me Last level is a great example "How to make cool game and destroy it with final level". Optimization sucks and even though my PC can run game correctly with (at least) stable 30 fps, there are lots of frame drops which is annoying (unless you like playing with 10 fps). How about setting, maybe that will change something and will make the game run properly. NOPE. Settings is imo one of the devs joke, cause it doesn't change anything (despite the fog from tutorial seen just after start and never again). Game looks exactly the same, no matter which variant you've chosen. *– [Real player with 15.0 hrs in game](* UPDATE: After getting past a couple B.S. parts (due to bugs) I've changed my mind about the game. This game isn't ready for prime time just yet, but it's still pretty fun. The good: 1\. The shrink ray mechanic is fun! This might be a good cheap game when it's done and all the problems are ironed out. 2\. The artwork and music are good 3\. Good voice acting 4\. Good humor The bad: 1\. Shrink ray projectiles sometimes will literally go THROUGH the broad side of an enemy's chest and "miss". This is made worse by the fact that the reload time for the shrink ray is so long. If your shot goes through an alerted agent, you're as good as dead. You can't afford to miss any shots, even once. *– [Real player with 5.9 hrs in game](* --- ![Android Amazones]( "") ## Android Amazones yes *– [Real player with 6.0 hrs in game](* Unfortunately, my computer was unable to handle the level "rescue her sister," but the rest of the game was a tour-de-force. In the game, I can both run, and shoot a gun. Pressing the left mouse button shoots a gun, and C allows to crouch in one place. The game has very beautiful graphics, and it was enjoyable to see. I received many meaningful steam achievements. I recommend this game. *– [Real player with 0.9 hrs in game](* --- ![ReversEstory]( "") ## ReversEstory After playing the mobile version (which is great by the way), this definitely feels easier but also more fun with some added movement options. It's a fast paced shooter/platformer with some replay-ability and different characters each with their own playstyles and bosses. Overall, not too heavy on the bullet hell aspect. The translations to English isn't perfect, but still understandable and the UI was clearly designed with mobile in mind and could use some adaptation to PC/controller/mouse. *– [Real player with 6.8 hrs in game](* Coming from the free mobile release, I'm gonna say it right here: the PC version did not meet my expectation. I do recommend the game still if you can go past the issues, or at least play the mobile version. The controls just hardly translate well from touch screen to controller (or keyboard). Also, since the game got no way to change your controller deadzone, it's very easy to have the experience messed up by a very slight drift of your joystick, making your character jump in a direction even doe you want him to jump without moving. *– [Real player with 0.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Sky Goddess]( "") ## Sky Goddess A very interesting game, requires you to have a very fast reaction speed. The style of old movies is also very good. *– [Real player with 1.4 hrs in game](* GOOD GAME! *– [Real player with 0.2 hrs in game](* --- ![Succubus With Guns]( "") ## Succubus With Guns It plays well, very nice model detail and the boob physics is on point. Too bad there isn't more lewd stuff, I had fun circle jerking the mobs with the sword tho. The AI is pretty easy to cheese. That being said, I wish there were more healing spot and ammo for the 2nd stage. *– [Real player with 7.5 hrs in game](* So this game seems to be made by one dev, it's a little rough around the edges but I find it fun, definitely challenging, and the developer has been highly responsive to issues, making the game much better than it was at release. I recommend it for a simple wave shooter with sexy, although not actually nude, models to run around and shoot stuff. EDIT: After getting further in this game, I can no longer recommend it. I am starting to wonder if the developer has even tried playing their own game. The combination of punishing, 13-wave runs against bullet-sponge enemies, clunky, difficult aiming that makes you waste most of what little ammo you have on empty air, limited health that doesn't spawn enough, enemies with rocket launchers that just spam and blow you away after you've wasted twenty minutes or so getting to Round 11 just to get sent back to round 1, no kind of upgrade system to make any of this more feasible in the face of this torture, (as far as I know) no galleries or rewards to unlock, make the continuation of this torture less and less interesting. *– [Real player with 5.5 hrs in game](* --- ![The Stalin Subway: Red Veil]( "") ## The Stalin Subway: Red Veil This game is kind of a guilty pleasure for me. I just completed it on normal difficulty and I honestly can't believe that it got released with all the problems the game mechanics have. Everything you can possibly imagine that could be wrong with a first person shooter is done in this game. There is a rail section where you are in the back seat of a vehicle being shot at with no way to dodge or duck. If you start the mission with anything below 100% health, (meaning you have to complete the previous mission with 100% health) than you might as well reload an older save file and start from a previous mission. There is a sewer level where the water rises, but if you stay underwater too long, you lose health. The problem is that the damage taken for lack of oxygen while being under water is accumulative, meaning that if you begin losing health after being underwater for 10 seconds, and you emerge for air after 9 seconds, going back under the water (which is required) will start to hurt you after being submerged for only 1 second. The game finally concludes with what I can only describe as one of the worst escort missions in FPS history. The only good thing I can think to say is that there were no timed missions. *– [Real player with 15.2 hrs in game](* Stalin Subway: Red Veil is actually a blasphemous thing called a "standalone DLC", for the game [Stalin Subway]( (aka "Metro-2"). The base Stalin Subway game was short, and this Red Veil is about 0.3 in length and in 0.1 in the amount of content. However, it was made in such a terrible way that you might need even more time to beat it than the base game, thanks to constant unfair moments of respawning enemies right on your back. And if you'll manage this, in the last levels, you'll have a companion, who is weak as a reed, and now the respawning enemies will be hunting him instead of you! It goes by the trigger: you need to pull the switch somewhere, to proceed forward, and your "companion" is always somewhere far behind. So you're pulling the switch… and now you have to run as a devil back to your liability because the enemies already respawned right next to him, and tearing him into pieces with automatic fire. *– [Real player with 13.1 hrs in game](* ---