M.A.S.S. Builder

M.A.S.S. Builder

Summary: MASS Builder is a fairly fun game that could keep you busy for a few hours if you have little interest in mecha/robot customization, but many more hours if you like creating custom designs and trying them out. While its customization is deep, it isn’t…broad, and a general lack of content keeps this from being a hard recommend in general. That said, it actually gets the basics done with a lot of quality and polish and is by no means bad…just very narrow in its scope. It has a lot of potential and I’m excited to see new features added to the game.

Real player with 62.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shooter Third-Person Shooter Games.

Mass Builder is a customizable mecha game with great customization, but some of the worst gameplay I have ever had to slog through. The fact that the game is unfinished as of this review doesn’t excuse the game’s issues though. Let’s start with the pros, because there are some elements that are done well:


  • Great character art. I won’t go into detail, but whoever did the 2d character sprites during story segments should be commended for a job well done.

  • Great customization for mechas. The parts all look great, and there’s obvious influence from several anime designs in certain parts. Colour switching is a bit awkward, but it’s functional.

Real player with 61.2 hrs in game

M.A.S.S. Builder on Steam



OmniCity is an overpopulated Eastern European megalopolis where many social classes try to live—or at least survive. The poor districts are controlled by gangs that terrorize citizens and even corporations. Unable to put an end to the crime, the government contracts CyberCorp to eliminate its source—the gang leaders.

You’re an agent of CyberCorp, a megacorporation that owns a revolutionary system: the Synths, or bodies storing personalities of its employees. It’s the Synths that are deployed to the city’s hot spots to carry out missions.

Yours is to take care of the gangs and restore order on the streets of the city of tomorrow!

Level Variety

Complete missions in various locations and explore the futuristic city.

Level Difficulty

Pick your own difficulty level and controls.

Unique Progression System

Enhance your loot and improve your Synth through a card-based system of weapon and armor upgrades.

Deep Mechanics

Capture control points, defend important objects, hack into security systems, and more.

The game also features multiplayer.

Complete the game with your friends or random players.

Read More: Best Shooter Top-Down Shooter Games.

CyberCorp on Steam

Space Trader: Merchant Marine

Space Trader: Merchant Marine

Space Trader Merchant Marine is that strange situation where two very different genres have been combined together in the hope of hitting that once in a lifetime combination that everybody agrees is pure genius, like Vampires and Teenagers, or Ninjas and Cheerleaders. Space Trader doesn’t quite hit that special recipe however.

Space Trader is a combination of a numbers trading simulator and a first person shooter and by far and large the biggest problem is that playing the game you have trouble telling which of these two aspects feel the most tacked on.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shooter FPS Games.

Space Trader Merchant Marine was released in Oct 23, 2008. It boasts a score of 89% from a review by GameFocus saying, ““One of the best indie games of 2008. An innovative and addictive experience. Addictive, very fun and innovative are the best words to describe the game and the bottom line is this is a welcome addition to any gamer’s library so buy this game and enjoy it.”

This is very akin to the how ‘reviews’ reflected Bubsy 3D on its own packaging, to those that remember.

The game is broken down into four different areas, exploration, trading, time management, and fighting/bounty hunting.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Space Trader: Merchant Marine on Steam

The Happy Little Virus

The Happy Little Virus

Disclaimer: A copy of this game was provided by the developer.

The Happy Little Virus is a top down shooter with dark humor.

You play as a virus and the objective in every level is to steal the data. Killing all the enemies isn’t required as you can sometimes rush around them. There are a total of 6 weapons to be unlocked, but only 3 of them end up being relevant due to their range and one of them sometimes bugs out. Some levels feature replicators that spawns other viruses that count as extra lifes if you die, they can be told to follow, stay or you can swap to them.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

I got this game for free to show it to my community on stream. At first I was very skeptical however we had great fun. I have not played the complete game until the end so I cannot judge how the story would end and how many maps you would have to beat.

What to expect from the game?

A top down shooter with a cynical story plot and several details in text which could actually be out of real life if you think about it. You have to get used to the controls and it is certainly not a game where you can just rush through every map even if you are tempted to do that.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

The Happy Little Virus on Steam

Box Party

Box Party

You’re invited to the biggest party of the year!

_But the food has gone bad, and they’re threatening to crash the party, forever!

It’s up to you to stop them before it’s too late!_


  • In Box Party, you will be fighting against various food-themed foes across multiple mostly-linear party-themed levels.

  • There are no health pickups anywhere in Box Party. Instead, you recover health by defeating foods and obtaining their loot.

  • The enemies' loot will vary based on your player class, how much health you’ve lost, and even which weapon you’re using!

  • Run out of ammo in a heated fight? Don’t worry, defeated enemies will drop some for you when you need it the most!


  • Party out in 3 different levels!

  • Fight your way through 8 different enemies and 3 different bosses!

  • Acquire your arsenal of 4 party-themed weapons!

  • Make small talk with the other party-goers!

  • Customize your look with 15+ unlockable hats!

  • Go for the highest score on the leaderboards! (local scores only)

  • Choose between 3 different characters!

  • Did I mention there’s mod support?

Will you become the Ultimate Party Star?

Box Party on Steam

Gal*Gun Returns

Gal*Gun Returns

The very first time I played this game, I still had a girlfriend. We were in a great spot back then. This is probably the only semi-lewd game I showed her. She thought it was funny and cute. Truth be told, I have fond memories of the opening song, as one of the very first times I made love to a real woman was during a non-so-well-thought-out playthrough. Those were carefree days of lazyness and lack of responsibility. Lovable moments of total void, filled with the simple joys of life. Time went by slowly, youth was in full bloom. What a great time to be alive and experience this little gem.

Real player with 94.7 hrs in game

TL;DR Summary: 100% hard recommend. Fun, cute/sexy, and appropriately challenging. However, if you’re new to the Gal*Gun series, I recommend trying out Gal*Gun: Double Peace as your first game. If you already enjoyed Double Peace, I definitely recommend this prequel.

I’m going to write this review from my personal perspective of a GalGun addict who has 100% completed not only this game, but all of the others available here on Steam (Double Peace, 2, and VR), and pre-ordered the special edition without even thinking about it. Specifically, I will be comparing to Double Peace, for two reasons - first, both this game and Double Peace are true rail shooters, with very similar forced camera movement gameplay, whereas 2 and VR are stationary wave shooters where you have some control over the camera and when you proceed down the track. Perhaps more importantly though, the other reason is that I think Double Peace, as a sequel to the original console release of GalGun (which came out 10 years ago, and of which this game is a remaster), is a more interesting and robust game. So if you haven’t already played Double Peace, I suggest you start with it. Don’t get me wrong, Gal*Gun Returns is a great game on its own, and I definitely recommend it even to a new player, but Double Peace has more features and is currently cheaper, or essentially the same price for the Deluxe Edition add-on for all the costumes (which is totally worth the extra cost, BTW). So I’m going to assume you’ve played Double Peace, and base the rest of the review on how Returns differs.

Real player with 89.0 hrs in game

Gal*Gun Returns on Steam

Mercenary Operator: Wolves

Mercenary Operator: Wolves

i personally dont like 2d games or what the frick this game counted as.. i dont really suggest getting the game as it gets boring very fast

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Mercenary Operator: Wolves on Steam

Planet Nine

Planet Nine

This one’s a nice little adventure where you make your way through the world in a customizable mech. In addition to the numerous mech parts your character can level skills. This gives you quite few different approaches you can take and the choices you make have a real impact on your play style. It’s also one of the few mech games I’ve played where running a light mech can work if you use the right strategy. This game requires skill and quick thinking.

At first the overall dark nature of the lighting system bugged me. But, as I played and after a few good scares from monsters sneaking up on me I grew to like it. It’s actually quite well done with dynamic lighting where muzzle flashes, lasers and rocket trails light up the area around you as you fight. It’s quite atmospheric. Again you have a few different options deal with this, you can upgrade the lights on your mech, use flares, and even a scanner system that will highlight targets for you. There’s also a day night cycle, so you aren’t always fighting in darkness.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Awesome game. Lots of fun. I have been through it and in touch with the developer and he has fixed some bugs and adjusted a few things. This game is a lot of fun. It just hasn’t been discovered yet. If you are looking for 20 or so hours to waste look no further.

Do you like blowing stuff up ?

Do you like lots of explosions ?

The atmosphere of the game is generally quite dark. This can make it a little tricky to see all enemies all the time but most of them light up in some way and it really makes for some awesome visuals while playing.

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Planet Nine on Steam



Comme d’hab, Max et Zino nous offrent du lourd !

On a le droit à un jeu de grande qualité pour un prix très abordable.

Les différentes améliorations disponibles sont super, le jeu est beau, les maps sont travaillées.

Donc oui, ce jeu est réussi sur tous les aspects.

Hâte de voir de futures mises à jour, qui, je suis sûr, renderont l’expérience encore meilleure.

Et encore félicitation aux deux développeurs !

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

Really good game, still a little rough around the edges but that’s to be expected since it came out so recently. Can become oddly terrifying if you spend too much time in the lobby trying to do the parkour.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

UpGun on Steam



After the huge success of my favorite game Bigger Guns, I decided it was worth taking a look at the new game of the creators of this addictive shooter. After the first hours of playing, I can rightfully say that the game has potential and personally I am not disappointed. My heart was drawn to the map called “the rock”, which will become a cult classic among esports maps in the future.

As you would expect from this ambitious studio, they classically left us with a lot of content to start with and a title for hours of fun. Future patches will surely have more content to fill the next hundreds of hours of fun in this next-gen shooter.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

it exist and you can shoot shoot

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

141 on Steam