PEOPLEDOWN is a “Hotline Miami” style top-down stealth action game.

A short experimental game.

There are 5 stages in all!

House, Office, Factory, Bank, Gang.

Enjoy “Hotline Miami” style gameplay on your favorite stage!

In addition to the normal game mode, there is a killing mode.

Wipe out and refresh your enemies with the rocket launcher!

Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up Violent Games.


EXPOSURE, a game of camouflage

EXPOSURE, a game of camouflage

A game of camouflage where you can’t see yourself. Change colors to hide, dodge predators, and survive intense bosses in the abstract wilderness of stealth non-bullet hell. Lose the ability to see where you are, and learn to feel and know where you’re going.


Being out in the open is unsafe. Avoid detection to survive. Switch between light and dark forms to camouflage, but careful: you won’t be able to see yourself either.

Entrancing World

Begin defenseless, but evolve into something greater. Progress through different branching paths across 11 procedurally generated areas. Disappear into the psychedelic minimalist design and atmospheric soundscapes.

Intense Bosses

Each area introduces new predators and parasites. Everything is much more powerful than you, but everything has a weakness.


Collect all the Fieldnotes. Beat the Daily Challenge. Discover the fastest routes. Shoot ‘em up without shooting. Bullet hell without bullets. See without looking. Die and evolve.

Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up Psychedelic Games.

EXPOSURE, a game of camouflage on Steam

Whiskey & Zombies: The Great Southern Zombie Escape

Whiskey & Zombies: The Great Southern Zombie Escape

Loving this game so far. Super fun top down game, kinda like a slower and more suspenseful version of Hotline Miami. The game is fun but also super hard (almost to the point of frustrating, but I keep coming back for more). Never screamed so much playing a game I think. The zombies sneak up on you and the horde is real!!! A good combo of strategy and fighting.

100% recommended!

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up Beat 'em up Games.

Fun as hell, I played it on comic con like three years ago and bought it the other day. The game is still really buggy but I know it has potential.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Whiskey & Zombies: The Great Southern Zombie Escape on Steam

Crime District

Crime District

Hard with controller,

Great game tho,

Like hotline Miami and it’s tricky, but alot of fun,

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Crime District on Steam

Lost Patrol

Lost Patrol

As a kid, I used to play this game on the Commodore Amiga when it first came out….it was frustratingly hard, but had a good story and was really atmospheric (including the music).

When I saw it on Steam, I was really excited and looked forward to trying out an ‘old classic’ again.

Unfortunately, the game has no sound and the controls (after figuring them out) can only be described as horrendous, at best. No mouse, no instruction, no music, and I’m sure a couple of the features don’t work. Such a shame - not a good version of the game.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Lost Patrol on Steam

Social Distancing Simulator

Social Distancing Simulator

Social distancing is in full effect, but we all need to eat. Make your way through a supermarket with 120+ different product’s, avoid the other customers and make it through check out with everything on your shopping list. You might want to stock up on extra supplies while you can, They are working for a vaccine, but things are bound to get worse before they get better. Stay safe.

  • 5 Unique Endings!

  • Unique Game Mechanics

  • Satirical Story

  • 120+ Products

  • 575+ Buildings

Social Distancing Simulator on Steam

Road To Death

Road To Death

I didn’t have to play much to figure out what I was getting into. The game looks fine and the controls presented are solid and even give you a lean option for some realism. Unfortunately that’s where the positive things stop hard. Enemies are constantly found walking in place and are easy to sneak up on as a result. They also don’t react to being shot in any way so I found myself shooting enemies many times in the head with an Ak-47u because I could not tell if I was simply missing or if this guy with no helmet just had a skull of steel. I’m not saying I expected AAA quality shooting out of a $3 game but it’s just not fun.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Love it!!! Cant wait to see what the new map has to offer.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Road To Death on Steam

Star Witch

Star Witch

‘Star Witch’ is an Oculus Rift Only action shooter that for some reason doesn’t work on the Oculus Rift. In fact, the frame rate is so low this game is pretty much unplayable and definitely so nauseating that you wouldn’t want to play it anyway. It seems to be a poorly made shooter with some of the worse voice acting you will ever hear. I know £3.99 isn’t a very big asking price, but asking anything for this at the moment is asking too much, avoid this for now until it gets fixed. See video for issues/gameplay -

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Star Witch on Steam

Deadswitch 3

Deadswitch 3


Alright, so you found this game in the Free Games section or maybe you came knowing it’s a new game by mighty XWILKINX. As a person who played the game since its very launch, first on the Web-version, then on the version, and then here, I’m here to reroute your journey elsewhere, as you most likely won’t find what you’re looking for - a game you can play and enjoy. This review is focused on multiplayer, as IMHO singleplayer is extremely boring.

Let’s start with the positives tho, as game actually sports a couple of them:

Real player with 420.5 hrs in game

–-What you are initially reading was written before 1st prestige, further down (indicated by obvious line) are things added after the initial review and will likely be updated as my play time goes up—

Having played BRAIN/OUT, another 2D shooter very similar to this for countless hours, honestly I think this game is way better than B/O in a lot of ways. This game is what B/O could’ve been had it not been neglected and tried to be every single popular trend in the gaming industry to stay relevant. It really is a shame how B/O ended up in its current and most likely unrecoverable state. But enough of B/O’s current state. Lets look at the positives of WHY this game is B/O but IMO better.

Real player with 67.2 hrs in game

Deadswitch 3 on Steam

Get it, Hero!

Get it, Hero!

Do you remember playing capture the flag in your childhood? Remember all the tension you had in midfield when someone was focused on you and you on him, seeing who was going to make the first move and get caught? and then someone would move, the entire enemy team would go after this brave hero who tried to make his tale, and that opened up a huge gap for you and your comrades to pass on the other side of the map. this guy got caught and you and your teammates, now that you had the flag in your hand, had the difficult task of tricking the other team into returning to your field, knowing that now the team would definitely focus on you holding the flag. I remember thinking how good it would be in those moments if I had the power of super speed, invisibility, or teleportation.

Get it, Hero! on Steam