

be a gamer

have gamer friend that makes a game

tells you to buy game


don’t know how to play, but hit the Play button anyways

get excited b/c this is gonna be good

screen goes dark

you’re in a carriage, hands tied up.

Skyrim logo appears

you did it again, Todd Howard

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up Multiplayer Games.

Dungeonite on Steam



PomboTroll is a “joke” game with MS paint tier hand drawn “art”. Control a “pigeon” and puke on/avoid other birds in 2D side scrolling arcade style gameplay.

The quality is deplorably low, resolution and controls are locked and can’t be changed. Gameplay is a sloppy mess, literally and figuratively. The developer made this bundletrash in the hopes it might get a few clicks from the funny concept, but there’s nothing of value here for gamers, or anyone else for that matter.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up 2D Platformer Games.

If you consider everything that we have on steam, pombotroll is on average.

Good work steam.

Best regards,

Mineirinho ultra adventures fan.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

PomboTroll on Steam

Spark and Sparkle

Spark and Sparkle

Amazing little game that I’m so glad I found out about. Vertical shooter mixed with a jigsaw puzzle? Will that work? Really? YES, yes it does!

Great SNES/Retro visuals and soundtrack are just icing on the cake!

Get this game!

EDIT: Would love some updates/DLC for it!!

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up Puzzle Games.

Really fun VS Shoot’em up with a twist.

The chaotic combination of puzzle solving and STG gameplay makes for very tense and exciting situations where matches can easily flip from one players advantage to another in a flash.

Art style and soundtrack are fantastic in an adorable cutesy way.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Spark and Sparkle on Steam



Fantastic game. Hectic, strategic, and skillful. If you like shmups and competition, this game is for you.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

This is a totally fun, unique, and addictive Schmup concept!

Absolutely hooked after my first 5 matches.

The cyberpunk aesthetic and music totally nails it too.

I’m always thinking about how badly we need more quality schmups so I’m really happy to say Star99 nicely scratches that itch.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Star99 on Steam

Tiny Troopers: Global Ops

Tiny Troopers: Global Ops

Attention! Tiny Troopers: Global Ops is a fast-paced arcade twin-stick shooter in which you lead an elite squad of Tiny Troopers on action-packed missions to take down hordes of unscrupulous enemies from all corners of the world!

Yes, the Troopers are ready! Battle-hardened, razer-focused, and raring to take on daring new missions! So, suit-up and lead your squad into explosive battles with epic campaigns against legions of heavily armed adversaries, you’re the best of the best, and it’s time to prove it in Tiny Troopers’ biggest ever ops!

Tiny Troopers: Global Ops on Steam



WARZONE-X is a multiplayer first-person game developed in 2755 where large corporations fight for the few resources left on earth combining the experience of science fiction and cyberpunk worlds in a death match with futuristic technology. 5 classic game modes based on team fighting and can play up to a total of 12 players per map or solo mode against bots.

Classic game modes:

- Deathmatch: Also known as DM or Deadly Combat, it is the typical all-against-all duel, each by his side. The objective is to have the largest number of frags (deaths made by the player) at the end of the time, or be the one that reaches the limit of frags established in the game. One of the best known modalities that are derived in this way is the one-on-one, also known as 1on1 or Duel.

- Teamdeathmatch:

Also known as TDM or Deadly Team Fight. Here, the rules of the game are the same as in Deathmatch, that is, the winner (this time, “team” instead of “player”) is the one who reaches the limit of frags established in the game, or one who, At the end of time, be the one with the most frags. There are 2 teams competing with each other to be the winner.

- Capture The Flag: Also known as CTF or Capture The Flag. Players compete in teams to take the flag of the rival team and take it to their own base, while defending theirs. Competitive teams must have a large share of teamwork. Teams must defend their base from rival attacks, while infiltrating the enemy base, taking their flag, and returning to their base. This requires the team to protect its bearer well from enemies in order to fulfill its objective.

- Domination: DOM, Teams compete to control several control points (these appear on the map as a giant X that changes shape and color according to the team that controls it) with the aim of adding points and winning the game. Standard maps contain three points. The points can be controlled either with the total occupation of the territory (physically occupying the space) or from a distance. Here, again, there are 2 teams competing for the same goal.

- Rush or Assault: A team, called an attacker must place explosive charges on two predetermined targets. When these are destroyed, the next phase is advanced where the same is done. The defending team must defend the objectives until the enemy points or “regeneration tickets” reach zero.

WARZONE-X on Steam



This game is what arcade games strive to be: easy to learn, but difficult to master. This super simple eight button control setup takes seconds for any veteran game to figure out and even someone new to games should be able to understand it in under a minute. Four buttons to move, four buttons to shoot. What could be easier? While each map starts out nice and easy with some slow enemies that aren’t very harmful, the pace picks up fairly quickly, introducing faster and more complicated enemies. With the chain-combo and hit streak mechanics, this is both a blessing and a curse. The game rewards you for pulling off risky maneuvers, but itsn’t going to hand you lots of opportunities for easy points. I keep finding myself backing into a corner trying to lure large groups of basic enemies together to get one large combo just to get hit from behind by a newly-spawned enemy from a spot I just wasn’t paying enough attention to. After that, I have to fight to take back any chunk of the map I can so that I’m not locked into a tiny space and picked off easily by even the most basic enemies.

Real player with 171.3 hrs in game

Wow i got to play this at pax east and it was a lot of fun. Playing that again i feel like its even more polished and awesome now! They managed to make the single player REALLY enjoyable for high score chasers like myself cant wait to dive back in. I also got to dive into some multiplayer which i was really excited for. Someone named Gongon poped into my game and we went back and forth at it for about an hour stright !!! keep in mind matches last what, maybe 2 minutes or so ? so you can do the math how many matches we played ! You can tell after a while we were both playing mind games and trying different strats on each other, what a blast.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

INVERSUS Deluxe on Steam

Space God

Space God

With only two people they have created a very solid shoot ‘em up game


  • Great performance, solid 60 fps

  • Great and clear special effects

  • Simple, responsive control

  • Upgradable aircrafts and weapons

  • Satisfying destroying hundred of enemies, no need to be serious when playing

  • Support for online and offline co-op

  • Fair challenge, very friendly to newcomers, and quickly to 100% achievements


~ Quite repetitive with the same 20 maps per difficulty

~ Only one style of map, some confusing map layouts

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Summary: It’s a pretty good bullet-shooting game with some progression. The music fits the atmosphere and the graphics are great if you’re into neon/retro style. That being said, the game does feel repetitive after a while. There are ship/weapon upgrades but it’s nothing special, just increase in stats. There are 20 stages per difficulty and they don’t feel much different from each other. The selection of music is limited so you will hear the same music after a few stages. Overall, good value for the bucks, especially if you liked to play the bullet-shooting games at arcade.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Space God on Steam

Splash King’s Tournament

Splash King’s Tournament

Fun and chaotic gameplay that gets more fun with the more people that are in the match. This is a game I could see work really well at a LAN party playing with your friends, having that friendly competition and banter.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Splash King's Tournament on Steam



This game is a new multiplayer pvp-shooter. Player can choose his unique character with powerful super-abilities to defeat all other players. Be quick, strong and smart - and you will achieve the victory! Choose different skils, weapons and skills to be the best!

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Trashyard is a multiplayer PvP third-person shooter that takes place on eight different maps on which fierce battles are conducted in a mode: everyone for himself, choosing a character with unique abilities, take over the others.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Trashyard on Steam