Days Of Purgatory

Days Of Purgatory

I love killing zombies and this game satisfies that need XD

Real player with 399.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up Co-op Campaign Games.

Blood, Gore, Violence!! Lots of upgrades, lots of room to grow, all while being very challenging. Highly recommended!

Real player with 100.2 hrs in game

Days Of Purgatory on Steam

Demon Blast

Demon Blast


As I absolutely adore the DOOM series and similar titles, Demon Blast naturally caught my eye on Steam’s Store Page immediately. Its colourful, cartoonish art style, along with the promise of killing hordes of demons, was enough for me to give it a try, despite it being in the Early Access. The harsh reality is that this game is unfinished and clunky to play, as you would expect from the Early Access. However, the promised updates are still not released, which is why I finally decided to write a review, as the game’s current content does not offer enough to justify its price for me.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up FPS Games.

Written By Hidden Gems Review :

The idea of a roguelike with a touch of doom is reaaaally great, in fact was pretty fun until…

There are 2 bugs are killling me (literally)

1st one the enemy range atack pass the doors and hits you

2nd one the have a issue with the mouse like if you change of dpi for talking with npcs of hitting stuff with your hands.

I know it’s an early acess and you expect bugs but this make the game nearly unplayable and really hard

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Demon Blast on Steam



Cool game kind.


  • great visual style. Very atmospheric and stylish levels.

  • action battles as you need to use hero abilities in time.

  • different weapons with which you can kill demons.

  • different bosses, not very difficult though, it’s okay.

  • intricate strange plot.

  • good jokes)

  • good price.

  • I liked the crazy dancing letters)))


  • some bosses and fights pissed me off.

  • some basics 2d scroller shooterics are not presented, but mechan yeah it’s experimental.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up Side Scroller Games.

Quite a cool game, of course not without drawbacks.

cool stuff:

1. Lots of action, especially in the end. Almost Serious Sam sometimes, but you always have proper gun to destroy demons.

2. Some bosses remind old good game console games.

3. Surprisingly lots of stuff for indie game - several main characters, lots of guns, lots of demons

4. Complex and interesting plot, but sometimes there is a feeling like watching Dune without reading book - very interesting, but understood nothing.

5. One of plot twist in the middle reminded me half life, that was quite cool.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Re.Surs on Steam



A fun, frantic and sometimes frustrating spiritual successor to Sinistar, Devileader delivers that classic arcade fun in spades. I never really got into the ‘original’ a whole lot, but this game has a few more interesting elements that give the game a good depth and the difficulty setting is a nice addition that keeps things approachable and adaptable, especially for people like me who are not already experts at this game format. I would definitely recommend giving this game a try if you’re at all a fan of the original arcade shooters or fast-paced arcade action in general.

Real player with 124.3 hrs in game

Hijong Park delivers again. This time with Devileader (Sinistar on crack).

So yes, Sinistar… but this time re-imagined with 4 difficulty levels, much larger enemy variety, interesting weapon variety, and online scoreboards. First off before gameplay begins you are given a choice of one of a handful of superweapons to equip on your ship. These are very powerful and will be used sparingly as they require mining crystals to recharge. They are great for getting you out of tough spots or clearing out a path to hit the devileader with devibombs. Careful though as some will also completely wipe out asteroids and mined cystals which have yet to be collected. Next, your primary laser has a secondary rapid fire mode that clears enemies at a much faster rate. On the flip side it heats up quickly requiring a cooldown time after prolonged use. These two core weapon changes alone already make the frantic gameplay in Devileader much more interesting than in the original arcade classic. Now lets add in a larger ever growing enemy and hazard variety as you progress further into the game and you are looking at a truly great arcade experience. Last but not least, there is a lone drop ship that enters the play area every so often to drop either more powerful ammo limited weapons or time limited items such as shields or cloaks. Be sure to check your map periodically for the drop ship as it can be easy to miss the computerized voice alerting you to its presence in the heat of action.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Devileader on Steam

Red Algorithm

Red Algorithm

After playing over 200 Hours. I can official say this game is the shit.

It takes a while to get decent enough to not want to rip your head off, equally as long to learn all the great content Eugene has added.

This game does NOT have the attention it deserves

Stop looking through the store page, you’re here, reading this review. Play this game.

TLDR - Great content, very challenging,

Real player with 326.3 hrs in game

A very enjoyable game for when you have a podcast or other type of content going on in the background, or just want a bit of fun. Surprisingly difficult with a good deal of replayability due to random chance being a fairly heavy factor. Apparently the dev’s first ever game on steam, so he definitely shows promise if this is just him dipping a toe in. Would definitely recommend at least a short attempt or two since the game is also light and quick to download.

Real player with 56.3 hrs in game

Red Algorithm on Steam

Another Warfare

Another Warfare

This game has great effects, particles and all.

Enemies are standard.

Mechanics are good by themselves.

But level design is really bad.

Levels look alike, which makes you don’t like the visuals.

besides last 2-3 level they are not challenging in any way and this makes mechanics useless too

But in the end It’s not boring or anything. It is 175MB you can just buy&download&try in no time.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

In Another Warfare time moves only when you move, like in SUPER HOT. But now, in a 2D environment

I had a lot of fun playing through the whole game. It’s a short experience, fair for the price offered.

The level design really impressed me. You can really grasp the mechanics and different enemy types just by the levels themselves, learning as you progress. I never found myself stuck in a level that felt too difficult and were never bored by a level that felt too slow or easy.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Another Warfare on Steam

DANMAKAI: Red Forbidden Fruit

DANMAKAI: Red Forbidden Fruit

Cute little STG that feels like a nice and huge love letter to Touhou (especially PC-98’s vibes). I will write my pros and cons with the expectation that the reader is at least somewhat fond of Touhou.


  • 4 difficulties, 6 stages with an extra stage. Very Touhou-style

  • Mechanic is simple enough to understand. The tutorial video helps.

  • The difficulty is generally digestible. You can go ham on resources once you master the mechanic, but isn’t that true of most STGs and Touhou games anyway…

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

A hilariously unbalanced game with a bomb mechanic that can be spammed to hell and back. Once the player has figured out how, where, and when to bomb graze, its difficulty becomes trivial, and the game becomes a fun novelty. A veteran shmup player should be able to clear Lunatic in under 10 credits.

While there is little challenge to be found in the main game, there’s plenty of extra content to keep yourself busy with. There also seems to be a hidden condition for what I think is a TLB or something equivalent, but I’m too lazy to confirm it.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

DANMAKAI: Red Forbidden Fruit on Steam

Dawn of Light

Dawn of Light

Other players posted that mouse issue was resolved. I returned to try the game out again. I will switch my review to recommend while I try the rest of the game.

Original post:

I really wanted to play this but… Mouse only looks left and right.

Loaded Quake 2 to test. Worked fine…

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

This is a fairly short, but fun game. Perhaps the two critiques that might help people are: First, is that you have to tap twice on save game before it does anything, and then a 3rd to actually type a name in, before you can even start the game. This should only have been 1 tap. The second tip is that the game defaults to a Azerty keyboard. You will want to go to options and change it over to QWERTY if you want to use the standard WASD movement controls.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Dawn of Light on Steam



This game has become one of my favorite games to date, to be completely honest with you. I hope so much the developer continues work on this game. It’s addictive, fast-paced, and rewarding once you finally get far enough to “become devil”. It’s worth playing.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

boss game

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Goinund on Steam

A Quiver of Crows

A Quiver of Crows


_Les mouches bourdonnaient sur ce ventre putride,

D’où sortaient de noirs bataillons

De larves, qui coulaient comme un épais liquide

Le long de ces vivants haillons.

Tout cela descendait, montait comme une vague,

Ou s’élançait en pétillant ;

On eût dit que le corps, enflé d’un souffle vague,

Vivait en se multipliant._

A Quiver of Crows game. You, as a flying being, ‘a crow’, shooting with some lasers into some relentless ever-respawning undeads of various sorts.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

This game needs some reviews, so I want to do a 2-hour first impression. The art in this game is astoundingly well developed. It wordlessly creates a lot of ambience as you fly your way through abandoned playgrounds and discarded remnants of civilization as a new dawn approaches a terrible day…

You play a freaking bird with laser weapons. If you’re still reading this, you want this game. It’s hard. Quite hard, but it can be enjoyed in bursts of 10 minutes or a whole rage inducing hour. The controls are extremely tight, and the weapons and enemies are all interesting. My favorite are the basic enemies, which I call the “Dental Association” as they chomp me to bits.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

A Quiver of Crows on Steam