Days Of Purgatory
I love killing zombies and this game satisfies that need XD
– Real player with 399.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up Demons Games.
Blood, Gore, Violence!! Lots of upgrades, lots of room to grow, all while being very challenging. Highly recommended!
– Real player with 100.2 hrs in game
Flight of the Athena
Lots of variety with bosses and enemies. Includes interesting time-based events mid-mission and enemies that come from all four directions, which gets pretty exciting pretty quickly. Well done, A To Play Ltd’s Flight of the Athena is pretty damn fun and very replayable!
While the portrait art may be lacking the rest of the in-game art are quite nice. Some odd design decisions on the tactical map but the actual battles and bosses are loads of fun. And multiplayer!
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– Real player with 2.5 hrs in game
This game is excellent! It is a flashback to games like this that I played when I was younger but with great additions! You have two guns (one on a turret) which you control using the 2nd stock on the controller; this is great! Also there is an RPG and randomness factor which add to replayability. Got to buy it!
– Real player with 0.8 hrs in game
Retro Wars
Take on an entire army in this 80s inspired retro top down vertical scrolling shooter.
Be a one man war machine or take a friend into battle for some fun 2 player local co-op.
Rescue POWs before they are executed
You will be heavily out numbered….
You will be heavily out gunned….
Advance through the levels tactically so you are not over whelmed!
Cautiously make your way to the enemy base on each of the 8 increasingly challenging levels and use whatever cover you find to evade enemy fire.
Use grenades to escape if you are pinned down by the enemy troops or trapped by an enemy tank patrol.
Single player and two player couch co-op action
8 campaign levels to blast your way through
4 difficulty modes which can be set independently for each player
Rescue POWs before they are executed in front of you
Parachute munition drops to be collected
Throw grenades at enemies to take out multiple troops at once
Destroy enemy vehicles for bonus points
Customizable joystick sensitivity
Use level objects as tactical cover
Retro 8 directional movement to take you back to the 80s
Read More: Best Shoot 'Em Up Local Co-Op Games.
This is a seemingly straightforward schmup on the surface but it’s just as much a puzzle game. Levels fly at you thick & fast, and you sometimes have just seconds to destroy all the enemies onscreen. However the visuals, whilst retro, are clearly defined & even though you will perish (many times!) it never feels annoying as you get put back in again, forcing you to think quickly & remember what worked & what didn’t.
Kind of unique among the many twin stick shooters out there, and great value. Even the pulsing soundtrack is effective. Get it!
– Real player with 10.5 hrs in game
BULLET PARTY is obviously a bullet hell game. A very hellish bullet game at that.
1. Gets very hard very easily, but this is to be expected. Bullet hell game after all. (Still annoying.)
2. No level editor. I feel like a level editor would REALLY make this game, especially if you could upload your levels and others could play theeem……………………
1. Very fun experience, with lots of levels.
2. Very fun with friends.
BULLET PARTY is a very fun game as you can tell. The game can be annoying at times, but it’s worth the money.
– Real player with 3.5 hrs in game
This is EXCELLENT. I bought it on sale, and would happily pay full price.
I loved Geometry Wars, Waves and countless other 2-stick shooters (also old enough to have loved Asteroids…), but this feels fresh. It’s perfectly polished, and the addition of constant mid-game changes to the arena shape gives you something new to run away from, learn, and sometimes use to your advantage.
No unfair deaths, no easy/lazy ways to grind through levels, no smart bombs, and in challenge mode just one life.
– Real player with 13.2 hrs in game
Trigonarium is a very solid twin-stick shooter that has never received the recognition and love it well deserves. If you find the Geometry Wars games to be too fast for you, but you enjoy the mechanics of Super Stardust HD, then this is the game you want to have a go at. Unlike many other titles in the same price bracket, this one appears to have been tested thoroughly: I don’t recall experiencing any bugs whatsoever.
This title is critically underrated and at only three euros it’s an absolute steal. I urge everyone to give it a whirl!
– Real player with 11.4 hrs in game
Demons Ate My Neighbors!
1991 — it seems like any other sweltering July in the sleepy suburbs of Fairweather Valley…until a cursed VHS unleashes untold horrors upon the neighborhood, turns the residents evil, and generally makes April & Joey’s summer a total bummer. Our heroes must exorcise their neighbors from hell, fight their way back to the haunted High School and rewind their summer to save the world!
Evoking moody ‘80s / ‘90s teen-horror with Saturday morning cartoons and a manic, humorous tone, Demons Ate My Neighbors! honors ‘90s co-op classics as only an unofficial SPIRITual sequel could.
Two heads are better than dead - Team up in local co-op, then pump, refill, and spill ‘em all with Splasha squirt guns, loaded with an infinite supply of holy water. Don’t worry about death - with infinite timelines, another April & Joey are ready to DAMN! or DELIVER all over again.
Customizable and Upgradeable Splashas - Pump past the limit with Overpump and unleash holy hydro hell. Swap & pop Nozzles to drench demons with different shots, effects, and Overblasts - then upgrade the Splasha’s stats with Nitro Splashtanks found throughout the ‘burbs of Fairweather.
Interactive, Procedural Environments - Knock over mailboxes, trashcans, and more to find household weapons that exploit monster weaknesses. Freeze Zombos, zap Zaplings and vaporize Vampunks with Garlic Pizza.
Collect VHS tokens from Boss Demons- Unlock new permanent meta upgrades in The Hideout
**Getting lost finding possessed citizens in procedurally-generated levels? **Not with the radical Radar Radio called the RadWatch. Level it up by slaying monsters to boost its range and ability to find survivors.
Citizens can Tune-Out! - and transform to climactic combat challenges where one of three choices must be made: DAMN, DELIVER, or DIE. Be kind and rewind by draining their recharging stamina with a Holy Hi-Fi arsenal to DELIVER them from evil, or blast through with Lethal Lo-Fi weaponry to let them stay DAMNED.
Yo! 16-bit characters feel right at home in this ever-changing top-down 3D world of nightmare nostalgia featuring a funky, thrilling dynamic soundtrack by Sonic Mania veteran Tee Lopes, Varien, Nice Legs, and Papoose!
Gravity Heroes
Excellent game. Lots of variety of character and scenarios. It brings an innovative gameplay. congratulations, I indicated to all my friends.
– Real player with 2.9 hrs in game
Target Audience: Those looking for a unique shooter with friends to play with
Gravity Heroes is one of those games that has an interesting concept on the surface that actually does live up to how you’d want it to play out in terms of gameplay. The ability to move gravity does help a lot here without being overly powerful….as long as you use it correctly and skillfully. You’ll struggle a tiny bit at first as your brain needs a period of time to sorta “reset” how it thinks, but if you adapt, you’ll be matrix dodging and zooming across the map and dealing with the interesting problems put before you in level design and enemy placement. The game is easy to follow and look at for the most part and enemies have clear attack animations and readable tells, even if you end up running into them with the chaos of everything around you.
– Real player with 2.7 hrs in game
BlastZone 2
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, ‘If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.’. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- ‘Don’t ever smoke. Please don’t put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this game gave me cancer anyway.
– Real player with 208.4 hrs in game
Apparently the blast zone is actually quite large. BlastZone 2 is a short indie side scrolling shooter (ala R-type but I wouldn’t say this game is that similar to R-type) made by solo developer Mat Edzenga. It features a number of different ships with different load outs, 8 stages filled with enemy ships, interesting 3D graphics and a few extra modes to try your hand at once you have beaten the main game. It also has local 2 players, controller support and costs only a few bucks.
– Real player with 9.6 hrs in game
Gryphon Knight Epic: Definitive Edition
Gryphon Knight Epic: Definitive Edition:
After having defeated the enormous dragon that destroyed the all the crops and the army of the kingdom of Valiantskies, and of course, having saved the Princess, the leader of a group of eight heroes, Sir Oliver, fell deeply in love with the Princess as they stared into each other’s eyes for the first time. In the meantime, the other party members were already at the defeated Dragon’s Lair, taking possession of his gold, and most importantly, of seven powerful magic weapons! By the time Sir Oliver arrived at the Lair, there was plenty of gold for him to scoop away, along with an amulet, but no more special weapons. Years have passed, and Sir Oliver is now married to the Princess and has a child, but life is now kind of boring, his only outing being with his amazing Gryphon Aquila to gather food for supper. Until one day . . . he comes face to face with his own spectre, which is his total opposite and swears to destroy him, all thanks the Amulet he found years prior in the Dragon’s Lair.
*– [Real player with 14.2 hrs in game](*
Classic arcade shoot 'em up (shmup) with polished pixel graphics, metroidvania-lite depth, upgrade systems, and a clear megaman influence; rock paper scissors style weapon acquisition between bosses – minus the punishing difficulty.
It's a breath of fresh air in an otherwise saturated roguewhatever/massive metroidvania market. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a lot of roguelite/likes and love metroidvanias, but sometimes you just want a burger, not a six course meal. The game is still challenging; you'll probably die at least a few times even if you're a bullet-hell junky (which this game also is not).
*– [Real player with 9.9 hrs in game](*

## Super Hydorah
Great attention to detail with beautiful pixel graphics, a catchy retro synth soundtrack and amazing game play. While taking inspiration from many of yesteryear's 2D shmup classics, Super Hydorah definitely adds enough of its own flavor to make it a unique experience. The game feels more like a love letter to the golden days of arcade gaming rather than a formulative rehash.
The game play is challenging but fair, giving it that addictive feeling which makes you itch to have just one more go every time you screw up. And since you can only blame yourself for dying, you know that you should be able to improve and do just a little bit better the next time around.
*– [Real player with 81.4 hrs in game](*
I am not gonna say anything that has been already said. Super Hydorah is a top ten game. Level design, secrets, arms, music, difficulty… All amazing and very well balance.
I would like to mention the continue system, if you understand the philosophy of the developer and the connection his work has with the arcade world, you will understand this system.
When you lose the game you will have the option to continue, if you decide to continue you will lose different things: some ship upgrades, points, you will go back to the beginning of the stage, and also you will see a different ending if you finish the game.
*– [Real player with 76.3 hrs in game](*