Super Seducer : How to Talk to Girls

Super Seducer : How to Talk to Girls

First let me tell you, the concept of the game is great, however I have TONS of issues with the way it is structured. As somebody who worked in the nightlife industry for years and has a lot of experience in this department, I completely Disagree with many of the selections he selects at the best choice. I’ll give one example: In some circumstances he is openly sexually harassing coworkers (by touching them in a work environment). Even playfully that will get you in trouble with HR in NA (the game is set in NA). Also, a lot of the choices just don’t make sense from the aspect of He offers a choice that gives you an option, and if you select the option based on what is written, when he plays through the scenario, he adds all types of completely over the wall things to what is written to make the choice seem outlandish. This is bad design as it’s quite frustrating, since based on the wording he offers in the choice, you would be correct in choosing that WeirdChamp. Again, I can back up what I’m saying with my VODS as I give a lot of dating/relationship advice regularly and have the “history” to prove what I’m saying. I’m going to play Part 2 and am hoping things are better. My channel:

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sexual Content Simulation Games.

Why did I even play this?

Despite my first reaction when I decided to pick this game, it turned out to be the one thing that made me quit and take a breather. When I first heard about Super Seducer, it was around Valentines Day and it looked like a game that was cringey and would just be funny. Little did I expect that this is played seriously. But anyway, Super Seducer is a pick up artist game being advertised as an “educational” with 10 different scenarios to go through with Richard.

Each scenario will require you to pick out the best possible choice that will lead to whatever the goal is, which can be a phone number, sex, or a date. There are obvious answers that go to a wrong response, a kinda good kinda bad response, and then the right response that is followed up by it being used in action then Richard sitting saying why it does/does not work. Depending on the result, you will get a broken heart, half heart and dressed women, or full heart and women in underwear cause obviously “boobs = success” and can’t have a pick up artist unless they have uninterested-looking women in the shot. But there is really no change depending on what you choose as wrong choices will just boot you back and no matter if you do the so-so or correct, they will just act the same. The only difference being if a choice either gets a yes only if you do a perfect run or a no for a so-so run.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Super Seducer : How to Talk to Girls on Steam

Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid

Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid

Tonight is the night! Next door at the spooky mansion, the hottest girls in Blueball Falls are throwing the hottest and sexiest party in history!

Enter Jerry Wanker or at least he’d like to enter. Considered the dillweed of town, Jerry didn’t get invited. Now he’s far from a badass, but his theoretical knowledge about sex is as broad as his cunning. He’ll need that, his wits, a sense of humor and the outside-the-box thinking to outsmart the lugheads and scrubs keeping him from his goal. A hot date with at least one of the lovely gals at the party!

Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid! is a nostalgic successor to some of the best when it comes to naughty Point and Click Adventures! Unlock the hidden path to get with the fairer sex in the newest game made by the creators of Perky Little Things! Beyond an amazing handcrafted 2D world, you’ll find familiar characters, fun banter and plenty of lusty times in this fresh and saucy tale.

But never forget. Only with your help does Jerry stand a chance to achieve his goal. Don’t leave him hanging!

Read More: Best Sexual Content Point & Click Games.

Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid on Steam

Genital Jousting

Genital Jousting

Do you still have some friends left despite your quirks and strange interests? Well we can fix that right quick! Invite your friends and family over for some local co-op. Guaranteed to make people look at you differently during and forever after playing. Say things to your loved ones like “Get out of my butt!”, “Quick, get in my butt!”, or “Block your sister from scoring with her butt.” You won’t realize how sexual the thing you said was until it comes out, because there is no other way to describe what happens in this game.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sexual Content Indie Games.

The Greatest Sausage Party Ever

  • The concept is both shocking and hilarious. You play as a sausage and compete against other sausages in ridiculous mini games.

  • Gameplay is extremely entertaining. Each event is very short, normally under 30seconds which reminds me a bit of the minigames in Mario Party or Wario Ware.

  • Extremely Graphic… you will be penetrating butts, shooting splooge, flopping around, touching tips, tying knots, and sticking your joystick in places you never thought possible.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Genital Jousting on Steam

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice

Having played LSL7 and LSL1 Reloaded, I really liked Wet Dreams Don’t Dry, I thought it was a good reboot and the developers really managed to get that LSL touch and feeling. Unfortunatelly, this sequel is not as good as the first one in my opinion. The developers incorporated some new things compared to the first one, like a quest log or a blueprints crafting thing…that’s great, but there are some flaws in this game. Some riddles are just too complicated to figure out, or not really fun to play and probably out of place (the maze is not TOO horrible, but still, it’s….a maze, you know). You will tell me that it’s like this in every adventure game, and yes, you’re right, but even for a point’n’click, sometimes it’s just too much. Also, I should say that if you don’t like under-the-belt jokes and stuff, you’ll probably not like this game, but then again, it’s like this since the very first episode of the series so I’m not sure why people are complaining about this. Some songs have been recycled from the first game, same for the characters and voice actors. But the worst thing in this game is the bugs and glitchs, there is a stupid amount of them in the game, even more than the first one at it’s launch. Translation glitchs, display glitchs, characters that goes through the scenery, etc…there are not game-breaking and permastuck (from my experience) but it’s really not great in term of game experience. It took me 20 hours to finish the game for the first time, so yeah, the content and lenght is not the problem. It’s not a bad game, it’s actually pretty good, but something is missing, not sure what exactly it is. I would still recommend it BUT not in it’s current state. Devs, you have a lot of work to do in patching and correcting the freaking bugs and glitchs. And if there was to be any third CrazyBunch LSL game one day, maybe you should change the formula…the playings mecanics, the graphics, the universe, the look of the hero. But it’s already great to have two more LSL games, thanks for that !

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

I’ve just finished the game (which took me two days) and I must say, overall, I was blown away. It made the first game (WDDD, I mean) look like a tech demo.

There was so much in the way of traditional adventuring to do, an engaging storyline, beautiful artwork and solid authentic dialogue delivery (top notch from the main two as well).

Forewarning us to say no nudity was a bit of a misnomer, from what I could see. A trend that was started in WDDD, there was plenty of comic boobage (things that weren’t boobs but sure as hell looked like them) and even puss. There was also plenty of clothed animation. The guard on the (almost) all-female island certainly springs to mind (and not the only thing that springs at the thought). Then there was the subtle suggestion of triangle trim on the secret agent, the areola exposure and pokies on some of the women.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice on Steam

Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude Uncut and Uncensored

Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude Uncut and Uncensored

Just for clarity sakes I haven’t played this game in atleast 10 years and a lot of the silly references and sex jokes make a lot more sense now than they did back then. As for the resolution I had no problems after messing around with the “ConfigUtil.exe”

After putting the resolution to “1920 x 1080” there were a couple of textures that were out of place from time to time but it wasn’t exactly game breaking just visual glitches and it happened very rarely. It was nice to see the game without all the jaggy-ness of the PS2 and Xbox counterparts. It’s looks so clean and so nice.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

The game’s minigames are ridiculously hard. You buy items with money that you make from taking pictures to make the games easier, but they still kick your butt every time. Thing is, if you want to get nudity in the game, you need to do well in the minigames. I got to the final part of the game in 15 hours, but i couldn’t go on because the minigames just became impossible on pc controls. you need a steam controller to finish the late game minigames. Even then, some minigames can’t be completed because the mechanics don’t work. There are minigames where you need to take perfect photos, but there are just no perfect poses to work with. I only managed a “perfect” photo twice, and both times were a glitch. It’s just plain frustrating. The minigames are interesting in theory, and they get more difficult the drunker you are, but the fact that they are just plain impossible at base level is ridiculous.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude Uncut and Uncensored on Steam

The Adventures of Kusoge

The Adventures of Kusoge

(Got this game for free as a developer’s submission to SteadyGiveaways. Thanks, man!)

My dad is a great waaaaarriorrrrrr…He shoots missiles from his eeeeeeyes! …I gotta get that out of my head…

The Adventures of Kusoge is an RPG Maker game and…it does pain me to say it…it was pretty bad, but it was far from the worst RPG Maker game I’ve ever played. It follows a Candy Cane Knight, an OP hero who meets an enigmatic man who basically wastes him and teleports him back home without his OP gear. From then on, you enter a world of… in a word? Absurdity.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

what the fuck

I guess if the developer wanted to make something intentionally bad he 100% succeeded because everything was indeed exceptionally bad. Especially his singing. But also everything else, ranking this as one of the worst RPGMaker games I’ve ever tried playing. But you shouldn’t play things that are just bad with no redeeming value!!! I shouldn’t either!!!

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

The Adventures of Kusoge on Steam

Renai Karichaimashita: Koikari - Love For Hire

Renai Karichaimashita: Koikari - Love For Hire

Koikari : Love For Hire or Renai Karichimashita is a great visual novel and some hardcore scenes especially for eroge lover. More to spiritual success of previous title from Asa Project.

The story of the game take place where the main character is in desperate decision to find money just to raise his family which is his little sister only for further studies for them in the future. He took a rental jobs and stumbled against these heroines that have their own circumstances to rent him. More to discover as the main character will in love with them throughout his jobs.

Real player with 56.6 hrs in game


30hrs for a fast reader (estimating as I constantly idle the novel)

18+ Patch:


People who like little sister type characters

People who want light-hearted romcom with a fairly original premise

Not For:

People who want a deep story

People who don’t want to read about others with strong fetishes/obsessions

Renai Karichaimashita is ASa Project’s 2019 work and their 2nd game localized by Nekonyan. Before going any further, best to say that I enjoyed this way more than the previous Sankaku Ren’ai, as this one I found way funnier, but don’t expect ASa Project’s brand of humor to not come through in this work. Renai Karichaimashita is definitely an atypical light hearted comedy.

Real player with 47.0 hrs in game

Renai Karichaimashita: Koikari - Love For Hire on Steam

Sorbetta: Gravely in Debt

Sorbetta: Gravely in Debt

Full Disclosure: We are friends with the developer and received this title for free. However, we maintain objectivity with every review we do.


Sorbetta: Gravely in Debt is a short indie game created in the RPG Maker MV engine. What sets it apart from many others of that type is that it was created as a community. The main developer, HawkZombie of Undead Avian Publishing, is not a developer by trade. Instead, he is a published author who live streams on Twitch. The creation of this game is the result of a bet from another developer that Hawk, even with help, couldn’t make an interesting game.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Disclosure: I was one of the testers for the game and I’ve known the creator for damn near 20 years. But I’m also insufferable so it evens out.

Sorbetta is a short, linear but fairly enjoyable romp that’ll burn a few hours of your otherwise miserable life. There’s not a whole lot of ‘game’ here, relying on its writing more than anything else. But it’s his first game and outside of some iffy websites, his first real experience doing anything technical. I was impressed by it anyway.

As other reviews have stated, it’s full of in-jokes as it was mostly made on his Twitch channel with an audience. That said they never actually get in the way of the plot so it never becomes a problem.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Sorbetta: Gravely in Debt on Steam

That Time I Got Reincarnated as an Orc

That Time I Got Reincarnated as an Orc

im sure it would be worth it were it not for the error screen i get upon starting. i dont see any H scenes and im assuming its due to the error pop-up upon launch. i have no idea because the words are not in english but the game plays nonetheless and the one punch nature of it is hilarious. i only discovered the lack of H scenes due to dialogue that clearly suggested they happened and the dialogue leading up to when i assume they should happen.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game


-You can tell serious work was put into this, great art

-Decent story with good characters and a lot of humor

-Nice lewd scenes


-Kind of a weird hybrid between a RPG and a visual novel that basically uses the RPG portions for storytelling - you will be disappointed if you are expecting serious RPG mechanics

-MC is kind of a creep


Good, immersive story with high-quality art and a lot of comedy. I recommend waiting for a sale since it is a little expensive. While it looks like a RPG, it plays a lot more like a visual novel, so just be aware of that.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

That Time I Got Reincarnated as an Orc on Steam

General Horse and the Package of Doom

General Horse and the Package of Doom

Someone reviewed this earlier and said it was a re-imagining of The Oregon Trail, and as I sit here attempting to write my own review I keep coming back to that comment. Is this game as timeless as that? honestly, probably not. But I can tell you what this game is. A fun, amusing, comical ride through another universe, with a cast of eclectic and weird characters all looking to stop our eponymous hero, or in some cases aid him, in completing his task.

Don’t come into this game with any expectations, and just allow yourself to enjoy this absurd, silly adventure. It might not look like much on the outside, but if you pass this game over, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Friends of mine agree that this game is a hilarious journey of skill, resource management, and wacky encounters. And it never fails to generate a laugh.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

It’s a really dumb, poorly written game with amateur but earnest acting.

It’s fun.

It absolutely doesn’t take itself seriously and revels in how silly and awkward it is. It has all of the charm you’d expect from a game made by bunch of buddies who were just messing around and having fun. It doesn’t get more silly and more FMV than this. I’d also say the entertainment value isn’t just the humor alone which can be hit or miss, but the fresh and wild nature of it all, the sheer commitment to the absurd ideas that are being presented. There is also this admirable confidence about it, like the game doesn’t care if you’re entertained by what you’re seeing or not. The skip button is always there, you can decide for yourself if you want to keep watching a scene, the game just keeps doing its thing.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

General Horse and the Package of Doom on Steam