Motor Assailant: Prologue

Motor Assailant: Prologue

The game looks great, but the timer is a bit too tight, and the first boss is way too hard. Loved the intro movies!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Transhumanism Games.

It’s alright

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Motor Assailant: Prologue on Steam

Motor Assailant

Motor Assailant

Fast driving, regular updates, recommended.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Offroad Games.

Interesting combination of racing (you have to reach the end of the level before time runs out) and shoot ‘em up, although neither part is really prominent. You will rarely lose a level because of a timer if you just don’t stop moving forward, and the fighting part of the game only becomes interesting on bosses (which are quite different from the main game and could be really challenging sometimes).

Could be fun for speedrunning, most of the time I’ve played it I was trying to optimize my time on certain levels that I liked the most. But don’t think about it as a racing simulator. When you try to go fast your car feels more like a rocket ship, so maybe this game will fit wonky physics simulator lovers more than racing lovers.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Motor Assailant on Steam

Miner’s Mettle

Miner’s Mettle

I like how the game has minimalistic control for units, where they traverse over a fixed path, kind of reminds me of physical board games where i have to move my pieces. I would like to see efforts at reducing micro management over time so I can control the units more comfortably, being able to do things like patrol a route or carry minerals back and forth on their own.

The in-game music also feels good and complements the chosen factions. The maps are also unique between different biome types and look good, but feel a bit sparse at the moment, they can also be improved with some weather effects that could add some visual/auditory ambiance to the game, hopefully that will change overtime.

Real player with 71.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi RTS Games.

I’m not one for leaving reviews that often, but this experience is so frustrating and unbelievable I couldn’t help but say something. My complaint isn’t about the game play mechanics but the games functionality. This game is very prone to crashing even on a computer that’s more than capable of running it on the most intense settings. I was in the middle of a campaign mission and all of a sudden the battle field goes black. I thought “No biggie, I’ll just save and reload the game.”. I reload the game and every time I do, there is a fatal error including from auto saves, which crash the game. If you don’t mind bugs that ruin the game and force you to effectively restart everything you did since saving and reloading isn’t an option, have fun! Otherwise don’t waste your time nor money.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Miner's Mettle on Steam




Cyberpunk styled combat racing inspired by all the amazing 90’s and 00’s racers. Featuring fast paced, frantic racing action with intense strategic combat.


Equip four types of abilities simultaneously for ultimate destructive capabilities! Load up with homing missiles, plasma launchers, laser cannons, proximity mines, gatling guns and more! Strategy and combos are key if you want to quickly dispatch opponents.


Change team liveries, colours, chassis, race numbers, wheels, loadout and more. Build relationships with fellow pilots and draft them on your team. Research abilities and technologies then set your loadouts before the event.


Race across five vastly different locales, each with destructive and interactive environments. Use track hazards to your advantage to trap opponents and force a mistake. Blow up volatile trackside objects for big damage.


Play online with your friends, or join up in a two person super team with split-screen co-op!

Phaseshift on Steam

ΔV: Rings of Saturn

ΔV: Rings of Saturn

When you first open this game, you’ll probably light up your main engine and accelerate hard into the rings. You’ll smash your ship into a rock at three hundred miles per hour. You’ll be frustrated that space physics is hard, and you’ll get a refund. Don’t do this. Go slowly. Your ship is a hundred year old, sixty ton, nuclear space tractor. Give it the time it needs. Fly like you’re driving a fully loaded semi with failed brakes on an ice lake hauling a 4 gigawatt nuclear reactor on the back.

To say Delta V is an “asteroids clone” would be like saying a Saturn V is a V2 clone. There is definitely a kernel of truth in there, but it’s so far away from being the whole truth that it seems deeply unfair. More than anything, I think Delta V is a love letter to physics and engineering. Koder (the solo developer) and the active community has collectively spent hundreds, maybe thousands of human-hours hardening the science in this game and at every opportunity it’s been kept as realistic as possible. Lots of games try this and become no fun as a result; I love Children Of A Dead Earth for example, but it’s more simulator than game. Delta V is one of those rare cases where there is no trade-off between realism and fun. The realism is the fun. Everything you change on your ship affects something else, and none of it via arbitrary dice rolls or magic numbers or fudge factors. There’s no EVE-Online style “+10% top speed -5% weapon range” part. There is only physics.

Real player with 300.4 hrs in game

TLDR : if you like physics-based games that require significant brain use, do yourself a favor and buy this game. If you want space pew-pew arcade action, however, you will be sorely disapointed.

So, what is this game ? In essence, it’s the boring part of every space game, the litteral grind of space rocks into money, except that it’s been made into a VERY satisfying and VERY solid physics simulation. Yes, I said “simulation”. Even though it’s a 2D one, it’s more accurate and realistic than any space game I’ve played, and I have played quite a few over the years.

Real player with 103.2 hrs in game

ΔV: Rings of Saturn on Steam



An Extremely Solid AG Racer

Very worth the wait


While the title leaves me scratching my head, nearly everything else about Formula Fusion’s re-incarnation as Pacer has left me very impressed. With an aesthetic somewhere between the PS1 and PS3 era Wipeout games and dripping with detail, the environments here are a sight to behold. The physics model is more traditional to the genre than, say, Redout - leaning more towards the later Wipout games with just a touch of later F-Zero as well. Put another way, the racing model is approachable, intuitive, and smooth - a far cry from the formerly awkward, stilted iterations past. The craft are fun to pilot and have lots of room for customizing to suit your personal style.

Real player with 63.7 hrs in game


  • Fantastic visuals

  • Physics which scratch that Wipeout itch

  • Good performance; great performance after the first patch

  • Good multiplayer when you can find it

  • Confusing UI

  • OK music

  • If you can’t progress in the campaign, use the garage!

  • There are multiple weapons & items. Again, use the garage.

  • If you suddenly notice your shield/health steadily dropping for “no reason”, it’s probably not a bug; you’re probably in an endurance event

  • If your position jumps suddenly at the end of a lap, having been static the whole way round, that is probably also not a bug; you’re in a “speed lap” event

Real player with 62.0 hrs in game

Pacer on Steam



Most everyone will use FTL as a benchmark to test rouge like games, so I guess I will compair and contrast on how Convoy stands up to the gold standard of FTL.

The first thing right off the bat with convoy is that the game is much easyer than FTL. This may be seen as ether a good thing or a bad thing seeing that a lot of FTL’s claim to fame is its unfair dificulty and numerous game overs, but I for one see it as more of a good thing because there seems to always be a way to win in Convoy whereas in FTL a lot of the games have you already losing before you start because of RNG.

Real player with 57.7 hrs in game

Here comes another FTL comparison review. I just have to do it because reading the other ones is painful.

I keep reading these reviews where people say the combat is easy or that there is no depth to it and I just have to wonder how far they’ve managed to get.

Because if you just order your vehicles to fire at random cars without giving it a second thought, you get shredded rather quite quickly about midgame, no matter how powerful weapons you might have.

So yes - let me start off with - the meat of the game, the combat. Let’s imagine FTL-like is a genre, then this definitely fits in that genre. However, to make an FPS analogy, this is to more of a Battlefield to FTL’s Team Fortress. The two games are undeniably similar in their mechanics, but the way you play them is completely different.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Convoy on Steam

Scrap Galaxy

Scrap Galaxy

The first game from Catalope Games is just as great as it looks.

For starters, it’s absolutely gorgeous.

Fast paced action for 1-4 players as well as lots and lots of fun.

Recommended for anyone who likes party games, geometry wars or just indie games in general.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

The camera is the biggest enemy in the game. It does and WILL pull you into asteroids, enemies, and bombs.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Scrap Galaxy on Steam

STAR WARS™ Battlefront

STAR WARS™ Battlefront

A game that, if nothing else, will force you to look at Star Wars again. But in Battlefront, the form of the game is defeated by stupid content and dances on his grave. Graphically fantastic, technically flawless, with a perfect atmosphere, yes, but the ever-receding euphoria reveals a simple and quite poor shooter in the core without any story.

But you would hardly find a nicer, more authentic and more atmospheric trip into the world of Star Wars.

Glittering ice crystals on the walls of the crooked corridors in a cave on the icy planet Hoth, the nostalgically familiar panorama of Tatooine, the emerald green of the forest moon Endor - all look as you remember it, as you know it, and the heart-pounding bell when conflict breaks out, He finds it difficult to dig into chains of words and sentences. A Star Wars lover will be ecstatic.

Real player with 109.5 hrs in game

Obviously we’re going to compare this to the originals back in the day. Graphically, this is amazing. The experience is quite good, and it’s very immersive. But there are flaws that hold it back. Overall, I kind of want to say negative, just because the game is dead, and there’s lots of cheaters, but it really is a fun game.


1. No classes. It really feels like you’re playing the same class all the time. While you can switch up gear, most things feel nearly the same. Guns only have slight differences in stats, but they all feel basically the same. It goes pew pew and releases a red laser, either automatically or semi-automatically. There’s no sense of being a rocket guy, a sniper, a shotgunner, an engineer, etc. You are just running around with one of the many guns that feel the same.

Real player with 71.8 hrs in game

STAR WARS™ Battlefront on Steam

Darkwind: War on Wheels

Darkwind: War on Wheels

So much time wasted on this game.

I regret most of it.

I remember installing this game for the first time years ago. I didn’t know about Mad Max, nor did I even try to get informations on Car Wars. I have now played a couple of single-player campaigns of Car Wars, mostly for getting the hang of the game. I’m an Interceptor/Road Warrior/Fury Road fangirl, so I thought this game would be cool.

The only way I can describe this is: it will get worse the more you play it, in every literal way possible. I take breaks, but I end up returning here, mostly because there is no other Wasteland RPG about car combat worth of playing (they’re mostly all about stupid trashy races and senseless pewpew, nothing near Interstate 82, and we all know that game is old and hard to get working on today’s systems) and so I come back here from time to time.

Real player with 734.5 hrs in game

All in all, Darkwind can be very fun to play but without any future content or bug fixes, I can’t recommend the time investment or to invest any money into the game. Don’t expect to just hop into the game and understand the lobby or interface without asking questions in lobby chat or researching. Most of the veteran players are very friendly and helpful so don’t be afraid to chat them up if you do decide to give it a shot.

If you just want to play for free, you have nothing to lose. Only real limitation on free to play is you are stuck in Somerset, the beginning town. My guess is you will find this game entertaining for about a month or two of daily gaming if it is your cup of tea. If it isn’t, you won’t make it much farther than the tutorial before you uninstall.

Real player with 351.0 hrs in game

Darkwind: War on Wheels on Steam