The Falconeer

The Falconeer

Alright, here’s the dealio, I saw this game before it was released and was instantly enamored by open world flying and dog fighting mechanics (something I’ve dabbled in before and liked). I followed it very closely until it released and bought it almost immediately when it was available. At first I used a controller to play the game, unsure if keyboard and mouse worked (my preferred method), it was a bit wonky and the controls took some time to get used to. While the game says its not keyboard and mouse supported I play it keyboard and mouse anyway, my fingers are not suited for basic controller controls so when it can be keyboard and mouse that is my go to any and every time regardless if its made for it or not. Using my preferred control system does increase my enjoy-ability to play the game (because duh I can actually PLAY the game this way).

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Adventure Games.


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Above the clouds, freedom must be boundless… or not, as The Falconeer shows us. Our falcon makes it only just above the clouds. Most of the time we fly either very close to the ground or at cloud height, but not much higher. That makes sense, because it’s damn cold up there and the oxygen is a bit scarce.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

The Falconeer on Steam

Another Dungeon

Another Dungeon

Not sure why so many negatives. This game appears to be in the works and with some balancing it will be fantastic. The graphics and SFX/Music are really good and unique. My input for improvement would be having a view of the entire map in a glance to simplify seeking treasure chests as well as, of course, tower upgrades (which are probably planned anyway).

This game takes on the air of a true adventure with having to figure out strategy without a guide (although a simplified guide by way of graphics is present). After all, RL dungeon crawler knows there are no written directions in their quests toward glory. :)

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Idler Games.

The game have 3 levels, and i have finished all for get all steam success.

A bit hard, but when you understand mecanics, it’s realisable (2 furnace, 1 minion sometimes, FULL CANON and be very vigilant to check all your screen and click on all chest to earn the maximum money).

On canon, you can pre-shoot when you click on it. I discover that on my last game.

Sometimes a bug and have to be patched : The ennemy mini-minion can rarely being invicible and they got in your base. So, i have never lose with this but it’s possible to lose with this bug.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Another Dungeon on Steam



Sandmason is a simple but effective FPS puzzle adventure, about diggin caves, building bridges, ramps, or any possible form to avoid danger and reach our path to the exit.

We are given a Mining tool, used mainly to storage sand, and deploy it in the form or bridges,

pillars, walls, ramps, or anything needed to overcome the levels.

It also has a force field function to build platforms.

Flares are unlimited, very useful for those dark zones where our eyes cant reach.

Theres a Skill points system that allow us to modify both character and mining tool stats.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Adventure Games.

Nice indie game that’s a creative mix of the FPS and puzzle genres where you complete cave levels by modifying and interacting with your environment. There’s even a bit of RPG style character building mixed in in the form of skill points that you can use to boost your abilities after completing levels, but the main focus of the single player mode is on solving puzzles.

The game rewards creative thinking and patience in exploring your surroundings, and there are plenty of hidden areas and bonus items to uncover. It also doesn’t hold your hand too much, which is great for people who like a challenge. The tutorial levels show you the basics and you get the occasional tips and pointers, but the game doesn’t give anything away for free so to say.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Sandmason on Steam



It’s a bit more objective oriented than the usual craft/survival game I’m familiar with, especially with the cyclic nature of needing to dive underground with your mobile base during the frequent disasters. Having it as a mobile base was rather refreshing compared to other settings where the base is in one location and that tends to make resources convenient or not. The version I played was a while ago, and at the time battle was rather simple, and there didn’t seem to be too much benefit to use any weapon aside the hand mortar and grenades but I have to emphasize that was during the version I played.

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

Gun play is fun, and it’s exciting to see your ship being built bigger and bigger. The hot keys were a little weird at first but not unacceptable. Overall, I like it.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Volcanoids on Steam



That fact that I am giving this little indie gem it’s first review more than two full weeks after it launched shows the sad state on Steam of how the over saturation of asset flips and low effort garbage buries little treasures like this game.

A game that I played back on my old Commodore 64 called “Lander” is brought back to life here with the objective simply being mastering the controls of a rocket ship to get it from point A to point B. Using thrust and left and right steering seems simple enough sure, but mastering it is the real challenge.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

This game is honestly very well done. I only played 10 minites so far but it hits me right in the nostalgia feels about old Lunar Lander flash games. It has lots of levels and different ships.

Only thin I wish would be for (xinput) controller support.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Landing on Steam

Colossus Mission - adventure in space, arcade game

Colossus Mission - adventure in space, arcade game

I think the people most likely to enjoy this are fans of cave flyers, so I give it a recommended rating since that appears to be the game’s target audience. Meaning if you look at this list and think to yourself “yeah my kind of games,” then Colossus Mission will be for you. Everyone else will probably want to hold off on it, or at least wait to see if it gets any substantial updates.

In about an hour of play, I completed 55 of 73 levels. I expect it would take me another hour to beat the rest of them; the later levels were really becoming a steep challenge for me. The scoring system allows you to spend your earned points to skip stages if you find them too difficult. Each skip costs 5 points, and you can earn up to 3 points per stage depending on how well you perform while completing them

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

COLOSSUS MISSION is an arcade game with raw and slightly angular graphics and a various levels of difficulty.The first stages are easy but then the game becomes much more difficult. I recommend it to players who are interested in flawless playing games on time.

Check my other reviews at ☺️.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Colossus Mission - adventure in space, arcade game on Steam

Tribble Troubles

Tribble Troubles

A Tribble in Trouble

It’s tough being a Tribble! You get caught on a ship doing what a Tribble does… eating all of their Quadrotriticale. And the Captain, in a fit of rage, beams you into the center of a nearby planet whose molten lava core is rising! It’s up to you to jump, climb and squish your way to safety as you face off against countless obstacles and treacherous enemies.

The Underground

Watch out for streams and pools of red hot lava! But also keep your eye out for Glommers that are ready to pounce on you whenever you get near.

The Canyon

Climb your way out of the underground and you reach the canyon. Now you’ll go up against ferocious sandworms with spikes! The only time you can attack them is when they’re turning. But be quick!

The Jungle

Next, you’ll reach the jungle. Things get tougher as you’ll have to watch out for poisonous vines, sharp toothed plant traps and alien apes that love nothing more than chasing and squishing Tribbles! The only way to stop an ape is to land on him when he’s briefly trapped in the toothy plant trap!

The Spaceship

Clear the jungle and you’ll be accidentally beamed back up to the ship that you started on. There you’ll find a crew that’s completely ready to greet you… with deadly phaser blasts!

Gameplay Modes

  • Casual mode - For people that might be Tribble fans but aren’t hardcore gamers. Or just casual gamers in general, this mode is for you.

  • Arcade mode - Fewer resources and harder challenges mean that you’ll be put to the test as you guide your Tribble trough this mode.

  • Speedrun mode - A mode for the ultimate gamer! Here, you can prove that you are truly the best of the best. A fixed level selection ensures that all gamers will play on a level playing field. Perfect for game streamers and speed runners alike.

Gameplay Features

  • Collect cans of Quadrotriticale to replenish your health.

  • Collect gems which you can use to stock up on powerups

  • Shield power ups - Briefly protect you from traps and enemies.

  • Sonic attacks - Knock out pesky enemies with this weapon.

  • Sixteen levels - Battle through all sixteen levels across all four environments.

Gameplay Development

“Tribble Troubles” was developed with creative collaboration from:

  • David Gerrold (“The Trouble with Tribbles,” “More Tribbles, More Troubles”)

  • Doug Drexler (“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” “Star Trek: Generations,” “Star Trek: First Contact,” “Star Trek: Insurrection,” “Star Trek: Enterprise”)

Comments from Nightdive Studio’s Independent Game Expose with Sir Larr

  • “my dream”

    • “hahahaha. this is so stupidly cool”

      • “quick where’s the preorder link”

        • “Very Cute!”


            • “that is amazing”

              • “Easy wishlist this is adorable”

                • “This tribble game is incredibly well done, that’s a sentence I never thought I’d say. Gonna check this out with my kids”
Tribble Troubles on Steam

Synthetic Hazard

Synthetic Hazard

Game is not bad. But I still don’t know how to open crate. It’s glowing yellow hologram, so I just thinking “Can I open this?” then I pressed E key. But nothing happened. So I pressed F key. Still, nothing happened.

You know, this game is not included any tutorial. So I don’t know about key. Only we can figure out key is WASD(Movement), Ctrl(Crouch or slide), Space bar(Jump), R key(Reloading ammo) And mouse drag and Left Click(Attack).

In trailer video, there is lot of weapon. I want those too! But I can’t. Because I don’t know how to find and equip new weapon.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

This is a GREAT freebie and absolutely worthy of the early access title on Steam. It’s an FPS that reminds me of the Serious Sam franchise, in which you just run around shooting a ton of stuff with different weapons and try not to die. Give it a whirl! Yes, it has promise- most early access games do. Yes, it needs a little work- all games do.


  • I think the graphics are great

  • The player character moves as fast a cheetah and with the grace of a kitten

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Synthetic Hazard on Steam

Mines of Volantis

Mines of Volantis

3 hours disappeared; I’m not sure how. But now I need to sleep before work.

If you liked ‘Motherload’ for the zen mining; you’ll probably like this.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Ohhh this games takes me back to the time of Motherload. (the flash version, not the steam version)

I just love the ambiance and the music is very good!

Every time you go down it is the question of will I be back before my fuel runs out? Every dive is a hunt for riches that you don’t want to interrupt to get fuel, but you have to. And in time as well because else your haul will be lost forever!

Upgrading this makes it easier to get huge hauls. Content wise I think the price is a bit steep but the game is very fun to play nontheless.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Mines of Volantis on Steam

As We Know It

As We Know It

I saw this tagged as “sci-fi” but I don’t know if it should be categorized as that. It’s a post-apocalyptic story, but the science/technology in it isn’t fictional at all. Anyway, it’s got Mad Max: Fury Road vibes, but takes place within a setting similar to that District 13 underground city from The Hunger Games. The implication is that climate change eventually impacted the livelihood of humankind, and for some, the answer was to move into underground city shelters.

Good Stuff

  • Racial diversity. More than half of all the characters are not white.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

I played Pinewood Island first and had high expectations for this one! I bought it during a sale since I couldn’t bring myself to buy it at full price!

Long story, short? I really enjoyed this game! Customization of your character was simple but I felt it added to the immersion of the game! The plot is phenomenal and I wanted to know more and more about the world we’re in! As of writing this i’ve gotten 2 out of 30 endings; 30 endings?! That’s insane but it shows how much thought went into this!

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

As We Know It on Steam