

I have noticed a few “Not Recommended” reviews based on the game not running on some people’s systems, ,,, I haven’t encountered that problem with this game as my specs meet the “Recommended” criteria. Not recommending a game based on one’s personal system capabilities seems to imply a sixth-sense that it will not run on anyone’s system. Since the game clearly states that it is still being developed and it does run very well on my system (Intel core i7 4790K-GTX 970 GPU-16Gb RAM), I will base my review on that.

Real player with 203.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Open World Games.


A very beautiful, futuristic open world with lots of rooms to explore and loot items from for hours on end filled with various bugs and glitchy zombies that barely pose a threat to you, encapsulated by a hard-to-complete, half-baked story line that leaves you shaking your head at the end. You can also forget about getting 60FPS on anything higher than 1080p with the graphics on low for this game due to memory leaks and bad optimization. This game is far from “just out of early access” considering the many bugs, performance issues and literally hard-to-follow storyline.

Real player with 122.2 hrs in game

P.A.M.E.L.A.® on Steam



A game with a lot of potential, currently still early in its development cycle… and it shows at times.


I was really drawn to the sort of ‘mass effect’ feel in a survival game. Even the tool you use to mine, craft, build or fight reminded me of an ‘omni-tool’, as do the weapons. Survival games are so frequently based around the sword and board ages or… gah… zombies, this game presented a much welcomed alternative to those flavors.

The game looks beautiful and the mechanics seem well polished and in fairly good working order, particularly when you take the development point of the game into account.

Real player with 55.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Base Building Games.

Eden star is an amazing game. It combines so many strange crazy ideas such as Minecraft, mirrors edge, mass effect and survival and somehow pulls it off but not just that it does it so well. The point of the game is that you are whoever you think your character is future Steve, Commander Shepard, a dog in a space suit, and you must survive as long as you can. Think Minecraft but with a survival mode during the night. During the night monsters will emerge and attempt to attack your base’s heart the Eden Kit. The Eden Kit is important because it is responsible for three things. It allows you to respawn, it creates a shield that blocks out the radiation of the night which will eat away at your shield and it helps you regen health which as far as I can tell cannot be regenerated any other way. Also you die easy. The world is huge and it contains a gorgeous landscape that you could spend hours exploring and admiring. Even now though I have seen a lot of the environment it still makes me go wow as the colours and designs and contrasts are perfect. The render distance also helps as you can see so far and see so much. There are many puzzles comprised of jumps and plat forming however there is a free running mechanic. The free running mechanic is almost as good as mirrors edge the only problem is that the game doesn’t run at 60 fps for me so it is a bit clunky but otherwise reminiscent of mirrors edge (which had one of the best free running system I have ever used that put assassins creed to shame). The crafting though simplistic is still detailed and very creative you have four different types of building shapes. Primitive which are simply cubes that can be crafted out of several materials, panels which is self-explanatory which can be made of many materials as well. Foundations which you use to create a flat area to build your base on and finally ramps which are ramps shocking I know. The game also comes which a weapon system and upgrade system. So far there are few upgrades and only 2 weapons. A pistol and rifle. Yet the aiming feels precise and the weapons powerful while the upgrades feel effective. The respawn system is my favorite out of every game ever as it is good but so devilish. You use this material called tesliuim which is used also to increase the shield radius of your Eden Kit and it is used to respawn however it requires one but since there are no chest or other storage containers if you die you lose all your materials, blocks and ammo. So might as well be carrying 1 tesliuim but happily you keep all your weapons and upgrades. There is some much more to Eden Kit and there is some much is being added for example the developers have considered adding a multiplayer which sounds amazing.This game has so much potential it’s crazy especially because the concept is so strange. It is one of those ideas that if pulled off right will be just the best. Please check this game out at least go on YouTube and watch some gameplay because even if it never gets updated again it is worth the money. Have a great day and never stop gaming ever. Well unless you need a break.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

EDEN STAR on Steam




  • Nice concept, nice cut scene.

  • Exotic story.

  • Gameplay, graphic, sound track, sound effect are not so bad.


  • Game progress is very slow at begin you must do many quest to get new gears. (doesn’t mean mining or crafting for me)

  • Enemies are really hard to fight for beginner. (no problem when you equipped with end game gears)

  • Your ship will flying very slow at begin, and the story line are quest running.

  • Seem the game are in development.

I need to say something to developers. Did you try your game before release ?

Real player with 46.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Adventure Games.

I started playing this when arteries was the only map available. The game has come a long ways, the new maps have been enjoyable, and while they still have some things to work on and bugs to crush, I’ve found myself enjoying what is very much like a space / aircraft fighter game with resource harvesting.

Also, if you are a fan of movies like Innerspace or Fantastic Voyage, you may find yourself sucked into this even easier.

Real player with 45.6 hrs in game

Insiders on Steam

The Solus Project

The Solus Project

Non-VR review

The Solus Project is one of those indie creations to get excited about. It’s a very good game, but is it a perfect game? Of course not! It’s got a few weird things going on: a couple graphical issues and seemingly endless references to other intellectual properties (borrows much from TV show Lost in particular). Readers, I know what you’re thinking: So what, another indie studio created another indie game blah blah blah why should I care? Readers, I already told you the answer to that: it’s a very good game! Weren’t you listening!? Think: a crispy Lost pie crust with the disappointing conclusion trimmed off (Season 6, I’m looking at you) and fill that with Interstellar custard cream, but now scrape the oily Matt Damon meringue off the top and then sprinkle with a couple teaspoons of crushed Ancient Aliens. Ahhhh, pure heaven I tell ya!

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

Have a Vive and want a full game experience? Pick this up. Bought it for Vive and were frustrated by the controls? Update it and load it again - it’s like a brand new game.

FIrst for the people who tried it and walked away because of the “In Prgoress” controls. The 1.02 patch released today adds the ability to point a controller in the direction you want to go while free-looking. You can D-pad move or teleport, your choice, on the fly. And most importantly, the game interface now supports the Vive controllers. This was HUGE for me. No more clicking through your inventory one at a time. No more guessing which item will come up. No more crafting nightmares. No more trying to remember which button does what, because it’s all look at the screen and direct select what you want. On top of that, your PDA is now functional by pressing the buttons with the other controller for the objective screen, sleep, status, and even zoom. This pretty much addresses every problem I had with gameplay, that turned exploration into a chore as I fumbled for light or tried to refill my canteen or get some shuteye. Instead of rushing through the game to finish, I now want to explore every nook and cranny and with this new control scheme I plan to do just that. So - if you bought SP for your Vive but quit because it made you want to stomp your controllers, update it, fire it up and give it another go. It’s totally worth it (especially since you already bought it, right?)

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

The Solus Project on Steam

What Happens in Space

What Happens in Space

What Do You Do When You Don’t Know Who To Trust.

4 - 10 players


The AI system has detected the presence of an alien life form and begun diverting the power to the self destruct system.

Take your place on board the station and fight to escape OR eliminate your enemies as the alien.

Crew Objective: Escape!

  • Win by finding all 3 keys to access and launch the escape shuttle.

  • Beware players infected by the alien parasites.

  • Communicate with the security officer to kill the aliens.

  • Use your Unique skill to help the other crew and escape.

Alien Objective: Kill!

  • Take the shuttle leaving crew to die

  • Kill all crew members. (except the security officer).

  • Sabotage airlocks

  • Use the security officer to kill the crew,


An Energy wave passed through the station causing some players to become crazed, many systems parts are fried and need replacing to restart them.

Join forces with the sane players to restore the stations systems and save the crazed players, Or take up your weapon and corrupt the sane players.

Sane player Objective: SURVIVE!

  • Win by replacing all the damage parts.

  • Avoid crazed and corrupted players.

Crazed player Objective: Corrupt!

  • Corrupt all the sane players

  • As corrupted players stun crew

  • Prevent Installation of system parts.


  • Start games with 4 to 10 players

  • 6 Characters to choose from

  • Filter Search for specific game modes

  • Invite you friends to play via steam

  • In game proximity voice chat.

  • 2 Game modes.

  • Invite only option for games

What Happens in Space on Steam

Eons of War

Eons of War

In this rogue-lite survival strategy you get to manage a space corporation while progressing through missions in a dynamic galaxy. Every mission takes place in a unique planetary system where you can build space stations, mine resources, terraform planets, hire spaceships, and battle robotic life forms from the Rift.


When the first signs of the Rift emerged decades ago, many nearby stars started to produce anomalous radiation spikes that destroyed space stations and sterilized planets, killing millions. Thanks to scientists and engineers, giant shields powered by thorium were deployed to protect humanoids of all races.

Shield management requires finding the right balance between stockpiling enough thorium and doing everything else that your corporation requires. Terraform, mine, research, battle…but never forget about the constant specter of radiation that can wipe you out in minutes.


Every game level is a dynamic procedurally-generated planetary system in a vast network of stars connected by hyperlanes.

Build space stations to expand your fleet among orbiting planets. Hire autonomous spaceships to do your bidding. While performing assigned jobs, they will periodically upgrade and repair equipment with the money they earn from you. Don’t run out of space credits to pay their contracts or they might quit!

Rift wormholes that teleport enemy ships from the distant galaxy can pop up near you randomly. Be prepared to defend the planets and space stations under your patronage.

While you are not managing shields or defending planets, you must keep the economy afloat. Mine resources, terraform planets, and send emissaries to increase your influence over planetary governments.


Progress through levels while exploring the story in side quests. Some quests will reward you with artifacts that can be deployed on planets and space stations. Those artifacts provide you with powerful bonuses on the way to victory. Keep some artifacts with you on various missions, giving you a much needed edge for increasingly difficult challenges.


  • Your base is a dynamic planetary system: mine resources, build space stations, terraform planets, hire spaceships, manage radiation shields, and defend your people. All in a constantly changing environment.

  • Survive in the hostile world of radiation: stellar radiation goes up and down, putting your resource management skills to the test.

  • Hire autonomous spaceships: build stations to construct spaceships; then hire crews to operate them. Make money by increasing your influence with planetary governments.

  • Rogue-lite progression: every playthrough is different. Complete quests to get powerful artifacts that you need to beat increasingly more difficult missions.

Eons of War on Steam

Robo Crisis

Robo Crisis

As an engineer, you need to pacify the maddened fighting robots. To do this, you need to collect resources, build a base, create your own robots and manage them.

Creating robots

Create robots to collect resources, for reconnaissance, to defend your base and battle robots.

Create your own army of robots

Create and manage squads of robots to guard buildings, to escort caravans with resources, or for combat purposes.

Control any robot

You can control each of the created robots personally using its unique skills and capabilities.

Customize robots

Customize the functionality of each robot, expanding and improving its capabilities. Customize their appearance to make each robot look unique.

Features of the game.

  • A unique world consisting entirely of robots.

  • Ability to create, customize and improve your robots.

  • Creation and management of multifunctional squads of robots.

  • A mode in which you invade the world of another player and fight with him, subjugating hostile mobs.

  • Large open world using biomes.

  • Difficult and disgusting-looking world bosses.

  • Crafting, building a base, collecting resources.

Robo Crisis on Steam



Update Supplement:

So, after getting involved with helping out with Subterrain, my opinion is obviously extremely biased. However, I still defend my position by not being involved with Subterrain at the start. The game has improved a bit since I first started playing it, and many aspects of the gameplay have changed considerably based on player feedback. The gunplay is faster, there’s an in-game minimap to help players navigate, randomization was expanded and a big chunk of content was added to the game. Even with all these drastic changes, Pixellore managed to preserve what made the game special in the first place. The changes were successes all around, as far as I’m concerned.

Real player with 220.2 hrs in game

While I would recommend it to people into this style of game, I do have to say that the game is rough around the edges. It shouldn’t come as a surprise being an indie-game title. I’m not saying the developers of Pixellore are bad, far from it after playing through their first published work on Steam, but don’t come in expecting it to be ‘perfectly polished’. Their tech support is very responsive and friendly if and when a bug come up! (even 4 years after release)

That said, let’s get into it!

Real player with 207.1 hrs in game

Subterrain on Steam



Still very much in early access and not bug free but this game has potential!

Real player with 31.0 hrs in game

Great game!

I gave a thorough review of the foundation and game-play of this awesome game here: https://youtu.be/mQSHdVCBt2E

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game




In a dystopian world, Set deep underground in a Facility at an undisclosed location.

Play as Sasha Reid, 3rd Rank Centurion Guard, part of a covert defense team, NOVA Unit.

Take control of Sasha Reid on her first Lunar sample retrieval mission, but when her mission is compromised by a hostile Alien threat known as The Tar.

Utilize her self defense training to protect the V.I.P scientists, trapped within the Facility along with her as she must now stand her ground and fight for her very survival against unimaginable odds and destroy The Tar….if she fails…The Tar will usher in the beginning of The End for all humankind.

Sasha stands between The Tar and the complete destruction of Earth…

Key Features:

  • Discover and unlock Sasha' true combat abilities.

  • Experience fun and fast paced combat action.

  • Evolve Sasha' combat abilities and pull off devastating environment attacks.

  • Manage Sasha' physical attributes to keep her on her feet during battle encounters.

  • Witness environmental destruction that can be used to your advantage, but can also be a hazard.

Project-SARACEN on Steam