The Game has great potential. It is lagging sometimes. But the developer is so proactive. He is releasing updates on time to time basis. I loved the game very very much.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Singleplayer Games.

This game is very dry.

Levels are undetailed. There’s only three enemies: pistol guard, submachinegun guard, and shotgun guard (this one is bald, that’s how much difference there is). You have three actions: fire weapon, telekinesis, and look ahead. Technically there’s also walking, but that’s useless and best left never used. Your character could win an award for most generic video game protagonist ever. There’s not much decor or interaction, beside breakable desks, black bottomless pits, exploding cylindrical tanks on some levels, and shattering glass, which the game author seems to have fallen in love with.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game


Intern Pursuit Game

Intern Pursuit Game

This game is obviously still in development. But if you like tower defense games this might be up your alley. 3d 1st per Tower defense.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi PvE Games.

This game isn’t particularly groundbreaking, but it is quirky and charming in it’s own right. There obviously are still a tremendous number of bugs, and it’s still pretty short at the moment, but that’s to be expected from early access. That aside, who doesn’t like shooting aliens?

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Intern Pursuit Game on Steam



Controls took a little bit to get used to, but the gameplay mechanics are very satisfying once you get the hang of it. Each hand allows you to fly or shoot, but not both simultaneously. Shooting with one wile flying with the other is possible, though. You have to find your own balance and style for evading and engaging. The visuals are nice, if not a little sparse.

It’s tough to call it a wave shooter, but it’s the closest genre. Enemies periodically spawn, but there’s no clear beginning or end to the waves. There’s a decent variety of enemies, but they essentially fall into two categories: stay still and shoot at you, or chase you (there’s one that does both). If you survive long enough, a very difficult boss spawns. Based on scores, it seems I’m one of three players so far to have defeated it. The arena is massive, but there is a giant dome that keeps you from flying too far. There are perks you can earn by completing challenges and earning XP, which definitely ease the difficulty bit. You can unlock up to nine, but you can only have three active at a time.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Destruction Games.

With a VR audience starved for new quality content, seeing Airborn announced (thanks to @CanadaGameDevs!) was a breath of fresh air.

Simple, cool, and fairly priced for what it is, I am happy to say that Airborn delivers!

The title screen is near perfection : synthwave, particles and the game title are enough to get you pumped for the game.

The game is all about shooting moving targets as you maneuver with your jet-powered thrusters in a space arena. It is not as extensive as I would have liked but what is there is solid, fun and addictive.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Airborn on Steam

Champions Online

Champions Online

Champions Online… where to begin with this one? Probably with a bit of history, for your personal culture. On the 28th September 2006, Microsoft Game Studios and Cryptic Studios announced a brand new multiplayer game for the Xbox 360 known as Marvel Universe Online. The only thing we can all Google about this project is a short teaser with an epic music that shows actually nothing revelant about the game itself but it was here… until the 11th February 2008 when Marvel decided to cancel everything without explaination.

Real player with 12169.0 hrs in game

Just in case, I started to play when it turned into Free-to-Play. I don’t have the experiences with anything before that time either. This is my self explanations and the whole experiences I got during the time I played this game. (Yes, over 5k hours)

When I started out, the game got recently into free-to-play. From me, it was great! I got into the game, got a hard time to choose my very first archetype (Free build for Free players) and the customization of my very first character, which I finally made a kinda “Lizardman fighter tank” looking for the Tank build (The Behemoth). Back in time, we had 2 primary stats for our character builds. When I played it out, Free Players, on PvP, could do at least to go Toe-to-toe with the subscribed players, which they are Freeform build (making their own powers,etc.) As for the crafting, I do remember the old system, where you needed to gather materials to craft your equipments. It was grindy, but in the end, it worthed it. And if you wanted to continue to do your researches for the crafting, you needed to go to a special location for each branch you wanted to do!

Real player with 5775.3 hrs in game

Champions Online on Steam

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Episode 2 of the Flyland Wars improves on the formula set by its predecessor. It is still a combat game with an emphasis on strategt. Like the last game, the level is difficult until you’ve practiced and figured out tricks to win it. This episode is more fleshed out than the previous one; more opportunities for combat and an interesting puzzle element, with some surprises waiting for you. The game’s best quality is its dark atmosphere. I was genuinely creeped out at points when I was exploring the mine. The story in the game of how Not Yours Mine came to be is well-written and funny. I recommend Flyland Wars Ep 2 if you’re looking for a quick, gritty, unique combat game with puzzle and horror elements.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine on Steam

Hero or Villain: Battle Royale

Hero or Villain: Battle Royale

This is actually the author, so I will use this space to try to address some of the points raised so far in the reviews.

Please note that this game was only recently released, and there are some known bugs that should hopefully be ironed out soon (which appear to be blocking some of the paths through the game).

Note also that this is the 2nd in an expected 3 game story-arc. As such, the game does only take you so far in the story, which will be completed in the last part of the game.

You cannot save everybody in the story, though some characters can be saved, if you make the right decisions (or kill others yourself). Anyway, please feel free to discuss the game, here or in the discussion section! :)

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

I was really exited to read the sequel,but it turns out it was not what i expected:

First, you are treated like a slave and there is no good dialoge option to rebel, this is a major flaw with the game because it really ruins the whole cyoa thing going on.The only good thing i can comment on is that liked the side missions more then the main one.

Second, the deaths are just everywhere, this leads to just not wanting to get along with anyone, and in that same note the relatonship is also really bad, one day you can be friends then the next one she is a bitch with you (Im talking with you joo)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Hero or Villain: Battle Royale on Steam

Marvel’s Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers

There is A LOT I want to say on this game, to just go ahead with the TLDR in the beginning: Yes, I recommend it, yes it is not the best “Marvel” IP based game but it is a good game for what it is and what it is trying to do. For a more detailed, honest and fair review that isn’t being a sheep because “Its cool to hate on this game xdddd” please refer below to the positives, the negatives and the more. I have over 400+ hours on this game and I plan on adding more so I’d like to say I’m a veteran and so do my friends as I see their reviews here too.

Real player with 448.2 hrs in game

I don’t know what everyone else was expecting, but I enjoyed everything I got.

The SP campaign told an interesting story that kept me wanting to play to see what happened next.

The combat system is very entertaining. It can be picked up quickly for it’s simple components, but, for anyone who really wants to master it, it actually has a lot of depth to it.

Each character added has been free and added another short narrative to the game world along with a new hero to play.

Each hero feels unique to play in combat despite being familiar enough to move from one to the other with relative ease. Even after adding Kate Bishop and Hawkeye, two archers, back to back, each character feels wholly unique and nothing like the other.

Real player with 373.5 hrs in game

Marvel's Avengers on Steam

VERSUS: The Deathscapes

VERSUS: The Deathscapes

OVERALL: I strongly recommend Versus: Deathscapes - there is a lot it does really well, but also some big flaws. (The first 2 parts of the series were the best, on par with the great Infinity Series, and The Wayhaven Chronicles). I’ve tried to lay out what makes me think the experience is really worth it, as well as warning what to prepare for, so you can decide.


Some particular strengths are its DLC content, allowing you to opt-in to extra advice. It structures its choices clearly, so you’re not left guessing as to whether the choice aligns with the stats you have been culviating.

Real player with 555.2 hrs in game

I loved the sense of being thrown into a whole new world in Book 1, and enjoyed the thought of learning more about the mystery and characters of Versus. Book 2 enhanced my fulfillment of the series by turning it into a story of intrigue and politics, where it wasn’t just about beating stuff up, but about simply surviving against something more massive than your puny mortal power or comprehension.

….I feel like book 3 took all that suspense and character development and shoved it out the window. I was fine when half of the cast was put on the bus, since I understood it was a chance to develop other characters. I liked how the stakes were raised, even if the tonal shift was a bit abrupt. I just felt let-down by the pay-off. All the investigating, politicking, and careful character choices were rendered moot. I mean, it’s a game. It was always going to be moot, but it would’ve been more fun getting to that point if the ending had been satisfying.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

VERSUS: The Deathscapes on Steam

Bob and Prickle

Bob and Prickle

Bob and Prickle is a fast-paced platformer shooter game where you fight against the evil company NZT who is hellbent on ruling the city of Lightbul. You control Bob, a self proclaimed superhero, (who is actually just an unemployed fat guy) and his assistant Prickle.

Fire up your jet pack and get ready to shoot all the enemies who stand in your way because NZT created a drug called ‘catrik’ which transforms humans into a new form known as Mazloms. You will encounter many Mazloms along your journey, but don’t worry because Professor Mellon Elusk is there to help. Choose your favorite weapon and show NZT just how powerful you are!

Although Bob and Prickle are polar opposites, the relationship between them is very special. The “Jumping Cholla” as they call themselves will both take part in saving Lightbul with many jokes and roasts along the way. With Prickle’s special powers you will be able to do so much more than you can imagine, it will add a great atmosphere while playing.

Bob and Prickle is set in the 2040s where flying cars and robots are the norm, but despite these technological advancements, you will still feel a sense of familiarity as you explore the world. In order to destroy NZT, you need to track and takedown those who work there while also encountering different bosses and enemies along the way.

The action won’t stop in Lightbul, you will always use your guns and call Prickle for his special powers, these two won’t fear anything. They may not be the best people for the job but they will try to get it done somehow. Bob was a mall cop, but there are no other brave men who Prof. Elusk can use to save the city, so Elusk is the brains and Bob is the muscle – Prickle is just here to make sure Bob doesn’t screw things up. Each plan will involve a lot of shooting, jumping from flying cars, and helping out everyone in need.

B&P is coming in the first quarter of 2020 and will feature:

  • Fast and smooth gameplay

  • Addictive shooting mechanics

  • Involving story

  • A lot of bang bangs

  • Variation of weapons, bombs and powers

  • Humor and dead jokes

Bob and Prickle on Steam

Prototype 2

Prototype 2


| Graphics (Environment 8/10, Models 7/10) | 7.5 |

| Animations | 6/10 |

| Sound | 7/10 |

| Music | 7/10 |

| Story | 6/10 |

| Gameplay | 7.5/10 |

| Inovation |

Real player with 44.5 hrs in game

I strongly suggest not purchasing Prototype 2. Yes, it was fun. Yes, it was marginally well-designed. But over-all, the first one was much, much better. I’ll explain why, and you can decide for yourself if my issues are overriding factors for you:

1. Graphics

Prototype 2 wins. I’ll give it that. It’s gorgeous. Poorly optimised, so you’re gonna get a crap framerate, but it’s gorgeous.

2. Control scheme

Prototype 1 takes the gold there. P1’s controls are well-mapped by default and make sense once you become aquainted with them. P2 changes some core controls for no reason, and because of the way they’re set up, rebinding them will not help.

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

Prototype 2 on Steam