The Orville - Interactive Fan Experience

The Orville - Interactive Fan Experience

The Orville is a fantastic show which is both funny and dramatic, and this game is a must-have for any Orville fan. Also its FREE!

The game allows players to create a character to explore the USS Orville, including the bridge, medical bay, various character’s quarters, shuttle dock, quantum engine rooms, the environmental simulator, and many other rooms on the ship. Players can visit various locations and planet as backdrops to look at out the windows. Players can explore alone or in multiplayer with friends. A few weapons from the show can be picked up and used by players. The ship also contains many Easter eggs from the show to discover.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Multiplayer Games.


The loss of the interactive “Star Trek: The Next Generation” experience was bad for Star Trek fans. (I never understood why CBS didn’t just buy the website and hire the developers to run it, but anyways…)

But in the wake of Bad Reboots, canon-ignoring prequels, Kling-orcs, spore drives and CBS boldly backing away from where no man has gone before, we’ve now got something now that’s “More Trek than Star Trek” in its present form.

Taking a brief tour of this interactive Orville experience was nothing short of awesome. I’ve only gotten to try one of the scenarios so far. But so far this is beyond cool. The graphics are top-notch, and the interactive features are great. A lot of it still needs to be finished but so far this is looking awesome.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

The Orville - Interactive Fan Experience on Steam

All Aspect Warfare

All Aspect Warfare

If you want an idea of how infantry conflict (without indirect fire) would be in the future, play this game.

The scenario is that you are one of a surviving team of soldiers/airman (there’s one pilot among you) on a planet that is essentially a live-fire training area for an enemy race’s military.

Yep, an entire planet that’s really one big impact area with a few bases scattered on it.

How did you get there? Well, the spaceship that you were on was carrying a planet buster to plant on the enemy home world (yeah, the war’s going that badly) was damaged en-route and crashed here. After arming the planet buster, of course.

Real player with 262.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi FPS Games.

This was actually a fascinating concept back in 2009 and I even had some fun playing it. Unfortunately the bugs were never fixed and it is left a broken mess. The fact that the developer appears to have been actively working to remove bad reviews from the store page makes it quite obvious that the game is never going to get the love it requires and as such my only recommendation can be to spend your money elsewhere.

Real player with 63.3 hrs in game

All Aspect Warfare on Steam



Okay to clarify some of the bad reviews. This is a game that is a result of a team working on an NFT project, not a full time dedicated team of game development professionals working in a studio. This doesn’t mean, however, that this game wont be great. There is so much planned for this game in the next 10 years and once things get off the ground the growth will be exponential. At the time of writing this review there is not much to do in the game and is really only cool to see the use of your NFT in game (which is pretty fucking cool btw). If you don’t own any Evaverse NFTs and download this game with the expectation of it being a normal game just like any other on steam your going to be dissapointed…. for now. LIke I said this game is an infant right now compared to where it will be. So stick around and watch it grow! The discord and twitter community is pretty awesome so come check us out.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Multiplayer Games.

The game is pretty bare bones but it has tons of potential. I’ve played for hours, the developers are very active and adding new content and modes. It’s only going to get better from here. Its probably one of the most immersive nft games out there now. Hoverboard racing looks super fun!

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Evaverse on Steam



If you grew up on sci-fi and space operas, this is the game for you. Do you dream of exploring the galaxy flying a ship you designed block-by-block to be what you always dreamed in your head? Or crave having a merchant empire? Or perhaps your dream is to jump into combat, with an entire fleet of ships at your back like the Rebel fleet arriving at Endor? I’ve done it all, and you can too.

I tell people that what really makes this game is moments. That time you jumped away from a pirate ambush with 2% health. The time you were deep in a lonely nebula, and found a secret stash hidden between some asteroids. The first time you discovered a boss, some sassy, some scary, some like nothing you expected at all. The first time you have a second or third ship to fight beside you, that moment where you go from being a ship to a fleet.

Real player with 1942.0 hrs in game

Something about Avorion just draws me in, yes it has some issues as most games do, but overall this game is fantastic. The story elements are on the simpler side but the uniqueness of the entire story gives Avorion charm. There are still some lore/backstory holes but they can be plugged over time.

The ship design takes a special sort of player, that is not me, I can build rectangle based ships… anything curved or angled is beyond me :D

I only have one piece of advice from playing almost 600 hours (at time of review), enjoy the early game, try for the most challenging way of obtaining the build knowledge…

Real player with 597.4 hrs in game

Avorion on Steam

CSC | Space MMO

CSC | Space MMO

EDIT: 3/20/20 Since the time of this review, missions have been added, refineries have been added, crafting has been added with the ability to make modules and ships, and more. This is a ton of development in less than 6 months! There are tons of new things to do, and development is moving fast, both great signs. This is a game that takes patience and time, if you enjoy the factory/production type aspect of games, and if you like economics and space stuff, you will like this game. It is not for everyone but it is a gem for those who enjoy this type of game. A player economy on this scale is something special that really sets this apart from other games.

Real player with 1757.8 hrs in game

UPDATE After 1500 hours played…

There now “gate campers” playing the game. These scumbags sit there and wait for players to travel through gates and then kill them when the come out the other side. Wouldn’t be such a big deal if the game developers didn’t purposely leave the players ship completely vulnerable to attack for about 10 seconds after coming out of a gate. Can’t equip shields, or counter attack. If you have hundreds of $$ worth of mods on your ship, you are shit out of luck, and you loose it all. Not only that, but you have to rebuy insurance for your ship, which can range from $5-$15 depending on your ship.

Real player with 1560.4 hrs in game

CSC | Space MMO on Steam

Galactic Civilizations III

Galactic Civilizations III

NOTE: This is a review of the Final Release Candidate for the game, so it should apply to the released version.

Having been a long-time GC2 player, I eagerly signed up for the Founder’s Edition early-access over a year ago, and have followed the development of GC3 since then closely.

Let me tell you, getting a 4X game that incorporates all the features that hard-core strategy gamers want, while remaining both relevant and competitive, is really hard. As in, EXTREMELY hard. StarDock has done an excellent job with GC3. That’s not to say there still aren’t quibbles over the direction certain features have taken, but the reality is, that if you actually want to release a game, certain decisions are going to have to be taken, and you’re sure to piss off someone who wanted that feature and didn’t get it. But GC3 is a solid and entertaining game, if not a radically innovative one.

Real player with 2842.9 hrs in game

First of all it is critical to understand that the game is still in beta testing and therefore has some glitches. That said it has been pretty stable for me. (Four year old dell xps 8100 with 16gb and a 750 Ti video card). At present the plan seems to be to a go for a final release in May. There will be frequent patches before then and perhaps a beta 6 release (beta 5, with enormous additions, was released yesterday (Mar26). If you don’t like encountering bugs and reporting them to help the game, then wait for the release. Of critical importance remaining is tuning the AI to be smarter and more aggressive, imo.

Real player with 2285.4 hrs in game

Galactic Civilizations III on Steam



**### Keplerth is one of the most frustrating reviews I have ever had to research, before giving a final and accurate review. I definately recommend buying it now at it’s $12.99 price, because the price is definately going up in the future, and Kerplerth might even surpass RimWorld one day.

In order for me to get enough information to write an accurate review, I had to do a lot more than just play the game! I only give negative reviews for incomplete, false advertised, or fake games. I even give an automatic negative for abandonment or deleting my posts to cover up dishonest behavior by the seller. With all my strict rules, ones I have carried with me since I retired from UO Stratics, I had a lot of work and time put into investigating Keplerth. Normally its a lot of game play, and reading peoples posts in discussion’s that get me the data I need. This review, took a lot of elbow greese. The stuff you cant find in Home Depot!**

Real player with 206.4 hrs in game

Bought during the Steam Summer Sale.

Looked like a good deal for the type of game it is and had good reviews, so I snatched it up hoping for the best, not really sure if I’d like it. Result? I haven’t been able to stop playing it. Seems pretty balanced so far and I feel like I am constantly progressing - but not too fast. Drives me nuts when weapons/gear in the game I’m playing quickly become too weak or too op too soon and no new weapons or gear drops give me any thrill. When that happens I feel my motivation for progression declines. Here are my “Pros” for this game so far:

Real player with 179.9 hrs in game

Keplerth on Steam

X3: Terran Conflict

X3: Terran Conflict

Beware possible spoilers ahead for newbies

X3 Reunion had a good voice cast. The story was not good. The game engine is still beautiful. The hud and mouse speed can be a problem. X3 Terran Conflict and the add-on Albion Prelude are amazing. If I knew that x-rebirth would totally destroy the series by being completely horrible I should’ve just asked for a albion prelude 2 on this old engine. This is the end of the line for the series. Everything after albion prelude is considered a hallow lifeless body floating in space that is worshipped by shills. (I’ll exclude X4 from this. Since it’s pretty good after years of repair. So that just leaves X-Afterbirth.. Huh weeeirdddd)

Real player with 3672.1 hrs in game

My favourite game of all time. A space flight sim blended with a strategy game and trading/industry sim, with a truly functional open world that you can profoundly change.

There are three things that in my opinion set the X3 series miles ahead from most other similar games. First is the ability to buy more than one ship and construct your own stations. Some space-sims will let you destroy stations in the game universe but there aren’t many where you can build your own, making permanent changes to the game world and economy, Many space-privateer games let you choose a ship to fly, where some might be better for combat, or trading, faster or tougher etc. Not many games will let you buy several ships, hop in one and order the others around while you fly.

Real player with 623.7 hrs in game

X3: Terran Conflict on Steam

Custom Machinery

Custom Machinery

I like building games a lot so I wanted to have a go at this;


  • At first it seemed like you can’t really do anything but as you try stuff and learn how it works, you can build cool things

  • Most blocks have 3 sizes

  • Saving/copying your builds can be done quickly

  • Not expensive

  • Nice graphics


  • Hard to learn (I recommend you to watch tutorial videos. Link to tutorials )

  • New players may not find the controls easily (They can be found by pressing F1)

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

No way to flip over if you get stuck.

No on-screen controls. F1 shows a transparent list of keys to remember. You are instructed to go to the YouTube channel for tutorials rather than having them in the game. If the developer simply put keys on-screen, it would be much easier to get into.

4 small wheels will provide an excessive amount of thrust by default, and do not require any sort of engine, or even hinges to rotate. There also aren’t any arrows telling you which way they spin or turn.

The only issue with balancing I had was trying to assemble a vehicle without it falling over. The ‘magnetic clamp’ or whatever, wasn’t.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Custom Machinery on Steam



I can’t seem to think how to write this review properly right now, so I’ll just go with an easy pro-con list.


  • The environments are quite pretty to look at and the lighting is nice (though the player character looks like a bad CGI creature from a 90’s music video)

  • Has a lot of nice variety in terms of stuff to craft, mine or place

  • Uhhhh… I really can’t think of any other points at the moment


  • The story in this game is forgettable and uninteresting.

Real player with 157.4 hrs in game

There is quite a bit to say about Darkout. I’ll try to be as non-partisan as possible.

With the explosion of greenlight games and the large number of ‘Metroidvania’ sandbox style games on Steam, it’s hard to make one stand out from the rest. Darkout, like Terraria, or Starbound, takes yet another approach at these sandbox style games, but, of course, is still very much the same.

Indeed, Darkout is much the same old grind. Spending hour upon relentless hour, mining through piles of the same dirt, and rock, only to fill your inventory and discard, rinse and repeat. Just enough to get you the resources to build an elevator to reach the depths of the shaft you just dug. With the same old spotty mouse targeting as others, a horrible grouping system for mining, a terribly inaccurate crafting system, and a slew of other annoying bugs, it is tedious at best during these hours, searching for resources, and can often be a real chore, during these times, to play.

Real player with 133.1 hrs in game

Darkout on Steam