A-Tech Cybernetic VR

A-Tech Cybernetic VR

UPDATE 10 Dec 2018:

I last played this game nearly a year ago. As per my original review below, I liked the game well enough, but didn’t feel the urge to want to go back at the time. Boy, have things changed, mostly for the better.


  • Nice control customization. Being a smooth locomotion/turning kind of guy, this game had it all.

  • Nice weapon options. The weapons this time around had a better distinct feel to them (how they ‘felt’, how they sounded. Handling grenades was a breeze.

  • Level Design was nice and varied; a mixture of indoor/outdoor levels kept in fresh. I like how the outdoor levels gave a better sense of elevation in moving around (compared to the indoor levels, which mostly felt like you were in a single floor. The outdoor levels had a really grand scope of scale, making me feel like a rather small person.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Violent Games.

7.6 out of 10

This new review coincides with the release of chapter 2. The devs have turned things around and we’ve got a very solid game building here. The graphics have been improved with more varied room designs and furnishings and excellent lighting. Flashlights now illuminate correctly and melee combat provide more damage.

After replaying from the start I can tell the revised chapter 1 is an overhauled version of the previous design and it plays much better than before. And the new story does a good job at motivating you through the levels. I really enjoyed playing to the end of chapter 2, though I haven’t managed to get past the epic fight at the end of this chapter which I’m finding pretty intense.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

A-Tech Cybernetic VR on Steam



Awesome & Impressive challenging Side Scrolling Shoot Em Up.

Great smooth controls and lots of buttons to press and memorise,

6 Different Ships to choose from each with their own weapons and abilities.

7 Big well designed Stages with really nice effects + visuals, Great Atmospheric Music.

Loads of variety of enemies and Amazing end of stage hard Bosses.

Lots of different weapons to collect after destroying the enemy forces.

You have two weapon turrets or drones which you can rotate when firing.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Shoot 'Em Up Games.

EDIT: since complaneing about the colour pallet the dev has patched the game to improve visablity (dramaticly on the first level at least)

EDIT: ok it’s not all perfect. wtf is everything blue? sooo hard to see stuff everything is blue; your shot, enemy ships, enemy shots, the backround, the foreground, the bomb pods,,, it’s all blue and really hard to diffrenciate. none of the graphics options fix this btw it will they will always match. very dumb.

it’s a good game. got it’s own personality.

it’s a shmup with large ammount of ships that all play a little diffrent.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Cossanox on Steam



Kojouji is an incredible ten minutes, and I’d recommend it to anyone if they’re willing to pay for that; and if that’s you, I beg you to stop reading.

Booting Kojouji up for the first time is this incredible experience. You have no idea where you are, what you’re doing at this factory site, and who you even are. The player character pulls out a gas mask and fits it over their face, and a letter from a distressed wife missing her husband pops up on screen. You start exploring your surroundings, ignoring a pop-up that asks if you want to leave, and instead pushing deeper into the factory, as the ground begins to squelch beneath your feet.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Adventure Games.

Kojouji is a good game with some major flaws that make it not a good game.

I had fun playing this. I liked the mood and the creatures. I had a hard time trying to find my way because everything is too dark and it looked the same. As much as I wanted to play more it takes me almost an hour to get far before I die and have to restart from the begging.

Update: Kojouji is MUCH better after the update fix for lighting, gas masks, and more. The implementation of a save system is splendid. I don’t think the game should cost more than $5, but It’s now a good indie horror game.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

KOJOUJI on Steam

Redemption: Saints And Sinners

Redemption: Saints And Sinners

Would not recommend anyone to purchase this one. Product is too raw. It needs remastering and fresh team for finishing the project. Maybe, the idea is not the worst, but… Too many “if there were…”. So, step by step.

1. Graphics. Looks fine, but… It is some kind of the Unity Engine, completely without any optimization. Your FPS will drain starting from the first room. 5/10.

2. Gameplay if fair enough. Sometimes lags, for example you’re unable to click a node in the electronic scheme puzzle, rotating buttons on the energy node remain inactive after activating and e.t.c. Also weapon switching doesn’t work properly. I think this all caused by the Unity Engine. 5/10.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

I wanted to leave a review as I’m pretty confident, with only 89 current reviews; that the developer may see it.

Firstly, I like this game for what it appears to be. To me this game appears to have been created as a first real use of the developers core skills in the field and as such, represents a very well designed game given the basic coding knowledge present.

The assets used have reasonably high resolution textures and are high quality (except for the obviously hand-made red ‘shootable fuse box’ which sticks out as not part of the original asset pack used) and therefore they are, along with good lighting, at least remotely nice to look at, allbeit a little monotonal grey.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Redemption: Saints And Sinners on Steam



Enjoyed the game, graphics are fantastic, but had problems thru-out. For no reason it would start to rotate the player non stop. Had to exit game and restart. When I got to the point to gather the Polonium Fuel It wouldn’t open the last gate to gather the fuel container. After further play time I found my error. Also it would be nice if you added a list of game save points so you can return to a previous point in the game.

Real player with 106.3 hrs in game

I started playing this game when it was in early access, it’s a great game! Thoroughly enjoying it every time i play it. I love the beautiful surroundings and the vibrant colours in game, the humour has also had me smiling as that is something i quite like in games. The controls of the game are simple also. I think the game is great fun and addictive :) I am grateful that i was given the opportunity to play, thank you! The only negative i have is that sometimes it can be a little laggy but it’s not a deal breaker.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

Humanity on Steam



It’s a very nice retro game that goes back to the roots of old games like the first Half Life.


The graphics are amazing, especially on the planet level.

The AI is smart and challenging. Overall the difficulty is quite high. The player needs to manage their ammo and health / shield drops properly.

Weapons feel good to use, although there are not too many to choose from.


The length of the game is a bit short though, so don’t expect the same game time as Half Life.

The lack of sprint might not be for everyone.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

A fun to use arsenal make this game a lot better than it initially feels. Two environmental types, puzzles here and there. Air duct action romp. Not incredibly fast-paced but not too slow either. Interesting story and ID-EGO itself is quite the character. A recommendation it is, but not the strongest one. It’s good - but not quite great. Will definitely be keeping an eye on Rosmic and seeing if they make any further forays into the FPS genre - the bones are here, it just needs to be a little more fleshed out next time round.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

ID-EGO on Steam

Perilous Warp

Perilous Warp

EDIT: 1.1 fixes a lot of the issues I had when I wrote this review! The Reaper disc has been fixed, many bugs have been fixed (including one which prevented enemies from being stunlocked) and even the mighty shotgun has been improved massively. Good job Crystice

Despite having some issues with weapon - enemy feedback, Perilous Warp is honestly my favourite game of this year so far. This game scratches a nostalgia itch no other old school / throwback FPS has been able to do thus far, with the healthy dose of Chasm: The Rift callbacks in the level design, weapons and enemies and the solid split - second gunplay bringing together what is an unbelievably enjoyable and faithful old school experience.

Real player with 65.3 hrs in game

This review might be a bit biased as I am a huge Chasm: The Rift fan, and Perilous Warp fills that void that Chasm left. If you are a fan of Chasm, I highly recommend this game!

The game clocked in at around 5 hours for me. My first playthrough was on hard, and between exploring/secret hunting and dying to encounters, there was plenty to keep me satisfied. On lower difficulties and cutting out exploration, the play time would be significantly lower, probably around the 2 hour mark.

The Chasm references are littered throughout the game, with classic weapons making appearances and a few original ones. But PW also takes inspiration from other titles like Doom 3 and Half-Life in regards to atmosphere, and Quake 2 in its movement mechanics, in particular strafe jumping.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game

Perilous Warp on Steam



Edit: Added some gameplay.


As a big fan of 6DOF games i had to give this game a try.

So i played the free demo 20 minutes then instantly bought the game !

Really good gameplay, tight controls and great sense of speed.

The level design is quite good too with nice music and great atmosphere within the levels.

BLAST-AXIS also deliver many satisfying weapons to use and also give you the choice to play in first person or third person (worth mentioning as it’s not always the case in many other games).

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

In this game you play as a cute little maintenance robot fighting blobby blue aliens who have invaded phobos for some irrelevant reason. It isn’t the most polished 6DOF (descent-like) shooter, but it probably is the most unique and original, and it might just be the most fun. The game’s main strengths are solid level design and a diverse and fun arsenal.

There are six weapons in the game but thanks to ammo types and alt-fire modes these unfold into… a lot of weapons, I can’t do the math. For example, the “tube” mortar launcher has three ammo types: flame rounds, grenades, and flak shells. Drilling down further, the flak shells can either be fired in “burst” mode, acting like a shrapnel shotgun, or in “fuze” mode, which fires a single projectile that explodes with AOE damage when it hits a wall or enemy. There’s a tool for every job, and each weapon is a good mix of quirky and powerful which gives them a real sense of personality. They’re your friends and you come to love them as you spend time hanging out. The cluster missiles in particular are an absolute joy.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game


Cyborg Mechanic

Cyborg Mechanic

Cyborg Mechanic is a simulation game where you face challenges as surgeon / mechanic working on cyborgs, bionic people and augmented humans. You will diagnose, repair and improve your customers’ bodies, as well as develop you workshop and acquire new equipment. You will operate in the underground, gaining fame and money – but also avoiding cyber-raids by the authorities.

Augment your clients

Your job is to make your customers happy by solving their problems. It’s your way to fame and money. And of course it’s all you live for. Your task, as a cyber mechanic, is not only to diagnose problems, but also to introduce modifications and improvements to bodies, minds and shells. But be careful as any procedure can end in your client suffering pain, disability, death or something even worse…


Your clients works in the underground world – they are traffickers, bodyguards, soldiers, madmen addicted to implanting new cyberware, street samurais, mnemonics and more. Many of them have interesting stories to tell, but all of them want repairs or improvements. Job orders vary in their level of complexity and the equipment requires to complete the task. You don’t have to accept every client, but implanting augmentations is your way of life…


How’bout a russian mechanical arm from a decade ago. Maybe some wolverine-like claws of your own design. The most modern laser eyes are on offer. You also have high-end coprocessors. The list of implants requiring simple or very complex procedures increases with your skills, fame and resources. Over time, your clients' bodies, minds and shells won’t have any secrets for you…

Workshop management

Money is just a way to achieve your goal which is to create the best workshop in the city. What equipment will help you find more customers? Do you need to purchase a cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) right now or is it better to invest in a state of the art amputation saw first? Laser soldering iron or surgical scalpel – tough choice? Posters, colourful LEDs or slot machines? Cause looks are also important!


You work as an outlaw - without any license, out of control and not worrying too much about a sterile environment in your workshop. The more famous you are, the more illegal implants branded by you appear on the streets, the more vigilant the cyber police will be. Be sure they will be looking for you. Maybe they’ll lock you up right away? Maybe you can bribe them? Or maybe they will ask you for a small favour, who knows!





Cyborg Mechanic on Steam



Feels like Doom, Serious Sam, Painkiller. Good looking graphic, especially indoors. Fast combat in different arenas with some puzzles and boss fights. Gameplay really fun, but you need to stay focused because fights can be tough. If you do not expect more then you will like it.


Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

music so cool :B buut optimization.. could be better for this game play. This is really more likely for TRUUUE old school fans, such as Sirius Sam D:

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game