Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

By all means play this game so long as you don’t spend money on it.

For those that don’t know, Star Trek Online (STO) is an MMORPG loosely based on the Star Trek universe. Canon is not followed that heavily however there are facilities to create your own story, involving roleplay communities and the foundry which is a tool to design your own missions. If you are a Trek fan I would personally leave your Trek canon feelings at the door as you might find they get challenged at regular intervals.

That said it is a personal thing, and so work through the story because that is one thing that STO has done reasonably well for. The art in STO has always been very good and so that combined with the story missions has always made good time spent.

Real player with 6260.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Open World Games.

Hey, you!

Star Trek Online is a game I have sunk many hours into, I have played the game (sometimes intermittently, sometimes continuously) over the course of almost a decade. The amount of hours I have in this game is, suffice to say, embarrassing. So embarrassing that I have stopped running the game through the Steam client despite still actively playing it, there’s a bit of sad trivia for you. No, approaching this without a bit of bias might be as impossible as quitting this game for good is, but let’s try! I think I can explain. I enjoy it, really. But I don’t think you will.

Real player with 3744.6 hrs in game

Star Trek Online on Steam

Inside The Computer

Inside The Computer

Well, my first impression was “oh look, someone’s first steam game, i want to see how polished it is” and for my suprise is very nice. So good and some music wouldn’t be bad. I need to end what i started.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Singleplayer Games.

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⡇⣿⠹⣿⡇⡟⠛⣉⠁⠉⠉⠻⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⡉⠂⠈⠙⢿⣿⣝⣿ It’s good








Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Inside The Computer on Steam

Anarchy Online

Anarchy Online

I would definitely recomended this game, i used to play AO back in the days when it was freshly out etc i ended up playing for a lot longer than anticipated and have recently returned.

Over the years gaming has changed an awful lot, i have played almost all of the MMOs out there both old and new, but i have to say that AO is my favourite, i like the complexity the time it takes to do things and the mathematics to working out how i’m going to get those high level imps on at low level in order to equip my new belts, ncus, armour/weapons and ofcourse imps, the thing most people don’t seem to be aware of with AO is that the twinking aspect of it is extremely complex. Unlike other MMOs most bits you will find in AO are not level locked, like in WOW for example say your twinking at level 30 you can only equip “from level 30” items, however on AO you do not have this limit so all depending how good you are at maths and how willing you are to devote time to your toons you can make extraordinary twinks (which i love!).

Real player with 97.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Adventure Games.

Review Notes:

I played on the Steam client for 37.4 hrs, until I downloaded the New Engine from the Anarchy Online website. The New Engine is now my primary engine but it doesn’t count toward my steam hours. That said, I have about 100 hours in this game as of writing this review.

General Game Review:

I’ve never played an MMO that was so complex. If I had known of this game when it came out, I would have been playing it all along. However, I only learned about this game this year (2019).

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Anarchy Online on Steam

Averon Rising

Averon Rising


Averon is a futuristic empire building game that gives players agency to create and direct a nation in anyway they want to roleplay. Empires exist in a persistent multiplayer world where nations exist and grow side by side. The entire economy and political climate of the world is driven by the actions of the player nations. The futuristic world of Averon has many advanced technologies to discover from war mechs to nano tech. When players battle, they control units on a micro scale to out maneuver their opponents.

#### Key Features


Players can declare war on one another for any reason they see fit.

Combat is controlled on a microscale.


There will be AI controlled raiders to keep the players on their toes.

Custom Built Mechs

Players can not only purchase existing mech design but they are also able to modify.

Open Market

Players can put items up for bid at an auction house or sell them for a set price on the open market. Players may directly trade with each other.

Morale system

Players must keep their citizens happy to keep productivity high.

Mercenary Contracts

Player can offer and accept mercenary contracts


Research through six specialized fields to unlock the ability to produce items.

Raw Materials

Raw materials are necessary to produce goods and equipment. Due to their limited quantities on the map they are a major source of warfare.

Claiming Territory

Players can grow their territory through exploration or conquest.


Players make alliances or trade partnerships with no in game regulation.

Averon Rising on Steam



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⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Cosmodome on Steam



Give this game a chance.

For those who don’t like to read long reviews, skip quickly to the TL;DR below.

This game is quickly underappreciated by many players who came in, gave it a first impression, then left.

Some game reviews given by other players are pretty shallow, to be honest. All they say is what they don’t like about the game, and that’s it.

They never gave it a chance to give them what they want: A well built spaceship that plays the way they want to play, and use it to slay opponents with.

Real player with 730.2 hrs in game

The game had a lot going for it, aside being a suspiciously similar game to world of warships (so much so that direct comparisons from mechanics to UI could fill a thesis). had in the past tense; it hasn’t materially changed in over 3 years, but somehow manages to stay up. i keep coming back to this game because of what could have been, not because of what it is. that said, here’s why not to get this game now:

1. no players

the pool of players is limited. there’s nothing to draw people into playing a game with this degree of uphill grinding once you hit mid-game. more on that later. critically, if you want to progress in the game or do anything, you can wait out the pvp queue, or wait up to a minute for pve, which has since been altered to bias the player numbers to 6 vs 8, and has always had the bots respawn in up/downtiered ships depending on the team score. for pve, playing solo to progress is nigh impossible to tolerate right now, when in order to win under these conditions you have to pull a score of 2000 or greater against what is essentially a decked out enemy vs the minimum allowed into the tier on your team (as far as the bots go).

Real player with 255.0 hrs in game

Dreadnought on Steam

Drone Wars

Drone Wars

This game is quite fun and it gives a ‘‘unique’’ experience because it is somethink different , BUT first of all this game is in BETA which means not finished . Its worth checking out especially with friends .

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

The game feels like it’s barely half way through development. Its lacking features and replayability. Lots of things need improvement. That being said there is so much potential for it to grow and drastically improve over time, so its a thumbs up from me! Will be checking in again.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Drone Wars on Steam

Great Utopia

Great Utopia

I like the retro playing. It brought me to the old time. However, the storyline is messed up and the ending is a waste of time.

I wouldn’t personally recommend it.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Is it real? Yes - a rpgmaker JRPG with ok characters, good art, has music, ok dialog, a solid game: but VERY short.

This game has psychically assaulting pandering ideology as “motivation”, and quirks (typical rpg quirks that can be frustrating or duh). i would not play it unless your in a good mood. But if you are in a good mood: it’s ok but you’ll hate the fact it ends before it starts - so don’t bother.

So it’s playable but it’s done before you know it - and you wonder if they made it just to install an asian virus on your PC (you of course have to give them your admin password to install - and that allows them full access to everything on your PC - which Steam also has - because it too forces you to give up a password).

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Great Utopia on Steam

Hades' Star

Hades' Star

I’ve played Hades’ Star since Oct 2017 when it was mobile only and it’s been a great ride. I’m currently level 177 and running Red Star 8s, for reference. The most important thing I can suggest to someone just starting is to join the official discord and chat with the community. The link can be found in the news section in-game.

Hades’ Star currently has three game modes, other than your home system (Yellow Star):

  1. Red Stars – This is a max 4-player co-op mode where you need to kill AI ships in order to obtain artifacts that you then research for higher ships’ module levels. These can be done solo, but it’s a lot easier with others.

Real player with 2780.8 hrs in game

This game is starting really slow, and the first moment I started to play, I knew it would be endless grind, I got what I expeced.

The Corporations are a really fun idea, and I enjoy most of the game mechanics - it is a really good game.

The high volatility of ressources make it an interesting long term project for me.

Come join it, give your waste time a meaning.

Join a Corporation and collect seemingly endless ressources for your Empire.

But the game has also negative sides.

  1. You cannot destroy any building

Real player with 1245.8 hrs in game

Hades' Star on Steam

Hive Slayer

Hive Slayer

A short, simple and fun wave shooter (standing with a bit of optional leaning).

Presentation is good, I think better in game than the screenshots give it credit for.

Give it a look.

Played on the original Vive, and worked well under Proton 5.13.

Donated a couple of dollars and downloaded a (DRM free, I imagine) copy as a bonus.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

This is a very simple game, but that’s to be expected from something you can get for free. It’s amusing, and a good way to enjoy some simple VR fun.

It controls well, much better than some other VR shooters I’ve played, and has solid graphics especially at the (nonexistent) pricetag. Each game of Arcade mode takes around 8-10 minutes depending on your skill, and is overall just a bit of fun.

Easy for a short VR session, and the lack of any movement means this is a great game for new VR players to get their feet wet without worrying so much about possible nausea issues. Also, the fact that you’re basically standing in one place means that even small VR play areas work well for it; you definitely don’t need a full room-scale area available.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Hive Slayer on Steam