InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror

InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror

I’ll admit; I like the simplicity of the game and while I do want to continue it, it stops reacting to inputs (glitching, enemies not dying, a bossfight that never ends because there is no way to actually END the fight). The DLC is also glitched out, meaning it won’t run at all. If there was more work pumped into the game, I’m sure it would be lots of fun. Imaging co-op, that would be interesting and could save this game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Retro Games.

As the game stands now, it still needs quite a bit of work. It looks really dodgy and it is on many occasions. If you can make your way past the first 20 minutes, it really picks up with a menagerie of bizarrely textured guns and a colourful cast of monsters. Monsters such as Imps, Ogres, Midget Lizard Men, charred gas mask clad soldiers that dance when you kill them, and even skeletons that throw….“rocks”.

FINAL OPINION: Not quite worth $9.99, but it’s fun to play overall.

EDIT: The latest patch has broken the game. I can no longer recommend it until the problem is solved.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror on Steam



Purchased this game a couple months ago and never sorry that I did. Game is very interesting and graphics are wonderful. Got to the end of the gameplay after about 15-20 hours into the game. This game is still in EA but very well worth the money. It will be growing in content slowly for the simple fact that it basically developed by one person. They do have someone to fall back on in case of problems. The dev is very open to helping if you have a problem and will assist you with it on Discord. They are very open-minded to good ideas. I think you will enjoy growing with this game as it grows in content. Currently designed so when you get to the end of current content it isnt neccesary to repeat after an update hits. You just continue on from last save. 9/10 Well worth the time.

Real player with 94.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi RTS Games.

Disclaimer: I know the creator. I’ve worked with the creator.

I love the story line and how well put together this game is. Everything feels like it belongs together, from the atmosphere to the UI to the way you interact with the world.

This game has a ton of potential. Can’t wait for the multiplayer to be done. Oh and for the ending of the story… xD Shhhh….

I’d like to point out a few things about the negative review Maelstrum wrote:

You shouldn’t be destroying a persons dreams based on what you THINK you may know.

Real player with 67.9 hrs in game

Penkura on Steam

The mystery of the planet venus

The mystery of the planet venus

Picked this up on a whim and genuinely enjoyed it.

It’s very much an indie game, it has a couple bugs and quirks but nothing game breaking. Got myself stuck in a wall at one point but all I had to do was reload the save.

The story and atmosphere were extremely interesting. I really hope the dev continues the story, but if not I’m excited to see what else they come out with.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Adventure Games.

The mystery of the planet venus on Steam

The Turing Test

The Turing Test

The Turing Test is a first person puzzle game. There are 7 chapters, each with 10 puzzles per level. In each chapter, there is also a bonus challenge puzzle. When a new room is entered, a snippet of dialogue will feed the player story in small increments. When the end of a chapter is reached, a non-puzzle room can be explored to get more of the game’s story. Puzzles will scale up in difficulty as the game progresses, and each new chapter will introduce a new mechanic. The character we control is a woman named Ava Turing. With the aide of an AI named T.O.M, we progress through the game and try to find our missing crew members.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

When I first heard of this game, knowing of the concept of The Turing Test, and having an interest in psychology I was really looking forward to where this game could lead. Reluctantly I have to say that I think this game was hyped up too much when it first came out, and when I played it a little while ago now, found it underwhelming. It’s a great game, but the hype created a high expectation. If you want to play this game, don’t expect too much and I feel like you will enjoy it more.

If you read the description for this game before you play, it creates intrigue, and already puts ideas in your head. It gets you thinking and conspiring even before you start the game.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

The Turing Test on Steam

Absolute Territory

Absolute Territory

An absolute (pun not intended) nostalgia trip, Absolute Territory is a game that hearkens back to the old days of X-Wing/Tie Fighter and Freespace, back when those games were commonly made. While not a very long game, it scratches the space dogfight itch like I haven’t felt in a while.

Really there’s only two things I’d request be added to the game:

  • More missions (and it seems like that’s being done through the steam workshop)

  • Missions that contain large fleet battles, if it’s possible. It’s one of the major things that has pulled me into games of this genre, being able to be just a small factor in a massive battle and be able to influence the events in a critical way. Having massive battles to be able to be part of would have me sink way more time into this game.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Games by a single developer are always going to be about balancing priorities.

This game’s priorities are squarely on the fundamental mechanics of what makes a good Space Combat Sim, largely to the exclusion of all else.

The arcade tuned newtonian physics feel great. Ships have real weight and momentum. You will likely get heavy usage out of the slide mechanic. There are lateral thrusters as well, which I found a little too weak to get heavy usage out of but there is one mission in particular towards the end that would be nearly impossible to complete without them.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Absolute Territory on Steam

Cyberpunk Bar Sim

Cyberpunk Bar Sim

This Cyberpunk-styled game is inspired by the gameplay of Game Dev Tycoon and the aesthetic of VA-11 HALL-A, sci-fi, and lofi city beats!

  • Explore a Sci-Fi city in a dystopian, cyberpunk future

  • Manage your expenses, make drinks, and use social media to further your popularity and profits.

  • Expand your reach to other industries by building or purchasing new businesses and companies.

  • Meet and befriend your regulars as your popularity grows to learn about the personal lives of androids, noir detectives, augmented humans, and more in visual novel-style dialogues.

  • Enjoy a selection of chill, jazzhop, and lofi beats!

Cyberpunk Bar Sim on Steam



I absolutly recommend this game. Not only is it a lot of fun to play but it also has replay value, providing a lot of different challenges no matter if you are a speedrunner or are just looking for an enjoyable and challenging 3D plattformer.

Kinesis has some amazing visuals to offer. All of the assets and the environment look stunning so big props to the game artists!

The puzzles start really simple for you to learn the mechanics and get harder with every level. There are also new mechanics and new types of levels interduced in the course of the game. This really keeps you interested since the game is constantly being developed further and new levels get released regularly.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Game concept is great -


Level Design

Mechanic Functionality



Some mechanics seem to be used just for the sake of it being used.

Mechanics, whilst cool, feel unpolished.

Level transitions


Props to the level designer, mechanics were utilised in an interesting way - although I found that the ball-on-button mechanic seemed to be used frequently just for the sake of it - what is the point of the ball spawning right next to the button at the end of some of the stages? It just seems like an unnecessary step to opening the portal to the next level.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

KINESIS on Steam



Neyyah is a first-person point-and-click adventure puzzle game, an archaeological investigation, using 2d slideshow based pre-rendered graphics. It is set within a collection of remote almost abandoned islands, separated by a series of complex portal machinery and laced with the fingerprints of two very intriguing cultures.

Upon waking up from a strange dream, you find yourself transported to a place called Olujay, where you meet Vamir, who sends you to Neyyah in the hope you will be safe there. For reasons you will discover upon your many explorations, Vamir needs you for a matter of great urgency.

A wrong must be righted. A civilisation avenged. A secret revealed.

You end up on Neyyah with only a small amount of knowledge given to you by the frantic Vamir on what you’re supposed to do when you’re there.

Things don’t go as planned. In order to return to Olujay and reach Vamir, you will have to explore Neyyah – linking together the mechanical contraptions, rusted levers and blue plasma portal systems scattered throughout the bizarre landscapes, as you learn about the cultures that have shaped Neyyah.

Not everything is as it seems, and as you wander further into Neyyah’s ancient heart, your discoveries will lead you to uncover the very truths behind the fate of Earth itself …

Neyyah reflects similar situations depicted within our own society, such as what is real, what is false, and being able to question your own beliefs. Through environmental storytelling, the player will be able to enjoy hours of non-linear gameplay, solving puzzles through use of close observation, visual links, writing down your own notes, using inventory items … while immersing yourself in a rich story and environment driven game, delivered to you with beautiful prerendered graphics, immersive sounds and a compelling musical score.

Let Neyyah become the world you were born to explore …

Feel free to check out these following social media links, including the Defy Reality Entertainment Patreon page, a great place to keep up to date with all things Neyyah as the game develops - a front row seat look into the behind the scenes of various aspects of development, while also being able to enjoy some fantastic rewards, such as having your name on the end credits, signed desktop wallpapers, skype calls, and access to playable test builds! _

Neyyah merch is also available on the Red Bubble DEFY REALITY ARTS page, hosting a whole range products from clocks and phone case designs, through to a variety of prints (metal, canvas, framed art) to jigsaw puzzles! Solve a puzzle even before the game is out, with a choice of 13 different Neyyah-rific designs -

Neyyah on Steam

Protect The Treasure

Protect The Treasure

Humanity changed everything. After all the chaos, they left the planet, leaving droids and changed creatures behind. You got the last treasure on Earth. Changed creatures are after the treasure that is in your hands. They will do everything to get it. Protect at all cost!

Game in first person. Control a placed cannon and defeat the enemies that comes your way.

Use mouse to control the cannon.

Left click to shoot.

Right click to pass the texts.

Protect The Treasure on Steam

Battlezone 98 Redux

Battlezone 98 Redux

Important disclosure here: Prior to the release of BZ98R (and still to this day), I have been a player of the original game up until it’s final unofficial patch version U1. This game is entirely based on this community patch.

People who have played 1.5 are going to feel differently about the game than people who last played it 20 years ago (1.3, 1.31, 1.4…). The same goes for people who had never played BZ98 in any form prior to purchasing this game.

This review involves numerous statements of objective fact but it was still written by someone who was playing 1.5 for years prior to the release of this game.

Real player with 8710.2 hrs in game

This is the best game you’ve never played. It’s the hidden gem of hidden gems.

Set in an alternate 1960s where the space race is just a cover for a cold war turned hot, the United States and Soviet Union secretly deploy massive armies into space in pursuit of an extra-terrestrial substance, bio-metal, that can be used to craft amazing and powerful weapons of war. The National Space Defense Force (NSDF) and Cosmos Colonist Army (CCA) do battle over control of the bio-metal throughout the solar system using hover tanks crafted from the precious material. Battlezone has some of the best sci-fi lore of any game- don’t skip over the briefings and debriefings!

Real player with 321.0 hrs in game

Battlezone 98 Redux on Steam