A game with a lot of potential, currently still early in its development cycle… and it shows at times.


I was really drawn to the sort of ‘mass effect’ feel in a survival game. Even the tool you use to mine, craft, build or fight reminded me of an ‘omni-tool’, as do the weapons. Survival games are so frequently based around the sword and board ages or… gah… zombies, this game presented a much welcomed alternative to those flavors.

The game looks beautiful and the mechanics seem well polished and in fairly good working order, particularly when you take the development point of the game into account.

Real player with 55.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi Survival Games.

Eden star is an amazing game. It combines so many strange crazy ideas such as Minecraft, mirrors edge, mass effect and survival and somehow pulls it off but not just that it does it so well. The point of the game is that you are whoever you think your character is future Steve, Commander Shepard, a dog in a space suit, and you must survive as long as you can. Think Minecraft but with a survival mode during the night. During the night monsters will emerge and attempt to attack your base’s heart the Eden Kit. The Eden Kit is important because it is responsible for three things. It allows you to respawn, it creates a shield that blocks out the radiation of the night which will eat away at your shield and it helps you regen health which as far as I can tell cannot be regenerated any other way. Also you die easy. The world is huge and it contains a gorgeous landscape that you could spend hours exploring and admiring. Even now though I have seen a lot of the environment it still makes me go wow as the colours and designs and contrasts are perfect. The render distance also helps as you can see so far and see so much. There are many puzzles comprised of jumps and plat forming however there is a free running mechanic. The free running mechanic is almost as good as mirrors edge the only problem is that the game doesn’t run at 60 fps for me so it is a bit clunky but otherwise reminiscent of mirrors edge (which had one of the best free running system I have ever used that put assassins creed to shame). The crafting though simplistic is still detailed and very creative you have four different types of building shapes. Primitive which are simply cubes that can be crafted out of several materials, panels which is self-explanatory which can be made of many materials as well. Foundations which you use to create a flat area to build your base on and finally ramps which are ramps shocking I know. The game also comes which a weapon system and upgrade system. So far there are few upgrades and only 2 weapons. A pistol and rifle. Yet the aiming feels precise and the weapons powerful while the upgrades feel effective. The respawn system is my favorite out of every game ever as it is good but so devilish. You use this material called tesliuim which is used also to increase the shield radius of your Eden Kit and it is used to respawn however it requires one but since there are no chest or other storage containers if you die you lose all your materials, blocks and ammo. So might as well be carrying 1 tesliuim but happily you keep all your weapons and upgrades. There is some much more to Eden Kit and there is some much is being added for example the developers have considered adding a multiplayer which sounds amazing.This game has so much potential it’s crazy especially because the concept is so strange. It is one of those ideas that if pulled off right will be just the best. Please check this game out at least go on YouTube and watch some gameplay because even if it never gets updated again it is worth the money. Have a great day and never stop gaming ever. Well unless you need a break.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

EDEN STAR on Steam

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition

This game feels more like a concept in progress rather than a finished product. I have to state this one thing before I start saying anything else. The concept is great, too. But the game-play feels lackluster without more content to flesh out the existing gameplay.

You will spend about 80% of the time mining resources on planets and salvaging resources with a tractor beam while fighting aliens whether you do it yourself or send your clones to do it. The available resources are incredibly limiting and often infuriating in how little is available for what you need despite entire planets that realistically would have more than just the one patch of resources you could collect.

Real player with 87.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi FPS Games.

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition Review

A strange and unique experience awaits…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. New Game Plus

  2. Multiple Endings

  3. Sandbox experience

Gameplay & Controls:

The controls for the game are fair and easy enough to make use of. The game handles pretty decently as well. Whether you are on a planet fighting off attackers or crawling through your shafts clearing out infestations.

Combat is pretty average, to be honest, and not that well balanced either. Your favourite weapon will be the pistol since it doesn’t run out of ammo and is far easier to make use of. The game is a mixture of ship building, exploration and simulation elements. As you explore planets and debris, you upgrade your ship to accommodate more crew members and gain access to newer technologies to make surviving easier. You don’t really manage your crew, they go about their own thing, food, water, and all those needs are non-existent, which is a let-down.

Real player with 66.7 hrs in game

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition on Steam

Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath

Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath

Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath.

What a game, really. I’ve loved the CNC and Red Alert series since RA1, what a classic. But this is, sadly, the best, most recent game out of both series (in my opinion).

I haven’t played much of the single player, because WHY? The skirmishes are so fun, there are many different strategies to try out, try different challenges like vs one easy AI and two Hard, capture the easy base early game with minimal resources, e.g. engineer and a few troops, get their tech, have yourself TWO ultimate units, MARV and REDEEMER for example. The unit ranking system is basic but great, very rewarding for looking after your units and keeping them alive through battle trades.

Real player with 202.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sci-fi RTS Games.


Kanes Wrath further spices up the C&C3 universe in terms of gameplay by adding a handful of new units as well as multiple sub-factions. These sub-factions also have their own exclusive units and overall play styles; in addition there’s a new game mode known as global conquest to which the player tries to achieve global domination. This game mode includes TBS & RTS gameplay elements .


What really sells this game as a MUST PLAY is the story, assuming you’re a Tiberium Universe fanatic.

Real player with 87.1 hrs in game

Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath on Steam

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

With 200+ hours on this account for this game; I’ll make it quicker than I want it to be and I’ll be providing a TL;DR at the bottom.

This game is beautiful. No, not just because of the graphics since that does not make a game great. I’ll admit that being made in 2007: the graphics do hold very well to this very day. I’m talking about how the game feels to play, how much lore that you can unfold in this game and a very important point I will bring up later on.

The game itself is very easy to pick up and learn the basics such as what units do what, what your base does and many other things. As you progress through the story; you’ll meet bonus objectives that you can complete for a different medal at the end (great for you completionists). The campaigns can have some very challenging moments for newer players but it will make you do what you’re supposed to do: Come up with a strategy to win.

Real player with 1133.0 hrs in game

1995… A game named Command and Conquer appeared… and paved the way for an entire genre. It’s a name that many RTS veterans should be familiar with. The franchise had its ups and downs throughout the years. 2007, the long awaited sequel of Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun appears. Has it passed the test? Let’s see…

Visually, the game is downright gorgeous, even for today’s standards. You can tell at first glance, whether the map is situated in a still pristine Blue zone, a conflict-torn Yellow zone or in an almost unearthly Red zone. The units are also well designed and their appearance alone tells something about the respective faction. Topped off with non-excessive and neat special effects, the visuals give a good impression.

Real player with 381.6 hrs in game

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars on Steam

Dungeon D14

Dungeon D14

Fun little toy. Not super deep and you only really play it once or twice, but for the price its good.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

needs more info. unplayable in current state. you will fail because of a resorce you didnt know you needed to make another requires the first, and a string of 3 more, however this is more info on that fact then the game will give you. playing you will have fun untill you grind to a halt because you didnt rush iron-steel bars-copper- copper bars-copper plates-microelectronics-gas-fuel cells, if you get behind you have lost, there is no coming back from one of these buildings losing power, your guys are best suited to doing one or at max two jobs as they run around like chickens with there heads cut off chasing invisible resorces. i lost 2 times one because i didnt understand my guys have ZERO controll minus telling them were to mine or build, not to mine or build. and a second time i microed my 2 chaines well and didnt figure out that coper plates/microelectronics were part of the power the building chain, lost because you cant make enough to power that chain with one building, meaning you somehow have to create extra energy or never build a building incorectly dont try for shoes or armor or anything cool it will ruin the power chain you have to run, taking the power grids away from the main chain will also resault in one or more of your buildings going unpowered, and they compeat for resorces with your units “life” bar battery thing, taking iron bars and a fair few people to make it. the food/ o2 system will almost never come into play if you take 1 min every half-hour of play to mine water/seaweed from the ground. this is the best tutorial for this game out there btw. cement=hard rocks , sand , water . steel bars= iron ore. coper plates= coper bars= coper ore. batteries=acid+steel bars. acid=sulfer. food=seaweed+water. o2=water. legit better than ingame id sugest if you get this get a notebook and wright it down, share it with the next chump afterwords.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Dungeon D14 on Steam

Eons of War

Eons of War

In this rogue-lite survival strategy you get to manage a space corporation while progressing through missions in a dynamic galaxy. Every mission takes place in a unique planetary system where you can build space stations, mine resources, terraform planets, hire spaceships, and battle robotic life forms from the Rift.


When the first signs of the Rift emerged decades ago, many nearby stars started to produce anomalous radiation spikes that destroyed space stations and sterilized planets, killing millions. Thanks to scientists and engineers, giant shields powered by thorium were deployed to protect humanoids of all races.

Shield management requires finding the right balance between stockpiling enough thorium and doing everything else that your corporation requires. Terraform, mine, research, battle…but never forget about the constant specter of radiation that can wipe you out in minutes.


Every game level is a dynamic procedurally-generated planetary system in a vast network of stars connected by hyperlanes.

Build space stations to expand your fleet among orbiting planets. Hire autonomous spaceships to do your bidding. While performing assigned jobs, they will periodically upgrade and repair equipment with the money they earn from you. Don’t run out of space credits to pay their contracts or they might quit!

Rift wormholes that teleport enemy ships from the distant galaxy can pop up near you randomly. Be prepared to defend the planets and space stations under your patronage.

While you are not managing shields or defending planets, you must keep the economy afloat. Mine resources, terraform planets, and send emissaries to increase your influence over planetary governments.


Progress through levels while exploring the story in side quests. Some quests will reward you with artifacts that can be deployed on planets and space stations. Those artifacts provide you with powerful bonuses on the way to victory. Keep some artifacts with you on various missions, giving you a much needed edge for increasingly difficult challenges.


  • Your base is a dynamic planetary system: mine resources, build space stations, terraform planets, hire spaceships, manage radiation shields, and defend your people. All in a constantly changing environment.

  • Survive in the hostile world of radiation: stellar radiation goes up and down, putting your resource management skills to the test.

  • Hire autonomous spaceships: build stations to construct spaceships; then hire crews to operate them. Make money by increasing your influence with planetary governments.

  • Rogue-lite progression: every playthrough is different. Complete quests to get powerful artifacts that you need to beat increasingly more difficult missions.

Eons of War on Steam

Exogate Initiative

Exogate Initiative

Exogate Initiative is a management/base-building game that puts you in charge of mankind’s first worlds exploration program. In the near future, a new technology will allow us to travel instantly anywhere in the universe, via portals known as Exogates. An international initiative is created to develop this technology and start the first exploration program.

You will lead mankind into the vast unknown, where we never before dreamt to tread.

In the depth of a mountain plan, excavate and build your base using a variety of specialized rooms and equipment.

  • Complete freedom to dig anywhere on the map.

  • Plan and build specialized rooms, explorers will need barracks to rest, a training field to prepare for their missions or a laboratory to study samples they brought back from other worlds.

  • Place equipment in these rooms, each one of them will have a dedicated purpose.

Recruit, train and manage specialists from all around the world.

  • You will unlock 6 different classes of explorers, the scientist will study flora and fauna on other worlds, the scholar will decipher alien culture and languages and the soldier will ensure everyone is safe.

  • Explorers are called gaters, they are completely autonomous.

  • Each gater is unique. They come from different countries, have different ages, look different.

  • Take care of their needs and ensure their well-being, both physical and psychological, as they are constantly facing the unknown.

  • They will develop relationships between each other, and losing a friend on a mission will not have the same impact as losing someone you hate.

  • Provide them with the tools and suits needed for their journey

Assemble teams and send them exploring new worlds through the Exogate.

  • Gaters will perform missions on their own but will request your help from time to time.

  • These contacts are micro interactive stories that will constantly try to surprise you, and where you will sometimes have to make difficult decisions.

  • They may discover new flora, fauna or even intelligent beings. There are more than 10 different kinds of encounters

  • After each mission, teams will return with more experience and interesting things to study. This will allow you to unlock new technologies and earn money to keep the initiative running.

Don’t forget to wishlist and follow!

Exogate Initiative on Steam

Memetric: Final Lifeforms

Memetric: Final Lifeforms

Very exciting the whole world, I’m waiting for the future developments. I want to know what’s going to happen! Also love the design, quite unique. Still a lot of way to improve it, but Memetric is a promising game, I totally recommend it!!!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Inspiring story and great graphical design

A solid 10 out’a 10

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Memetric: Final Lifeforms on Steam

MoonBase Commander

MoonBase Commander

Chess meets Tower Defense

Originally realeased in 2002, this game shows its age. Nevertheless, its simple rules and complex gameplay are genius.

First, the only game mode I have spent any significant time in is singleplayer skirmish. I do not know if Multiplayer works yet, but if I try it, I will update this review to include it. Skirmish seems like the only gamemode that really shines; challenge mode is generally irrelevant / uninteresting, in my opinion.

Pros / things I personally like:

Real player with 48.1 hrs in game

The best game that only I have played. My hours on Steam don’t do it justice - I’ve owned the game in physical form since the early 2000’s and I’ve put hundreds of hours into it.

It’s got great music, it’s graphically pleasing, and most importantly, it’s fun to play. It’s got that “easy to learn but tough to master” thing going for it, since with the golf-like controls and obstacles like water, wind and elevation, even an experienced player like myself can mess up sometimes. This can be an issue even against NPCs, as the campaign gets hard as nails towards the end. The AI isn’t perfect, but it mostly competent, and can definitely provide a challenge if you choose the tougher bots.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

MoonBase Commander on Steam



Purchased this game a couple months ago and never sorry that I did. Game is very interesting and graphics are wonderful. Got to the end of the gameplay after about 15-20 hours into the game. This game is still in EA but very well worth the money. It will be growing in content slowly for the simple fact that it basically developed by one person. They do have someone to fall back on in case of problems. The dev is very open to helping if you have a problem and will assist you with it on Discord. They are very open-minded to good ideas. I think you will enjoy growing with this game as it grows in content. Currently designed so when you get to the end of current content it isnt neccesary to repeat after an update hits. You just continue on from last save. 9/10 Well worth the time.

Real player with 94.9 hrs in game

Disclaimer: I know the creator. I’ve worked with the creator.

I love the story line and how well put together this game is. Everything feels like it belongs together, from the atmosphere to the UI to the way you interact with the world.

This game has a ton of potential. Can’t wait for the multiplayer to be done. Oh and for the ending of the story… xD Shhhh….

I’d like to point out a few things about the negative review Maelstrum wrote:

You shouldn’t be destroying a persons dreams based on what you THINK you may know.

Real player with 67.9 hrs in game

Penkura on Steam